mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:33:37 +03:00
2868 lines
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2868 lines
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if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));
function get_path_from_id ($id, $ext_id, $base_path, $first_div, $sec_div)
global $bb_cfg;
$ext = isset($bb_cfg['file_id_ext'][$ext_id]) ? $bb_cfg['file_id_ext'][$ext_id] : '';
return ($base_path ? "$base_path/" : '') . floor($id/$first_div) .'/'. ($id % $sec_div) .'/'. $id . ($ext ? ".$ext" : '');
function get_avatar_path ($id, $ext_id, $base_path = null, $first_div = 10000, $sec_div = 100)
global $bb_cfg;
$base_path = isset($base_path) ? $base_path : $bb_cfg['avatars']['upload_path'];
return get_path_from_id($id, $ext_id, $base_path, $first_div, $sec_div);
function get_attach_path ($id, $ext_id = '', $base_path = null, $first_div = 10000, $sec_div = 100)
global $bb_cfg;
$base_path = isset($base_path) ? $base_path : $bb_cfg['attach']['upload_path'];
return get_path_from_id($id, $ext_id, $base_path, $first_div, $sec_div);
function delete_avatar ($user_id, $avatar_ext_id)
$avatar_file = ($avatar_ext_id) ? get_avatar_path($user_id, $avatar_ext_id) : '';
return ($avatar_file && file_exists($avatar_file)) ? @unlink($avatar_file) : false;
function get_tracks ($type)
static $pattern = '#^a:\d+:{[i:;\d]+}$#';
switch ($type)
case 'topic':
$c_name = COOKIE_TOPIC;
case 'forum':
$c_name = COOKIE_FORUM;
case 'pm':
$c_name = COOKIE_PM;
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .": invalid type '$type'", E_USER_ERROR);
$tracks = !empty($_COOKIE[$c_name]) ? @unserialize($_COOKIE[$c_name]) : false;
return ($tracks) ? $tracks : array();
function set_tracks ($cookie_name, &$tracking_ary, $tracks = null, $val = TIMENOW)
global $tracking_topics, $tracking_forums, $user;
if (IS_GUEST) return;
$prev_tracking_ary = $tracking_ary;
if ($tracks)
if (!is_array($tracks))
$tracks = array($tracks => $val);
foreach ($tracks as $key => $val)
$key = (int) $key;
$curr_track_val = !empty($tracking_ary[$key]) ? $tracking_ary[$key] : 0;
if ($val > max($curr_track_val, $user->data['user_lastvisit']))
$tracking_ary[$key] = $val;
elseif ($curr_track_val < $user->data['user_lastvisit'])
$overflow = count($tracking_topics) + count($tracking_forums) - COOKIE_MAX_TRACKS;
if ($overflow > 0)
for ($i=0; $i < $overflow; $i++)
if (array_diff($tracking_ary, $prev_tracking_ary))
bb_setcookie($cookie_name, serialize($tracking_ary));
function get_last_read ($topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0)
global $tracking_topics, $tracking_forums, $user;
$t = isset($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) ? $tracking_topics[$topic_id] : 0;
$f = isset($tracking_forums[$forum_id]) ? $tracking_forums[$forum_id] : 0;
return max($t, $f, $user->data['user_lastvisit']);
function is_unread ($ref, $topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0)
return (!IS_GUEST && $ref > get_last_read($topic_id, $forum_id));
// Ads
class ads_common
var $ad_blocks = array();
var $active_ads = array();
* Constructor
function ads_common ()
global $bb_cfg;
$this->ad_blocks =& $bb_cfg['ad_blocks'];
$this->active_ads = !empty($bb_cfg['active_ads']) ? @unserialize($bb_cfg['active_ads']) : array();
* Get ads to show for each block
function get ($block_types)
$ads = array();
if ($this->active_ads)
$block_ids = $this->get_block_ids($block_types);
if ($ad_ids = $this->get_ad_ids($block_ids))
$ad_html = $this->get_ads_html();
foreach ($ad_ids as $block_id => $ad_id)
$ads[$block_id] =& $ad_html[$ad_id];
return $ads;
* Get ads html
function get_ads_html ()
global $datastore;
if (!$ads_html = $datastore->get('ads'))
$ads_html = $datastore->get('ads');
return $ads_html;
* Get block_ids for specified block_types
function get_block_ids ($block_types)
$block_ids = array();
foreach ($block_types as $block_type)
if ($blocks =& $this->ad_blocks[$block_type])
$block_ids = array_merge($block_ids, array_keys($blocks));
return $block_ids;
* Get ad_ids for specified blocks
function get_ad_ids ($block_ids)
$ad_ids = array();
foreach ($block_ids as $block_id)
if ($ads =& $this->active_ads[$block_id])
$ad_ids[$block_id] = $ads[0];
return $ad_ids;
// Auth
define('AUTH_LIST_ALL', 0);
// forum's ACL types (bb_forums: auth_view, auth_read... values)
define('AUTH_REG', 1);
define('AUTH_ACL', 2);
define('AUTH_ADMIN', 5);
// forum_perm bitfields - backward compatible with auth($type)
define('AUTH_ALL', 0);
define('AUTH_VIEW', 1);
define('AUTH_READ', 2);
define('AUTH_MOD', 3);
define('AUTH_POST', 4);
define('AUTH_REPLY', 5);
define('AUTH_EDIT', 6);
define('AUTH_DELETE', 7);
define('AUTH_STICKY', 8);
define('AUTH_ANNOUNCE', 9);
define('AUTH_VOTE', 10);
define('AUTH_POLLCREATE', 11);
define('AUTH_ATTACH', 12);
define('AUTH_DOWNLOAD', 13);
define('BF_AUTH_MOD', bit2dec(AUTH_MOD));
// When defining user permissions, take into account:
define('UG_PERM_BOTH', 1); // both user and group
define('UG_PERM_USER_ONLY', 2); // only personal user permissions
define('UG_PERM_GROUP_ONLY', 3); // only group permissions
$bf['forum_perm'] = array(
'auth_view' => AUTH_VIEW,
'auth_read' => AUTH_READ,
'auth_mod' => AUTH_MOD,
'auth_post' => AUTH_POST,
'auth_reply' => AUTH_REPLY,
'auth_edit' => AUTH_EDIT,
'auth_delete' => AUTH_DELETE,
'auth_sticky' => AUTH_STICKY,
'auth_announce' => AUTH_ANNOUNCE,
'auth_vote' => AUTH_VOTE,
'auth_pollcreate' => AUTH_POLLCREATE,
'auth_attachments' => AUTH_ATTACH,
'auth_download' => AUTH_DOWNLOAD,
$bf['user_opt'] = array(
# 'dis_opt_name' => ЗАПРЕТЫ используемые администраторами для пользователей
# 'user_opt_name' => НАСТРОЙКИ используемые пользователями
'user_viewemail' => 0, // Показывать e-mail
'dis_sig' => 1, // Запрет на подпись
'dis_avatar' => 2, // Запрет на аватар
'dis_pm' => 3, // Запрет на отправку ЛС
'user_viewonline' => 4, // Скрывать пребывание пользователя
'user_notify' => 5, // Сообщать об ответах в отслеживаемых темах
'user_notify_pm' => 6, // Сообщать о новых ЛС
'dis_passkey' => 7, // Запрет на добавление passkey, он же запрет на скачивание торрентов
'user_porn_forums' => 8, // Скрывать контент 18+
'user_callseed' => 9, // Позвать скачавших
'user_hide_ads' => 10, // Запрет на показ рекламы
'dis_topic' => 11, // Запрет на создание новых тем
'dis_post' => 12, // Запрет на отправку сообщений
'dis_post_edit' => 13, // Запрет на редактирование сообщений
'user_dls' => 14, // Скрывать список текущих закачек в профиле
'user_retracker' => 15, // Добавлять ретрекер к скачиваемым торрентам
function bit2dec ($bit_num)
if (is_array($bit_num))
$dec = 0;
foreach ($bit_num as $bit)
$dec |= (1 << $bit);
return $dec;
return (1 << $bit_num);
function bf_bit2dec ($bf_array_name, $key)
global $bf;
if (!isset($bf[$bf_array_name][$key]))
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .": bitfield '$key' not found", E_USER_ERROR);
return (1 << $bf[$bf_array_name][$key]);
function bf ($int, $bf_array_name, $key)
return (bf_bit2dec($bf_array_name, $key) & (int) $int);
function setbit (&$int, $bit_num, $on)
return ($on) ? $int |= (1 << $bit_num) : $int &= ~(1 << $bit_num);
$type's accepted (pre-pend with AUTH_):
Possible options ($type/forum_id combinations):
* If you include a type and forum_id then a specific lookup will be done and
the single result returned
* If you set type to AUTH_ALL and specify a forum_id an array of all auth types
will be returned
* If you provide a forum_id a specific lookup on that forum will be done
* If you set forum_id to AUTH_LIST_ALL and specify a type an array listing the
results for all forums will be returned
* If you set forum_id to AUTH_LIST_ALL and type to AUTH_ALL a multidimensional
array containing the auth permissions for all types and all forums for that
user is returned
All results are returned as associative arrays, even when a single auth type is
If available you can send an array (either one or two dimensional) containing the
forum auth levels, this will prevent the auth function having to do its own
function auth ($type, $forum_id, $ug_data, $f_access = array(), $group_perm = UG_PERM_BOTH)
global $lang, $bf, $datastore;
$is_guest = true;
$is_admin = false;
$auth = $auth_fields = $u_access = array();
$add_auth_type_desc = ($forum_id != AUTH_LIST_ALL);
// Get $auth_fields
if ($type == AUTH_ALL)
$auth_fields = array_keys($bf['forum_perm']);
else if ($auth_type = array_search($type, $bf['forum_perm']))
$auth_fields = array($auth_type);
if (empty($auth_fields))
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .'(): empty $auth_fields', E_USER_ERROR);
// Get $f_access
// If f_access has been passed, or auth is needed to return an array of forums
// then we need to pull the auth information on the given forum (or all forums)
if (empty($f_access))
if (!$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'))
$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums');
if ($forum_id == AUTH_LIST_ALL)
$f_access = $forums['f'];
else if (isset($forums['f'][$forum_id]))
$f_access[$forum_id] = $forums['f'][$forum_id];
else if (isset($f_access['forum_id']))
// Change passed $f_access format for later using in foreach()
$f_access = array($f_access['forum_id'] => $f_access);
if (empty($f_access))
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .'(): empty $f_access', E_USER_ERROR);
// Get user or group permissions
$forum_match_sql = ($forum_id != AUTH_LIST_ALL) ? "AND aa.forum_id = ". (int) $forum_id : '';
// GROUP mode
if (!empty($ug_data['group_id']))
$is_guest = false;
$is_admin = false;
$sql = "SELECT aa.forum_id, aa.forum_perm
WHERE aa.group_id = ". (int) $ug_data['group_id'] ."
