Roman Kelesidis 52ee42e107
Updated utf8 & reflection type hint classes (#320)
* Updated UTF8 & ReflectionTypeHint classes

* Update reflection.php

* Update reflection.php

* Update
2023-10-14 14:57:26 +07:00

4270 lines
147 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));
* UTF8 support in PHP5.
* PHP5 UTF8 is a UTF8 aware library of functions mirroring PHP's own string functions.
* The powerful solution/contribution for UTF-8 support in your framework/CMS, written on PHP.
* This library is advance of (last updated in 2007).
* Features and benefits
* * Compatibility with the interface standard PHP functions that deal with single-byte encodings
* * Ability to work without PHP extensions ICONV and MBSTRING, if any, that are actively used!
* Uses the fastest available method between MBSTRING, ICONV, native on PHP and hacks.
* * Useful features are missing from the ICONV and MBSTRING
* * The methods that take and return a string, are able to take and return null.
* This useful for selects from a database.
* * Several methods are able to process arrays recursively:
* array_change_key_case(), convert_from(), convert_to(), strict(), is_utf8(), blocks_check(), convert_case(), lowercase(), uppercase(), unescape()
* * Validating method parameters to allowed types via reflection (You can disable it)
* * A single interface and encapsulation, You can inherit and override
* * Test coverage
* * PHP >= 5.3.x
* In Russian:
* Поддержка UTF-8 в PHP 5.
* Возможности и преимущества
* * Совместимость с интерфейсом стандартных PHP функций, работающих с однобайтовыми кодировками
* * Возможность работы без PHP расширений ICONV и MBSTRING, если они есть, то активно используются!
* Используется наиболее быстрый из доступных методов между MBSTRING, ICONV, родной реализацией на PHP и хаками.
* * Полезные функции, отсутствующие в ICONV и MBSTRING
* * Методы, которые принимают и возвращают строку, умеют принимать и возвращать null.
* Это удобно при выборках значений из базы данных.
* * Несколько методов умеют обрабатывать массивы рекурсивно:
* array_change_key_case(), convert_from(), convert_to(), strict(), is_utf8(), blocks_check(), convert_case(), lowercase(), uppercase(), unescape()
* * Проверка у методов входных параметров на допустимые типы через рефлексию (можно отключить)
* * Единый интерфейс и инкапсуляция, можно унаследоваться и переопределить методы
* * Покрытие тестами
* * PHP >= 5.3.x
* Example:
* $s = 'Hello, Привет';
* if (UTF8::is_utf8($s)) echo UTF8::strlen($s);
* UTF-8 encoding scheme:
* 2^7 0x00000000 — 0x0000007F 0xxxxxxx
* 2^11 0x00000080 — 0x000007FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 2^16 0x00000800 — 0x0000FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 2^21 0x00010000 — 0x001FFFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 1-4 bytes length: 2^7 + 2^11 + 2^16 + 2^21 = 2 164 864
* If I was a owner of the world, I would leave only 2 encoding: UTF-8 and UTF-32 ;-)
* Useful links
* A Unicode Test Page
* Unicode Collation Algorithm
* Unicode Collation Algorithm
* A Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode
* Unicode Character Search
* @link
* @license
* @author Nasibullin Rinat
* @version 2.3.1
class UTF8
* REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (for broken char)
* @var string
* Byte order mark,
* @var string
const BOM = "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
* Regular expression for a character in UTF-8.
* For engines, which don't support UTF8 mode.
* In PCRE use a dot (".") and the flag /u, it works much faster!
* @var string
const CHAR_RE =
'[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII strict
# [\x00-\x7F] # ASCII non-strict (including control chars)
| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
* Combining diactrical marks (Unicode 5.1).
* \p{M} in PCRE terms.
* For engines, which don't support UTF8 mode.
* For example, russian letters in composed form: "Ё" (U+0401), "Й" (U+0419),
* decomposed form: (U+0415 U+0308), (U+0418 U+0306)
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @var string
' \xcc[\x80-\xb9]|\xcd[\x80-\xaf] #UNICODE range: U+0300 — U+036F (for letters)
| \xe2\x83[\x90-\xbf] #UNICODE range: U+20D0 — U+20FF (for symbols)
| \xe1\xb7[\x80-\xbf] #UNICODE range: U+1DC0 — U+1DFF (supplement)
| \xef\xb8[\xa0-\xaf] #UNICODE range: U+FE20 — U+FE2F (combining half marks)
* \p{Lu} in PCRE terms.
* For engines, which don't support UTF8 mode.
* @var string
const CHAR_UPPER_RE = '[\x41-\x5a]
| \xc3[\x80-\x9e]
| \xc4[\x80-\xbf]
| \xc5[\x81-\xbd]
| \xc6[\x81-\xbc]
| \xc7[\x85-\xbe]
| \xc8[\x80-\xb2]
| \xce[\x86-\xab]
| \xcf[\x98-\xae]
| \xd0[\x80-\xaf]
| \xd1[\xa0-\xbe]
| \xd2[\x80-\xbe]
| \xd3[\x81-\xb8]
| \xd4[\x80-\xbf]
| \xd5[\x80-\x96]
| \xe1[\xb8\xb9\xba][\x80-\xbe]
| \xe1\xbb[\x80-\xb8]
| \xe1\xbc[\x88-\xbf]
| \xe1\xbd[\x88-\xaf]
| \xe1[\xbe\xbf][\x88-\xbc]
| \xef\xbc[\xa1-\xba]
* \p{Ll} in PCRE terms.
* For engines, which don't support UTF8 mode.
* @var string
const CHAR_LOWER_RE = '[\x61-\x7a]
| \xc2\xb5
| \xc3[\xa0-\xbf]
| \xc4[\x81-\xbe]
| \xc5[\x80-\xbe]
| \xc6[\x83-\xbf]
| \xc7[\x86-\xbf]
| \xc8[\x81-\xb3]
| \xc9[\x93-\xb5]
| \xca[\x80-\x92]
| \xce[\xac-\xbf]
| \xcf[\x80-\xaf]
| \xd0[\xb0-\xbf]
| \xd1[\x80-\xbf]
| \xd2[\x81-\xbf]
| \xd3[\x82-\xb9]
| \xd4[\x81-\x8f]
| \xd5[\xa1-\xbf]
| \xd6[\x80-\x86]
| \xe1[\xb8\xb9\xba][\x81-\xbf]
| \xe1\xbb[\x81-\xb9]
| \xe1\xbc[\x80-\xb7]
| \xe1\xbd[\x80-\xbd]
| \xe1\xbe[\x80-\xb3]
| \xe1\xbf[\x83-\xb3]
| \xef\xbd[\x81-\x9a]
* HTML entities, examples: &gt; &Ouml; &#x02DC; &#34;
* @var string
const HTML_ENTITY_RE = '&(?> [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d]++
| \#(?> \d{1,4}+
| x[\da-fA-F]{2,4}+
* Quotation marks.
* For engines, which don't support UTF8 mode.
* @var string
const QUOTATION_MARK_RE = '\x22|\xc2[\xab\xbb]|\xe2\x80[\x98\x99\x9a\x9c\x9d\x9e\xb9\xba]';
* @var array
public static $html_quotation_mark_table = array(
'&quot;' => "\x22", #U+0022 ["] &#34; quotation mark = APL quote
'&laquo;' => "\xc2\xab", #U+00AB [«] left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
'&raquo;' => "\xc2\xbb", #U+00BB [»] right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet
'&lsquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x98", #U+2018 [] left single quotation mark
'&rsquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x99", #U+2019 [] right single quotation mark (and apostrophe!)
'&sbquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9a", #U+201A [] single low-9 quotation mark
'&ldquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9c", #U+201C [“] left double quotation mark
'&rdquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9d", #U+201D [”] right double quotation mark
'&bdquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9e", #U+201E [„] double low-9 quotation mark
'&lsaquo;' => "\xe2\x80\xb9", #U+2039 [] single left-pointing angle quotation mark
'&rsaquo;' => "\xe2\x80\xba", #U+203A [] single right-pointing angle quotation mark
* HTML special chars table
* @var array
public static $html_special_chars_table = array(
'&quot;' => "\x22", #U+0022 ["] &#34; quotation mark = APL quote
'&amp;' => "\x26", #U+0026 [&] &#38; ampersand
'&lt;' => "\x3c", #U+003C [<] &#60; less-than sign
'&gt;' => "\x3e", #U+003E [>] &#62; greater-than sign
#&apos; entity is only available in XHTML/HTML5 and not in plain HTML, see
#'&apos;' => "\x27", #U+0027 ['] &#39; apostrophe
* @link HTML Entity Browser Test Page
* @var array
public static $html_entity_table = array(
#Latin-1 Entities:
'&nbsp;' => "\xc2\xa0", #U+00A0 [ ] no-break space = non-breaking space
'&iexcl;' => "\xc2\xa1", #U+00A1 [¡] inverted exclamation mark
'&cent;' => "\xc2\xa2", #U+00A2 [¢] cent sign
'&pound;' => "\xc2\xa3", #U+00A3 [£] pound sign
'&curren;' => "\xc2\xa4", #U+00A4 [¤] currency sign
'&yen;' => "\xc2\xa5", #U+00A5 [¥] yen sign = yuan sign
'&brvbar;' => "\xc2\xa6", #U+00A6 [¦] broken bar = broken vertical bar
'&sect;' => "\xc2\xa7", #U+00A7 [§] section sign
'&uml;' => "\xc2\xa8", #U+00A8 [¨] diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
'&copy;' => "\xc2\xa9", #U+00A9 [©] copyright sign
'&ordf;' => "\xc2\xaa", #U+00AA [ª] feminine ordinal indicator
'&laquo;' => "\xc2\xab", #U+00AB [«] left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
'&not;' => "\xc2\xac", #U+00AC [¬] not sign
'&shy;' => "\xc2\xad", #U+00AD [ ] soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
'&reg;' => "\xc2\xae", #U+00AE [®] registered sign = registered trade mark sign
'&macr;' => "\xc2\xaf", #U+00AF [¯] macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar
'&deg;' => "\xc2\xb0", #U+00B0 [°] degree sign
'&plusmn;' => "\xc2\xb1", #U+00B1 [±] plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
'&sup2;' => "\xc2\xb2", #U+00B2 [²] superscript two = superscript digit two = squared
'&sup3;' => "\xc2\xb3", #U+00B3 [³] superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed
'&acute;' => "\xc2\xb4", #U+00B4 [´] acute accent = spacing acute
'&micro;' => "\xc2\xb5", #U+00B5 [µ] micro sign
'&para;' => "\xc2\xb6", #U+00B6 [¶] pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
'&middot;' => "\xc2\xb7", #U+00B7 [·] middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot
'&cedil;' => "\xc2\xb8", #U+00B8 [¸] cedilla = spacing cedilla
'&sup1;' => "\xc2\xb9", #U+00B9 [¹] superscript one = superscript digit one
'&ordm;' => "\xc2\xba", #U+00BA [º] masculine ordinal indicator
'&raquo;' => "\xc2\xbb", #U+00BB [»] right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet
'&frac14;' => "\xc2\xbc", #U+00BC [¼] vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter
'&frac12;' => "\xc2\xbd", #U+00BD [½] vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half
'&frac34;' => "\xc2\xbe", #U+00BE [¾] vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters
'&iquest;' => "\xc2\xbf", #U+00BF [¿] inverted question mark = turned question mark
#Latin capital letter
'&Agrave;' => "\xc3\x80", #Latin capital letter A with grave = Latin capital letter A grave
'&Aacute;' => "\xc3\x81", #Latin capital letter A with acute
'&Acirc;' => "\xc3\x82", #Latin capital letter A with circumflex
'&Atilde;' => "\xc3\x83", #Latin capital letter A with tilde
'&Auml;' => "\xc3\x84", #Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
'&Aring;' => "\xc3\x85", #Latin capital letter A with ring above = Latin capital letter A ring
'&AElig;' => "\xc3\x86", #Latin capital letter AE = Latin capital ligature AE
'&Ccedil;' => "\xc3\x87", #Latin capital letter C with cedilla
'&Egrave;' => "\xc3\x88", #Latin capital letter E with grave
'&Eacute;' => "\xc3\x89", #Latin capital letter E with acute
'&Ecirc;' => "\xc3\x8a", #Latin capital letter E with circumflex
'&Euml;' => "\xc3\x8b", #Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
'&Igrave;' => "\xc3\x8c", #Latin capital letter I with grave
'&Iacute;' => "\xc3\x8d", #Latin capital letter I with acute
'&Icirc;' => "\xc3\x8e", #Latin capital letter I with circumflex
'&Iuml;' => "\xc3\x8f", #Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
'&ETH;' => "\xc3\x90", #Latin capital letter ETH
'&Ntilde;' => "\xc3\x91", #Latin capital letter N with tilde
'&Ograve;' => "\xc3\x92", #Latin capital letter O with grave
'&Oacute;' => "\xc3\x93", #Latin capital letter O with acute
'&Ocirc;' => "\xc3\x94", #Latin capital letter O with circumflex
'&Otilde;' => "\xc3\x95", #Latin capital letter O with tilde
'&Ouml;' => "\xc3\x96", #Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
'&times;' => "\xc3\x97", #U+00D7 [×] multiplication sign
'&Oslash;' => "\xc3\x98", #Latin capital letter O with stroke = Latin capital letter O slash
'&Ugrave;' => "\xc3\x99", #Latin capital letter U with grave
'&Uacute;' => "\xc3\x9a", #Latin capital letter U with acute
'&Ucirc;' => "\xc3\x9b", #Latin capital letter U with circumflex
'&Uuml;' => "\xc3\x9c", #Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
'&Yacute;' => "\xc3\x9d", #Latin capital letter Y with acute
'&THORN;' => "\xc3\x9e", #Latin capital letter THORN
#Latin small letter
'&szlig;' => "\xc3\x9f", #Latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed
'&agrave;' => "\xc3\xa0", #Latin small letter a with grave = Latin small letter a grave
'&aacute;' => "\xc3\xa1", #Latin small letter a with acute
'&acirc;' => "\xc3\xa2", #Latin small letter a with circumflex
'&atilde;' => "\xc3\xa3", #Latin small letter a with tilde
'&auml;' => "\xc3\xa4", #Latin small letter a with diaeresis
'&aring;' => "\xc3\xa5", #Latin small letter a with ring above = Latin small letter a ring
'&aelig;' => "\xc3\xa6", #Latin small letter ae = Latin small ligature ae
'&ccedil;' => "\xc3\xa7", #Latin small letter c with cedilla
'&egrave;' => "\xc3\xa8", #Latin small letter e with grave
'&eacute;' => "\xc3\xa9", #Latin small letter e with acute
'&ecirc;' => "\xc3\xaa", #Latin small letter e with circumflex
'&euml;' => "\xc3\xab", #Latin small letter e with diaeresis
'&igrave;' => "\xc3\xac", #Latin small letter i with grave
'&iacute;' => "\xc3\xad", #Latin small letter i with acute
'&icirc;' => "\xc3\xae", #Latin small letter i with circumflex
'&iuml;' => "\xc3\xaf", #Latin small letter i with diaeresis
'&eth;' => "\xc3\xb0", #Latin small letter eth
'&ntilde;' => "\xc3\xb1", #Latin small letter n with tilde
'&ograve;' => "\xc3\xb2", #Latin small letter o with grave
'&oacute;' => "\xc3\xb3", #Latin small letter o with acute
'&ocirc;' => "\xc3\xb4", #Latin small letter o with circumflex
'&otilde;' => "\xc3\xb5", #Latin small letter o with tilde
'&ouml;' => "\xc3\xb6", #Latin small letter o with diaeresis
'&divide;' => "\xc3\xb7", #U+00F7 [÷] division sign
'&oslash;' => "\xc3\xb8", #Latin small letter o with stroke = Latin small letter o slash
'&ugrave;' => "\xc3\xb9", #Latin small letter u with grave
'&uacute;' => "\xc3\xba", #Latin small letter u with acute
'&ucirc;' => "\xc3\xbb", #Latin small letter u with circumflex
'&uuml;' => "\xc3\xbc", #Latin small letter u with diaeresis
'&yacute;' => "\xc3\xbd", #Latin small letter y with acute
'&thorn;' => "\xc3\xbe", #Latin small letter thorn
'&yuml;' => "\xc3\xbf", #Latin small letter y with diaeresis
#Symbols and Greek Letters:
'&fnof;' => "\xc6\x92", #U+0192 [ƒ] Latin small f with hook = function = florin
'&Alpha;' => "\xce\x91", #Greek capital letter alpha
'&Beta;' => "\xce\x92", #Greek capital letter beta
'&Gamma;' => "\xce\x93", #Greek capital letter gamma
'&Delta;' => "\xce\x94", #Greek capital letter delta
'&Epsilon;' => "\xce\x95", #Greek capital letter epsilon
'&Zeta;' => "\xce\x96", #Greek capital letter zeta
'&Eta;' => "\xce\x97", #Greek capital letter eta
'&Theta;' => "\xce\x98", #Greek capital letter theta
'&Iota;' => "\xce\x99", #Greek capital letter iota
'&Kappa;' => "\xce\x9a", #Greek capital letter kappa
'&Lambda;' => "\xce\x9b", #Greek capital letter lambda
'&Mu;' => "\xce\x9c", #Greek capital letter mu
'&Nu;' => "\xce\x9d", #Greek capital letter nu
'&Xi;' => "\xce\x9e", #Greek capital letter xi
'&Omicron;' => "\xce\x9f", #Greek capital letter omicron
'&Pi;' => "\xce\xa0", #Greek capital letter pi
'&Rho;' => "\xce\xa1", #Greek capital letter rho
'&Sigma;' => "\xce\xa3", #Greek capital letter sigma
'&Tau;' => "\xce\xa4", #Greek capital letter tau
'&Upsilon;' => "\xce\xa5", #Greek capital letter upsilon
'&Phi;' => "\xce\xa6", #Greek capital letter phi
'&Chi;' => "\xce\xa7", #Greek capital letter chi
'&Psi;' => "\xce\xa8", #Greek capital letter psi
'&Omega;' => "\xce\xa9", #Greek capital letter omega
'&alpha;' => "\xce\xb1", #Greek small letter alpha
'&beta;' => "\xce\xb2", #Greek small letter beta
'&gamma;' => "\xce\xb3", #Greek small letter gamma
'&delta;' => "\xce\xb4", #Greek small letter delta
'&epsilon;' => "\xce\xb5", #Greek small letter epsilon
'&zeta;' => "\xce\xb6", #Greek small letter zeta
'&eta;' => "\xce\xb7", #Greek small letter eta
'&theta;' => "\xce\xb8", #Greek small letter theta
'&iota;' => "\xce\xb9", #Greek small letter iota
'&kappa;' => "\xce\xba", #Greek small letter kappa
'&lambda;' => "\xce\xbb", #Greek small letter lambda
'&mu;' => "\xce\xbc", #Greek small letter mu
'&nu;' => "\xce\xbd", #Greek small letter nu
'&xi;' => "\xce\xbe", #Greek small letter xi
'&omicron;' => "\xce\xbf", #Greek small letter omicron
'&pi;' => "\xcf\x80", #Greek small letter pi
'&rho;' => "\xcf\x81", #Greek small letter rho
'&sigmaf;' => "\xcf\x82", #Greek small letter final sigma
'&sigma;' => "\xcf\x83", #Greek small letter sigma
'&tau;' => "\xcf\x84", #Greek small letter tau
'&upsilon;' => "\xcf\x85", #Greek small letter upsilon
'&phi;' => "\xcf\x86", #Greek small letter phi
'&chi;' => "\xcf\x87", #Greek small letter chi
'&psi;' => "\xcf\x88", #Greek small letter psi
'&omega;' => "\xcf\x89", #Greek small letter omega
'&thetasym;'=> "\xcf\x91", #Greek small letter theta symbol
'&upsih;' => "\xcf\x92", #Greek upsilon with hook symbol
'&piv;' => "\xcf\x96", #U+03D6 [ϖ] Greek pi symbol
'&bull;' => "\xe2\x80\xa2", #U+2022 [•] bullet = black small circle
'&hellip;' => "\xe2\x80\xa6", #U+2026 […] horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
'&prime;' => "\xe2\x80\xb2", #U+2032 [] prime = minutes = feet (для обозначения минут и футов)
'&Prime;' => "\xe2\x80\xb3", #U+2033 [″] double prime = seconds = inches (для обозначения секунд и дюймов).
