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* Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
* @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Form;
use ArrayAccess;
use Traversable;
use Zend\InputFilter\Factory as InputFilterFactory;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterInterface;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator;
class Factory
* @var InputFilterFactory
protected $inputFilterFactory;
* @var FormElementManager
protected $formElementManager;
* @param FormElementManager $formElementManager
public function __construct(FormElementManager $formElementManager = null)
if ($formElementManager) {
* Set input filter factory to use when creating forms
* @param InputFilterFactory $inputFilterFactory
* @return Factory
public function setInputFilterFactory(InputFilterFactory $inputFilterFactory)
$this->inputFilterFactory = $inputFilterFactory;
return $this;
* Get current input filter factory
* If none provided, uses an unconfigured instance.
* @return InputFilterFactory
public function getInputFilterFactory()
if (null === $this->inputFilterFactory) {
$this->setInputFilterFactory(new InputFilterFactory());
return $this->inputFilterFactory;
* Set the form element manager
* @param FormElementManager $formElementManager
* @return Factory
public function setFormElementManager(FormElementManager $formElementManager)
$this->formElementManager = $formElementManager;
return $this;
* Get form element manager
* @return FormElementManager
public function getFormElementManager()
if ($this->formElementManager === null) {
$this->setFormElementManager(new FormElementManager());
return $this->formElementManager;
* Create an element, fieldset, or form
* Introspects the 'type' key of the provided $spec, and determines what
* type is being requested; if none is provided, assumes the spec
* represents simply an element.
* @param array|Traversable $spec
* @return ElementInterface
* @throws Exception\DomainException
public function create($spec)
$spec = $this->validateSpecification($spec, __METHOD__);
$type = isset($spec['type']) ? $spec['type'] : 'Zend\Form\Element';
$element = $this->getFormElementManager()->get($type);
if ($element instanceof FormInterface) {
return $this->configureForm($element, $spec);
if ($element instanceof FieldsetInterface) {
return $this->configureFieldset($element, $spec);
if ($element instanceof ElementInterface) {
return $this->configureElement($element, $spec);
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects the $spec["type"] to implement one of %s, %s, or %s; received %s',
* Create an element
* @param array $spec
* @return ElementInterface
public function createElement($spec)
if (!isset($spec['type'])) {
$spec['type'] = 'Zend\Form\Element';
return $this->create($spec);
* Create a fieldset
* @param array $spec
* @return ElementInterface
public function createFieldset($spec)
if (!isset($spec['type'])) {
$spec['type'] = 'Zend\Form\Fieldset';
return $this->create($spec);
* Create a form
* @param array $spec
* @return ElementInterface
public function createForm($spec)
if (!isset($spec['type'])) {
$spec['type'] = 'Zend\Form\Form';
return $this->create($spec);
* Configure an element based on the provided specification
* Specification can contain any of the following:
* - type: the Element class to use; defaults to \Zend\Form\Element
* - name: what name to provide the element, if any
* - options: an array, Traversable, or ArrayAccess object of element options
* - attributes: an array, Traversable, or ArrayAccess object of element
* attributes to assign
* @param ElementInterface $element
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $spec
* @throws Exception\DomainException
* @return ElementInterface
public function configureElement(ElementInterface $element, $spec)
$spec = $this->validateSpecification($spec, __METHOD__);
$name = isset($spec['name']) ? $spec['name'] : null;
$options = isset($spec['options']) ? $spec['options'] : null;
$attributes = isset($spec['attributes']) ? $spec['attributes'] : null;
if ($name !== null && $name !== '') {
if (is_array($options) || $options instanceof Traversable || $options instanceof ArrayAccess) {
if (is_array($attributes) || $attributes instanceof Traversable || $attributes instanceof ArrayAccess) {
return $element;
* Configure a fieldset based on the provided specification
* Specification can contain any of the following:
* - type: the Fieldset class to use; defaults to \Zend\Form\Fieldset
* - name: what name to provide the fieldset, if any
* - options: an array, Traversable, or ArrayAccess object of element options
* - attributes: an array, Traversable, or ArrayAccess object of element
* attributes to assign
* - elements: an array or Traversable object where each entry is an array
* or ArrayAccess object containing the keys:
* - flags: (optional) array of flags to pass to FieldsetInterface::add()
* - spec: the actual element specification, per {@link configureElement()}
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $spec
* @throws Exception\DomainException
* @return FieldsetInterface
public function configureFieldset(FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $spec)