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
// USER mode
else if (!empty($ug_data['user_id']))
$is_guest = empty($ug_data['session_logged_in']);
$is_admin = (!$is_guest && $ug_data['user_level'] == ADMIN);
if ($group_perm != UG_PERM_BOTH)
$group_single_user = ($group_perm == UG_PERM_USER_ONLY) ? 1 : 0;
$sql = "
aa.forum_id, BIT_OR(aa.forum_perm) AS forum_perm
". BB_USER_GROUP ." ug,
". BB_GROUPS ." g,
ug.user_id = ". (int) $ug_data['user_id'] ."
AND ug.user_pending = 0
AND g.group_id = ug.group_id
AND g.group_single_user = $group_single_user
AND aa.group_id = g.group_id
GROUP BY aa.forum_id
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
if (!$is_guest && !$is_admin)
$sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE aa.forum_id, aa.forum_perm
WHERE aa.user_id = ". (int) $ug_data['user_id'] ."
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
// If the user is logged on and the forum type is either ALL or REG then the user has access
// If the type if ACL, MOD or ADMIN then we need to see if the user has specific permissions
// to do whatever it is they want to do ... to do this we pull relevant information for the
// user (and any groups they belong to)
// Now we compare the users access level against the forums. We assume here that a moderator
// and admin automatically have access to an ACL forum, similarly we assume admins meet an
// auth requirement of MOD
foreach ($f_access as $f_id => $f_data)
$auth[$f_id]['auth_mod'] = auth_check('forum_perm', 'auth_mod', $u_access, $f_id, $is_admin);
foreach ($auth_fields as $auth_type)
if (!isset($f_data[$auth_type]))
switch ($f_data[$auth_type])
case AUTH_ALL:
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = true;
case AUTH_REG:
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = !$is_guest;
case AUTH_ACL:
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = (auth_check('forum_perm', $auth_type, $u_access, $f_id, $is_admin) || $auth[$f_id]['auth_mod']);
case AUTH_MOD:
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = $auth[$f_id]['auth_mod'];
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = $is_admin;
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = false;
if ($add_auth_type_desc)
$auth[$f_id][$auth_type .'_type'] =& $lang['AUTH_TYPES'][$f_data[$auth_type]];
return ($forum_id == AUTH_LIST_ALL) ? $auth : $auth[$forum_id];
function auth_check ($bf_ary, $bf_key, $perm_ary, $perm_key, $is_admin = false)
if ($is_admin) return true;
if (!isset($perm_ary[$perm_key])) return false;
return bf($perm_ary[$perm_key], $bf_ary, $bf_key);
class Date_Delta
var $auto_granularity = array(
60 => 'seconds', // set granularity to "seconds" if delta less then 1 minute
10800 => 'minutes', // 3 hours
259200 => 'hours', // 3 days
31363200 => 'mday', // 12 months
311040000 => 'mon', // 10 years
var $intervals = array();
var $format = '';
// Creates new object.
function Date_Delta()
global $lang;
$this->intervals = $lang['DELTA_TIME']['INTERVALS'];
$this->format = $lang['DELTA_TIME']['FORMAT'];
// Makes the spellable phrase.
function spellDelta($first, $last, $from = 'auto')
if ($last < $first)
$old_first = $first;
$first = $last;
$last = $old_first;
if ($from == 'auto')
$from = 'year';
$diff = $last - $first;
foreach ($this->auto_granularity as $seconds_count => $granule)
if ($diff < $seconds_count)
$from = $granule;
// Solve data delta.
$delta = $this->getDelta($first, $last);
if (!$delta) return false;
// Make spellable phrase.
$parts = array();
$intervals = $GLOBALS['lang']['DELTA_TIME']['INTERVALS'];
foreach (array_reverse($delta) as $k => $n)
if (!$n)
if ($k == $from)
if (!$parts)
$parts[] = declension($n, $this->intervals[$k], $this->format);
$parts[] = declension($n, $this->intervals[$k], $this->format);
if ($k == $from) break;
return join(' ', $parts);
// returns the associative array with date deltas.
function getDelta($first, $last)
if ($last < $first) return false;
// Solve H:M:S part.
$hms = ($last - $first) % (3600 * 24);
$delta['seconds'] = $hms % 60;
$delta['minutes'] = floor($hms/60) % 60;
$delta['hours'] = floor($hms/3600) % 60;
// Now work only with date, delta time = 0.
$last -= $hms;
$f = getdate($first);
$l = getdate($last); // the same daytime as $first!
$dYear = $dMon = $dDay = 0;
// Delta day. Is negative, month overlapping.
$dDay += $l['mday'] - $f['mday'];
if ($dDay < 0) {
$monlen = $this->monthLength(date('Y', $first), date('m', $first));
$dDay += $monlen;
$delta['mday'] = $dDay;
// Delta month. If negative, year overlapping.
$dMon += $l['mon'] - $f['mon'];
if ($dMon < 0) {
$dMon += 12;
$dYear --;
$delta['mon'] = $dMon;
// Delta year.
$dYear += $l['year'] - $f['year'];
$delta['year'] = $dYear;
return $delta;
// Returns the length (in days) of the specified month.