'&oline;' => "\xe2\x80\xbe", #U+203E [‾] overline = spacing overscore
'&frasl;' => "\xe2\x81\x84", #U+2044 [] fraction slash
'&weierp;' => "\xe2\x84\x98", #U+2118 [℘] script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
'&image;' => "\xe2\x84\x91", #U+2111 [] blackletter capital I = imaginary part
'&real;' => "\xe2\x84\x9c", #U+211C [] blackletter capital R = real part symbol
'&trade;' => "\xe2\x84\xa2", #U+2122 [™] trade mark sign
'&alefsym;' => "\xe2\x84\xb5", #U+2135 [ℵ] alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
'&larr;' => "\xe2\x86\x90", #U+2190 [←] leftwards arrow
'&uarr;' => "\xe2\x86\x91", #U+2191 [↑] upwards arrow
'&rarr;' => "\xe2\x86\x92", #U+2192 [→] rightwards arrow
'&darr;' => "\xe2\x86\x93", #U+2193 [↓] downwards arrow
'&harr;' => "\xe2\x86\x94", #U+2194 [↔] left right arrow
'&crarr;' => "\xe2\x86\xb5", #U+21B5 [↵] downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
'&lArr;' => "\xe2\x87\x90", #U+21D0 [⇐] leftwards double arrow
'&uArr;' => "\xe2\x87\x91", #U+21D1 [⇑] upwards double arrow
'&rArr;' => "\xe2\x87\x92", #U+21D2 [⇒] rightwards double arrow
'&dArr;' => "\xe2\x87\x93", #U+21D3 [⇓] downwards double arrow
'&hArr;' => "\xe2\x87\x94", #U+21D4 [⇔] left right double arrow
'&forall;' => "\xe2\x88\x80", #U+2200 [∀] for all
'&part;' => "\xe2\x88\x82", #U+2202 [∂] partial differential
'&exist;' => "\xe2\x88\x83", #U+2203 [∃] there exists
'&empty;' => "\xe2\x88\x85", #U+2205 [∅] empty set = null set = diameter
'&nabla;' => "\xe2\x88\x87", #U+2207 [∇] nabla = backward difference
'&isin;' => "\xe2\x88\x88", #U+2208 [∈] element of
'&notin;' => "\xe2\x88\x89", #U+2209 [∉] not an element of
'&ni;' => "\xe2\x88\x8b", #U+220B [∋] contains as member
'&prod;' => "\xe2\x88\x8f", #U+220F [∏] n-ary product = product sign
'&sum;' => "\xe2\x88\x91", #U+2211 [∑] n-ary sumation
'&minus;' => "\xe2\x88\x92", #U+2212 [] minus sign
'&lowast;' => "\xe2\x88\x97", #U+2217 [] asterisk operator
'&radic;' => "\xe2\x88\x9a", #U+221A [√] square root = radical sign
'&prop;' => "\xe2\x88\x9d", #U+221D [∝] proportional to
'&infin;' => "\xe2\x88\x9e", #U+221E [∞] infinity
'&ang;' => "\xe2\x88\xa0", #U+2220 [∠] angle
'&and;' => "\xe2\x88\xa7", #U+2227 [∧] logical and = wedge
'&or;' => "\xe2\x88\xa8", #U+2228 [] logical or = vee
'&cap;' => "\xe2\x88\xa9", #U+2229 [∩] intersection = cap
'&cup;' => "\xe2\x88\xaa", #U+222A [] union = cup
'&int;' => "\xe2\x88\xab", #U+222B [∫] integral
'&there4;' => "\xe2\x88\xb4", #U+2234 [∴] therefore
'&sim;' => "\xe2\x88\xbc", #U+223C [] tilde operator = varies with = similar to
'&cong;' => "\xe2\x89\x85", #U+2245 [≅] approximately equal to
'&asymp;' => "\xe2\x89\x88", #U+2248 [≈] almost equal to = asymptotic to
'&ne;' => "\xe2\x89\xa0", #U+2260 [≠] not equal to
'&equiv;' => "\xe2\x89\xa1", #U+2261 [≡] identical to
'&le;' => "\xe2\x89\xa4", #U+2264 [≤] less-than or equal to
'&ge;' => "\xe2\x89\xa5", #U+2265 [≥] greater-than or equal to
'&sub;' => "\xe2\x8a\x82", #U+2282 [⊂] subset of
'&sup;' => "\xe2\x8a\x83", #U+2283 [⊃] superset of
'&nsub;' => "\xe2\x8a\x84", #U+2284 [⊄] not a subset of
'&sube;' => "\xe2\x8a\x86", #U+2286 [⊆] subset of or equal to
'&supe;' => "\xe2\x8a\x87", #U+2287 [⊇] superset of or equal to
'&oplus;' => "\xe2\x8a\x95", #U+2295 [⊕] circled plus = direct sum
'&otimes;' => "\xe2\x8a\x97", #U+2297 [⊗] circled times = vector product
'&perp;' => "\xe2\x8a\xa5", #U+22A5 [⊥] up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
'&sdot;' => "\xe2\x8b\x85", #U+22C5 [⋅] dot operator
'&lceil;' => "\xe2\x8c\x88", #U+2308 [⌈] left ceiling = APL upstile
'&rceil;' => "\xe2\x8c\x89", #U+2309 [⌉] right ceiling
'&lfloor;' => "\xe2\x8c\x8a", #U+230A [⌊] left floor = APL downstile
'&rfloor;' => "\xe2\x8c\x8b", #U+230B [⌋] right floor
'&lang;' => "\xe2\x8c\xa9", #U+2329 [〈] left-pointing angle bracket = bra
'&rang;' => "\xe2\x8c\xaa", #U+232A [〉] right-pointing angle bracket = ket
'&loz;' => "\xe2\x97\x8a", #U+25CA [◊] lozenge
'&spades;' => "\xe2\x99\xa0", #U+2660 [♠] black spade suit
'&clubs;' => "\xe2\x99\xa3", #U+2663 [♣] black club suit = shamrock
'&hearts;' => "\xe2\x99\xa5", #U+2665 [♥] black heart suit = valentine
'&diams;' => "\xe2\x99\xa6", #U+2666 [♦] black diamond suit
#Other Special Characters:
'&OElig;' => "\xc5\x92", #U+0152 [Œ] Latin capital ligature OE
'&oelig;' => "\xc5\x93", #U+0153 [œ] Latin small ligature oe
'&Scaron;' => "\xc5\xa0", #U+0160 [Š] Latin capital letter S with caron
'&scaron;' => "\xc5\xa1", #U+0161 [š] Latin small letter s with caron
'&Yuml;' => "\xc5\xb8", #U+0178 [Ÿ] Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
'&circ;' => "\xcb\x86", #U+02C6 [ˆ] modifier letter circumflex accent
'&tilde;' => "\xcb\x9c", #U+02DC [˜] small tilde
'&ensp;' => "\xe2\x80\x82", #U+2002 [] en space
'&emsp;' => "\xe2\x80\x83", #U+2003 [] em space
'&thinsp;' => "\xe2\x80\x89", #U+2009 [] thin space
'&zwnj;' => "\xe2\x80\x8c", #U+200C [] zero width non-joiner
'&zwj;' => "\xe2\x80\x8d", #U+200D [] zero width joiner
'&lrm;' => "\xe2\x80\x8e", #U+200E [] left-to-right mark
'&rlm;' => "\xe2\x80\x8f", #U+200F [] right-to-left mark
'&ndash;' => "\xe2\x80\x93", #U+2013 [] en dash
'&mdash;' => "\xe2\x80\x94", #U+2014 [—] em dash
'&lsquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x98", #U+2018 [] left single quotation mark
'&rsquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x99", #U+2019 [] right single quotation mark (and apostrophe!)
'&sbquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9a", #U+201A [] single low-9 quotation mark
'&ldquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9c", #U+201C [“] left double quotation mark
'&rdquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9d", #U+201D [”] right double quotation mark
'&bdquo;' => "\xe2\x80\x9e", #U+201E [„] double low-9 quotation mark
'&dagger;' => "\xe2\x80\xa0", #U+2020 [†] dagger
'&Dagger;' => "\xe2\x80\xa1", #U+2021 [‡] double dagger
'&permil;' => "\xe2\x80\xb0", #U+2030 [‰] per mille sign
'&lsaquo;' => "\xe2\x80\xb9", #U+2039 [] single left-pointing angle quotation mark
'&rsaquo;' => "\xe2\x80\xba", #U+203A [] single right-pointing angle quotation mark
'&euro;' => "\xe2\x82\xac", #U+20AC [€] euro sign
* This table contains the data on how cp1259 characters map into Unicode (UTF-8).
* The cp1259 map describes standart tatarish cyrillic charset and based on the cp1251 table.
* cp1259 -- this is an outdated one byte encoding of the Tatar language,
* which includes all the Russian letters from cp1251.