$spec = $this->validateSpecification($spec, __METHOD__);
$fieldset = $this->configureElement($fieldset, $spec);
if (isset($spec['object'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectObject($spec['object'], $fieldset, __METHOD__);
if (isset($spec['hydrator'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectHydrator($spec['hydrator'], $fieldset, __METHOD__);
if (isset($spec['elements'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectElements($spec['elements'], $fieldset, __METHOD__);
if (isset($spec['fieldsets'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectFieldsets($spec['fieldsets'], $fieldset, __METHOD__);
$factory = (isset($spec['factory']) ? $spec['factory'] : $this);
$this->prepareAndInjectFactory($factory, $fieldset, __METHOD__);
return $fieldset;
* Configure a form based on the provided specification
* Specification follows that of {@link configureFieldset()}, and adds the
* following keys:
* - input_filter: input filter instance, named input filter class, or
* array specification for the input filter factory
* - hydrator: hydrator instance or named hydrator class
* @param FormInterface $form
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $spec
* @return FormInterface
public function configureForm(FormInterface $form, $spec)
$spec = $this->validateSpecification($spec, __METHOD__);
$form = $this->configureFieldset($form, $spec);
if (isset($spec['input_filter'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectInputFilter($spec['input_filter'], $form, __METHOD__);
if (isset($spec['validation_group'])) {
$this->prepareAndInjectValidationGroup($spec['validation_group'], $form, __METHOD__);
return $form;
* Validate a provided specification
* Ensures we have an array, Traversable, or ArrayAccess object, and returns it.
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $spec
* @param string $method Method invoking the validator
* @return array|ArrayAccess
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for invalid $spec
protected function validateSpecification($spec, $method)
if (is_array($spec)) {
return $spec;
if ($spec instanceof Traversable) {
$spec = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($spec);
return $spec;
if (!$spec instanceof ArrayAccess) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'%s expects an array, or object implementing Traversable or ArrayAccess; received "%s"',
(is_object($spec) ? get_class($spec) : gettype($spec))
return $spec;
* Takes a list of element specifications, creates the elements, and injects them into the provided fieldset
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $elements
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
* @param string $method Method invoking this one (for exception messages)
* @return void
protected function prepareAndInjectElements($elements, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
$elements = $this->validateSpecification($elements, $method);
foreach ($elements as $elementSpecification) {
if (null === $elementSpecification) {
$flags = isset($elementSpecification['flags']) ? $elementSpecification['flags'] : array();
$spec = isset($elementSpecification['spec']) ? $elementSpecification['spec'] : array();
if (!isset($spec['type'])) {
$spec['type'] = 'Zend\Form\Element';
$element = $this->create($spec);
$fieldset->add($element, $flags);
* Takes a list of fieldset specifications, creates the fieldsets, and injects them into the master fieldset
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess $fieldsets
* @param FieldsetInterface $masterFieldset
* @param string $method Method invoking this one (for exception messages)
* @return void
public function prepareAndInjectFieldsets($fieldsets, FieldsetInterface $masterFieldset, $method)
$fieldsets = $this->validateSpecification($fieldsets, $method);
foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldsetSpecification) {
$flags = isset($fieldsetSpecification['flags']) ? $fieldsetSpecification['flags'] : array();
$spec = isset($fieldsetSpecification['spec']) ? $fieldsetSpecification['spec'] : array();
$fieldset = $this->createFieldset($spec);
$masterFieldset->add($fieldset, $flags);
* Prepare and inject an object
* Takes a string indicating a class name, instantiates the class
* by that name, and injects the class instance as the bound object.
* @param string $objectName
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
* @param string $method
* @throws Exception\DomainException
* @return void
protected function prepareAndInjectObject($objectName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
if (!is_string($objectName)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects string class name; received "%s"',
(is_object($objectName) ? get_class($objectName) : gettype($objectName))
if (!class_exists($objectName)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects string class name to be a valid class name; received "%s"',
$fieldset->setObject(new $objectName);
* Prepare and inject a named hydrator
* Takes a string indicating a hydrator class name (or a concrete instance), try first to instantiates the class
* by pulling it from service manager, and injects the hydrator instance into the form.