function monthLength($year, $mon)
$l = 28;
while (checkdate($mon, $l+1, $year)) $l++;
return $l;
function delta_time ($timestamp_1, $timestamp_2 = TIMENOW, $granularity = 'auto')
return $GLOBALS['DeltaTime']->spellDelta($timestamp_1, $timestamp_2, $granularity);
function get_select ($select, $selected = null, $return_as = 'html', $first_opt = '»» Выбрать ')
$select_ary = array();
switch ($select)
case 'groups':
$sql = "SELECT group_id, group_name FROM ". BB_GROUPS ." WHERE group_single_user = 0 ORDER BY group_name";
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$select_ary[$row['group_name']] = $row['group_id'];
$select_name = 'g';
case 'forum_tpl':
$sql = "SELECT tpl_id, tpl_name FROM ". BB_TOPIC_TPL ." ORDER BY tpl_name";
$select_ary[$first_opt] = 0;
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$select_ary[$row['tpl_name']] = $row['tpl_id'];
$select_name = 'forum_tpl_select';
return ($return_as == 'html') ? build_select($select_name, $select_ary, $selected) : $select_ary;
class html_common
var $options = '';
var $attr = array();
var $cur_attr = null;
var $max_length = HTML_SELECT_MAX_LENGTH;
var $selected = array();
function build_select ($name, $params, $selected = null, $max_length = HTML_SELECT_MAX_LENGTH, $multiple_size = null, $js = '')
if (empty($params)) return '';
$this->options = '';
$this->selected = array_flip((array) $selected);
$this->max_length = $max_length;
$this->attr = array();
$this->cur_attr =& $this->attr;
if (isset($params['__attributes']))
$this->attr = $params['__attributes'];
$select_params = ($js) ? " $js" : '';
$select_params .= ($multiple_size) ? ' multiple="multiple" size="'. $multiple_size .'"' : '';
$select_params .= ' name="'. htmlCHR($name) .'"';
$select_params .= ' id="'. htmlCHR($name) .'"';
return "\n<select $select_params>\n". $this->options ."</select>\n";
function _build_select_rec ($params)
foreach ($params as $opt_name => $opt_val)
$opt_name = rtrim($opt_name);
if (is_array($opt_val))
$this->cur_attr =& $this->cur_attr[$opt_name];
$label = htmlCHR(str_short($opt_name, $this->max_length));
$this->options .= "\t<optgroup label=\" ". $label ."\">\n";
$this->options .= "\t</optgroup>\n";
$this->cur_attr =& $this->attr;
$text = htmlCHR(str_short($opt_name, $this->max_length));
$value = ' value="'. htmlCHR($opt_val) .'"';
$class = isset($this->cur_attr[$opt_name]['class']) ? ' class="'. $this->cur_attr[$opt_name]['class'] .'"' : '';
$style = isset($this->cur_attr[$opt_name]['style']) ? ' style="'. $this->cur_attr[$opt_name]['style'] .'"' : '';
$selected = isset($this->selected[$opt_val]) ? HTML_SELECTED : '';
$disabled = isset($this->cur_attr[$opt_name]['disabled']) ? HTML_DISABLED : '';
$this->options .= "\t\t<option". $class . $style . $selected . $disabled . $value .'> '. $text ." </option>\n";
function array2html ($array, $ul = 'ul', $li = 'li')
$this->out = '';
$this->_array2html_rec($array, $ul, $li);
return "<$ul class=\"tree-root\">{$this->out}</$ul>";
function _array2html_rec ($array, $ul, $li)
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
if (is_array($v))
$this->out .= "<$li><span class=\"b\">$k</span><$ul>";
$this->_array2html_rec($v, $ul, $li);
$this->out .= "</$ul></$li>";
$this->out .= "<$li><span>$v</span></$li>";
// all arguments should be already htmlspecialchar()d (if needed)
function build_checkbox ($name, $title, $checked = false, $disabled = false, $class = null, $id = null, $value = 1)
$name = ' name="'. $name .'" ';
$value = ' value="'. $value .'" ';
$title = ($class) ? '<span class="'. $class .'">'. $title .'</span>' : $title;
$id = ($id) ? " id=\"$id\" " : '';
$checked = ($checked) ? HTML_CHECKED : '';
$disabled = ($disabled) ? HTML_DISABLED : '';
return '<label><input type="checkbox" '. $id . $name . $value . $checked . $disabled .' /> '. $title .' </label>';
# function build_option ($opt_name, $opt_val, $selected = null, $max_length = false)
# {
# return "\t\t<option value=\"". htmlCHR($opt_val) .'"'. (($selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .'>'. htmlCHR(str_short($opt_name, $max_length)) ."</option>\n";
# }
# function build_optgroup ($label, $contents, $max_length = false)
# {
# return "\t<optgroup label=\" ". htmlCHR(str_short($label, $max_length)) ."\">\n". $contents ."\t</optgroup>\n";
# }
function build_select ($name, $params, $selected = null, $max_length = HTML_SELECT_MAX_LENGTH, $multiple_size = null, $js = '')
global $html;
return $html->build_select($name, $params, $selected, $max_length, $multiple_size, $js);
function build_checkbox ($name, $title, $checked = false, $disabled = false, $class = null, $id = null, $value = 1)
global $html;
return $html->build_checkbox($name, $title, $checked, $disabled, $class, $id, $value);
function replace_quote ($str, $double = true, $single = true)
if ($double) $str = str_replace('"', '"', $str);
if ($single) $str = str_replace("'", ''', $str);
return $str;
* Build simple hidden fields from array
function build_hidden_fields ($fields_ary)
$out = "\n";
foreach ($fields_ary as $name => $val)
if (is_array($val))
foreach ($val as $ary_key => $ary_val)
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="'. $name .'['. $ary_key .']" value="'. $ary_val ."\" />\n";
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="'. $name .'" value="'. $val ."\" />\n";
return $out;
* Choost russian word declension based on numeric [from dklab.ru]
* Example for $expressions: array("ответ", "ответа", "ответов")
function declension ($int, $expressions, $format = '%1$s %2$s')
if (!is_array($expressions))
$expressions = $GLOBALS['lang']['DECLENSION'][strtoupper($expressions)];
if (count($expressions) < 3)
$expressions[2] = $expressions[1];
$count = intval($int) % 100;
if ($count >= 5 && $count <= 20)
$result = $expressions['2'];
$count = $count % 10;
if ($count == 1)
$result = $expressions['0'];
elseif ($count >= 2 && $count <= 4)
$result = $expressions['1'];
$result = $expressions['2'];
return ($format) ? sprintf($format, $int, $result) : $result;
// http://forum.dklab.ru/php/advises/UrlreplaceargChangesValueOfParameterInUrl.html
function url_arg ($url, $arg, $value, $amp = '&')
$arg = preg_quote($arg, '/');
// разделяем URL и ANCHOR
$anchor = '';
if (preg_match('/(.*)(#.*)/s', $url, $m))
$url = $m[1];
$anchor = $m[2];
// заменяем параметр, если он существует
if (preg_match("/((\?|&|&)$arg=)[^&]*/s", $url, $m))
$cur = $m[0];
$new = is_null($value) ? '' : $m[1] . urlencode($value);
$url = str_replace($cur, $new, $url);
// добавляем параметр
else if (!is_null($value))
$div = (strpos($url, '?') !== false) ? $amp : '?';
$url = $url . $div . $arg .'='. urlencode($value);
return $url . $anchor;
* Adds commas between every group of thousands
function commify ($number)
return number_format($number);
* Returns a size formatted in a more human-friendly format, rounded to the nearest GB, MB, KB..
function humn_size ($size, $rounder = null, $min = null, $space = ' ')
static $sizes = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB');
static $rounders = array(0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3);
$size = (float) $size;
$ext = $sizes[0];
$rnd = $rounders[0];
if ($min == 'KB' && $size < 1024)
$size = $size / 1024;
$ext = 'KB';
$rounder = 1;
for ($i=1, $cnt=count($sizes); ($i < $cnt && $size >= 1024); $i++)
$size = $size / 1024;
$ext = $sizes[$i];
$rnd = $rounders[$i];
if (!$rounder)
$rounder = $rnd;
return round($size, $rounder) . $space . $ext;
function bt_show_ip ($ip, $port = '')
global $bb_cfg;
if (IS_AM)
$ip = decode_ip($ip);
$ip .= ($port) ? ":$port" : '';
return $ip;
return ($bb_cfg['bt_show_ip_only_moder']) ? false : decode_ip_xx($ip);
function bt_show_port ($port)
global $bb_cfg;
if (IS_AM)
return $port;
return ($bb_cfg['bt_show_port_only_moder']) ? false : $port;
function decode_ip_xx ($ip)
$h = explode('.', chunk_split($ip, 2, '.'));
return hexdec($h[0]) .'.'. hexdec($h[1]) .'.'. hexdec($h[2]) .'.xx';
function checkbox_get_val (&$key, &$val, $default = 1, $on = 1, $off = 0)
global $previous_settings, $search_id;
if (isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && is_string($_REQUEST[$key]))
$val = (int) $_REQUEST[$key];
else if (!isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && isset($_REQUEST['prev_'. $key]))
$val = $off;
else if (isset($previous_settings[$key]) && (!IS_GUEST || !empty($search_id)))
$val = ($previous_settings[$key]) ? $on : $off;
$val = $default;
function select_get_val ($key, &$val, $options_ary, $default, $num = true)
global $previous_settings;
if (isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && is_string($_REQUEST[$key]))
if (isset($options_ary[$_REQUEST[$key]]))
$val = ($num) ? intval($_REQUEST[$key]) : $_REQUEST[$key];
else if (isset($previous_settings[$key]))
$val = $previous_settings[$key];
$val = $default;
* set_var
* Set variable, used by {@link request_var the request_var function}
* @access private
function set_var (&$result, $var, $type, $multibyte = false, $strip = true)
settype($var, $type);
$result = $var;
if ($type == 'string')
$result = trim(htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $result)));
if (!empty($result))
// Make sure multibyte characters are wellformed
if ($multibyte)
if (!preg_match('/^./u', $result))
$result = '';
$result = ($strip) ? stripslashes($result) : $result;
* request_var
* Used to get passed variable
function request_var ($var_name, $default, $multibyte = false, $cookie = false)
if (!$cookie && isset($_COOKIE[$var_name]))
if (!isset($_GET[$var_name]) && !isset($_POST[$var_name]))
return (is_array($default)) ? array() : $default;
$_REQUEST[$var_name] = isset($_POST[$var_name]) ? $_POST[$var_name] : $_GET[$var_name];
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$var_name]) || (is_array($_REQUEST[$var_name]) && !is_array($default)) || (is_array($default) && !is_array($_REQUEST[$var_name])))
return (is_array($default)) ? array() : $default;
$var = $_REQUEST[$var_name];
if (!is_array($default))
$type = gettype($default);
list($key_type, $type) = each($default);
$type = gettype($type);
$key_type = gettype($key_type);
if ($type == 'array')
$default = current($default);
list($sub_key_type, $sub_type) = each($default);
$sub_type = gettype($sub_type);
$sub_type = ($sub_type == 'array') ? 'NULL' : $sub_type;
$sub_key_type = gettype($sub_key_type);
if (is_array($var))
$_var = $var;
$var = array();
foreach ($_var as $k => $v)
set_var($k, $k, $key_type);
if ($type == 'array' && is_array($v))
foreach ($v as $_k => $_v)
if (is_array($_v))
$_v = null;
set_var($_k, $_k, $sub_key_type);
set_var($var[$k][$_k], $_v, $sub_type, $multibyte);
if ($type == 'array' || is_array($v))
$v = null;
set_var($var[$k], $v, $type, $multibyte);
set_var($var, $var, $type, $multibyte);
return $var;
function get_username ($user_id)
if (empty($user_id))
return is_array($user_id) ? array() : false;
if (is_array($user_id))
$usernames = array();
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT user_id, username FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE user_id IN(". get_id_csv($user_id) .")") as $row)
$usernames[$row['user_id']] = $row['username'];
return $usernames;
$row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT username FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE user_id = $user_id LIMIT 1");
return $row['username'];
function get_user_id ($username)
if (empty($username)) return false;
$row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT user_id FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE username = '". DB()->escape($username) ."' LIMIT 1");
return $row['user_id'];
function str_short ($text, $max_length, $space = ' ')
if ($max_length && mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8') > $max_length)
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $max_length, 'UTF-8');
if ($last_space_pos = $max_length - intval(strpos(strrev($text), $space)))
if ($last_space_pos > round($max_length * 3/4))
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $last_space_pos, 'UTF-8');
$text .= '...';
$text = preg_replace('!&#?(\w+)?;?(\w{1,5})?\.\.\.$!', '...', $text);
return $text;
function wbr ($text, $max_word_length = HTML_WBR_LENGTH)
return preg_replace("/([\w\->;:.,~!?(){}@#$%^*\/\\\\]{". $max_word_length ."})/ui", '$1<wbr>', $text);
function get_bt_userdata ($user_id)
if (!$btu = CACHE('bb_cache')->get('btu_' . $user_id))
$btu = DB()->fetch_row("
SELECT bt.*, SUM(tr.speed_up) AS speed_up, SUM(tr.speed_down) AS speed_down
LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." tr ON (bt.user_id = tr.user_id)
WHERE bt.user_id = ". (int) $user_id ."
