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* Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
* @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Form;
use Traversable;
use Zend\Form\Element\Collection;
use Zend\InputFilter\CollectionInputFilter;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterAwareInterface;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterInterface;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputProviderInterface;
use Zend\InputFilter\ReplaceableInputInterface;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface;
class Form extends Fieldset implements FormInterface
* Seed attributes
* @var array
protected $attributes = array(
'method' => 'POST',
* How to bind values to the attached object
* @var int
protected $bindAs = FormInterface::VALUES_NORMALIZED;
* Whether or not to bind values to the bound object on successful validation
* @var int
protected $bindOnValidate = FormInterface::BIND_ON_VALIDATE;
* Base fieldset to use for hydrating (if none specified, directly hydrate elements)
* @var FieldsetInterface
protected $baseFieldset;
* Data being validated
* @var null|array|Traversable
protected $data;
* @var null|InputFilterInterface
protected $filter;
* Whether or not to automatically scan for input filter defaults on
* attached fieldsets and elements
* @var bool
protected $useInputFilterDefaults = true;
* Has the input filter defaults been added already ?
* @var bool
protected $hasAddedInputFilterDefaults = false;
* Whether or not validation has occurred
* @var bool
protected $hasValidated = false;
* Result of last validation operation
* @var bool
protected $isValid = false;
* Is the form prepared ?
* @var bool
protected $isPrepared = false;
* Prefer form input filter over input filter defaults
* @var bool
protected $preferFormInputFilter = true;
* Has preferFormInputFilter been set with setPreferFormInputFilter?
* @var bool
protected $hasSetPreferFormInputFilter = false;
* Are the form elements/fieldsets wrapped by the form name ?
* @var bool
protected $wrapElements = false;
* Validation group, if any
* @var null|array
protected $validationGroup;
* Set options for a form. Accepted options are:
* - prefer_form_input_filter: is form input filter is preferred?
* @param array|Traversable $options
* @return self
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function setOptions($options)
if (isset($options['prefer_form_input_filter'])) {
if (isset($options['use_input_filter_defaults'])) {
return $this;
* Add an element or fieldset
* If $elementOrFieldset is an array or Traversable, passes the argument on
* to the composed factory to create the object before attaching it.
* $flags could contain metadata such as the alias under which to register
* the element or fieldset, order in which to prioritize it, etc.
* @param array|Traversable|ElementInterface $elementOrFieldset
* @param array $flags
* @return self
public function add($elementOrFieldset, array $flags = array())
// TODO: find a better solution than duplicating the factory code, the problem being that if $elementOrFieldset is an array,
// it is passed by value, and we don't get back the concrete ElementInterface
if (is_array($elementOrFieldset)
|| ($elementOrFieldset instanceof Traversable && !$elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface)
) {
$factory = $this->getFormFactory();
$elementOrFieldset = $factory->create($elementOrFieldset);
parent::add($elementOrFieldset, $flags);
if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof Fieldset && $elementOrFieldset->useAsBaseFieldset()) {
$this->baseFieldset = $elementOrFieldset;
return $this;
* Ensures state is ready for use
* Marshalls the input filter, to ensure validation error messages are
* available, and prepares any elements and/or fieldsets that require
* preparation.
* @return self
public function prepare()
if ($this->isPrepared) {
return $this;
// If the user wants to, elements names can be wrapped by the form's name
if ($this->wrapElements()) {
} else {
foreach ($this->getIterator() as $elementOrFieldset) {
if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FormInterface) {
} elseif ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementPrepareAwareInterface) {
$this->isPrepared = true;
return $this;
* Ensures state is ready for use. Here, we append the name of the fieldsets to every elements in order to avoid
* name clashes if the same fieldset is used multiple times
* @param FormInterface $form
* @return mixed|void
public function prepareElement(FormInterface $form)
$name = $this->getName();
foreach ($this->iterator as $elementOrFieldset) {
if ($form->wrapElements()) {
$elementOrFieldset->setName($name . '[' . $elementOrFieldset->getName() . ']');
// Recursively prepare elements
if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementPrepareAwareInterface) {
* Set data to validate and/or populate elements
* Typically, also passes data on to the composed input filter.
* @param array|\ArrayAccess|Traversable $data
* @return self
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function setData($data)
if ($data instanceof Traversable) {
$data = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($data);
if (!is_array($data)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'%s expects an array or Traversable argument; received "%s"',
(is_object($data) ? get_class($data) : gettype($data))
$this->hasValidated = false;
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* Bind an object to the form
* Ensures the object is populated with validated values.