* @link
* @link
* @var array
public static $cp1259_table = array(
#bytes from 0x00 to 0x7F (ASCII) saved as is
"\x80" => "\xd3\x98", #U+04d8 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA
"\x81" => "\xd0\x83", #U+0403 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE
"\x82" => "\xe2\x80\x9a", #U+201a SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
"\x83" => "\xd1\x93", #U+0453 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE
"\x84" => "\xe2\x80\x9e", #U+201e DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
"\x85" => "\xe2\x80\xa6", #U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
"\x86" => "\xe2\x80\xa0", #U+2020 DAGGER
"\x87" => "\xe2\x80\xa1", #U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
"\x88" => "\xe2\x82\xac", #U+20ac EURO SIGN
"\x89" => "\xe2\x80\xb0", #U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN
"\x8a" => "\xd3\xa8", #U+04e8 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BARRED O
"\x8b" => "\xe2\x80\xb9", #U+2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x8c" => "\xd2\xae", #U+04ae CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER STRAIGHT U
"\x8e" => "\xd2\xa2", #U+04a2 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH HOOK
"\x8f" => "\xd2\xba", #U+04ba CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHHA
"\x90" => "\xd3\x99", #U+04d9 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA
"\x91" => "\xe2\x80\x98", #U+2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x92" => "\xe2\x80\x99", #U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x93" => "\xe2\x80\x9c", #U+201c LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x94" => "\xe2\x80\x9d", #U+201d RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x95" => "\xe2\x80\xa2", #U+2022 BULLET
"\x96" => "\xe2\x80\x93", #U+2013 EN DASH
"\x97" => "\xe2\x80\x94", #U+2014 EM DASH
#"\x98" #UNDEFINED
"\x99" => "\xe2\x84\xa2", #U+2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
"\x9a" => "\xd3\xa9", #U+04e9 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O
"\x9b" => "\xe2\x80\xba", #U+203a SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
"\x9c" => "\xd2\xaf", #U+04af CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER STRAIGHT U
"\x9e" => "\xd2\xa3", #U+04a3 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH HOOK
"\x9f" => "\xd2\xbb", #U+04bb CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHHA
"\xa0" => "\xc2\xa0", #U+00a0 NO-BREAK SPACE
"\xa1" => "\xd0\x8e", #U+040e CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U
"\xa2" => "\xd1\x9e", #U+045e CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U
"\xa3" => "\xd0\x88", #U+0408 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE
"\xa4" => "\xc2\xa4", #U+00a4 CURRENCY SIGN
"\xa6" => "\xc2\xa6", #U+00a6 BROKEN BAR
"\xa7" => "\xc2\xa7", #U+00a7 SECTION SIGN
"\xa8" => "\xd0\x81", #U+0401 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
"\xa9" => "\xc2\xa9", #U+00a9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
"\xaa" => "\xd0\x84", #U+0404 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
"\xac" => "\xc2\xac", #U+00ac NOT SIGN
"\xad" => "\xc2\xad", #U+00ad SOFT HYPHEN
"\xae" => "\xc2\xae", #U+00ae REGISTERED SIGN
"\xaf" => "\xd0\x87", #U+0407 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI
"\xb0" => "\xc2\xb0", #U+00b0 DEGREE SIGN
"\xb1" => "\xc2\xb1", #U+00b1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
"\xb4" => "\xd2\x91", #U+0491 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
"\xb5" => "\xc2\xb5", #U+00b5 MICRO SIGN
"\xb6" => "\xc2\xb6", #U+00b6 PILCROW SIGN
"\xb7" => "\xc2\xb7", #U+00b7 MIDDLE DOT
"\xb8" => "\xd1\x91", #U+0451 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
"\xb9" => "\xe2\x84\x96", #U+2116 NUMERO SIGN
"\xba" => "\xd1\x94", #U+0454 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
"\xbc" => "\xd1\x98", #U+0458 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE
"\xbd" => "\xd0\x85", #U+0405 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE
"\xbe" => "\xd1\x95", #U+0455 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE
"\xbf" => "\xd1\x97", #U+0457 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI
"\xc0" => "\xd0\x90", #U+0410 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A
"\xc1" => "\xd0\x91", #U+0411 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE
"\xc2" => "\xd0\x92", #U+0412 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE
"\xc3" => "\xd0\x93", #U+0413 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE
"\xc4" => "\xd0\x94", #U+0414 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE
"\xc5" => "\xd0\x95", #U+0415 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE
"\xc6" => "\xd0\x96", #U+0416 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
"\xc7" => "\xd0\x97", #U+0417 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE
"\xc8" => "\xd0\x98", #U+0418 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
"\xc9" => "\xd0\x99", #U+0419 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
"\xca" => "\xd0\x9a", #U+041a CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA
"\xcb" => "\xd0\x9b", #U+041b CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
"\xcc" => "\xd0\x9c", #U+041c CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM
"\xcd" => "\xd0\x9d", #U+041d CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN
"\xce" => "\xd0\x9e", #U+041e CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O
"\xcf" => "\xd0\x9f", #U+041f CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
"\xd0" => "\xd0\xa0", #U+0420 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER
"\xd1" => "\xd0\xa1", #U+0421 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES
"\xd2" => "\xd0\xa2", #U+0422 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE
"\xd3" => "\xd0\xa3", #U+0423 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U
"\xd4" => "\xd0\xa4", #U+0424 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF
"\xd5" => "\xd0\xa5", #U+0425 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA
"\xd6" => "\xd0\xa6", #U+0426 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE
"\xd7" => "\xd0\xa7", #U+0427 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE
"\xd8" => "\xd0\xa8", #U+0428 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
"\xd9" => "\xd0\xa9", #U+0429 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA
"\xda" => "\xd0\xaa", #U+042a CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
"\xdb" => "\xd0\xab", #U+042b CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU
"\xdc" => "\xd0\xac", #U+042c CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN
"\xdd" => "\xd0\xad", #U+042d CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E
"\xde" => "\xd0\xae", #U+042e CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
"\xdf" => "\xd0\xaf", #U+042f CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA
"\xe0" => "\xd0\xb0", #U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
"\xe1" => "\xd0\xb1", #U+0431 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE
"\xe2" => "\xd0\xb2", #U+0432 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE
"\xe3" => "\xd0\xb3", #U+0433 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE
"\xe4" => "\xd0\xb4", #U+0434 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE
"\xe5" => "\xd0\xb5", #U+0435 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
"\xe6" => "\xd0\xb6", #U+0436 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE
"\xe7" => "\xd0\xb7", #U+0437 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE
"\xe8" => "\xd0\xb8", #U+0438 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I
"\xe9" => "\xd0\xb9", #U+0439 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I
"\xea" => "\xd0\xba", #U+043a CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA
"\xeb" => "\xd0\xbb", #U+043b CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
"\xec" => "\xd0\xbc", #U+043c CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM
"\xed" => "\xd0\xbd", #U+043d CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN
"\xee" => "\xd0\xbe", #U+043e CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O
"\xef" => "\xd0\xbf", #U+043f CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE
"\xf0" => "\xd1\x80", #U+0440 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER
"\xf1" => "\xd1\x81", #U+0441 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES
"\xf2" => "\xd1\x82", #U+0442 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE
"\xf3" => "\xd1\x83", #U+0443 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U
"\xf4" => "\xd1\x84", #U+0444 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF
"\xf5" => "\xd1\x85", #U+0445 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA
"\xf6" => "\xd1\x86", #U+0446 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE
"\xf7" => "\xd1\x87", #U+0447 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE
"\xf8" => "\xd1\x88", #U+0448 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA
"\xf9" => "\xd1\x89", #U+0449 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA
"\xfa" => "\xd1\x8a", #U+044a CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN
"\xfb" => "\xd1\x8b", #U+044b CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU
"\xfc" => "\xd1\x8c", #U+044c CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN
"\xfd" => "\xd1\x8d", #U+044d CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E
"\xfe" => "\xd1\x8e", #U+044e CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
"\xff" => "\xd1\x8f", #U+044f CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA
* UTF-8 Case lookup table
* This lookuptable defines the upper case letters to their correspponding
* lower case letter in UTF-8
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @var array
public static $convert_case_table = array(
#CASE_UPPER => case_lower
"\x41" => "\x61", #A a
"\x42" => "\x62", #B b
"\x43" => "\x63", #C c
"\x44" => "\x64", #D d
"\x45" => "\x65", #E e
"\x46" => "\x66", #F f
"\x47" => "\x67", #G g
"\x48" => "\x68", #H h
"\x49" => "\x69", #I i
"\x4a" => "\x6a", #J j
"\x4b" => "\x6b", #K k
"\x4c" => "\x6c", #L l
"\x4d" => "\x6d", #M m
"\x4e" => "\x6e", #N n
"\x4f" => "\x6f", #O o
"\x50" => "\x70", #P p
"\x51" => "\x71", #Q q
"\x52" => "\x72", #R r
"\x53" => "\x73", #S s
"\x54" => "\x74", #T t
"\x55" => "\x75", #U u
"\x56" => "\x76", #V v
"\x57" => "\x77", #W w
"\x58" => "\x78", #X x
"\x59" => "\x79", #Y y
"\x5a" => "\x7a", #Z z
"\xc3\x80" => "\xc3\xa0",
"\xc3\x81" => "\xc3\xa1",
"\xc3\x82" => "\xc3\xa2",
"\xc3\x83" => "\xc3\xa3",
"\xc3\x84" => "\xc3\xa4",
"\xc3\x85" => "\xc3\xa5",
"\xc3\x86" => "\xc3\xa6",
"\xc3\x87" => "\xc3\xa7",
"\xc3\x88" => "\xc3\xa8",
"\xc3\x89" => "\xc3\xa9",
"\xc3\x8a" => "\xc3\xaa",
"\xc3\x8b" => "\xc3\xab",
"\xc3\x8c" => "\xc3\xac",
"\xc3\x8d" => "\xc3\xad",
"\xc3\x8e" => "\xc3\xae",
"\xc3\x8f" => "\xc3\xaf",
"\xc3\x90" => "\xc3\xb0",
"\xc3\x91" => "\xc3\xb1",
"\xc3\x92" => "\xc3\xb2",
"\xc3\x93" => "\xc3\xb3",
"\xc3\x94" => "\xc3\xb4",
"\xc3\x95" => "\xc3\xb5",
"\xc3\x96" => "\xc3\xb6",
"\xc3\x98" => "\xc3\xb8",
"\xc3\x99" => "\xc3\xb9",
"\xc3\x9a" => "\xc3\xba",
"\xc3\x9b" => "\xc3\xbb",
"\xc3\x9c" => "\xc3\xbc",
"\xc3\x9d" => "\xc3\xbd",
"\xc3\x9e" => "\xc3\xbe",
"\xc4\x80" => "\xc4\x81",
"\xc4\x82" => "\xc4\x83",
"\xc4\x84" => "\xc4\x85",
"\xc4\x86" => "\xc4\x87",
"\xc4\x88" => "\xc4\x89",
"\xc4\x8a" => "\xc4\x8b",
"\xc4\x8c" => "\xc4\x8d",
"\xc4\x8e" => "\xc4\x8f",
"\xc4\x90" => "\xc4\x91",
"\xc4\x92" => "\xc4\x93",
"\xc4\x94" => "\xc4\x95",
"\xc4\x96" => "\xc4\x97",
"\xc4\x98" => "\xc4\x99",
"\xc4\x9a" => "\xc4\x9b",
"\xc4\x9c" => "\xc4\x9d",
"\xc4\x9e" => "\xc4\x9f",
"\xc4\xa0" => "\xc4\xa1",
"\xc4\xa2" => "\xc4\xa3",
"\xc4\xa4" => "\xc4\xa5",
"\xc4\xa6" => "\xc4\xa7",
"\xc4\xa8" => "\xc4\xa9",
"\xc4\xaa" => "\xc4\xab",
"\xc4\xac" => "\xc4\xad",
"\xc4\xae" => "\xc4\xaf",
"\xc4\xb2" => "\xc4\xb3",
"\xc4\xb4" => "\xc4\xb5",
"\xc4\xb6" => "\xc4\xb7",
"\xc4\xb9" => "\xc4\xba",
"\xc4\xbb" => "\xc4\xbc",
"\xc4\xbd" => "\xc4\xbe",
"\xc4\xbf" => "\xc5\x80",
"\xc5\x81" => "\xc5\x82",
"\xc5\x83" => "\xc5\x84",
"\xc5\x85" => "\xc5\x86",
"\xc5\x87" => "\xc5\x88",
"\xc5\x8a" => "\xc5\x8b",
"\xc5\x8c" => "\xc5\x8d",
"\xc5\x8e" => "\xc5\x8f",
"\xc5\x90" => "\xc5\x91",
"\xc5\x92" => "\xc5\x93",
"\xc5\x94" => "\xc5\x95",
"\xc5\x96" => "\xc5\x97",
"\xc5\x98" => "\xc5\x99",
"\xc5\x9a" => "\xc5\x9b",
"\xc5\x9c" => "\xc5\x9d",
"\xc5\x9e" => "\xc5\x9f",
"\xc5\xa0" => "\xc5\xa1",
"\xc5\xa2" => "\xc5\xa3",
"\xc5\xa4" => "\xc5\xa5",
"\xc5\xa6" => "\xc5\xa7",
"\xc5\xa8" => "\xc5\xa9",
"\xc5\xaa" => "\xc5\xab",