GROUP BY bt.user_id
CACHE('bb_cache')->set('btu_' . $user_id, $btu, 300);
return $btu;
function get_bt_ratio ($btu)
(!empty($btu['u_down_total']) && $btu['u_down_total'] > MIN_DL_FOR_RATIO)
? round((($btu['u_up_total'] + $btu['u_up_release'] + $btu['u_up_bonus']) / $btu['u_down_total']), 2)
: null
function show_bt_userdata ($user_id)
global $lang, $template;
if (!$btu = get_bt_userdata($user_id))
require_once(INC_DIR .'functions_torrent.php');
generate_passkey($user_id, true);
$btu = get_bt_userdata($user_id);
'UP_TOTAL' => humn_size($btu['u_up_total']),
'UP_BONUS' => humn_size($btu['u_up_bonus']),
'RELEASED' => humn_size($btu['u_up_release']),
'DOWN_TOTAL' => humn_size($btu['u_down_total']),
'DOWN_TOTAL_BYTES' => $btu['u_down_total'],
'USER_RATIO' => get_bt_ratio($btu),
'AUTH_KEY' => ($btu['auth_key']) ? $btu['auth_key'] : $lang['NONE'],
'TD_DL' => humn_size($btu['down_today']),
'TD_UL' => humn_size($btu['up_today']),
'TD_REL' => humn_size($btu['up_release_today']),
'TD_BONUS' => humn_size($btu['up_bonus_today']),
'TD_POINTS' => ($btu['auth_key']) ? $btu['points_today'] : '0.00',
'YS_DL' => humn_size($btu['down_yesterday']),
'YS_UL' => humn_size($btu['up_yesterday']),
'YS_REL' => humn_size($btu['up_release_yesterday']),
'YS_BONUS' => humn_size($btu['up_bonus_yesterday']),
'YS_POINTS' => ($btu['auth_key']) ? $btu['points_yesterday'] : '0.00',
'SPEED_UP' => humn_size($btu['speed_up'], 0, 'KB') .'/s',
'SPEED_DOWN' => humn_size($btu['speed_down'], 0, 'KB') .'/s',
function get_attachments_dir ($cfg = null)
if (!$cfg AND !$cfg = $GLOBALS['attach_config'])
$cfg = bb_get_config(BB_ATTACH_CONFIG, true, false);
if ($cfg['upload_dir'][0] == '/' || ($cfg['upload_dir'][0] != '/' && $cfg['upload_dir'][1] == ':'))
return $cfg['upload_dir'];
return BB_ROOT . $cfg['upload_dir'];
function bb_get_config ($table, $from_db = false, $update_cache = true)
if ($from_db OR !$cfg = CACHE('bb_config')->get("config_{$table}"))
$cfg = array();
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT * FROM $table") as $row)
$cfg[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
if ($update_cache)
CACHE('bb_config')->set("config_{$table}", $cfg);
return $cfg;
function bb_update_config ($params, $table = BB_CONFIG)
$updates = array();
foreach ($params as $name => $val)
$updates[] = array(
'config_name' => $name,
'config_value' => $val,
$updates = DB()->build_array('MULTI_INSERT', $updates);
DB()->query("REPLACE INTO $table $updates");
// Update cache
bb_get_config($table, true, true);
function get_db_stat ($mode)
switch ($mode)
case 'usercount':
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS total FROM " . BB_USERS;
case 'newestuser':
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username FROM " . BB_USERS . " WHERE user_id <> " . GUEST_UID . " ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1";
case 'postcount':
case 'topiccount':
$sql = "SELECT SUM(forum_topics) AS topic_total, SUM(forum_posts) AS post_total FROM " . BB_FORUMS;
if ( !($result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) )
return false;
$row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result);
switch ($mode)
case 'usercount':
return $row['total'];
case 'newestuser':
return $row;
case 'postcount':
return $row['post_total'];
case 'topiccount':
return $row['topic_total'];
return false;
function clean_username ($username)
$username = mb_substr(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\'", "'", trim($username))), 0, 25, 'UTF-8');
$username = bb_rtrim($username, "\\");
$username = str_replace("'", "\'", $username);
return $username;
function bb_ltrim ($str, $charlist = false)
if ($charlist === false)
return ltrim($str);
$str = ltrim($str, $charlist);
return $str;
function bb_rtrim ($str, $charlist = false)
if ($charlist === false)
return rtrim($str);
$str = rtrim($str, $charlist);
return $str;
// Get Userdata, $u can be username or user_id. If $force_name is true, the username will be forced.