* @param object $object
* @param int $flags
* @return self
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function bind($object, $flags = FormInterface::VALUES_NORMALIZED)
if (!in_array($flags, array(FormInterface::VALUES_NORMALIZED, FormInterface::VALUES_RAW))) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'%s expects the $flags argument to be one of "%s" or "%s"; received "%s"',
if ($this->baseFieldset !== null) {
$this->bindAs = $flags;
$data = $this->extract();
$this->populateValues($data, true);
return $this;
* Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element
* @param HydratorInterface $hydrator
* @return FieldsetInterface
public function setHydrator(HydratorInterface $hydrator)
if ($this->baseFieldset !== null) {
return parent::setHydrator($hydrator);
* Bind values to the bound object
* @param array $values
* @return mixed
public function bindValues(array $values = array())
if (!is_object($this->object)) {
if ($this->baseFieldset === null || $this->baseFieldset->allowValueBinding() == false) {
if (!$this->hasValidated() && !empty($values)) {
if (!$this->isValid()) {
} elseif (!$this->isValid) {
$filter = $this->getInputFilter();
switch ($this->bindAs) {
case FormInterface::VALUES_RAW:
$data = $filter->getRawValues();
case FormInterface::VALUES_NORMALIZED:
$data = $filter->getValues();
$data = $this->prepareBindData($data, $this->data);
// If there is a base fieldset, only hydrate beginning from the base fieldset
if ($this->baseFieldset !== null) {
$data = $data[$this->baseFieldset->getName()];
$this->object = $this->baseFieldset->bindValues($data);
} else {
$this->object = parent::bindValues($data);
* Parse filtered values and return only posted fields for binding
* @param array $values
* @param array $match
* @return array
protected function prepareBindData(array $values, array $match)
$data = array();
foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $match)) {
if (is_array($value) && is_array($match[$name])) {
$data[$name] = $this->prepareBindData($value, $match[$name]);
} else {
$data[$name] = $value;
return $data;
* Set flag indicating whether or not to bind values on successful validation
* @param int $bindOnValidateFlag
* @return self
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function setBindOnValidate($bindOnValidateFlag)
if (!in_array($bindOnValidateFlag, array(self::BIND_ON_VALIDATE, self::BIND_MANUAL))) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'%s expects the flag to be one of %s::%s or %s::%s',
$this->bindOnValidate = $bindOnValidateFlag;
return $this;
* Will we bind values to the bound object on successful validation?
* @return bool
public function bindOnValidate()
return (static::BIND_ON_VALIDATE === $this->bindOnValidate);
* Set the base fieldset to use when hydrating
* @param FieldsetInterface $baseFieldset
* @return self
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function setBaseFieldset(FieldsetInterface $baseFieldset)
$this->baseFieldset = $baseFieldset;
return $this;
* Get the base fieldset to use when hydrating
* @return FieldsetInterface
public function getBaseFieldset()
return $this->baseFieldset;
* Check if the form has been validated
* @return bool
public function hasValidated()
return $this->hasValidated;
* Validate the form
* Typically, will proxy to the composed input filter.
* @return bool
* @throws Exception\DomainException
public function isValid()
if ($this->hasValidated) {
return $this->isValid;
$this->isValid = false;
if (!is_array($this->data) && !is_object($this->object)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s is unable to validate as there is no data currently set',
if (!is_array($this->data)) {
$data = $this->extract();
$this->populateValues($data, true);
if (!is_array($data)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s is unable to validate as there is no data currently set',
$this->data = $data;
$filter = $this->getInputFilter();
if (!$filter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s is unable to validate as there is no input filter present',
$validationGroup = $this->getValidationGroup();
if ($validationGroup !== null) {
$this->prepareValidationGroup($this, $this->data, $validationGroup);
$this->isValid = $result = $filter->isValid();
$this->hasValidated = true;
if ($result && $this->bindOnValidate()) {
if (!$result) {
return $result;
* Retrieve the validated data
* By default, retrieves normalized values; pass one of the
* FormInterface::VALUES_* constants to shape the behavior.