"\xc5\xac" => "\xc5\xad",
"\xc5\xae" => "\xc5\xaf",
"\xc5\xb0" => "\xc5\xb1",
"\xc5\xb2" => "\xc5\xb3",
"\xc5\xb4" => "\xc5\xb5",
"\xc5\xb6" => "\xc5\xb7",
"\xc5\xb8" => "\xc3\xbf",
"\xc5\xb9" => "\xc5\xba",
"\xc5\xbb" => "\xc5\xbc",
"\xc5\xbd" => "\xc5\xbe",
"\xc6\x81" => "\xc9\x93",
"\xc6\x82" => "\xc6\x83",
"\xc6\x84" => "\xc6\x85",
"\xc6\x86" => "\xc9\x94",
"\xc6\x87" => "\xc6\x88",
"\xc6\x89" => "\xc9\x96",
"\xc6\x8a" => "\xc9\x97",
"\xc6\x8b" => "\xc6\x8c",
"\xc6\x8e" => "\xc7\x9d",
"\xc6\x8f" => "\xc9\x99",
"\xc6\x90" => "\xc9\x9b",
"\xc6\x91" => "\xc6\x92",
"\xc6\x94" => "\xc9\xa3",
"\xc6\x96" => "\xc9\xa9",
"\xc6\x97" => "\xc9\xa8",
"\xc6\x98" => "\xc6\x99",
"\xc6\x9c" => "\xc9\xaf",
"\xc6\x9d" => "\xc9\xb2",
"\xc6\x9f" => "\xc9\xb5",
"\xc6\xa0" => "\xc6\xa1",
"\xc6\xa2" => "\xc6\xa3",
"\xc6\xa4" => "\xc6\xa5",
"\xc6\xa6" => "\xca\x80",
"\xc6\xa7" => "\xc6\xa8",
"\xc6\xa9" => "\xca\x83",
"\xc6\xac" => "\xc6\xad",
"\xc6\xae" => "\xca\x88",
"\xc6\xaf" => "\xc6\xb0",
"\xc6\xb1" => "\xca\x8a",
"\xc6\xb2" => "\xca\x8b",
"\xc6\xb3" => "\xc6\xb4",
"\xc6\xb5" => "\xc6\xb6",
"\xc6\xb7" => "\xca\x92",
"\xc6\xb8" => "\xc6\xb9",
"\xc6\xbc" => "\xc6\xbd",
"\xc7\x85" => "\xc7\x86",
"\xc7\x88" => "\xc7\x89",
"\xc7\x8b" => "\xc7\x8c",
"\xc7\x8d" => "\xc7\x8e",
"\xc7\x8f" => "\xc7\x90",
"\xc7\x91" => "\xc7\x92",
"\xc7\x93" => "\xc7\x94",
"\xc7\x95" => "\xc7\x96",
"\xc7\x97" => "\xc7\x98",
"\xc7\x99" => "\xc7\x9a",
"\xc7\x9b" => "\xc7\x9c",
"\xc7\x9e" => "\xc7\x9f",
"\xc7\xa0" => "\xc7\xa1",
"\xc7\xa2" => "\xc7\xa3",
"\xc7\xa4" => "\xc7\xa5",
"\xc7\xa6" => "\xc7\xa7",
"\xc7\xa8" => "\xc7\xa9",
"\xc7\xaa" => "\xc7\xab",
"\xc7\xac" => "\xc7\xad",
"\xc7\xae" => "\xc7\xaf",
"\xc7\xb2" => "\xc7\xb3",
"\xc7\xb4" => "\xc7\xb5",
"\xc7\xb6" => "\xc6\x95",
"\xc7\xb7" => "\xc6\xbf",
"\xc7\xb8" => "\xc7\xb9",
"\xc7\xba" => "\xc7\xbb",
"\xc7\xbc" => "\xc7\xbd",
"\xc7\xbe" => "\xc7\xbf",
"\xc8\x80" => "\xc8\x81",
"\xc8\x82" => "\xc8\x83",
"\xc8\x84" => "\xc8\x85",
"\xc8\x86" => "\xc8\x87",
"\xc8\x88" => "\xc8\x89",
"\xc8\x8a" => "\xc8\x8b",
"\xc8\x8c" => "\xc8\x8d",
"\xc8\x8e" => "\xc8\x8f",
"\xc8\x90" => "\xc8\x91",
"\xc8\x92" => "\xc8\x93",
"\xc8\x94" => "\xc8\x95",
"\xc8\x96" => "\xc8\x97",
"\xc8\x98" => "\xc8\x99",
"\xc8\x9a" => "\xc8\x9b",
"\xc8\x9c" => "\xc8\x9d",
"\xc8\x9e" => "\xc8\x9f",
"\xc8\xa0" => "\xc6\x9e",
"\xc8\xa2" => "\xc8\xa3",
"\xc8\xa4" => "\xc8\xa5",
"\xc8\xa6" => "\xc8\xa7",
"\xc8\xa8" => "\xc8\xa9",
"\xc8\xaa" => "\xc8\xab",
"\xc8\xac" => "\xc8\xad",
"\xc8\xae" => "\xc8\xaf",
"\xc8\xb0" => "\xc8\xb1",
"\xc8\xb2" => "\xc8\xb3",
"\xce\x86" => "\xce\xac",
"\xce\x88" => "\xce\xad",
"\xce\x89" => "\xce\xae",
"\xce\x8a" => "\xce\xaf",
"\xce\x8c" => "\xcf\x8c",
"\xce\x8e" => "\xcf\x8d",
"\xce\x8f" => "\xcf\x8e",
"\xce\x91" => "\xce\xb1",
"\xce\x92" => "\xce\xb2",
"\xce\x93" => "\xce\xb3",
"\xce\x94" => "\xce\xb4",
"\xce\x95" => "\xce\xb5",
"\xce\x96" => "\xce\xb6",
"\xce\x97" => "\xce\xb7",
"\xce\x98" => "\xce\xb8",
"\xce\x99" => "\xce\xb9",
"\xce\x9a" => "\xce\xba",
"\xce\x9b" => "\xce\xbb",
"\xce\x9c" => "\xc2\xb5",
"\xce\x9d" => "\xce\xbd",
"\xce\x9e" => "\xce\xbe",
"\xce\x9f" => "\xce\xbf",
"\xce\xa0" => "\xcf\x80",
"\xce\xa1" => "\xcf\x81",
"\xce\xa3" => "\xcf\x82",
"\xce\xa4" => "\xcf\x84",
"\xce\xa5" => "\xcf\x85",
"\xce\xa6" => "\xcf\x86",
"\xce\xa7" => "\xcf\x87",
"\xce\xa8" => "\xcf\x88",
"\xce\xa9" => "\xcf\x89",
"\xce\xaa" => "\xcf\x8a",
"\xce\xab" => "\xcf\x8b",
"\xcf\x98" => "\xcf\x99",
"\xcf\x9a" => "\xcf\x9b",
"\xcf\x9c" => "\xcf\x9d",
"\xcf\x9e" => "\xcf\x9f",
"\xcf\xa0" => "\xcf\xa1",
"\xcf\xa2" => "\xcf\xa3",
"\xcf\xa4" => "\xcf\xa5",
"\xcf\xa6" => "\xcf\xa7",
"\xcf\xa8" => "\xcf\xa9",
"\xcf\xaa" => "\xcf\xab",
"\xcf\xac" => "\xcf\xad",
"\xcf\xae" => "\xcf\xaf",
"\xd0\x80" => "\xd1\x90",
"\xd0\x81" => "\xd1\x91",
"\xd0\x82" => "\xd1\x92",
"\xd0\x83" => "\xd1\x93",
"\xd0\x84" => "\xd1\x94",
"\xd0\x85" => "\xd1\x95",
"\xd0\x86" => "\xd1\x96",
"\xd0\x87" => "\xd1\x97",
"\xd0\x88" => "\xd1\x98",
"\xd0\x89" => "\xd1\x99",
"\xd0\x8a" => "\xd1\x9a",
"\xd0\x8b" => "\xd1\x9b",
"\xd0\x8c" => "\xd1\x9c",
"\xd0\x8d" => "\xd1\x9d",
"\xd0\x8e" => "\xd1\x9e",
"\xd0\x8f" => "\xd1\x9f",
"\xd0\x90" => "\xd0\xb0",
"\xd0\x91" => "\xd0\xb1",
"\xd0\x92" => "\xd0\xb2",
"\xd0\x93" => "\xd0\xb3",
"\xd0\x94" => "\xd0\xb4",
"\xd0\x95" => "\xd0\xb5",
"\xd0\x96" => "\xd0\xb6",
"\xd0\x97" => "\xd0\xb7",
"\xd0\x98" => "\xd0\xb8",
"\xd0\x99" => "\xd0\xb9",
"\xd0\x9a" => "\xd0\xba",
"\xd0\x9b" => "\xd0\xbb",
"\xd0\x9c" => "\xd0\xbc",
"\xd0\x9d" => "\xd0\xbd",
"\xd0\x9e" => "\xd0\xbe",
"\xd0\x9f" => "\xd0\xbf",
"\xd0\xa0" => "\xd1\x80",
"\xd0\xa1" => "\xd1\x81",
"\xd0\xa2" => "\xd1\x82",
"\xd0\xa3" => "\xd1\x83",
"\xd0\xa4" => "\xd1\x84",
"\xd0\xa5" => "\xd1\x85",
"\xd0\xa6" => "\xd1\x86",
"\xd0\xa7" => "\xd1\x87",
"\xd0\xa8" => "\xd1\x88",
"\xd0\xa9" => "\xd1\x89",
"\xd0\xaa" => "\xd1\x8a",
"\xd0\xab" => "\xd1\x8b",
"\xd0\xac" => "\xd1\x8c",
"\xd0\xad" => "\xd1\x8d",
"\xd0\xae" => "\xd1\x8e",
"\xd0\xaf" => "\xd1\x8f",
"\xd1\xa0" => "\xd1\xa1",
"\xd1\xa2" => "\xd1\xa3",
"\xd1\xa4" => "\xd1\xa5",
"\xd1\xa6" => "\xd1\xa7",
"\xd1\xa8" => "\xd1\xa9",
"\xd1\xaa" => "\xd1\xab",
"\xd1\xac" => "\xd1\xad",
"\xd1\xae" => "\xd1\xaf",
"\xd1\xb0" => "\xd1\xb1",
"\xd1\xb2" => "\xd1\xb3",
"\xd1\xb4" => "\xd1\xb5",
"\xd1\xb6" => "\xd1\xb7",
"\xd1\xb8" => "\xd1\xb9",
"\xd1\xba" => "\xd1\xbb",
"\xd1\xbc" => "\xd1\xbd",
"\xd1\xbe" => "\xd1\xbf",
"\xd2\x80" => "\xd2\x81",
"\xd2\x8a" => "\xd2\x8b",
"\xd2\x8c" => "\xd2\x8d",
"\xd2\x8e" => "\xd2\x8f",
"\xd2\x90" => "\xd2\x91",
"\xd2\x92" => "\xd2\x93",
"\xd2\x94" => "\xd2\x95",
"\xd2\x96" => "\xd2\x97",
"\xd2\x98" => "\xd2\x99",
"\xd2\x9a" => "\xd2\x9b",
"\xd2\x9c" => "\xd2\x9d",
"\xd2\x9e" => "\xd2\x9f",
"\xd2\xa0" => "\xd2\xa1",
"\xd2\xa2" => "\xd2\xa3",
"\xd2\xa4" => "\xd2\xa5",
"\xd2\xa6" => "\xd2\xa7",
"\xd2\xa8" => "\xd2\xa9",
"\xd2\xaa" => "\xd2\xab",
"\xd2\xac" => "\xd2\xad",
"\xd2\xae" => "\xd2\xaf",
"\xd2\xb0" => "\xd2\xb1",
"\xd2\xb2" => "\xd2\xb3",
"\xd2\xb4" => "\xd2\xb5",
"\xd2\xb6" => "\xd2\xb7",
"\xd2\xb8" => "\xd2\xb9",
"\xd2\xba" => "\xd2\xbb",
"\xd2\xbc" => "\xd2\xbd",
"\xd2\xbe" => "\xd2\xbf",
"\xd3\x81" => "\xd3\x82",
"\xd3\x83" => "\xd3\x84",
"\xd3\x85" => "\xd3\x86",
"\xd3\x87" => "\xd3\x88",
"\xd3\x89" => "\xd3\x8a",
"\xd3\x8b" => "\xd3\x8c",
"\xd3\x8d" => "\xd3\x8e",
"\xd3\x90" => "\xd3\x91",
"\xd3\x92" => "\xd3\x93",
"\xd3\x94" => "\xd3\x95",
"\xd3\x96" => "\xd3\x97",
"\xd3\x98" => "\xd3\x99",
"\xd3\x9a" => "\xd3\x9b",
"\xd3\x9c" => "\xd3\x9d",
"\xd3\x9e" => "\xd3\x9f",
"\xd3\xa0" => "\xd3\xa1",
"\xd3\xa2" => "\xd3\xa3",
"\xd3\xa4" => "\xd3\xa5",
"\xd3\xa6" => "\xd3\xa7",
"\xd3\xa8" => "\xd3\xa9",
"\xd3\xaa" => "\xd3\xab",
"\xd3\xac" => "\xd3\xad",
"\xd3\xae" => "\xd3\xaf",
"\xd3\xb0" => "\xd3\xb1",
"\xd3\xb2" => "\xd3\xb3",
"\xd3\xb4" => "\xd3\xb5",
"\xd3\xb8" => "\xd3\xb9",
"\xd4\x80" => "\xd4\x81",
"\xd4\x82" => "\xd4\x83",
"\xd4\x84" => "\xd4\x85",
"\xd4\x86" => "\xd4\x87",
"\xd4\x88" => "\xd4\x89",
"\xd4\x8a" => "\xd4\x8b",
"\xd4\x8c" => "\xd4\x8d",
"\xd4\x8e" => "\xd4\x8f",
"\xd4\xb1" => "\xd5\xa1",
"\xd4\xb2" => "\xd5\xa2",
"\xd4\xb3" => "\xd5\xa3",
"\xd4\xb4" => "\xd5\xa4",
"\xd4\xb5" => "\xd5\xa5",
"\xd4\xb6" => "\xd5\xa6",
"\xd4\xb7" => "\xd5\xa7",
"\xd4\xb8" => "\xd5\xa8",
"\xd4\xb9" => "\xd5\xa9",
"\xd4\xba" => "\xd5\xaa",
"\xd4\xbb" => "\xd5\xab",
"\xd4\xbc" => "\xd5\xac",
"\xd4\xbd" => "\xd5\xad",
"\xd4\xbe" => "\xd5\xae",
"\xd4\xbf" => "\xd5\xaf",
"\xd5\x80" => "\xd5\xb0",
"\xd5\x81" => "\xd5\xb1",
"\xd5\x82" => "\xd5\xb2",
"\xd5\x83" => "\xd5\xb3",
"\xd5\x84" => "\xd5\xb4",
"\xd5\x85" => "\xd5\xb5",
"\xd5\x86" => "\xd5\xb6",
"\xd5\x87" => "\xd5\xb7",
"\xd5\x88" => "\xd5\xb8",
"\xd5\x89" => "\xd5\xb9",
"\xd5\x8a" => "\xd5\xba",
"\xd5\x8b" => "\xd5\xbb",
"\xd5\x8c" => "\xd5\xbc",
"\xd5\x8d" => "\xd5\xbd",
"\xd5\x8e" => "\xd5\xbe",
"\xd5\x8f" => "\xd5\xbf",
"\xd5\x90" => "\xd6\x80",
"\xd5\x91" => "\xd6\x81",
"\xd5\x92" => "\xd6\x82",
"\xd5\x93" => "\xd6\x83",
"\xd5\x94" => "\xd6\x84",
"\xd5\x95" => "\xd6\x85",
"\xd5\x96" => "\xd6\x86",
"\xe1\xb8\x80" => "\xe1\xb8\x81",
"\xe1\xb8\x82" => "\xe1\xb8\x83",
"\xe1\xb8\x84" => "\xe1\xb8\x85",
"\xe1\xb8\x86" => "\xe1\xb8\x87",
"\xe1\xb8\x88" => "\xe1\xb8\x89",
"\xe1\xb8\x8a" => "\xe1\xb8\x8b",
"\xe1\xb8\x8c" => "\xe1\xb8\x8d",
"\xe1\xb8\x8e" => "\xe1\xb8\x8f",
"\xe1\xb8\x90" => "\xe1\xb8\x91",
"\xe1\xb8\x92" => "\xe1\xb8\x93",
"\xe1\xb8\x94" => "\xe1\xb8\x95",
"\xe1\xb8\x96" => "\xe1\xb8\x97",
"\xe1\xb8\x98" => "\xe1\xb8\x99",
"\xe1\xb8\x9a" => "\xe1\xb8\x9b",
"\xe1\xb8\x9c" => "\xe1\xb8\x9d",
"\xe1\xb8\x9e" => "\xe1\xb8\x9f",
"\xe1\xb8\xa0" => "\xe1\xb8\xa1",
"\xe1\xb8\xa2" => "\xe1\xb8\xa3",
"\xe1\xb8\xa4" => "\xe1\xb8\xa5",
"\xe1\xb8\xa6" => "\xe1\xb8\xa7",
"\xe1\xb8\xa8" => "\xe1\xb8\xa9",
"\xe1\xb8\xaa" => "\xe1\xb8\xab",
"\xe1\xb8\xac" => "\xe1\xb8\xad",
"\xe1\xb8\xae" => "\xe1\xb8\xaf",
"\xe1\xb8\xb0" => "\xe1\xb8\xb1",
"\xe1\xb8\xb2" => "\xe1\xb8\xb3",
"\xe1\xb8\xb4" => "\xe1\xb8\xb5",
"\xe1\xb8\xb6" => "\xe1\xb8\xb7",
"\xe1\xb8\xb8" => "\xe1\xb8\xb9",
"\xe1\xb8\xba" => "\xe1\xb8\xbb",
"\xe1\xb8\xbc" => "\xe1\xb8\xbd",
"\xe1\xb8\xbe" => "\xe1\xb8\xbf",
"\xe1\xb9\x80" => "\xe1\xb9\x81",
"\xe1\xb9\x82" => "\xe1\xb9\x83",
"\xe1\xb9\x84" => "\xe1\xb9\x85",
"\xe1\xb9\x86" => "\xe1\xb9\x87",
"\xe1\xb9\x88" => "\xe1\xb9\x89",
"\xe1\xb9\x8a" => "\xe1\xb9\x8b",
"\xe1\xb9\x8c" => "\xe1\xb9\x8d",
"\xe1\xb9\x8e" => "\xe1\xb9\x8f",
"\xe1\xb9\x90" => "\xe1\xb9\x91",
"\xe1\xb9\x92" => "\xe1\xb9\x93",
"\xe1\xb9\x94" => "\xe1\xb9\x95",
"\xe1\xb9\x96" => "\xe1\xb9\x97",
"\xe1\xb9\x98" => "\xe1\xb9\x99",
"\xe1\xb9\x9a" => "\xe1\xb9\x9b",
"\xe1\xb9\x9c" => "\xe1\xb9\x9d",
"\xe1\xb9\x9e" => "\xe1\xb9\x9f",
"\xe1\xb9\xa0" => "\xe1\xb9\xa1",
"\xe1\xb9\xa2" => "\xe1\xb9\xa3",
"\xe1\xb9\xa4" => "\xe1\xb9\xa5",
"\xe1\xb9\xa6" => "\xe1\xb9\xa7",
"\xe1\xb9\xa8" => "\xe1\xb9\xa9",
"\xe1\xb9\xaa" => "\xe1\xb9\xab",
"\xe1\xb9\xac" => "\xe1\xb9\xad",
"\xe1\xb9\xae" => "\xe1\xb9\xaf",
"\xe1\xb9\xb0" => "\xe1\xb9\xb1",
"\xe1\xb9\xb2" => "\xe1\xb9\xb3",
"\xe1\xb9\xb4" => "\xe1\xb9\xb5",
"\xe1\xb9\xb6" => "\xe1\xb9\xb7",
"\xe1\xb9\xb8" => "\xe1\xb9\xb9",
"\xe1\xb9\xba" => "\xe1\xb9\xbb",
"\xe1\xb9\xbc" => "\xe1\xb9\xbd",
"\xe1\xb9\xbe" => "\xe1\xb9\xbf",
"\xe1\xba\x80" => "\xe1\xba\x81",
"\xe1\xba\x82" => "\xe1\xba\x83",
"\xe1\xba\x84" => "\xe1\xba\x85",
"\xe1\xba\x86" => "\xe1\xba\x87",
"\xe1\xba\x88" => "\xe1\xba\x89",
"\xe1\xba\x8a" => "\xe1\xba\x8b",
"\xe1\xba\x8c" => "\xe1\xba\x8d",
"\xe1\xba\x8e" => "\xe1\xba\x8f",
"\xe1\xba\x90" => "\xe1\xba\x91",
"\xe1\xba\x92" => "\xe1\xba\x93",
"\xe1\xba\x94" => "\xe1\xba\x95",
"\xe1\xba\xa0" => "\xe1\xba\xa1",
"\xe1\xba\xa2" => "\xe1\xba\xa3",
"\xe1\xba\xa4" => "\xe1\xba\xa5",
"\xe1\xba\xa6" => "\xe1\xba\xa7",
"\xe1\xba\xa8" => "\xe1\xba\xa9",
"\xe1\xba\xaa" => "\xe1\xba\xab",
"\xe1\xba\xac" => "\xe1\xba\xad",
"\xe1\xba\xae" => "\xe1\xba\xaf",
"\xe1\xba\xb0" => "\xe1\xba\xb1",
"\xe1\xba\xb2" => "\xe1\xba\xb3",
"\xe1\xba\xb4" => "\xe1\xba\xb5",
"\xe1\xba\xb6" => "\xe1\xba\xb7",
"\xe1\xba\xb8" => "\xe1\xba\xb9",
"\xe1\xba\xba" => "\xe1\xba\xbb",
"\xe1\xba\xbc" => "\xe1\xba\xbd",
"\xe1\xba\xbe" => "\xe1\xba\xbf",
"\xe1\xbb\x80" => "\xe1\xbb\x81",
"\xe1\xbb\x82" => "\xe1\xbb\x83",
"\xe1\xbb\x84" => "\xe1\xbb\x85",
"\xe1\xbb\x86" => "\xe1\xbb\x87",
"\xe1\xbb\x88" => "\xe1\xbb\x89",
"\xe1\xbb\x8a" => "\xe1\xbb\x8b",
"\xe1\xbb\x8c" => "\xe1\xbb\x8d",
"\xe1\xbb\x8e" => "\xe1\xbb\x8f",
"\xe1\xbb\x90" => "\xe1\xbb\x91",
"\xe1\xbb\x92" => "\xe1\xbb\x93",
"\xe1\xbb\x94" => "\xe1\xbb\x95",
"\xe1\xbb\x96" => "\xe1\xbb\x97",
"\xe1\xbb\x98" => "\xe1\xbb\x99",
"\xe1\xbb\x9a" => "\xe1\xbb\x9b",
"\xe1\xbb\x9c" => "\xe1\xbb\x9d",
"\xe1\xbb\x9e" => "\xe1\xbb\x9f",
"\xe1\xbb\xa0" => "\xe1\xbb\xa1",
"\xe1\xbb\xa2" => "\xe1\xbb\xa3",
"\xe1\xbb\xa4" => "\xe1\xbb\xa5",
"\xe1\xbb\xa6" => "\xe1\xbb\xa7",
"\xe1\xbb\xa8" => "\xe1\xbb\xa9",
"\xe1\xbb\xaa" => "\xe1\xbb\xab",
"\xe1\xbb\xac" => "\xe1\xbb\xad",
"\xe1\xbb\xae" => "\xe1\xbb\xaf",
"\xe1\xbb\xb0" => "\xe1\xbb\xb1",
"\xe1\xbb\xb2" => "\xe1\xbb\xb3",
"\xe1\xbb\xb4" => "\xe1\xbb\xb5",
"\xe1\xbb\xb6" => "\xe1\xbb\xb7",
"\xe1\xbb\xb8" => "\xe1\xbb\xb9",
"\xe1\xbc\x88" => "\xe1\xbc\x80",
"\xe1\xbc\x89" => "\xe1\xbc\x81",
"\xe1\xbc\x8a" => "\xe1\xbc\x82",
"\xe1\xbc\x8b" => "\xe1\xbc\x83",
"\xe1\xbc\x8c" => "\xe1\xbc\x84",
"\xe1\xbc\x8d" => "\xe1\xbc\x85",
"\xe1\xbc\x8e" => "\xe1\xbc\x86",
"\xe1\xbc\x8f" => "\xe1\xbc\x87",
"\xe1\xbc\x98" => "\xe1\xbc\x90",
"\xe1\xbc\x99" => "\xe1\xbc\x91",
"\xe1\xbc\x9a" => "\xe1\xbc\x92",
"\xe1\xbc\x9b" => "\xe1\xbc\x93",
"\xe1\xbc\x9c" => "\xe1\xbc\x94",
"\xe1\xbc\x9d" => "\xe1\xbc\x95",
"\xe1\xbc\xa9" => "\xe1\xbc\xa1",
"\xe1\xbc\xaa" => "\xe1\xbc\xa2",