function get_userdata ($u, $force_name = false, $allow_guest = false)
if (!$u) return false;
if (intval($u) == GUEST_UID && $allow_guest)
if ($u_data = CACHE('bb_cache')->get('guest_userdata'))
return $u_data;
$u_data = array();
$name_search = false;
$exclude_anon_sql = (!$allow_guest) ? "AND user_id != ". GUEST_UID : '';
if ($force_name || !is_numeric($u))
$name_search = true;
$where_sql = "WHERE username = '". DB()->escape(clean_username($u)) ."'";
$where_sql = "WHERE user_id = ". (int) $u;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ". BB_USERS ." $where_sql $exclude_anon_sql LIMIT 1";
if (!$u_data = DB()->fetch_row($sql))
if (!is_int($u) && !$name_search)
$where_sql = "WHERE username = '". DB()->escape(clean_username($u)) ."'";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ". BB_USERS ." $where_sql $exclude_anon_sql LIMIT 1";
$u_data = DB()->fetch_row($sql);
if ($u_data['user_id'] == GUEST_UID)
CACHE('bb_cache')->set('guest_userdata', $u_data);
return $u_data;
function make_jumpbox ($selected = 0)
global $datastore, $template, $bb_cfg;
if (!$bb_cfg['show_jumpbox'])
if (!$jumpbox = $datastore->get('jumpbox'))
$jumpbox = $datastore->get('jumpbox');
'JUMPBOX' => (IS_GUEST) ? $jumpbox['guest'] : $jumpbox['user'],
// $mode: array(not_auth_forum1,not_auth_forum2,..) or (string) 'mode'
function get_forum_select ($mode = 'guest', $name = POST_FORUM_URL, $selected = null, $max_length = HTML_SELECT_MAX_LENGTH, $multiple_size = null, $js = '', $all_forums_option = null)
global $lang, $datastore;
if (is_array($mode))
$not_auth_forums_fary = array_flip($mode);
$mode = 'not_auth_forums';
if (is_null($max_length))
$select = is_null($all_forums_option) ? array() : array($lang['ALL_AVAILABLE'] => $all_forums_option);
if (!$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'))
$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums');
foreach ($forums['f'] as $fid => $f)
switch ($mode)
case 'guest':
if ($f['auth_view'] != AUTH_ALL) continue 2;
case 'user':
if ($f['auth_view'] != AUTH_ALL && $f['auth_view'] != AUTH_REG) continue 2;
case 'not_auth_forums':
if (isset($not_auth_forums_fary[$f['forum_id']])) continue 2;
case 'admin':
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .": invalid mode '$mode'", E_USER_ERROR);
$cat_title = $forums['c'][$f['cat_id']]['cat_title'];
$f_name = ($f['forum_parent']) ? ' |- ' : '';
$f_name .= $f['forum_name'];
while (isset($select[$cat_title][$f_name]))
$f_name .= ' ';
$select[$cat_title][$f_name] = $fid;
if (!$f['forum_parent'])
$class = 'root_forum';
$class .= isset($f['subforums']) ? ' has_sf' : '';
$select['__attributes'][$cat_title][$f_name]['class'] = $class;
return build_select($name, $select, $selected, $max_length, $multiple_size, $js);
function setup_style ()
global $bb_cfg, $template, $userdata;
// AdminCP works only with default template
$tpl_dir_name = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? 'default' : basename($bb_cfg['tpl_name']);
$stylesheet = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? 'main.css' : basename($bb_cfg['stylesheet']);
if (!IS_GUEST && !empty($userdata['tpl_name']))
foreach ($bb_cfg['templates'] as $folder => $name)
if ($userdata['tpl_name'] == $folder) $tpl_dir_name = basename($userdata['tpl_name']);
$template = new Template(TEMPLATES_DIR . $tpl_dir_name);
$css_dir = 'styles/' . basename(TEMPLATES_DIR) . '/' . $tpl_dir_name . '/css/';
'SPACER' => make_url('styles/images/spacer.gif'),
'STYLESHEET' => make_url($css_dir . $stylesheet),
'EXT_LINK_NEW_WIN' => $bb_cfg['ext_link_new_win'],
'TPL_DIR' => make_url($css_dir),
'SITE_URL' => make_url('/'),
require(TEMPLATES_DIR . $tpl_dir_name .'/tpl_config.php');
$theme = array('template_name' => $tpl_dir_name);
return $theme;
// Create date / time with format and friendly date
function bb_date ($gmepoch, $format = false, $friendly_date = true)
global $bb_cfg, $lang, $userdata;
$gmepoch = (int)$gmepoch;
if (!$format) $format = $bb_cfg['default_dateformat'];
if (empty($lang)) require_once($bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] .'main.php');
if (empty($userdata['session_logged_in']))
$tz = $bb_cfg['board_timezone'];
$tz = $userdata['user_timezone'];
$date = gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
if ($friendly_date)
$time_format = ' H:i';
$today = gmdate('d', TIMENOW + (3600 * $tz));
$month = gmdate('m', TIMENOW + (3600 * $tz));
$year = gmdate('Y', TIMENOW + (3600 * $tz));
$date_today = gmdate('d', $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
$date_month = gmdate('m', $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
$date_year = gmdate('Y', $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
if ($date_today == $today && $date_month == $month && $date_year == $year)
$date = 'today' . gmdate($time_format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
elseif ($today != 1 && $date_today == ($today-1) && $date_month == $month && $date_year == $year)
$date = 'yesterday' . gmdate($time_format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
elseif ($today == 1 && $month != 1)
$yesterday = date ('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, ($month-1), 1, $year));
if ($date_today == $yesterday && $date_month == ($month-1) && $date_year == $year)
$date = 'yesterday' . gmdate($time_format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
elseif ($today == 1 && $month == 1)
$yesterday = date ('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, ($year -1)));
if ($date_today == $yesterday && $date_month == 12 && $date_year == ($year-1))
$date = 'yesterday' . gmdate($time_format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
return ($bb_cfg['translate_dates']) ? strtr(strtoupper($date), $lang['DATETIME']) : $date;
function birthday_age ($date)
global $bb_cfg;
if (!$date) return '';
$tz = TIMENOW + (3600 * $bb_cfg['board_timezone']);
return delta_time(strtotime($date, $tz));
// Pagination routine, generates
// page number sequence
function generate_pagination ($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add_prevnext_text = TRUE)
global $lang, $template;
// Pagination Mod
$begin_end = 3;
$from_middle = 1;
By default, $begin_end is 3, and $from_middle is 1, so on page 6 in a 12 page view, it will look like this:
a, d = $begin_end = 3
b, c = $from_middle = 1
"begin" "middle" "end"
| | |
| a b | c d |
| | | | | | |
v v v v v v v
1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7 ... 10, 11, 12
Change $begin_end and $from_middle to suit your needs appropriately
$total_pages = ceil($num_items/$per_page);
if ($total_pages == 1 || $num_items == 0)
return '';
$on_page = floor($start_item / $per_page) + 1;
$page_string = '';
if ($total_pages > ((2*($begin_end + $from_middle)) + 2))
$init_page_max = ( $total_pages > $begin_end ) ? $begin_end : $total_pages;
for ($i = 1; $i < $init_page_max + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ($i < $init_page_max)
$page_string .= ", ";
if ($total_pages > $begin_end)
if ($on_page > 1 && $on_page < $total_pages)
$page_string .= ( $on_page > ($begin_end + $from_middle + 1) ) ? ' ... ' : ', ';
$init_page_min = ( $on_page > ($begin_end + $from_middle) ) ? $on_page : ($begin_end + $from_middle + 1);
$init_page_max = ( $on_page < $total_pages - ($begin_end + $from_middle) ) ? $on_page : $total_pages - ($begin_end + $from_middle);
for ($i = $init_page_min - $from_middle; $i < $init_page_max + ($from_middle + 1); $i++)
$page_string .= ($i == $on_page) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ($i < $init_page_max + $from_middle)
$page_string .= ', ';
$page_string .= ( $on_page < $total_pages - ($begin_end + $from_middle) ) ? ' ... ' : ', ';
$page_string .= ' ... ';
for ($i = $total_pages - ($begin_end - 1); $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ($i < $total_pages)
$page_string .= ", ";
for ($i = 1; $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ($i < $total_pages)
$page_string .= ', ';
if ($add_prevnext_text)
if ($on_page > 1)
$page_string = ' <a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $on_page - 2 ) * $per_page ) . '">' . $lang['PREVIOUS_PAGE'] . '</a> ' . $page_string;
if ($on_page < $total_pages)
$page_string .= ' <a href="' . $base_url . "&start=" . ( $on_page * $per_page ) . '">' . $lang['NEXT_PAGE'] . '</a>';
$pagination = ($page_string) ? '<a class="menu-root" href="#pg-jump">'. $lang['GOTO_PAGE'] .'</a> : '. $page_string : '';
$pagination = str_replace('&start=0', '', $pagination);
'PAGINATION' => $pagination,
'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['PAGE_OF'], ( floor($start_item/$per_page) + 1 ), ceil( $num_items / $per_page )),
'PG_BASE_URL' => $base_url,
'PG_PER_PAGE' => $per_page,
return $pagination;
// This does exactly what preg_quote() does in PHP 4-ish
// If you just need the 1-parameter preg_quote call, then don't bother using this.