* @param int $flag
* @return array|object
* @throws Exception\DomainException
public function getData($flag = FormInterface::VALUES_NORMALIZED)
if (!$this->hasValidated) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s cannot return data as validation has not yet occurred',
if (($flag !== FormInterface::VALUES_AS_ARRAY) && is_object($this->object)) {
return $this->object;
$filter = $this->getInputFilter();
if ($flag === FormInterface::VALUES_RAW) {
return $filter->getRawValues();
return $filter->getValues();
* Set the validation group (set of values to validate)
* Typically, proxies to the composed input filter
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
public function setValidationGroup()
$argc = func_num_args();
if (0 === $argc) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'%s expects at least one argument; none provided',
$argv = func_get_args();
$this->hasValidated = false;
if ($argc > 1) {
$this->validationGroup = $argv;
return $this;
$arg = array_shift($argv);
if ($arg === FormInterface::VALIDATE_ALL) {
$this->validationGroup = null;
return $this;
if (!is_array($arg)) {
$arg = (array) $arg;
$this->validationGroup = $arg;
return $this;
* Retrieve the current validation group, if any
* @return null|array
public function getValidationGroup()
return $this->validationGroup;
* Prepare the validation group in case Collection elements were used (this function also handle the case where elements
* could have been dynamically added or removed from a collection using JavaScript)
* @param FieldsetInterface $formOrFieldset
* @param array $data
* @param array $validationGroup
protected function prepareValidationGroup(FieldsetInterface $formOrFieldset, array $data, array &$validationGroup)
foreach ($validationGroup as $key => &$value) {
if (!$formOrFieldset->has($key)) {
$fieldset = $formOrFieldset->iterator->get($key);
if ($fieldset instanceof Collection) {
if (!isset($data[$key]) && $fieldset->getCount() == 0) {
$values = array();
if (isset($data[$key])) {
foreach (array_keys($data[$key]) as $cKey) {
$values[$cKey] = $value;
$value = $values;
if (!isset($data[$key])) {
$data[$key] = array();
$this->prepareValidationGroup($fieldset, $data[$key], $validationGroup[$key]);
* Set the input filter used by this form
* @param InputFilterInterface $inputFilter
* @return self
public function setInputFilter(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter)
$this->hasValidated = false;
$this->hasAddedInputFilterDefaults = false;
$this->filter = $inputFilter;
if (false === $this->hasSetPreferFormInputFilter) {
$this->preferFormInputFilter = false;
return $this;
* Retrieve input filter used by this form
* @return null|InputFilterInterface
public function getInputFilter()
if ($this->object instanceof InputFilterAwareInterface) {
if (null == $this->baseFieldset) {
$this->filter = $this->object->getInputFilter();
} else {
$name = $this->baseFieldset->getName();
if (!$this->filter instanceof InputFilterInterface || !$this->filter->has($name)) {
$filter = new InputFilter();
$filter->add($this->object->getInputFilter(), $name);
$this->filter = $filter;
if (!isset($this->filter)) {
$this->filter = new InputFilter();
if (!$this->hasAddedInputFilterDefaults
&& $this->filter instanceof InputFilterInterface
&& $this->useInputFilterDefaults()
) {
$this->attachInputFilterDefaults($this->filter, $this);
$this->hasAddedInputFilterDefaults = true;
return $this->filter;
* Set flag indicating whether or not to scan elements and fieldsets for defaults
* @param bool $useInputFilterDefaults
* @return self
public function setUseInputFilterDefaults($useInputFilterDefaults)
$this->useInputFilterDefaults = (bool) $useInputFilterDefaults;
return $this;
* Should we use input filter defaults from elements and fieldsets?
* @return bool
public function useInputFilterDefaults()
return $this->useInputFilterDefaults;
* Set flag indicating whether or not to prefer the form input filter over element and fieldset defaults
* @param bool $preferFormInputFilter
* @return self
public function setPreferFormInputFilter($preferFormInputFilter)
$this->preferFormInputFilter = (bool) $preferFormInputFilter;
$this->hasSetPreferFormInputFilter = true;
return $this;
* Should we use form input filter over element input filter defaults from elements and fieldsets?