* @param string|array|Hydrator\HydratorInterface $hydratorOrName
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
* @param string $method
* @return void
* @throws Exception\DomainException If $hydratorOrName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or
* the class does not implement Hydrator\HydratorInterface
protected function prepareAndInjectHydrator($hydratorOrName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
if ($hydratorOrName instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
if (is_array($hydratorOrName)) {
if (!isset($hydratorOrName['type'])) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects array specification to have a type value',
$hydratorOptions = (isset($hydratorOrName['options'])) ? $hydratorOrName['options'] : array();
$hydratorOrName = $hydratorOrName['type'];
} else {
$hydratorOptions = array();
if (is_string($hydratorOrName)) {
$hydrator = $this->getHydratorFromName($hydratorOrName);
if (! isset($hydrator) || !$hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorInterface) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects a valid implementation of Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface; received "%s"',
if (!empty($hydratorOptions) && $hydrator instanceof Hydrator\HydratorOptionsInterface) {
* Prepare and inject a named factory
* Takes a string indicating a factory class name (or a concrete instance), try first to instantiates the class
* by pulling it from service manager, and injects the factory instance into the fieldset.
* @param string|array|Factory $factoryOrName
* @param FieldsetInterface $fieldset
* @param string $method
* @return void
* @throws Exception\DomainException If $factoryOrName is not a string, does not resolve to a known class, or
* the class does not extend Form\Factory
protected function prepareAndInjectFactory($factoryOrName, FieldsetInterface $fieldset, $method)
if (is_array($factoryOrName)) {
if (!isset($factoryOrName['type'])) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects array specification to have a type value',
$factoryOrName = $factoryOrName['type'];
if (is_string($factoryOrName)) {
$factoryOrName = $this->getFactoryFromName($factoryOrName);
if (!$factoryOrName instanceof Factory) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects a valid extention of Zend\Form\Factory; received "%s"',
* Prepare an input filter instance and inject in the provided form
* If the input filter specified is a string, assumes it is a class name,
* and attempts to instantiate it. If the class does not exist, or does
* not extend InputFilterInterface, an exception is raised.
* Otherwise, $spec is passed on to the attached InputFilter Factory
* instance in order to create the input filter.
* @param string|array|Traversable $spec
* @param FormInterface $form
* @param string $method
* @return void
* @throws Exception\DomainException for unknown InputFilter class or invalid InputFilter instance
protected function prepareAndInjectInputFilter($spec, FormInterface $form, $method)
if ($spec instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
if (is_string($spec)) {
if (!class_exists($spec)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects string input filter names to be valid class names; received "%s"',
$filter = new $spec;
if (!$filter instanceof InputFilterInterface) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects a valid implementation of Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterInterface; received "%s"',
$factory = $this->getInputFilterFactory();
$filter = $factory->createInputFilter($spec);
if (method_exists($filter, 'setFactory')) {
* Prepare a validation group and inject in the provided form
* Takes an array of elements names
* @param string|array|Traversable $spec
* @param FormInterface $form
* @param string $method
* @return void
* @throws Exception\DomainException if validation group given is not an array
protected function prepareAndInjectValidationGroup($spec, FormInterface $form, $method)
if (!is_array($spec)) {
if (!class_exists($spec)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects an array for validation group; received "%s"',
* Try to pull hydrator from service manager, or instantiates it from its name
* @param string $hydratorName
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception\DomainException
protected function getHydratorFromName($hydratorName)
$services = $this->getFormElementManager()->getServiceLocator();
if ($services && $services->has('HydratorManager')) {
$hydrators = $services->get('HydratorManager');
if ($hydrators->has($hydratorName)) {
return $hydrators->get($hydratorName);
if ($services && $services->has($hydratorName)) {
return $services->get($hydratorName);
if (!class_exists($hydratorName)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'Expects string hydrator name to be a valid class name; received "%s"',
$hydrator = new $hydratorName;
return $hydrator;
* Try to pull factory from service manager, or instantiates it from its name
* @param string $factoryName
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception\DomainException
protected function getFactoryFromName($factoryName)
$services = $this->getFormElementManager()->getServiceLocator();
if ($services && $services->has($factoryName)) {
return $services->get($factoryName);
if (!class_exists($factoryName)) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'Expects string factory name to be a valid class name; received "%s"',
$factory = new $factoryName;
return $factory;