function bb_preg_quote ($str, $delimiter)
$text = preg_quote($str);
$text = str_replace($delimiter, '\\' . $delimiter, $text);
return $text;
// Obtain list of naughty words and build preg style replacement arrays for use by the
// calling script, note that the vars are passed as references this just makes it easier
// to return both sets of arrays
function obtain_word_list (&$orig_word, &$replacement_word)
global $bb_cfg;
if (!$bb_cfg['use_word_censor']) return;
if (!$sql = CACHE('bb_cache')->get('censored'))
$sql = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT word, replacement FROM ". BB_WORDS);
if(!$sql) $sql = array(array('word' => 1, 'replacement' => 1));
CACHE('bb_cache')->set('censored', $sql, 7200);
foreach($sql as $row)
//$orig_word[] = '#(?<!\S)(' . str_replace('\*', '\S*?', preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')(?!\S)#iu';
$orig_word[] = '#(?<![\p{Nd}\p{L}_])(' . str_replace('\*', '[\p{Nd}\p{L}_]*?', preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')(?![\p{Nd}\p{L}_])#iu';
$replacement_word[] = $row['replacement'];
function bb_die ($msg_text)
global $ajax, $bb_cfg, $lang, $template, $theme, $userdata;
if (defined('IN_AJAX'))
// Check
if (defined('HAS_DIED'))
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ .' was called multiple times', E_USER_ERROR);
define('HAS_DIED', 1);
// If empty lang
if (empty($lang))
require($bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] .'main.php');
// If empty session
if (empty($userdata))
$userdata = session_pagestart();
// If the header hasn't been output then do it
if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_SENT'))
if (empty($template))
$template = new Template(BB_ROOT ."templates/{$bb_cfg['tpl_name']}");
if (empty($theme))
$theme = setup_style();
// Check for lang variable
if (!empty($lang[$msg_text]))
$msg_text = $lang[$msg_text];
'TPL_BB_DIE' => true,
'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $msg_text,
$template->set_filenames(array('bb_die' => 'common.tpl'));
function bb_simple_die ($txt)
global $bb_cfg;
if (!empty($_COOKIE['explain']))
bb_die("bb_simple_die:<br /><br />$txt");
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset='. $bb_cfg['charset']);
function bb_realpath ($path)
return (!@function_exists('realpath') || !@realpath(INC_DIR . 'functions.php')) ? $path : @realpath($path);
function login_redirect ($url = '')
redirect(LOGIN_URL . '?redirect='. (($url) ? $url : (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '/')));
function meta_refresh ($url, $time = 5)
global $template;
$template->assign_var('META', '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $time . ';url=' . $url . '" />');
function redirect ($url)
global $bb_cfg;
if (headers_sent($filename, $linenum))
trigger_error("Headers already sent in $filename($linenum)", E_USER_ERROR);
if (strstr(urldecode($url), "\n") || strstr(urldecode($url), "\r") || strstr(urldecode($url), ';url'))
bb_die('Tried to redirect to potentially insecure url');
$url = trim($url);
$server_protocol = ($bb_cfg['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($bb_cfg['server_name']));
$server_port = ($bb_cfg['server_port'] <> 80) ? ':' . trim($bb_cfg['server_port']) : '';
$script_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($bb_cfg['script_path']));
if ($script_name)
$script_name = "/$script_name";
$url = preg_replace("#^$script_name#", '', $url);
$redirect_url = $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '/\1', $url);
// Behave as per HTTP/1.1 spec for others
header('Location: '. $redirect_url);
// build a list of the sortable fields or return field name
function get_forum_display_sort_option ($selected_row = 0, $action = 'list', $list = 'sort')
global $lang;
$forum_display_sort = array(
'lang_key' => array('LASTPOST', 'SORT_TOPIC_TITLE', 'SORT_TIME'),
'fields' => array('t.topic_last_post_time', 't.topic_title', 't.topic_time'),
$forum_display_order = array(
'lang_key' => array('DESC', 'ASC'),
'fields' => array('DESC', 'ASC'),
// get the good list
$list_name = 'forum_display_' . $list;
$listrow = $$list_name;
// init the result
$res = '';
if ( $selected_row > count($listrow['lang_key']) )
$selected_row = 0;
// build list
if ($action == 'list')
for ($i=0; $i < count($listrow['lang_key']); $i++)
$selected = ($i==$selected_row) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$l_value = (isset($lang[$listrow['lang_key'][$i]])) ? $lang[$listrow['lang_key'][$i]] : $listrow['lang_key'][$i];
$res .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . $selected . '>' . $l_value . '</option>';
// field
$res = $listrow['fields'][$selected_row];
return $res;
function topic_attachment_image($switch_attachment)
global $is_auth;
if (!$switch_attachment || !($is_auth['auth_download'] && $is_auth['auth_view']))
return '';
return '<img src="styles/images/icon_clip.gif" alt="" border="0" /> ';
* array_combine()
* @package PHP_Compat
* @link http://php.net/function.array_combine
* @author Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>
* @version $Revision: 1.21 $
* @since PHP 5
if (!function_exists('array_combine'))
function array_combine($keys, $values)
if (!is_array($keys)) {
user_error('array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, ' .
gettype($keys) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
if (!is_array($values)) {
user_error('array_combine() expects parameter 2 to be array, ' .
gettype($values) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
$key_count = count($keys);
$value_count = count($values);
if ($key_count !== $value_count) {
user_error('array_combine() both parameters should have equal number of elements', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if ($key_count === 0 || $value_count === 0) {
user_error('array_combine() both parameters should have number of elements at least 0', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$keys = array_values($keys);
$values = array_values($values);
$combined = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $key_count; $i++) {
$combined[$keys[$i]] = $values[$i];
return $combined;
* array_intersect_key()
* @package PHP_Compat
* @link http://php.net/function.array_intersect_key
* @author Tom Buskens <ortega@php.net>
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
* @since PHP 5.0.2
if (!function_exists('array_intersect_key')) {
function array_intersect_key()
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) < 2) {
user_error('Wrong parameter count for array_intersect_key()', E_USER_WARNING);
// Check arrays
$array_count = count($args);
for ($i = 0; $i !== $array_count; $i++) {
if (!is_array($args[$i])) {
user_error('array_intersect_key() Argument #' . ($i + 1) . ' is not an array', E_USER_WARNING);
// Compare entries
$result = array();
foreach ($args[0] as $key1 => $value1) {
for ($i = 1; $i !== $array_count; $i++) {
foreach ($args[$i] as $key2 => $value2) {
if ((string)$key1 === (string)$key2) {
$result[$key1] = $value1;
return $result;
function clear_dl_list ($topics_csv)
DB()->query("DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_DLSTATUS ." WHERE topic_id IN($topics_csv)");
DB()->query("DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_DLSTATUS_SNAP ." WHERE topic_id IN($topics_csv)");
// $ids - array(id1,id2,..) or (string) id
function get_id_csv ($ids)
$ids = array_values((array) $ids);
array_deep($ids, 'intval', 'one-dimensional');
return (string) join(',', $ids);
// $ids - array(id1,id2,..) or (string) id1,id2,..
function get_id_ary ($ids)
$ids = is_string($ids) ? explode(',', $ids) : array_values((array) $ids);
array_deep($ids, 'intval', 'one-dimensional');
return (array) $ids;
function get_topic_title ($topic_id)
$row = DB()->fetch_row("
SELECT topic_title FROM ". BB_TOPICS ." WHERE topic_id = ". (int) $topic_id ."
return $row['topic_title'];
function forum_exists ($forum_id)
return DB()->fetch_row("SELECT forum_id FROM ". BB_FORUMS ." WHERE forum_id = $forum_id LIMIT 1");
function cat_exists ($cat_id)
return DB()->fetch_row("SELECT cat_id FROM ". BB_CATEGORIES ." WHERE cat_id = $cat_id LIMIT 1");
// Action Log
class log_action
var $log_type = array(
'mod_topic_delete' => 1,
'mod_topic_move' => 2,
'mod_topic_lock' => 3,
'mod_topic_unlock' => 4,
'mod_post_delete' => 5,
'mod_topic_split' => 6,
'adm_user_delete' => 7,
'adm_user_ban' => 8,
'adm_user_unban' => 9,
'mod_post_pin' => 10,
'mod_post_unpin' => 11,
'mod_topic_set_downloaded' => 12,
'mod_topic_unset_downloaded' => 13,
'mod_topic_renamed' => 14,
var $log_type_select = array();