"\xe1\xbc\xab" => "\xe1\xbc\xa3",
"\xe1\xbc\xac" => "\xe1\xbc\xa4",
"\xe1\xbc\xad" => "\xe1\xbc\xa5",
"\xe1\xbc\xae" => "\xe1\xbc\xa6",
"\xe1\xbc\xaf" => "\xe1\xbc\xa7",
"\xe1\xbc\xb8" => "\xe1\xbc\xb0",
"\xe1\xbc\xb9" => "\xe1\xbc\xb1",
"\xe1\xbc\xba" => "\xe1\xbc\xb2",
"\xe1\xbc\xbb" => "\xe1\xbc\xb3",
"\xe1\xbc\xbc" => "\xe1\xbc\xb4",
"\xe1\xbc\xbd" => "\xe1\xbc\xb5",
"\xe1\xbc\xbe" => "\xe1\xbc\xb6",
"\xe1\xbc\xbf" => "\xe1\xbc\xb7",
"\xe1\xbd\x88" => "\xe1\xbd\x80",
"\xe1\xbd\x89" => "\xe1\xbd\x81",
"\xe1\xbd\x8a" => "\xe1\xbd\x82",
"\xe1\xbd\x8b" => "\xe1\xbd\x83",
"\xe1\xbd\x8c" => "\xe1\xbd\x84",
"\xe1\xbd\x8d" => "\xe1\xbd\x85",
"\xe1\xbd\x99" => "\xe1\xbd\x91",
"\xe1\xbd\x9b" => "\xe1\xbd\x93",
"\xe1\xbd\x9d" => "\xe1\xbd\x95",
"\xe1\xbd\x9f" => "\xe1\xbd\x97",
"\xe1\xbd\xa9" => "\xe1\xbd\xa1",
"\xe1\xbd\xaa" => "\xe1\xbd\xa2",
"\xe1\xbd\xab" => "\xe1\xbd\xa3",
"\xe1\xbd\xac" => "\xe1\xbd\xa4",
"\xe1\xbd\xad" => "\xe1\xbd\xa5",
"\xe1\xbd\xae" => "\xe1\xbd\xa6",
"\xe1\xbd\xaf" => "\xe1\xbd\xa7",
"\xe1\xbe\x88" => "\xe1\xbe\x80",
"\xe1\xbe\x89" => "\xe1\xbe\x81",
"\xe1\xbe\x8a" => "\xe1\xbe\x82",
"\xe1\xbe\x8b" => "\xe1\xbe\x83",
"\xe1\xbe\x8c" => "\xe1\xbe\x84",
"\xe1\xbe\x8d" => "\xe1\xbe\x85",
"\xe1\xbe\x8e" => "\xe1\xbe\x86",
"\xe1\xbe\x8f" => "\xe1\xbe\x87",
"\xe1\xbe\x98" => "\xe1\xbe\x90",
"\xe1\xbe\x99" => "\xe1\xbe\x91",
"\xe1\xbe\x9a" => "\xe1\xbe\x92",
"\xe1\xbe\x9b" => "\xe1\xbe\x93",
"\xe1\xbe\x9c" => "\xe1\xbe\x94",
"\xe1\xbe\x9d" => "\xe1\xbe\x95",
"\xe1\xbe\x9e" => "\xe1\xbe\x96",
"\xe1\xbe\x9f" => "\xe1\xbe\x97",
"\xe1\xbe\xa9" => "\xe1\xbe\xa1",
"\xe1\xbe\xaa" => "\xe1\xbe\xa2",
"\xe1\xbe\xab" => "\xe1\xbe\xa3",
"\xe1\xbe\xac" => "\xe1\xbe\xa4",
"\xe1\xbe\xad" => "\xe1\xbe\xa5",
"\xe1\xbe\xae" => "\xe1\xbe\xa6",
"\xe1\xbe\xaf" => "\xe1\xbe\xa7",
"\xe1\xbe\xb8" => "\xe1\xbe\xb0",
"\xe1\xbe\xb9" => "\xe1\xbe\xb1",
"\xe1\xbe\xba" => "\xe1\xbd\xb0",
"\xe1\xbe\xbb" => "\xe1\xbd\xb1",
"\xe1\xbe\xbc" => "\xe1\xbe\xb3",
"\xe1\xbf\x88" => "\xe1\xbd\xb2",
"\xe1\xbf\x89" => "\xe1\xbd\xb3",
"\xe1\xbf\x8a" => "\xe1\xbd\xb4",
"\xe1\xbf\x8b" => "\xe1\xbd\xb5",
"\xe1\xbf\x8c" => "\xe1\xbf\x83",
"\xe1\xbf\x98" => "\xe1\xbf\x90",
"\xe1\xbf\x99" => "\xe1\xbf\x91",
"\xe1\xbf\x9a" => "\xe1\xbd\xb6",
"\xe1\xbf\x9b" => "\xe1\xbd\xb7",
"\xe1\xbf\xa9" => "\xe1\xbf\xa1",
"\xe1\xbf\xaa" => "\xe1\xbd\xba",
"\xe1\xbf\xab" => "\xe1\xbd\xbb",
"\xe1\xbf\xac" => "\xe1\xbf\xa5",
"\xe1\xbf\xb8" => "\xe1\xbd\xb8",
"\xe1\xbf\xb9" => "\xe1\xbd\xb9",
"\xe1\xbf\xba" => "\xe1\xbd\xbc",
"\xe1\xbf\xbb" => "\xe1\xbd\xbd",
"\xe1\xbf\xbc" => "\xe1\xbf\xb3",
"\xef\xbc\xa1" => "\xef\xbd\x81",
"\xef\xbc\xa2" => "\xef\xbd\x82",
"\xef\xbc\xa3" => "\xef\xbd\x83",
"\xef\xbc\xa4" => "\xef\xbd\x84",
"\xef\xbc\xa5" => "\xef\xbd\x85",
"\xef\xbc\xa6" => "\xef\xbd\x86",
"\xef\xbc\xa7" => "\xef\xbd\x87",
"\xef\xbc\xa8" => "\xef\xbd\x88",
"\xef\xbc\xa9" => "\xef\xbd\x89",
"\xef\xbc\xaa" => "\xef\xbd\x8a",
"\xef\xbc\xab" => "\xef\xbd\x8b",
"\xef\xbc\xac" => "\xef\xbd\x8c",
"\xef\xbc\xad" => "\xef\xbd\x8d",
"\xef\xbc\xae" => "\xef\xbd\x8e",
"\xef\xbc\xaf" => "\xef\xbd\x8f",
"\xef\xbc\xb0" => "\xef\xbd\x90",
"\xef\xbc\xb1" => "\xef\xbd\x91",
"\xef\xbc\xb2" => "\xef\xbd\x92",
"\xef\xbc\xb3" => "\xef\xbd\x93",
"\xef\xbc\xb4" => "\xef\xbd\x94",
"\xef\xbc\xb5" => "\xef\xbd\x95",
"\xef\xbc\xb6" => "\xef\xbd\x96",
"\xef\xbc\xb7" => "\xef\xbd\x97",
"\xef\xbc\xb8" => "\xef\xbd\x98",
"\xef\xbc\xb9" => "\xef\xbd\x99",
"\xef\xbc\xba" => "\xef\xbd\x9a",
* Unicode Character Database 6.0.0 (2010-06-04)
* Autogenerated by unicode_blocks_txt2php() PHP function at 2011-06-04 00:19:39, 209 blocks total
* @var array
public static $unicode_blocks = array(
'Basic Latin' => array(
0 => 0x0000,
1 => 0x007F,
2 => 0,
'Latin-1 Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x0080,
1 => 0x00FF,
2 => 1,
'Latin Extended-A' => array(
0 => 0x0100,
1 => 0x017F,
2 => 2,
'Latin Extended-B' => array(
0 => 0x0180,
1 => 0x024F,
2 => 3,
'IPA Extensions' => array(
0 => 0x0250,
1 => 0x02AF,
2 => 4,
'Spacing Modifier Letters' => array(
0 => 0x02B0,
1 => 0x02FF,
2 => 5,
'Combining Diacritical Marks' => array(
0 => 0x0300,
1 => 0x036F,
2 => 6,
'Greek and Coptic' => array(
0 => 0x0370,
1 => 0x03FF,
2 => 7,
'Cyrillic' => array(
0 => 0x0400,
1 => 0x04FF,
2 => 8,
'Cyrillic Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x0500,
1 => 0x052F,
2 => 9,
'Armenian' => array(
0 => 0x0530,
1 => 0x058F,
2 => 10,
'Hebrew' => array(
0 => 0x0590,
1 => 0x05FF,
2 => 11,
'Arabic' => array(
0 => 0x0600,
1 => 0x06FF,
2 => 12,
'Syriac' => array(
0 => 0x0700,
1 => 0x074F,
2 => 13,
'Arabic Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x0750,
1 => 0x077F,
2 => 14,
'Thaana' => array(
0 => 0x0780,
1 => 0x07BF,
2 => 15,
'NKo' => array(
0 => 0x07C0,
1 => 0x07FF,
2 => 16,
'Samaritan' => array(
0 => 0x0800,
1 => 0x083F,
2 => 17,
'Mandaic' => array(
0 => 0x0840,
1 => 0x085F,
2 => 18,
'Devanagari' => array(
0 => 0x0900,
1 => 0x097F,
2 => 19,
'Bengali' => array(
0 => 0x0980,
1 => 0x09FF,
2 => 20,
'Gurmukhi' => array(
0 => 0x0A00,
1 => 0x0A7F,
2 => 21,
'Gujarati' => array(
0 => 0x0A80,
1 => 0x0AFF,
2 => 22,
'Oriya' => array(
0 => 0x0B00,
1 => 0x0B7F,
2 => 23,
'Tamil' => array(
0 => 0x0B80,
1 => 0x0BFF,
2 => 24,
'Telugu' => array(
0 => 0x0C00,
1 => 0x0C7F,
2 => 25,
'Kannada' => array(
0 => 0x0C80,
1 => 0x0CFF,
2 => 26,
'Malayalam' => array(
0 => 0x0D00,
1 => 0x0D7F,
2 => 27,
'Sinhala' => array(
0 => 0x0D80,
1 => 0x0DFF,
2 => 28,
'Thai' => array(
0 => 0x0E00,
1 => 0x0E7F,
2 => 29,
'Lao' => array(
0 => 0x0E80,
1 => 0x0EFF,
2 => 30,
'Tibetan' => array(
0 => 0x0F00,
1 => 0x0FFF,
2 => 31,
'Myanmar' => array(
0 => 0x1000,
1 => 0x109F,
2 => 32,
'Georgian' => array(
0 => 0x10A0,
1 => 0x10FF,
2 => 33,
'Hangul Jamo' => array(
0 => 0x1100,
1 => 0x11FF,
2 => 34,
'Ethiopic' => array(
0 => 0x1200,
1 => 0x137F,
2 => 35,
'Ethiopic Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1380,
1 => 0x139F,
2 => 36,
'Cherokee' => array(
0 => 0x13A0,
1 => 0x13FF,
2 => 37,
'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics' => array(
0 => 0x1400,
1 => 0x167F,
2 => 38,
'Ogham' => array(
0 => 0x1680,
1 => 0x169F,
2 => 39,
'Runic' => array(
0 => 0x16A0,
1 => 0x16FF,
2 => 40,
'Tagalog' => array(
0 => 0x1700,
1 => 0x171F,
2 => 41,
'Hanunoo' => array(
0 => 0x1720,
1 => 0x173F,
2 => 42,
'Buhid' => array(
0 => 0x1740,
1 => 0x175F,
2 => 43,
'Tagbanwa' => array(
0 => 0x1760,
1 => 0x177F,
2 => 44,
'Khmer' => array(
0 => 0x1780,
1 => 0x17FF,
2 => 45,
'Mongolian' => array(
0 => 0x1800,
1 => 0x18AF,
2 => 46,
'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended' => array(
0 => 0x18B0,
1 => 0x18FF,
2 => 47,
'Limbu' => array(
0 => 0x1900,
1 => 0x194F,
2 => 48,
'Tai Le' => array(
0 => 0x1950,
1 => 0x197F,
2 => 49,
'New Tai Lue' => array(
0 => 0x1980,
1 => 0x19DF,
2 => 50,
'Khmer Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x19E0,
1 => 0x19FF,
2 => 51,
'Buginese' => array(
0 => 0x1A00,
1 => 0x1A1F,
2 => 52,
'Tai Tham' => array(
0 => 0x1A20,
1 => 0x1AAF,
2 => 53,
'Balinese' => array(
0 => 0x1B00,
1 => 0x1B7F,
2 => 54,
'Sundanese' => array(
0 => 0x1B80,
1 => 0x1BBF,
2 => 55,
'Batak' => array(
0 => 0x1BC0,
1 => 0x1BFF,
2 => 56,
'Lepcha' => array(
0 => 0x1C00,
1 => 0x1C4F,
2 => 57,
'Ol Chiki' => array(
0 => 0x1C50,
1 => 0x1C7F,
2 => 58,
'Vedic Extensions' => array(
0 => 0x1CD0,
1 => 0x1CFF,
2 => 59,
'Phonetic Extensions' => array(
0 => 0x1D00,
1 => 0x1D7F,
2 => 60,
'Phonetic Extensions Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1D80,
1 => 0x1DBF,
2 => 61,
'Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1DC0,
1 => 0x1DFF,
2 => 62,
'Latin Extended Additional' => array(
0 => 0x1E00,
1 => 0x1EFF,
2 => 63,
'Greek Extended' => array(
0 => 0x1F00,
1 => 0x1FFF,
2 => 64,
'General Punctuation' => array(
0 => 0x2000,
1 => 0x206F,
2 => 65,
'Superscripts and Subscripts' => array(
0 => 0x2070,
1 => 0x209F,
2 => 66,
'Currency Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x20A0,
1 => 0x20CF,
2 => 67,
'Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x20D0,
1 => 0x20FF,
2 => 68,
'Letterlike Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x2100,
1 => 0x214F,
2 => 69,
'Number Forms' => array(
0 => 0x2150,
1 => 0x218F,
2 => 70,
'Arrows' => array(
0 => 0x2190,
1 => 0x21FF,
2 => 71,
'Mathematical Operators' => array(
0 => 0x2200,
1 => 0x22FF,
2 => 72,
'Miscellaneous Technical' => array(
0 => 0x2300,
1 => 0x23FF,
2 => 73,
'Control Pictures' => array(
0 => 0x2400,
1 => 0x243F,
2 => 74,
'Optical Character Recognition' => array(
0 => 0x2440,
1 => 0x245F,
2 => 75,
'Enclosed Alphanumerics' => array(
0 => 0x2460,
1 => 0x24FF,
2 => 76,
'Box Drawing' => array(
0 => 0x2500,
1 => 0x257F,
2 => 77,
'Block Elements' => array(
0 => 0x2580,
1 => 0x259F,
2 => 78,
'Geometric Shapes' => array(
0 => 0x25A0,
1 => 0x25FF,
2 => 79,
'Miscellaneous Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x2600,
1 => 0x26FF,
2 => 80,
'Dingbats' => array(
0 => 0x2700,
1 => 0x27BF,
2 => 81,
'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A' => array(
0 => 0x27C0,
1 => 0x27EF,
2 => 82,
'Supplemental Arrows-A' => array(
0 => 0x27F0,
1 => 0x27FF,
2 => 83,
'Braille Patterns' => array(
0 => 0x2800,
1 => 0x28FF,
2 => 84,
'Supplemental Arrows-B' => array(
0 => 0x2900,
1 => 0x297F,
2 => 85,
'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B' => array(
0 => 0x2980,
1 => 0x29FF,
2 => 86,
'Supplemental Mathematical Operators' => array(
0 => 0x2A00,
1 => 0x2AFF,
2 => 87,
'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows' => array(
0 => 0x2B00,
1 => 0x2BFF,
2 => 88,
'Glagolitic' => array(
0 => 0x2C00,
1 => 0x2C5F,
2 => 89,
'Latin Extended-C' => array(
0 => 0x2C60,
1 => 0x2C7F,
2 => 90,
'Coptic' => array(
0 => 0x2C80,
1 => 0x2CFF,
2 => 91,
'Georgian Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x2D00,
1 => 0x2D2F,
2 => 92,
'Tifinagh' => array(
0 => 0x2D30,
1 => 0x2D7F,
2 => 93,
'Ethiopic Extended' => array(
0 => 0x2D80,
1 => 0x2DDF,
2 => 94,
'Cyrillic Extended-A' => array(
0 => 0x2DE0,
1 => 0x2DFF,
2 => 95,
'Supplemental Punctuation' => array(
0 => 0x2E00,
1 => 0x2E7F,
2 => 96,
'CJK Radicals Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x2E80,
1 => 0x2EFF,
2 => 97,
'Kangxi Radicals' => array(
0 => 0x2F00,
1 => 0x2FDF,
2 => 98,
'Ideographic Description Characters' => array(
0 => 0x2FF0,
1 => 0x2FFF,
2 => 99,
'CJK Symbols and Punctuation' => array(
0 => 0x3000,
1 => 0x303F,
2 => 100,
'Hiragana' => array(
0 => 0x3040,
1 => 0x309F,
2 => 101,
'Katakana' => array(
0 => 0x30A0,
1 => 0x30FF,
2 => 102,
'Bopomofo' => array(
0 => 0x3100,
1 => 0x312F,
2 => 103,
'Hangul Compatibility Jamo' => array(
0 => 0x3130,
1 => 0x318F,
2 => 104,
'Kanbun' => array(
0 => 0x3190,
1 => 0x319F,
2 => 105,
'Bopomofo Extended' => array(
0 => 0x31A0,
1 => 0x31BF,
2 => 106,
'CJK Strokes' => array(
0 => 0x31C0,
1 => 0x31EF,
2 => 107,
'Katakana Phonetic Extensions' => array(
0 => 0x31F0,
1 => 0x31FF,
2 => 108,
'Enclosed CJK Letters and Months' => array(
0 => 0x3200,
1 => 0x32FF,
2 => 109,
'CJK Compatibility' => array(
0 => 0x3300,
1 => 0x33FF,
2 => 110,
'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A' => array(
0 => 0x3400,
1 => 0x4DBF,
2 => 111,
'Yijing Hexagram Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x4DC0,
1 => 0x4DFF,
2 => 112,
'CJK Unified Ideographs' => array(
0 => 0x4E00,
1 => 0x9FFF,
2 => 113,
'Yi Syllables' => array(
0 => 0xA000,
1 => 0xA48F,
2 => 114,
'Yi Radicals' => array(
0 => 0xA490,
1 => 0xA4CF,
2 => 115,
'Lisu' => array(
0 => 0xA4D0,
1 => 0xA4FF,
2 => 116,
'Vai' => array(
0 => 0xA500,
1 => 0xA63F,
2 => 117,
'Cyrillic Extended-B' => array(
0 => 0xA640,
1 => 0xA69F,
2 => 118,
'Bamum' => array(
0 => 0xA6A0,
1 => 0xA6FF,
2 => 119,
'Modifier Tone Letters' => array(
0 => 0xA700,
1 => 0xA71F,
2 => 120,
'Latin Extended-D' => array(
0 => 0xA720,
1 => 0xA7FF,
2 => 121,
'Syloti Nagri' => array(
0 => 0xA800,
1 => 0xA82F,
2 => 122,
'Common Indic Number Forms' => array(
0 => 0xA830,
1 => 0xA83F,
2 => 123,
'Phags-pa' => array(
0 => 0xA840,
1 => 0xA87F,
2 => 124,
'Saurashtra' => array(
0 => 0xA880,
1 => 0xA8DF,
2 => 125,
'Devanagari Extended' => array(
0 => 0xA8E0,
1 => 0xA8FF,
2 => 126,
'Kayah Li' => array(
0 => 0xA900,
1 => 0xA92F,
2 => 127,
'Rejang' => array(
0 => 0xA930,
1 => 0xA95F,
2 => 128,
'Hangul Jamo Extended-A' => array(
0 => 0xA960,
1 => 0xA97F,
2 => 129,
'Javanese' => array(
0 => 0xA980,
1 => 0xA9DF,
2 => 130,
'Cham' => array(
0 => 0xAA00,
1 => 0xAA5F,
2 => 131,
'Myanmar Extended-A' => array(
0 => 0xAA60,
1 => 0xAA7F,
2 => 132,
'Tai Viet' => array(
0 => 0xAA80,
1 => 0xAADF,
2 => 133,
'Ethiopic Extended-A' => array(
0 => 0xAB00,
1 => 0xAB2F,
2 => 134,
'Meetei Mayek' => array(
0 => 0xABC0,
1 => 0xABFF,
2 => 135,
'Hangul Syllables' => array(
0 => 0xAC00,