* @return bool
public function getPreferFormInputFilter()
return $this->preferFormInputFilter;
* Attach defaults provided by the elements to the input filter
* @param InputFilterInterface $inputFilter
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset Fieldset to traverse when looking for default inputs
* @return void
public function attachInputFilterDefaults(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter, FieldsetInterface $fieldset)
$formFactory = $this->getFormFactory();
$inputFactory = $formFactory->getInputFilterFactory();
if ($fieldset instanceof Collection && $fieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof FieldsetInterface) {
$elements = $fieldset->getTargetElement()->getElements();
} else {
$elements = $fieldset->getElements();
if (!$fieldset instanceof Collection || !$fieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof FieldsetInterface || $inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
foreach ($elements as $name => $element) {
if ($this->preferFormInputFilter && $inputFilter->has($name)) {
if (!$element instanceof InputProviderInterface) {
if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
// Create a new empty default input for this element
$spec = array('name' => $name, 'required' => false);
$input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
} else {
// Create an input based on the specification returned from the element
$spec = $element->getInputSpecification();
$input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
if ($inputFilter->has($name) && $inputFilter instanceof ReplaceableInputInterface) {
$inputFilter->replace($input, $name);
// Add element input filter to CollectionInputFilter
if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter && !$inputFilter->getInputFilter()->has($name)) {
$inputFilter->getInputFilter()->add($input, $name);
} else {
$inputFilter->add($input, $name);
if ($fieldset === $this && $fieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
foreach ($fieldset->getInputFilterSpecification() as $name => $spec) {
$input = $inputFactory->createInput($spec);
$inputFilter->add($input, $name);
foreach ($fieldset->getFieldsets() as $name => $childFieldset) {
if (!$childFieldset instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface) {
if (!$inputFilter->has($name)) {
// Add a new empty input filter if it does not exist (or the fieldset's object input filter),
// so that elements of nested fieldsets can be recursively added
if ($childFieldset->getObject() instanceof InputFilterAwareInterface) {
$inputFilter->add($childFieldset->getObject()->getInputFilter(), $name);
} else {
// Add input filter for collections via getInputFilterSpecification()
if ($childFieldset instanceof Collection
&& $childFieldset->getTargetElement() instanceof InputFilterProviderInterface
&& $childFieldset->getTargetElement()->getInputFilterSpecification()
) {
$collectionContainerFilter = new CollectionInputFilter();
$spec = $childFieldset->getTargetElement()->getInputFilterSpecification();
$filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
$inputFilter->add($collectionContainerFilter, $name);
// We need to copy the inputs to the collection input filter
if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
$inputFilter = $this->addInputsToCollectionInputFilter($inputFilter);
// Add child elements from target element
$childFieldset = $childFieldset->getTargetElement();
} else {
$inputFilter->add(new InputFilter(), $name);
$fieldsetFilter = $inputFilter->get($name);
if (!$fieldsetFilter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
// Input attached for fieldset, not input filter; nothing more to do.
// Traverse the elements of the fieldset, and attach any
// defaults to the fieldset's input filter
$this->attachInputFilterDefaults($fieldsetFilter, $childFieldset);
if ($inputFilter->has($name)) {
// if we already have an input/filter by this name, use it
// Create an input filter based on the specification returned from the fieldset
$spec = $childFieldset->getInputFilterSpecification();
$filter = $inputFactory->createInputFilter($spec);
$inputFilter->add($filter, $name);
// Recursively attach sub filters
$this->attachInputFilterDefaults($filter, $childFieldset);
// We need to copy the inputs to the collection input filter to ensure that all sub filters are added
if ($inputFilter instanceof CollectionInputFilter) {
$inputFilter = $this->addInputsToCollectionInputFilter($inputFilter);
* Add inputs to CollectionInputFilter
* @param CollectionInputFilter $inputFilter
* @return CollectionInputFilter
private function addInputsToCollectionInputFilter(CollectionInputFilter $inputFilter)
foreach ($inputFilter->getInputs() as $name => $input) {
if (!$inputFilter->getInputFilter()->has($name)) {
$inputFilter->getInputFilter()->add($input, $name);
return $inputFilter;
* Are the form elements/fieldsets names wrapped by the form name ?
* @param bool $wrapElements
* @return self
public function setWrapElements($wrapElements)
$this->wrapElements = (bool) $wrapElements;
return $this;
* If true, form elements/fieldsets name's are wrapped around the form name itself
* @return bool
public function wrapElements()
return $this->wrapElements;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param bool $onlyBase
public function populateValues($data, $onlyBase = false)
if ($onlyBase && $this->baseFieldset !== null) {
$name = $this->baseFieldset->getName();
if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
} else {
* Recursively extract values for elements and sub-fieldsets
* @return array
protected function extract()
if (null !== $this->baseFieldset) {
$name = $this->baseFieldset->getName();
$values[$name] = $this->baseFieldset->extract();
} else {
$values = parent::extract();
return $values;