escape($disallowed_user) . "')"; $result = DB()->sql_query( $sql ); if (!$result) { bb_die('Could not add disallowed user'); } $message = $lang['DISALLOW_SUCCESSFUL']; } $message .= '

'. sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_DISALLOWADMIN'], '', '') . '

'. sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '', ''); bb_die($message); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete_name'])) { $disallowed_id = (isset($_POST['disallowed_id']) ) ? intval( $_POST['disallowed_id'] ) : intval( $_GET['disallowed_id']); if (!empty($disallowed_id)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . BB_DISALLOW . " WHERE disallow_id = $disallowed_id"; $result = DB()->sql_query($sql); if (!$result) { bb_die('Could not removed disallowed user'); } $message .= $lang['DISALLOWED_DELETED'] .'

'. sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_DISALLOWADMIN'], '', '') .'

'. sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '', ''); bb_die($message); } } // // Grab the current list of disallowed usernames... // $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . BB_DISALLOW; $result = DB()->sql_query($sql); if (!$result) { bb_die('Could not get disallowed users'); } $disallowed = DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result); // // Ok now generate the info for the template, which will be put out no matter // what mode we are in. // $disallow_select = ''; $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_DISALLOW_SELECT' => $disallow_select, 'S_FORM_ACTION' => 'admin_disallow.php', )); print_page('admin_disallow.tpl', 'admin');