1 => 0xD7AF,
2 => 136,
'Hangul Jamo Extended-B' => array(
0 => 0xD7B0,
1 => 0xD7FF,
2 => 137,
'High Surrogates' => array(
0 => 0xD800,
1 => 0xDB7F,
2 => 138,
'High Private Use Surrogates' => array(
0 => 0xDB80,
1 => 0xDBFF,
2 => 139,
'Low Surrogates' => array(
0 => 0xDC00,
1 => 0xDFFF,
2 => 140,
'Private Use Area' => array(
0 => 0xE000,
1 => 0xF8FF,
2 => 141,
'CJK Compatibility Ideographs' => array(
0 => 0xF900,
1 => 0xFAFF,
2 => 142,
'Alphabetic Presentation Forms' => array(
0 => 0xFB00,
1 => 0xFB4F,
2 => 143,
'Arabic Presentation Forms-A' => array(
0 => 0xFB50,
1 => 0xFDFF,
2 => 144,
'Variation Selectors' => array(
0 => 0xFE00,
1 => 0xFE0F,
2 => 145,
'Vertical Forms' => array(
0 => 0xFE10,
1 => 0xFE1F,
2 => 146,
'Combining Half Marks' => array(
0 => 0xFE20,
1 => 0xFE2F,
2 => 147,
'CJK Compatibility Forms' => array(
0 => 0xFE30,
1 => 0xFE4F,
2 => 148,
'Small Form Variants' => array(
0 => 0xFE50,
1 => 0xFE6F,
2 => 149,
'Arabic Presentation Forms-B' => array(
0 => 0xFE70,
1 => 0xFEFF,
2 => 150,
'Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms' => array(
0 => 0xFF00,
1 => 0xFFEF,
2 => 151,
'Specials' => array(
0 => 0xFFF0,
1 => 0xFFFF,
2 => 152,
'Linear B Syllabary' => array(
0 => 0x10000,
1 => 0x1007F,
2 => 153,
'Linear B Ideograms' => array(
0 => 0x10080,
1 => 0x100FF,
2 => 154,
'Aegean Numbers' => array(
0 => 0x10100,
1 => 0x1013F,
2 => 155,
'Ancient Greek Numbers' => array(
0 => 0x10140,
1 => 0x1018F,
2 => 156,
'Ancient Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x10190,
1 => 0x101CF,
2 => 157,
'Phaistos Disc' => array(
0 => 0x101D0,
1 => 0x101FF,
2 => 158,
'Lycian' => array(
0 => 0x10280,
1 => 0x1029F,
2 => 159,
'Carian' => array(
0 => 0x102A0,
1 => 0x102DF,
2 => 160,
'Old Italic' => array(
0 => 0x10300,
1 => 0x1032F,
2 => 161,
'Gothic' => array(
0 => 0x10330,
1 => 0x1034F,
2 => 162,
'Ugaritic' => array(
0 => 0x10380,
1 => 0x1039F,
2 => 163,
'Old Persian' => array(
0 => 0x103A0,
1 => 0x103DF,
2 => 164,
'Deseret' => array(
0 => 0x10400,
1 => 0x1044F,
2 => 165,
'Shavian' => array(
0 => 0x10450,
1 => 0x1047F,
2 => 166,
'Osmanya' => array(
0 => 0x10480,
1 => 0x104AF,
2 => 167,
'Cypriot Syllabary' => array(
0 => 0x10800,
1 => 0x1083F,
2 => 168,
'Imperial Aramaic' => array(
0 => 0x10840,
1 => 0x1085F,
2 => 169,
'Phoenician' => array(
0 => 0x10900,
1 => 0x1091F,
2 => 170,
'Lydian' => array(
0 => 0x10920,
1 => 0x1093F,
2 => 171,
'Kharoshthi' => array(
0 => 0x10A00,
1 => 0x10A5F,
2 => 172,
'Old South Arabian' => array(
0 => 0x10A60,
1 => 0x10A7F,
2 => 173,
'Avestan' => array(
0 => 0x10B00,
1 => 0x10B3F,
2 => 174,
'Inscriptional Parthian' => array(
0 => 0x10B40,
1 => 0x10B5F,
2 => 175,
'Inscriptional Pahlavi' => array(
0 => 0x10B60,
1 => 0x10B7F,
2 => 176,
'Old Turkic' => array(
0 => 0x10C00,
1 => 0x10C4F,
2 => 177,
'Rumi Numeral Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x10E60,
1 => 0x10E7F,
2 => 178,
'Brahmi' => array(
0 => 0x11000,
1 => 0x1107F,
2 => 179,
'Kaithi' => array(
0 => 0x11080,
1 => 0x110CF,
2 => 180,
'Cuneiform' => array(
0 => 0x12000,
1 => 0x123FF,
2 => 181,
'Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation' => array(
0 => 0x12400,
1 => 0x1247F,
2 => 182,
'Egyptian Hieroglyphs' => array(
0 => 0x13000,
1 => 0x1342F,
2 => 183,
'Bamum Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x16800,
1 => 0x16A3F,
2 => 184,
'Kana Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1B000,
1 => 0x1B0FF,
2 => 185,
'Byzantine Musical Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1D000,
1 => 0x1D0FF,
2 => 186,
'Musical Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1D100,
1 => 0x1D1FF,
2 => 187,
'Ancient Greek Musical Notation' => array(
0 => 0x1D200,
1 => 0x1D24F,
2 => 188,
'Tai Xuan Jing Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1D300,
1 => 0x1D35F,
2 => 189,
'Counting Rod Numerals' => array(
0 => 0x1D360,
1 => 0x1D37F,
2 => 190,
'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1D400,
1 => 0x1D7FF,
2 => 191,
'Mahjong Tiles' => array(
0 => 0x1F000,
1 => 0x1F02F,
2 => 192,
'Domino Tiles' => array(
0 => 0x1F030,
1 => 0x1F09F,
2 => 193,
'Playing Cards' => array(
0 => 0x1F0A0,
1 => 0x1F0FF,
2 => 194,
'Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1F100,
1 => 0x1F1FF,
2 => 195,
'Enclosed Ideographic Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x1F200,
1 => 0x1F2FF,
2 => 196,
'Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs' => array(
0 => 0x1F300,
1 => 0x1F5FF,
2 => 197,
'Emoticons' => array(
0 => 0x1F600,
1 => 0x1F64F,
2 => 198,
'Transport And Map Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1F680,
1 => 0x1F6FF,
2 => 199,
'Alchemical Symbols' => array(
0 => 0x1F700,
1 => 0x1F77F,
2 => 200,
'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B' => array(
0 => 0x20000,
1 => 0x2A6DF,
2 => 201,
'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C' => array(
0 => 0x2A700,
1 => 0x2B73F,
2 => 202,
'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D' => array(
0 => 0x2B740,
1 => 0x2B81F,
2 => 203,
'CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement' => array(
0 => 0x2F800,
1 => 0x2FA1F,
2 => 204,
'Tags' => array(
0 => 0xE0000,
1 => 0xE007F,
2 => 205,
'Variation Selectors Supplement' => array(
0 => 0xE0100,
1 => 0xE01EF,
2 => 206,
'Supplementary Private Use Area-A' => array(
0 => 0xF0000,
1 => 0xFFFFF,
2 => 207,
'Supplementary Private Use Area-B' => array(
0 => 0x100000,
1 => 0x10FFFF,
2 => 208,
#calling the methods of this class only statically!
private function __construct() {}
* Remove combining diactrical marks, with possibility of the restore
* Удаляет диакритические знаки в тексте, с возможностью восстановления (опция)
* @param string|null $s
* @param array|null $additional_chars for example: "\xc2\xad" #soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
* @param bool $is_can_restored
* @param array|null &$restore_table
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function diactrical_remove($s, $additional_chars = null, $is_can_restored = false, &$restore_table = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if ($additional_chars)
foreach ($additional_chars as $k => &$v) $v = preg_quote($v, '/');
$re = '/((?>' . self::DIACTRICAL_RE . '|' . implode('|', $additional_chars) . ')+)/sxSX';
else $re = '/((?>' . self::DIACTRICAL_RE . ')+)/sxSX';
if (! $is_can_restored) return preg_replace($re, '', $s);
$restore_table = array();
$a = preg_split($re, $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$c = count($a);
if ($c === 1) return $s;
$pos = 0;
$s2 = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $c - 1; $i += 2)
$s2 .= $a[$i];
#запоминаем символьные (не байтовые!) позиции
$pos += self::strlen($a[$i]);
$restore_table['offsets'][$pos] = $a[$i + 1];
$restore_table['length'] = $pos + self::strlen(end($a));
return $s2 . end($a);
* Restore combining diactrical marks, removed by self::diactrical_remove()
* In Russian:
* Восстанавливает диакритические знаки в тексте, при условии, что их символьные позиции и кол-во символов не изменились!
* @see self::diactrical_remove()
* @param string|null $s
* @param array $restore_table
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred (broken $restore_table)
public static function diactrical_restore($s, array $restore_table)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if (! $restore_table) return $s;
if (! is_int(@$restore_table['length']) ||
! is_array(@$restore_table['offsets']) ||
$restore_table['length'] !== self::strlen($s)) return false;
$a = array();
$length = $offset = 0;
$s2 = '';
foreach ($restore_table['offsets'] as $pos => $diactricals)
$length = $pos - $offset;
$s2 .= self::substr($s, $offset, $length) . $diactricals;
$offset = $pos;
return $s2 . self::substr($s, $offset, strlen($s));
* Encodes data from another character encoding to UTF-8.
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param string $charset
* @return array|scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function convert_from($data, $charset = 'cp1251')
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
$charset = strtoupper($charset);
return self::_convert($data, $charset, 'UTF-8');
* Encodes data from UTF-8 to another character encoding.
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param string $charset
* @return array|scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function convert_to($data, $charset = 'cp1251')
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
$charset = strtoupper($charset);
return self::_convert($data, 'UTF-8', $charset);
* Recoding the data of any structure to/from UTF-8.
* Arrays traversed recursively, recoded keys and values.
* @see mb_encoding_aliases()
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param string $charset_from
* @param string $charset_to
* @return array|scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
private static function _convert($data, $charset_from, $charset_to)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false; #for recursive calls
if ($charset_from === $charset_to) return $data; #speed improve
if (is_array($data))
$d = array();
foreach ($data as $k => &$v)
if (is_string($k))
$k = self::_convert($k, $charset_from, $charset_to);
if (! is_string($k)) return false;
$d[$k] = self::_convert($v, $charset_from, $charset_to);
if ($d[$k] === false && ! is_bool($v)) return false;
return $d;
if (is_string($data))
#smart behaviour for errors protected + speed improve
if ($charset_from === 'UTF-8' && ! self::is_utf8($data)) return $data;
if ($charset_to === 'UTF-8' && self::is_utf8($data)) return $data;
#since PHP-5.3.x iconv() faster then mb_convert_encoding()
if (function_exists('iconv')) return iconv($charset_from, $charset_to . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', $data);
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) return mb_convert_encoding($data, $charset_to, $charset_from);
if ($charset_from === 'ISO-8859-1') return utf8_encode($data);
if ($charset_from === 'UTF-16' || $charset_from === 'UCS-2') return self::_convert_from_utf16($data);
if ($charset_from === 'CP1251' || $charset_from === 'CP1259') return strtr($data, self::$cp1259_table);
if ($charset_from === 'KOI8-R') return strtr(convert_cyr_string($data, 'k', 'w'), self::$cp1259_table);
if ($charset_from === 'ISO-8859-5') return strtr(convert_cyr_string($data, 'i', 'w'), self::$cp1259_table);
if ($charset_from === 'CP866') return strtr(convert_cyr_string($data, 'a', 'w'), self::$cp1259_table);
if ($charset_from === 'MAC-CYRILLIC') return strtr(convert_cyr_string($data, 'm', 'w'), self::$cp1259_table);
if ($charset_to === 'ISO-8859-1') return utf8_decode($data);
if ($charset_to === 'CP1251' || $charset_to === 'CP1259') return strtr($data, array_flip(self::$cp1259_table));
#last trying
if (function_exists('recode_string'))
$s = @recode_string($charset_from . '..' . $charset_to, $data);
if (is_string($s)) return $s;
trigger_error('Convert "' . $charset_from . '" --> "' . $charset_to . '" is not supported native, "iconv" or "mbstring" extension required', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if (is_scalar($data) || is_null($data)) return $data; #~ null, integer, float, boolean
return false; #object or resource
* Convert UTF-16 / UCS-2 encoding string to UTF-8.
* Surrogates UTF-16 are supported!
* In Russian:
* Преобразует строку из кодировки UTF-16 / UCS-2 в UTF-8.
* Суррогаты UTF-16 поддерживаются!
* @param string $s
* @param string $type 'BE' -- big endian byte order
* 'LE' -- little endian byte order
* @param bool $to_array returns array chars instead whole string?
* @return string|array|bool UTF-8 string, array chars or FALSE if error occurred
private static function _convert_from_utf16($s, $type = 'BE', $to_array = false)
static $types = array(
'BE' => 'n', #unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order)
'LE' => 'v', #unsigned short (always 16 bit, little endian byte order)
if (! array_key_exists($type, $types))
trigger_error('Unexpected value in 2-nd parameter, "' . $type . '" given!', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
#the fastest way:
if (function_exists('iconv') || function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
if (function_exists('iconv')) $s = iconv('UTF-16' . $type, 'UTF-8', $s);
elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) $s = mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16' . $type);
if (! $to_array) return $s;
return self::str_split($s);
The improvement that UTF-16 made over UCS-2 is its ability to encode
characters in planes 1-16, not just those in plane 0 (BMP).
UTF-16 represents non-BMP characters (those from U+10000 through U+10FFFF)
using a pair of 16-bit words, known as a surrogate pair.