var $log_disabled = false;
function init ()
global $lang, $bb_cfg;
foreach ($lang['LOG_ACTION']['LOG_TYPE'] as $log_type => $log_desc)
$this->log_type_select[strip_tags($log_desc)] = $this->log_type[$log_type];
function mod ($type_name, $args = array())
global $userdata;
if (empty($this->log_type)) $this->init();
if ($this->log_disabled) return;
$forum_id =& $args['forum_id'];
$forum_id_new =& $args['forum_id_new'];
$topic_id =& $args['topic_id'];
$topic_id_new =& $args['topic_id_new'];
$topic_title =& $args['topic_title'];
$topic_title_new =& $args['topic_title_new'];
$log_msg =& $args['log_msg'];
if (!empty($userdata))
$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];
$username = $userdata['username'];
$session_ip = $userdata['session_ip'];
$user_id = '';
$username = defined('IN_CRON') ? 'cron' : CLIENT_IP;
$session_ip = '';
$sql_ary = array(
'log_type_id' => (int) $this->log_type["$type_name"],
'log_user_id' => (int) $user_id,
'log_username' => (string) $username,
'log_user_ip' => (string) $session_ip,
'log_forum_id' => (int) $forum_id,
'log_forum_id_new' => (int) $forum_id_new,
'log_topic_id' => (int) $topic_id,
'log_topic_id_new' => (int) $topic_id_new,
'log_topic_title' => (string) $topic_title,
'log_topic_title_new' => (string) $topic_title_new,
'log_time' => (int) TIMENOW,
'log_msg' => (string) $log_msg,
$sql_args = DB()->build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary);
DB()->query("INSERT INTO ". BB_LOG ." $sql_args");
function admin ($type_name, $args = array())
$this->mod($type_name, $args);
function get_topic_icon ($topic, $is_unread = null)
global $bb_cfg, $images;
$t_hot = ($topic['topic_replies'] >= $bb_cfg['hot_threshold']);
$is_unread = is_null($is_unread) ? is_unread($topic['topic_last_post_time'], $topic['topic_id'], $topic['forum_id']) : $is_unread;
if ($topic['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED)
$folder_image = $images['folder'];
$folder = ($t_hot) ? $images['folder_hot'] : $images['folder'];
$folder_new = ($t_hot) ? $images['folder_hot_new'] : $images['folder_new'];
if ($topic['topic_type'] == POST_ANNOUNCE)
$folder = $images['folder_announce'];
$folder_new = $images['folder_announce_new'];
else if ($topic['topic_type'] == POST_STICKY)
$folder = $images['folder_sticky'];
$folder_new = $images['folder_sticky_new'];
else if ($topic['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED)
$folder = $images['folder_locked'];
$folder_new = $images['folder_locked_new'];
else if ($topic['topic_dl_type'] == TOPIC_DL_TYPE_DL)
$folder = ($t_hot) ? $images['folder_dl_hot'] : $images['folder_dl'];
$folder_new = ($t_hot) ? $images['folder_dl_hot_new'] : $images['folder_dl_new'];
$folder_image = ($is_unread) ? $folder_new : $folder;
return $folder_image;
function build_topic_pagination ($url, $replies, $per_page)
$pg = '';
if (++$replies > $per_page)
$total_pages = ceil($replies / $per_page);
for ($j=0, $page=1; $j < $replies; $j += $per_page, $page++)
$href = ($j) ? "$url&start=$j" : $url;
$pg .= '<a href="'. $href .'" class="topicPG">'. $page .'</a>';
if ($page == 1 && $total_pages > 3)
$pg .= ' .. ';
$page = $total_pages - 2;
$j += ($total_pages - 3) * $per_page;
else if ($page < $total_pages)
$pg .= ', ';
return $pg;
// Poll
function get_poll_data_items_js ($topic_id)
if (!$topic_id_csv = get_id_csv($topic_id))
return is_array($topic_id) ? array() : false;
$items = array();
if (!$poll_data = CACHE('bb_poll_data')->get("poll_$topic_id"))
$poll_data = DB()->fetch_rowset("
SELECT topic_id, vote_id, vote_text, vote_result
WHERE topic_id IN($topic_id_csv)
ORDER BY topic_id, vote_id
CACHE('bb_poll_data')->set("poll_$topic_id", $poll_data);
foreach ($poll_data as $row)
$opt_text_for_js = htmlCHR($row['vote_text']);
$opt_result_for_js = (int) $row['vote_result'];
$items[$row['topic_id']][$row['vote_id']] = array($opt_text_for_js, $opt_result_for_js);
foreach ($items as $k => $v)
$items[$k] = Zend\Json\Json::encode($v);
return is_array($topic_id) ? $items : $items[$topic_id];
function poll_is_active ($t_data)
global $bb_cfg;
return ($t_data['topic_vote'] == 1 && $t_data['topic_time'] > TIMENOW - $bb_cfg['poll_max_days'] * 86400);
function print_confirmation ($tpl_vars)
global $template, $lang;
'TPL_CONFIRM' => true,
'FORM_METHOD' => 'post',
* $args = array(
* 'tpl' => 'template file name',
* 'simple' => $gen_simple_header,
* );
* OR (string) 'template_file_name'
* $type = '' (common forum page)
* 'admin' (adminCP page)
* 'simple' (simple page without common header)
* $mode = 'no_header'
* 'no_footer'
function print_page ($args, $type = '', $mode = '')
global $template, $gen_simple_header;
$tpl = (is_array($args) && !empty($args['tpl'])) ? $args['tpl'] : $args;
$tpl = ($type === 'admin') ? ADMIN_TPL_DIR . $tpl : $tpl;
$gen_simple_header = (is_array($args) && !empty($args['simple']) OR $type === 'simple') ? true : $gen_simple_header;
if ($mode !== 'no_header')
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => $tpl));
if ($mode !== 'no_footer')
function caching_output ($enabled, $mode, $cache_var_name, $ttl = 300)
if (!$enabled || !CACHE('bb_cache')->used)
if ($mode == 'send')
if ($cached_contents = CACHE('bb_cache')->get($cache_var_name))
else if ($mode == 'store')
if ($output = ob_get_contents())
CACHE('bb_cache')->set($cache_var_name, $output, $ttl);
function clean_title ($str, $replace_underscore = false)
$str = ($replace_underscore) ? str_replace('_', ' ', $str) : $str;
$str = htmlCHR(str_compact($str));
return $str;
function clean_text_match ($text, $ltrim_star = true, $remove_stopwords = false, $die_if_empty = false)
global $bb_cfg, $lang;
$text = str_compact($text);
$ltrim_chars = ($ltrim_star) ? ' *-!' : ' ';
$wrap_with_quotes = preg_match('#^"[^"]+"$#', $text);
$text = ' '. str_compact(ltrim($text, $ltrim_chars)) .' ';
if ($remove_stopwords)
$text = remove_stopwords($text);
if ($bb_cfg['search_engine_type'] == 'sphinx')
$text = preg_replace('#(?<=\S)\-#u', ' ', $text); // "1-2-3" -> "1 2 3"
$text = preg_replace('#[^0-9a-zA-Zа-яА-ЯёЁ\-_*|]#u', ' ', $text); // допустимые символы (кроме " которые отдельно)
$text = str_replace('-', ' -', $text); // - только в начале слова
$text = str_replace('*', '* ', $text); // * только в конце слова
$text = preg_replace('#\s*\|\s*#u', '|', $text); // "| " -> "|"
$text = preg_replace('#\|+#u', ' | ', $text); // "||" -> "|"
$text = preg_replace('#(?<=\s)[\-*]+\s#u', ' ', $text); // одиночные " - ", " * "
$text = trim($text, ' -|');
$text = str_compact($text);
$text_match_sql = ($wrap_with_quotes && $text != '') ? '"'. $text .'"' : $text;
$text_match_sql = DB()->escape(trim($text));
if (!$text_match_sql && $die_if_empty)
return $text_match_sql;
function init_sphinx ()
global $sphinx;
if (!isset($sphinx))
require(INC_DIR .'api/sphinx.php');
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
function log_sphinx_error ($err_type, $err_msg, $query = '')
$ignore_err_txt = array(
'negation on top level',
'Query word length is less than min prefix length',
if (!count($ignore_err_txt) || !preg_match('#'. join('|', $ignore_err_txt) .'#i', $err_msg))
$orig_query = strtr($_REQUEST['nm'], array("\n" => '\n'));
bb_log(date('m-d H:i:s') ." | $err_type | $err_msg | $orig_query | $query". LOG_LF, SPHINX_LOG_NAME);
return false;
function get_title_match_topics ($title_match_sql, $forum_ids = array())
global $bb_cfg, $sphinx, $userdata, $title_match, $lang;
$where_ids = array();
if($forum_ids) $forum_ids = array_diff($forum_ids, array(0 => 0));
$title_match_sql = encode_text_match($title_match_sql);
if ($bb_cfg['search_engine_type'] == 'sphinx')
$where = ($title_match) ? 'topics' : 'posts';
$sphinx->SetServer($bb_cfg['sphinx_topic_titles_host'], $bb_cfg['sphinx_topic_titles_port']);
if ($forum_ids)
$sphinx->SetFilter('forum_id', $forum_ids, false);
if (preg_match('#^"[^"]+"$#u', $title_match_sql))
if ($result = $sphinx->Query($title_match_sql, $where, $userdata['username'] .' ('. CLIENT_IP .')'))
if (!empty($result['matches']))
$where_ids = array_keys($result['matches']);
else if ($error = $sphinx->GetLastError())
if (strpos($error, 'errno=110'))
log_sphinx_error('ERR', $error, $title_match_sql);
if ($warning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning())
log_sphinx_error('wrn', $warning, $title_match_sql);
else if ($bb_cfg['search_engine_type'] == 'mysql')
$where_forum = ($forum_ids) ? "AND forum_id IN(". join(',', $forum_ids) .")" : '';
$search_bool_mode = ($bb_cfg['allow_search_in_bool_mode']) ? ' IN BOOLEAN MODE' : '';
$where_id = 'topic_id';
$sql = "SELECT topic_id FROM ". BB_TOPICS ."