First 1000016 is subtracted from the code point to give a 20-bit value.
This is then split into two separate 10-bit values each of which is represented
as a surrogate with the most significant half placed in the first surrogate.
To allow safe use of simple word-oriented string processing, separate ranges
of values are used for the two surrogates: 0xD800-0xDBFF for the first, most
significant surrogate and 0xDC00-0xDFFF for the second, least significant surrogate.
For example, the character at code point U+10000 becomes the code unit sequence 0xD800 0xDC00,
and the character at U+10FFFD, the upper limit of Unicode, becomes the sequence 0xDBFF 0xDFFD.
Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 do not, and will never, assign characters to any of the code points
in the U+D800-U+DFFF range, so an individual code value from a surrogate pair does not ever
represent a character.
Conversion of a Unicode scalar value S to a surrogate pair <H, L>:
H = Math.floor((S - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800;
L = ((S - 0x10000) % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
The conversion of a surrogate pair <H, L> to a scalar value:
N = ((H - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (L - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
$a = array();
$hi = false;
foreach (unpack($types[$type] . '*', $s) as $codepoint)
#surrogate process
if ($hi !== false)
$lo = $codepoint;
if ($lo < 0xDC00 || $lo > 0xDFFF) $a[] = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; #U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (for broken char)
$codepoint = (($hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + ($lo - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
$a[] = self::chr($codepoint);
$hi = false;
elseif ($codepoint < 0xD800 || $codepoint > 0xDBFF) $a[] = self::chr($codepoint); #not surrogate
else $hi = $codepoint; #surrogate was found
return $to_array ? $a : implode('', $a);
* Strips out device control codes in the ASCII range.
* @param array|scalar|null Data to clean
* @return array|scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strict($data)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_array($data))
$d = array();
foreach ($data as $k => &$v)
if (is_string($k))
$k = self::strict($k);
if (! is_string($k)) return false;
$d[$k] = self::strict($v);
if ($d[$k] === false && ! is_bool($v)) return false;
return $d;
if (is_string($data)) return preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]+/sSX', '', $data);
if (is_scalar($data) || is_null($data)) return $data; #int/float/bool/null
return false; #object or resource
* Check the data accessory to the class of control characters in ASCII.
* For non string always returns FALSE.
* @param scalar|null $data
* @param int|null $found_char_offset Returns the offset for the first found binary symbol
* @return bool
public static function has_binary($data, &$found_char_offset = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
#[\t\n\r] = [\x09\x0a\x0d]
#[\x00-\x1f\x7f](?<![\t\n\r]) = [\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f] = [^\x09\x0a\x0d\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]
if (! is_string($data) ||
#search a binary char
! preg_match('~[\x00-\x1f\x7f](?<![\t\n\r])~sSX', $data, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) return false;
$found_char_offset = self::strlen(substr($data, 0, $m[0][1]));
return true;
* Check the data accessory to the class of characters ASCII.
* For non string/int/float always returns FALSE
* @param scalar|null $data
* @param int|null $error_char_offset Returns the offset for the first found non ASCII symbol
* @return bool
public static function is_ascii($data, &$error_char_offset = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_string($data))
if (! preg_match('~[\x80-\xff]~sSX', $data, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) return true;
$error_char_offset = $m[0][1];
return false;
if (is_int($data) || is_float($data)) return true;
return false;
* Returns true if data is valid UTF-8 and false otherwise.
* For null, integer, float, boolean returns TRUE.
* The arrays are traversed recursively, if At least one element of the array
* its value is not in UTF-8, returns FALSE.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param bool $is_strict strict the range of ASCII?
* @return bool
public static function is_utf8($data, $is_strict = true)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_string($data))
if (preg_match('~~suSX', $data) !== 1) return false;
//if (function_exists('preg_last_error') && preg_last_error() !== PREG_NO_ERROR) return false;
//preg_match('~~suSX') much faster (up to 4 times), then mb_check_encoding($data, 'UTF-8')!
//if (function_exists('mb_check_encoding') && ! mb_check_encoding($data, 'UTF-8')) return false; #DEPRECATED
* Специальные символы по спецификации JSON (
* \b represents the backspace character (U+0008)
* \t represents the character tabulation character (U+0009)
* \n represents the line feed character (U+000A)
* \f represents the form feed character (U+000C)
* \r represents the carriage return character (U+000D)
//с данным регулярным выражением preg_match() работает в 2 раза быстрее, чем strpbrk()
if ($is_strict && preg_match('/[^\x08\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20-\xBF\xC2-\xF7]/sSX', $data)) {
return false;
return true;
if (is_scalar($data) || is_null($data)) return true; #int/float/bool/null
if (is_array($data))
foreach ($data as $k => &$v)
if (! self::is_utf8($k, $is_strict) || ! self::is_utf8($v, $is_strict)) return false;
return true;
return false; #object or resource
* Tries to detect if a string is in Unicode encoding
* @deprecated Slowly, use self::is_utf8() instead
* @see self::is_utf8()
* @param string $s текст
* @param bool $is_strict строгая проверка диапазона ASCII?
* @return bool
public static function check($s, $is_strict = true)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($s); $i < $len; $i++)
$c = ord($s[$i]);
if ($c < 0x80) #1 byte 0bbbbbbb
if ($is_strict === false || ($c > 0x1F && $c < 0x7F) || $c == 0x09 || $c == 0x0A || $c == 0x0D) continue;
if (($c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) $n = 1; #2 bytes 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
elseif (($c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) $n = 2; #3 bytes 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
elseif (($c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) $n = 3; #4 bytes 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
elseif (($c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) $n = 4; #5 bytes 111110bb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
elseif (($c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) $n = 5; #6 bytes 1111110b 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
else return false; #does not match any model
#n bytes matching 10bbbbbb follow ?
for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
if ($i == $len || ((ord($s[$i]) & 0xC0) != 0x80) ) return false;
return true;
* Check the data in UTF-8 charset on given ranges of the standard UNICODE.
* The suitable alternative to regular expressions.
* For null, integer, float, boolean returns TRUE.
* Arrays traversed recursively (keys and values).
* At least if one array element value is not passed checking, it returns FALSE.
* @example
* #A simple check the standard named ranges:
* UTF8::blocks_check('поисковые системы Google и Yandex', array('Basic Latin', 'Cyrillic'));
* #You can check the named, direct ranges or codepoints together:
* UTF8::blocks_check('поисковые системы Google и Yandex', array(array(0x20, 0x7E), #[\x20-\x7E]
* array(0x0410, 0x044F), #[A-Яa-я]
* 0x0401, #russian yo (Ё)
* 0x0451, #russian ye (ё)
* 'Arrows',
* ));
* @link
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param array|string $blocks
* @return bool Возвращает TRUE, если все символы из текста принадлежат указанным диапазонам
* и FALSE в противном случае или для разбитого UTF-8.
public static function blocks_check($data, $blocks)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_array($data))
foreach ($data as $k => &$v)
if (! self::blocks_check($k, $blocks) || ! self::blocks_check($v, $blocks)) return false;
return true;
if (is_int($data)) $data = strval($data);
elseif (is_float($data)) $data = str_replace(',', '.', strval($data));
elseif (! is_string($data)) return false;
$chars = self::str_split($data);
if ($chars === false) return false; #broken UTF-8
unset($data); #memory free
$skip = array(); #save to cache already checked symbols
foreach ($chars as $i => $char)
if (array_key_exists($char, $skip)) continue; #speed improve
$codepoint = self::ord($char);
if (! is_int($codepoint)) return false; #broken UTF-8?
$is_valid = false;
$blocks = (array)$blocks;
foreach ($blocks as $j => $block)
if (is_string($block))
if (! array_key_exists($block, self::$unicode_blocks))
trigger_error('Unknown block "' . $block . '"!', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
list ($min, $max) = self::$unicode_blocks[$block];
elseif (is_array($block)) list ($min, $max) = $block;
elseif (is_int($block)) $min = $max = $block;
else trigger_error('A string/array/int type expected for block[' . $j . ']!', E_USER_ERROR);
if ($codepoint >= $min && $codepoint <= $max)
$is_valid = true;
if (! $is_valid) return false;
$skip[$char] = null;
return true;
* Сравнение строк
* @param string|null $s1
* @param string|null $s2
* @param string $locale For example, 'en_CA', 'ru_RU'
* @return int|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
* Returns < 0 if $s1 is less than $s2;
* > 0 if $s1 is greater than $s2;
* 0 if they are equal.
public static function strcmp($s1, $s2, $locale = '')
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s1) || ! is_string($s2)) return null;
if (! function_exists('collator_create')) return strcmp($s1, $s2);
# PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0
# If empty string ("") or "root" are passed, UCA rules will be used.
$c = new Collator($locale);
if (! $c)
# Returns an "empty" object on error. You can use intl_get_error_code() and/or intl_get_error_message() to know what happened.
trigger_error(intl_get_error_message(), E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
return $c->compare($s1, $s2);
* Сравнение строк для N первых символов
* @param string|null $s1
* @param string|null $s2
* @param int $length
* @return int|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
* Returns < 0 if $s1 is less than $s2;
* > 0 if $s1 is greater than $s2;
* 0 if they are equal.
public static function strncmp($s1, $s2, $length)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s1) || ! is_string($s2)) return null;
return self::strcmp(self::substr($s1, 0, $length), self::substr($s2, 0, $length));
* Implementation strcasecmp() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @param string|null $s1
* @param string|null $s2
* @return int|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
* Returns < 0 if $s1 is less than $s2;
* > 0 if $s1 is greater than $s2;
* 0 if they are equal.
public static function strcasecmp($s1, $s2)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s1) || ! is_string($s2)) return null;
return self::strcmp(self::lowercase($s1), self::lowercase($s2));
* Converts a UTF-8 string to a UNICODE codepoints
* @param string|null $s UTF-8 string
* @return array|bool|null Unicode codepoints
* Returns FALSE if $s broken (not UTF-8)
public static function to_unicode($s)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
$s2 = null;
#since PHP-5.3.x iconv() little faster then mb_convert_encoding()
if (function_exists('iconv')) $s2 = @iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-4BE', $s);
elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) $s2 = @mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UCS-4BE', 'UTF-8');
if (is_string($s2)) return array_values(unpack('N*', $s2));
if ($s2 !== null) return false;
$a = self::str_split($s);
if (! is_array($a)) return false;
return array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'ord'), $a);
* Converts a UNICODE codepoints to a UTF-8 string
* @param array|null $a Unicode codepoints
* @return string|bool|null UTF-8 string
* Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function from_unicode($a)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_array($a)) return $a;
#since PHP-5.3.x iconv() little faster then mb_convert_encoding()
if (function_exists('iconv'))
array_walk($a, function(&$cp) { $cp = pack('N', $cp); });
$s = @iconv('UCS-4BE', 'UTF-8', implode('', $a));
if (! is_string($s)) return false;
return $s;
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
array_walk($a, function(&$cp) { $cp = pack('N', $cp); });
$s = mb_convert_encoding(implode('', $a), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-4BE');
if (! is_string($s)) return false;
return $s;
return implode('', array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'chr'), $a));
* Converts a UTF-8 character to a UNICODE codepoint
* @param string|null $char UTF-8 character
* @return int|bool|null Unicode codepoint
* Returns FALSE if $char broken (not UTF-8)
public static function ord($char)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($char)) return $char;
static $cache = array();
if (array_key_exists($char, $cache)) return $cache[$char]; #speed improve
switch (strlen($char))
case 1 : return $cache[$char] = ord($char);
case 2 : return $cache[$char] = (ord($char{1}) & 63) |
((ord($char{0}) & 31) << 6);
case 3 : return $cache[$char] = (ord($char{2}) & 63) |
((ord($char{1}) & 63) << 6) |
((ord($char{0}) & 15) << 12);
case 4 : return $cache[$char] = (ord($char{3}) & 63) |
((ord($char{2}) & 63) << 6) |
((ord($char{1}) & 63) << 12) |
((ord($char{0}) & 7) << 18);
default :
trigger_error('Character 0x' . bin2hex($char) . ' is not UTF-8!', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* Converts a UNICODE codepoint to a UTF-8 character
* @param int|digit|null $cp Unicode codepoint
* @return string|bool|null UTF-8 character
* Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function chr($cp)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_int($cp) && ! ctype_digit($cp)) return $cp;
static $cache = array();
if (array_key_exists($cp, $cache)) return $cache[$cp]; #speed improve
if ($cp <= 0x7f) return $cache[$cp] = chr($cp);
if ($cp <= 0x7ff) return $cache[$cp] = chr(0xc0 | ($cp >> 6)) .
chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3f));
if ($cp <= 0xffff) return $cache[$cp] = chr(0xe0 | ($cp >> 12)) .
chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 6) & 0x3f)) .
chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3f));
if ($cp <= 0x10ffff) return $cache[$cp] = chr(0xf0 | ($cp >> 18)) .
chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 12) & 0x3f)) .
chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 6) & 0x3f)) .
chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3f));
return $cache[$cp] = "\xEF\xBF\xBD";
* Implementation chunk_split() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @param string|null $s
* @param int|digit|null $length
* @param string|null $glue
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function chunk_split($s, $length = null, $glue = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
$length = intval($length);
$glue = strval($glue);
if ($length < 1) $length = 76;
if ($glue === '') $glue = "\r\n";
$a = self::str_split($s, $length);
if (! is_array($a)) return false;
return implode($glue, $a);
* Changes all keys in an array
* @param array|null $a
* @param int $mode {CASE_LOWER|CASE_UPPER}
* @param bool $is_recursive
* @return array|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function array_change_key_case($a, $mode, $is_recursive = false)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_array($a)) return $a;
$a2 = array();
foreach ($a as $k => $v)
if (is_string($k))
$k = self::convert_case($k, $mode);
if ($k === false) return false;
if ($is_recursive && is_array($v)) #recursive support
$v = self::array_change_key_case($v, $mode, $is_recursive);
if (! is_array($v)) return false;
$a2[$k] = $v;
return $a2;
* Конвертирует регистр букв в данных в кодировке UTF-8.
* Массивы обходятся рекурсивно, при этом конвертируются только значения
* в элементах массива, а ключи остаются без изменений.
* Для конвертирования только ключей используйте метод self::array_change_key_case().
* @see self::array_change_key_case()
* @link
* @link
* @param array|scalar|null $data Данные произвольной структуры
* @param int $mode {CASE_LOWER|CASE_UPPER}
* @param bool $is_ascii_optimization for speed improve
* @return scalar|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function convert_case($data, $mode, $is_ascii_optimization = true)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_array($data)) #recursive support
foreach ($data as $k => $v)
$data[$k] = self::convert_case($v, $mode);
if ($data[$k] === false && ! is_bool($v)) return false;
return $data;
if (! is_string($data) || ! $data) return $data;
if ($mode === CASE_UPPER)
if ($is_ascii_optimization && self::is_ascii($data)) return strtoupper($data); #speed improve!
#deprecated, since PHP-5.3.x strtr() 2-3 times faster then mb_strtolower()
#if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) return mb_strtoupper($data, 'utf-8');
return strtr($data, array_flip(self::$convert_case_table));
if ($mode === CASE_LOWER)
if ($is_ascii_optimization && self::is_ascii($data)) return strtolower($data); #speed improve!
#deprecated, since PHP-5.3.x strtr() 2-3 times faster then mb_strtolower()
#if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) return mb_strtolower($data, 'utf-8');
return strtr($data, self::$convert_case_table);
trigger_error('Parameter 2 should be a constant of CASE_LOWER or CASE_UPPER!', E_USER_WARNING);
return $data;
* Convert a data to lower case
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @return scalar|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred */
public static function lowercase($data)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
return self::convert_case($data, CASE_LOWER);
* Convert a data to upper case
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @return scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function uppercase($data)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
return self::convert_case($data, CASE_UPPER);
* Convert a data to lower case
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @return scalar|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strtolower($data)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
return self::convert_case($data, CASE_LOWER);
* Convert a data to upper case
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @return scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strtoupper($data)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
return self::convert_case($data, CASE_UPPER);
* Convert all HTML entities to native UTF-8 characters
* Функция декодирует гораздо больше именованных сущностей, чем стандартная html_entity_decode()
* Все dec и hex сущности так же переводятся в UTF-8.
* Example: '&quot;' or '&#34;' or '&#x22;' will be converted to '"'.