WHERE MATCH (topic_title) AGAINST ('$title_match_sql'$search_bool_mode)
$where_id = 'post_id';
$sql = "SELECT p.post_id FROM ". BB_POSTS ." p, ". BB_POSTS_SEARCH ." ps
WHERE ps.post_id = p.post_id
AND MATCH (ps.search_words) AGAINST ('$title_match_sql'$search_bool_mode)
foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row)
$where_ids[] = $row[$where_id];
return $where_ids;
// для более корректного поиска по словам содержащим одиночную кавычку
function encode_text_match ($txt)
return str_replace("'", ''', $txt);
function decode_text_match ($txt)
return str_replace(''', "'", $txt);
function remove_stopwords ($text)
static $stopwords = null;
if (is_null($stopwords))
$stopwords = explode(' ', str_compact(@file_get_contents(LANG_DIR .'search_stopwords.txt')));
array_deep($stopwords, 'pad_with_space');
return ($stopwords) ? str_replace($stopwords, ' ', $text) : $text;
function pad_with_space ($str)
return ($str) ? " $str " : $str;
function create_magnet ($infohash, $auth_key, $name)
global $bb_cfg, $images, $lang, $userdata;
if (IS_GUEST && $bb_cfg['bt_tor_browse_only_reg'])
$passkey = '';
elseif (empty($auth_key))
require_once(INC_DIR .'functions_torrent.php');
if (!$passkey = generate_passkey($userdata['user_id'], true))
$auth_key = $passkey;
$passkey = $auth_key;
$passkey_url = $passkey ? "?{$bb_cfg['passkey_key']}=$auth_key" : '';
return '<a href="magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' . bin2hex($infohash) . '&tr=' . urlencode($bb_cfg['bt_announce_url'] . $passkey_url) . '&dn=' . urlencode($name) . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_magnet'] . '" width="12" height="12" border="0" /></a>';
function set_die_append_msg ($forum_id = null, $topic_id = null, $group_id = null)
global $lang, $template;
$msg = '';
$msg .= ($topic_id) ? '<p class="mrg_10"><a href="'. TOPIC_URL . $topic_id .'">'. $lang['TOPIC_RETURN'] .'</a></p>' : '';
$msg .= ($forum_id) ? '<p class="mrg_10"><a href="'. FORUM_URL . $forum_id .'">'. $lang['FORUM_RETURN'] .'</a></p>' : '';
$msg .= ($group_id) ? '<p class="mrg_10"><a href="'. GROUP_URL . $group_id .'">'. $lang['GROUP_RETURN'] .'</a></p>' : '';
$msg .= '<p class="mrg_10"><a href="index.php">'. $lang['INDEX_RETURN'] .'</a></p>';
$template->assign_var('BB_DIE_APPEND_MSG', $msg);
function set_pr_die_append_msg ($pr_uid)
global $lang, $template;
$template->assign_var('BB_DIE_APPEND_MSG', '
<a href="'. PROFILE_URL . $pr_uid .'" onclick="return post2url(this.href, {after_edit: 1});">'. $lang['PROFILE_RETURN'] .'</a>
<br /><br />
<a href="profile.php?mode=editprofile'. (IS_ADMIN ? "&u=$pr_uid" : '') .'" onclick="return post2url(this.href, {after_edit: 1});">'. $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_RETURN'] .'</a>
<br /><br />
<a href="index.php">'. $lang['INDEX_RETURN'] .'</a>
function send_pm ($user_id, $subject, $message, $poster_id = BOT_UID)
global $userdata;
$subject = DB()->escape($subject);
$message = DB()->escape($message);
if ($poster_id == BOT_UID)
$poster_ip = '7f000001';
elseif ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT user_reg_ip FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE user_id = $poster_id"))
$poster_ip = $row['user_reg_ip'];
$poster_id = $userdata['user_id'];
$poster_ip = USER_IP;
DB()->query("INSERT INTO ". BB_PRIVMSGS ." (privmsgs_type, privmsgs_subject, privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid, privmsgs_date, privmsgs_ip) VALUES (". PRIVMSGS_NEW_MAIL .", '$subject', {$poster_id}, $user_id, ". TIMENOW .", '$poster_ip')");
$pm_id = DB()->sql_nextid();
DB()->query("INSERT INTO " . BB_PRIVMSGS_TEXT . " (privmsgs_text_id, privmsgs_text) VALUES ($pm_id, '$message')");
DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_USERS ." SET user_new_privmsg = user_new_privmsg + 1, user_last_privmsg = ". TIMENOW .", user_newest_pm_id = $pm_id WHERE user_id = $user_id");
function profile_url ($data)
global $bb_cfg, $lang, $datastore;
if (!$ranks = $datastore->get('ranks'))
$ranks = $datastore->get('ranks');
$user_rank = !empty($data['user_rank']) ? $data['user_rank'] : 0;
if (isset($ranks[$user_rank]))
$title = $ranks[$user_rank]['rank_title'];
$style = $ranks[$user_rank]['rank_style'];
if (empty($title)) $title = $lang['USER'];
if (empty($style)) $style = 'colorUser';
if (!$bb_cfg['color_nick']) $style = '';
$username = !empty($data['username']) ? $data['username'] : $lang['GUEST'];
$user_id = (!empty($data['user_id']) && $username != $lang['GUEST']) ? $data['user_id'] : GUEST_UID;
$profile = '<span title="'. $title .'" class="'. $style .'">'. $username .'</span>';
if (!in_array($user_id, array('', GUEST_UID, BOT_UID)) && $username)
$profile = '<a href="'. make_url(PROFILE_URL . $user_id) .'">'. $profile .'</a>';
return $profile;
function get_avatar ($user_id, $ext_id, $allow_avatar = true, $size = true, $height = '', $width = '')
global $bb_cfg;
if ($size)
// TODO размеры: s, m, l + кеширование
$height = ($height != '') ? 'height="'. $height .'"' : '';
$width = ($width != '') ? 'width="'. $width .'"' : '';
$user_avatar = '<img src="'. make_url($bb_cfg['avatars']['upload_path'] . $bb_cfg['avatars']['no_avatar']) .'" alt="'. $user_id .'" '. $height .' '. $width .' />';
if ($user_id == BOT_UID && $bb_cfg['avatars']['bot_avatar'])
$user_avatar = '<img src="'. make_url($bb_cfg['avatars']['upload_path'] . $bb_cfg['avatars']['bot_avatar']) .'" alt="'. $user_id .'" '. $height .' '. $width .' />';
else if ($allow_avatar && $ext_id)
if (file_exists(get_avatar_path($user_id, $ext_id)))
$user_avatar = '<img src="'. make_url(get_avatar_path($user_id, $ext_id)) .'" alt="'. $user_id .'" '. $height .' '. $width .' />';
return $user_avatar;
function gender_image ($gender)
global $bb_cfg, $lang, $images;
if (!$bb_cfg['gender'])
$user_gender = '';
return $user_gender;
switch ($gender)
case MALE:
$user_gender = '<img src="'. $images['icon_male'] .'" alt="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][MALE] .'" title="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][MALE] .'" border="0" />';
case FEMALE:
$user_gender = '<img src="'. $images['icon_female'] .'" alt="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][FEMALE] .'" title="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][FEMALE] .'" border="0" />';
$user_gender = '<img src="'. $images['icon_nogender'] .'" alt="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][NOGENDER] .'" title="'. $lang['GENDER_SELECT'][NOGENDER] .'" border="0" />';
return $user_gender;
function is_gold ($type)
global $lang, $tr_cfg;
if (!$tr_cfg['gold_silver_enabled'])
$is_gold = '';
return $is_gold;
switch ($type)
$is_gold = '<img src="styles/images/tor_gold.gif" width="16" height="15" alt="'. $lang['GOLD'] .'" title="'. $lang['GOLD'] .'" /> ';
$is_gold = '<img src="styles/images/tor_silver.gif" width="16" height="15" alt="'. $lang['SILVER'] .'" title="'. $lang['SILVER'] .'" /> ';
$is_gold = '';
return $is_gold;
function update_atom ($type, $id)
require_once(INC_DIR .'functions_atom.php');
switch ($type)
case 'user':
update_user_feed($id, get_username($id));
case 'topic':
$topic_poster = (int) DB()->fetch_row("SELECT topic_poster FROM ". BB_TOPICS ." WHERE topic_id = $id LIMIT 1", 'topic_poster');
update_user_feed($topic_poster, get_username($topic_poster));
function hash_search ($hash)
global $lang;
$hash = htmlCHR(trim($hash));
if (!isset($hash) || mb_strlen($hash, 'UTF-8') != 40)
bb_die(sprintf($lang['HASH_INVALID'], $hash));
$info_hash = DB()->escape(pack("H*", $hash));
if ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT topic_id FROM " . BB_BT_TORRENTS . " WHERE info_hash = '$info_hash'"))
redirect(TOPIC_URL . $row['topic_id']);
bb_die(sprintf($lang['HASH_NOT_FOUND'], $hash));
function bb_captcha ($mode, $callback = '')
global $bb_cfg, $lang;
$secret = $bb_cfg['captcha']['secret_key'];
$public = $bb_cfg['captcha']['public_key'];
$theme = isset($bb_cfg['captcha']['theme']) ? $bb_cfg['captcha']['theme'] : 'light';
if (!$bb_cfg['captcha']['disabled'] && (!$public || !$secret))
require_once(CLASS_DIR .'recaptcha.php');
$reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha($secret);
switch ($mode)
case 'get':
return "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var onloadCallback = function() {
grecaptcha.render('tp-captcha', {
'sitekey' : '" . $public . "',
'theme' : '" . $theme . "',
'callback' : '" . $callback . "'
<div id=\"tp-captcha\"></div>
<script src=\"https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit\" async defer></script>";
case 'check':
$resp = null;
$error = null;
$g_resp = request_var('g-recaptcha-response', '');
if ($g_resp) {
$resp = $reCaptcha->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $g_resp);
if ($resp != null && $resp->success) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bb_simple_die(__FUNCTION__ .": invalid mode '$mode'");
return false;