* @link
* @link (HTML 4.01 Character Entity References)
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param scalar|null $s
* @param bool $is_special_chars Дополнительно обрабатывать специальные html сущности? (&lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos;)
* @return scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function html_entity_decode($s, $is_special_chars = false)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
#speed improve
if (strlen($s) < 4 #по минимальной длине сущности - 4 байта: &#d; &xx;
|| ($pos = strpos($s, '&') === false) || strpos($s, ';', $pos) === false) return $s;
$table = self::$html_entity_table;
if ($is_special_chars)
$table += self::$html_special_chars_table
+ array(
#&apos; entity is only available in XHTML/HTML5 and not in plain HTML, see
'&apos;' => "\x27", #U+0027 ['] &#39; apostrophe
#replace named entities
$s = strtr($s, $table);
#block below deprecated, since PHP-5.3.x strtr() 1.5 times faster
if (0 && preg_match_all('/&[a-zA-Z]++\d*+;/sSX', $s, $m, null, $pos))
foreach (array_unique($m[0]) as $entity)
if (array_key_exists($entity, $table)) $s = str_replace($entity, $table[$entity], $s);
#заменяем числовые dec и hex сущности:
if (strpos($s, '&#') !== false) #speed improve
$class = __CLASS__;
$html_special_chars_table_flipped = array_flip(self::$html_special_chars_table);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/&#((x)[\da-fA-F]{1,6}+|\d{1,7}+);/sSX',
function (array $m) use ($class, $html_special_chars_table_flipped, $is_special_chars)
$codepoint = isset($m[2]) && $m[2] === 'x' ? hexdec($m[1]) : $m[1];
if (! $is_special_chars)
$char = pack('C', $codepoint);
if (array_key_exists($char, $html_special_chars_table_flipped)) return $html_special_chars_table_flipped[$char];
return $class::chr($codepoint);
}, $s);
return $s;
* Convert special UTF-8 characters to HTML entities.
* Функция кодирует гораздо больше именованных сущностей, чем стандартная htmlentities()
* @link
* @link (HTML 4.01 Character Entity References)
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param scalar|null $s
* @param bool $is_special_chars_only Обрабатывать только специальные html сущности? (&lt; &gt; &amp; &quot;)
* @return scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function html_entity_encode($s, $is_special_chars_only = false)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if ($is_special_chars_only) return strtr($s, array_flip(self::$html_special_chars_table)); #binary support
#if ($is_special_chars_only) return htmlspecialchars($s); #DEPRECATED, charset dependent
#replace UTF-8 chars to named entities:
$s = strtr($s, array_flip(self::$html_entity_table));
#block below deprecated, since PHP-5.3.x strtr() 3 times faster
if (0 && preg_match_all('~(?> [\xc2\xc3\xc5\xc6\xcb\xce\xcf][\x80-\xbf] #2 bytes
| \xe2[\x80-\x99][\x82-\xac] #3 bytes
~sxSX', $s, $m))
$table = array_flip(self::$html_entity_table);
foreach (array_unique($m[0]) as $char)
if (array_key_exists($char, $table)) $s = str_replace($char, $table[$char], $s);
return $s;
* Make regular expression for case insensitive match
* Example (only digits): "123" => "123"
* Example (only ASCII): "123_test" => "(?i:123_test)"
* Example (upper ASCII): "123_слово_test" => "123_(с|С)(л|Л)(о|О)(в|В)(о|О)_[tT][eE][sS][tT]"
* @param string|null $s
* @param string|null $delimiter If the optional delimiter is specified, it will also be escaped.
* This is useful for escaping the delimiter that is required by the PCRE functions.
* The / is the most commonly used delimiter.
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function preg_quote_case_insensitive($s, $delimiter = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if (ctype_digit($s)) return preg_quote($s, $delimiter); #speed improve
if (self::is_ascii($s)) return '(?i:' . preg_quote($s, $delimiter) . ')'; #speed improve
$s_lc = self::convert_case($s, CASE_LOWER, false); if ($s_lc === false) return false;
$s_uc = self::convert_case($s, CASE_UPPER, false); if ($s_uc === false) return false;
if ($s_lc === $s_uc) return preg_quote($s, $delimiter); #speed improve
$chars_lc = self::str_split($s_lc); if ($chars_lc === false) return false;
$chars_uc = self::str_split($s_uc); if ($chars_uc === false) return false;
$s_re = '';
foreach ($chars_lc as $i => $char)
if ($chars_lc[$i] === $chars_uc[$i])
$s_re .= preg_quote($chars_lc[$i], $delimiter);
elseif (strlen($chars_lc[$i]) === 1 /*self::is_ascii($chars_lc[$i])*/)
$s_re .= '[' . self::_preg_quote_class($chars_lc[$i] . $chars_uc[$i], $delimiter) . ']';
#для русских и др. букв, т. к. флаг /u и (?i:слово) не помогают :(
$s_re .= '(' . preg_quote($chars_lc[$i], $delimiter) . '|'
. preg_quote($chars_uc[$i], $delimiter) . ')';
return $s_re;
* Call preg_match_all() and convert byte offsets into character offsets for PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flag.
* This is regardless of whether you use /u modifier.
* @link
* @param string $pattern
* @param string|null $subject
* @param array $matches
* @param int $flags
* @param int $char_offset
* @return array|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, &$matches, $flags = PREG_PATTERN_ORDER, $char_offset = 0)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($subject)) return $subject;
$byte_offset = ($char_offset > 0) ? strlen(self::substr($subject, 0, $char_offset)) : $char_offset;
$return = preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, $flags, $byte_offset);
if ($return === false) return false;
foreach ($matches as &$match)
foreach ($match as &$a) $a[1] = self::strlen(substr($subject, 0, $a[1]));
return $return;
#alias for self::str_limit()
public static function truncate($s, $maxlength = null, $continue = "\xe2\x80\xa6", &$is_cutted = null, $tail_min_length = 20)
return self::str_limit($s, $maxlength, $continue, $is_cutted, $tail_min_length);
* Обрезает текст в кодировке UTF-8 до заданной длины,
* причём последнее слово показывается целиком, а не обрывается на середине.
* Html сущности корректно обрабатываются.
* @param string|null $s Текст в кодировке UTF-8
* @param int|null|digit $maxlength Ограничение длины текста
* @param string $continue Завершающая строка, которая будет вставлена после текста, если он обрежется
* @param bool|null &$is_cutted Текст был обрезан?
* @param int|digit $tail_min_length Если длина "хвоста", оставшегося после обрезки текста, меньше $tail_min_length,
* то текст возвращается без изменений
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function str_limit($s, $maxlength = null, $continue = "\xe2\x80\xa6", &$is_cutted = null, $tail_min_length = 20) #"\xe2\x80\xa6" = "&hellip;"
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
$is_cutted = false;
if ($continue === null) $continue = "\xe2\x80\xa6";
if (! $maxlength) $maxlength = 256;
#speed improve block
if (strlen($s) <= $maxlength) return $s;
$s2 = str_replace("\r\n", '?', $s);
$s2 = preg_replace('~' . self::HTML_ENTITY_RE . '~sxSX', '?', $s2);
if (strlen($s2) <= $maxlength || self::strlen($s2) <= $maxlength) return $s;
$r = preg_match_all('~(?> \r\n # next line
| ' . self::HTML_ENTITY_RE . '
| .
~sxuSX', $s, $m);
if ($r === false) return false;
if (count($m[0]) <= $maxlength) return $s;
$left = implode('', array_slice($m[0], 0, $maxlength));
#из диапазона ASCII исключаем буквы, цифры, открывающие парные символы [a-zA-Z\d\(\{\[] и некоторые др. символы
#нельзя вырезать в конце строки символ ";", т.к. он используются в сущностях &xxx;
$left2 = rtrim($left, "\x00..\x28\x2A..\x2F\x3A\x3C..\x3E\x40\x5B\x5C\x5E..\x60\x7B\x7C\x7E\x7F");
if (strlen($left) !== strlen($left2)) $return = $left2 . $continue;
#добавляем остаток к обрезанному слову
$right = implode('', array_slice($m[0], $maxlength));
#цифры, закрывающие парные символы, дефис для составных слов, дата, время, IP-адреса, URL типа!
| \p{L}+
#quotation marks
| [' . implode('', self::$html_quotation_mark_table) . ']+
/suxSX', $right, $m);
$right = isset($m[0]) ? rtrim($m[0], '.-') : '';
$return = $left . $right;
if (strlen($return) !== strlen($s)) $return .= $continue;
if (self::strlen($s) - self::strlen($return) < $tail_min_length) return $s;
$is_cutted = true;
return $return;
* Implementation str_split() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @param string|null $s
* @param int|null|digit $length
* @return array|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function str_split($s, $length = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
$length = ($length === null) ? 1 : intval($length);
if ($length < 1) return false;
#there are limits in regexp for {min,max}!
if (preg_match_all('~.~suSX', $s, $m) === false) return false;
if (function_exists('preg_last_error') && preg_last_error() !== PREG_NO_ERROR) return false;
if ($length === 1) $a = $m[0];
$a = array();
for ($i = 0, $c = count($m[0]); $i < $c; $i += $length) $a[] = implode('', array_slice($m[0], $i, $length));
return $a;
* Implementation strlen() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @param string|null $s
* @return int|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strlen($s)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
//since PHP-5.3.x mb_strlen() faster then strlen(utf8_decode())
if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) return mb_strlen($s, 'utf-8');
utf8_decode() converts characters that are not in ISO-8859-1 to '?', which, for the purpose of counting, is quite alright.
It's much faster than iconv_strlen()
Note: this function does not count bad UTF-8 bytes in the string - these are simply ignored
return strlen(utf8_decode($s));
#iconv_strlen() slowly then strlen(utf8_decode())
if (function_exists('iconv_strlen')) return iconv_strlen($s, 'utf-8');
#Do not count UTF-8 continuation bytes
#return strlen(preg_replace('/[\x80-\xBF]/sSX', '', $s));
#slowly then strlen(utf8_decode())
preg_match_all('~.~suSX', $str, $m);
return count($m[0]);
#slowly then preg_match_all() + count()
$n = 0;
for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($s); $i < $len; $i++)
$c = ord(substr($s, $i, 1));
if ($c < 0x80) $n++; #single-byte (0xxxxxx)
elseif (($c & 0xC0) == 0xC0) $n++; #multi-byte starting byte (11xxxxxx)
return $n;
* Implementation strpos() function for UTF-8 encoding string
* @param string|null $s The entire string
* @param string|int $needle The searched substring
* @param int|null $offset The optional offset parameter specifies the position from which the search should be performed
* @return int|bool|null Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in haystack.
* If needle is not found, will return FALSE.
public static function strpos($s, $needle, $offset = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
if ($offset === null || $offset < 0) $offset = 0;
#mb_strpos() faster then iconv_strpos()
if (function_exists('mb_strpos')) return mb_strpos($s, $needle, $offset, 'utf-8');
#iconv_strpos() deprecated, because slowly than self::strlen(substr())
#if (function_exists('iconv_strpos')) return iconv_strpos($s, $needle, $offset, 'utf-8');
$byte_pos = $offset;
do if (($byte_pos = strpos($s, $needle, $byte_pos)) === false) return false;
while (($char_pos = self::strlen(substr($s, 0, $byte_pos++))) < $offset);
return $char_pos;
* Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string.
* @param string|null $s The entire string
* @param string|int $needle The searched substring
* @param int|null $offset The optional offset parameter specifies the position from which the search should be performed
* @return int|bool|null Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in haystack.
* If needle is not found, will return FALSE.
public static function stripos($s, $needle, $offset = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
if ($offset === null || $offset < 0) $offset = 0;
if (function_exists('mb_stripos')) return mb_stripos($s, $needle, $offset, 'utf-8');
#optimization block (speed improve)
$ascii_int = intval(self::is_ascii($s)) + intval(self::is_ascii($needle));
if ($ascii_int === 1) return false;
if ($ascii_int === 2) return stripos($s, $needle, $offset);
$s = self::convert_case($s, CASE_LOWER, false);
if ($s === false) return false;
$needle = self::convert_case($needle, CASE_LOWER, false);
if ($needle === false) return false;
return self::strpos($s, $needle, $offset);
* Implementation strrev() function for UTF-8 encoding string
* @param string|null $s
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strrev($s)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if (0) #TODO test speed
$s = self::_convert($s, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32');
if (! is_string($s)) return false;
$s = implode('', array_reverse(str_split($s, 4)));
return self::_convert($s, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
if (! is_array($a = self::str_split($s))) return false;
return implode('', array_reverse($a));
* Implementation substr() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @link
* @param string|null $s
* @param int|digit $offset
* @param int|null|digit $length
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function substr($s, $offset, $length = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
#since PHP-5.3.x mb_substr() faster then iconv_substr()
if (function_exists('mb_substr'))
if ($length === null) $length = self::strlen($s);
return mb_substr($s, $offset, $length, 'utf-8');
if (function_exists('iconv_substr'))
if ($length === null) $length = self::strlen($s);
return iconv_substr($s, $offset, $length, 'utf-8');
static $_s = null;
static $_a = null;
if ($_s !== $s) $_a = self::str_split($_s = $s);
if (! is_array($_a)) return false;
if ($length !== null) $a = array_slice($_a, $offset, $length);
else $a = array_slice($_a, $offset);
return implode('', $a);
* Implementation substr_replace() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* @param string|null $s
* @param string|int $replacement
* @param int|digit $start
* @param int|null $length
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function substr_replace($s, $replacement, $start, $length = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
$a = self::str_split($s);
if (! is_array($a)) return false;
array_splice($a, $start, $length, $replacement);
return implode('', $a);
* Implementation ucfirst() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* Преобразует первый символ строки в кодировке UTF-8 в верхний регистр.
* Корректно обрабатывает слова в кавычках, например: «северный поток» --> «Северный поток»
* @param string|null $s
* @param bool $is_other_to_lowercase остальные символы преобразуются в нижний регистр?
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function ucfirst($s, $is_other_to_lowercase = true)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if ($s === '' || ! is_string($s)) return $s;
if (! preg_match('/^([' . implode('', self::$html_quotation_mark_table) . ']{1,2}+) #1 quotation marks
(\p{L}) #2 first letter
(.*+) #3 next letters
$/sxuSX', $s, $m)) return $s; #letters not found
return $m[1] . self::uppercase($m[2]) . ($is_other_to_lowercase ? self::lowercase($m[3]) : $m[3]);
* Implementation ucwords() function for UTF-8 encoding string.
* Преобразует в верхний регистр первый символ каждого слова в строке в кодировке UTF-8,
* остальные символы каждого слова преобразуются в нижний регистр.
* @param string|null $s
* @param bool $is_other_to_lowercase остальные символы преобразуются в нижний регистр?
* @param string $spaces_re
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function ucwords($s, $is_other_to_lowercase = true, $spaces_re = '~([\p{Z}\s]+)~suSX')
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if ($s === '' || ! is_string($s)) return $s;
$words = preg_split($spaces_re, $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach ($words as $k => $word)
$words[$k] = self::ucfirst($word, $is_other_to_lowercase);
if ($words[$k] === false) return false;
return implode('', $words);
* Decodes a string to UTF-8 string from some formats (can be mixed)
* Examples
* '%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82" #binary (regular)
* '0xD182D0B5D181D182' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82" #binary (compact)
* '%u0442%u0435%u0441%u0442' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82" #UCS-2 (U+0 — U+FFFF)
* '%u{442}%u{435}%u{0441}%u{00442}' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82" #UTF-8 (U+0 — U+FFFFFF)
* It is used to decode the data in the format %uXXXX, encoded deprecated
* javascript's function encode(). Recommended to use encodeURIComponent().
* Obsolete format %uXXXX allows unicode only in the range of UCS-2, ie, U+0 to U+FFFF.
* @see urldecode()
* @param array|scalar|null $data
* @param bool $is_hex2bin Decode the HEX-data?
* Example: '0xD182D0B5D181D182' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"
* Hint: parameters in the URL address is sometimes
* convenient to encode not function rawurlencode($string),
* and use the following mechanism (encoded data is more compact):
* '0x' . bin2hex($string)
* @param bool $is_urldecode
* @return array|scalar|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function unescape($data, $is_hex2bin = false, $is_urldecode = true)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_array($data))
$d = array();
foreach ($data as $k => &$v)
if (is_string($k))
$k = self::unescape($k, $is_hex2bin, $is_urldecode);
if (! is_string($k)) return false;
$d[$k] = self::unescape($v, $is_hex2bin, $is_urldecode);
if ($d[$k] === false && ! is_bool($v)) return false;
return $d;
if (is_string($data))
#use strpos() for speed improving of regexp
if ($is_hex2bin && strpos($data, '0x') !== false)
$data = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $m)
$s = pack('H' . strlen($m[1]), $m[1]); #hex2bin()
return rawurlencode($s);
if (strpos($data, '%u') !== false)
$class = __CLASS__;
$data = preg_replace_callback(
'~%u( [\da-fA-F]{4}+ #%uXXXX only UCS-2
| \{ [\da-fA-F]{1,6}+ \} #%u{XXXXXX} extended form for all UNICODE charts
function (array $m) use ($class)
$codepoint = hexdec(trim($m[1], '{}'));
$char = $class::chr($codepoint);
return rawurlencode($char);
return $is_urldecode ? urldecode($data) : $data;
if (is_scalar($data) || is_null($data)) return $data; #~ null, integer, float, boolean
return false; #object or resource
* 1) Corrects the global arrays $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, $_FILES
* decoded values from %XX and extended %uXXXX / %u{XXXXXX} format,
* for example, through an outdated javascript function escape().
* Standard PHP5 cannot do it.
* 2) Recode $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, $_FILES from $charset
* encoding to UTF-8, if necessary.
* A side effect is a positive protection against XSS attacks with
* non-printable characters on the vulnerable PHP function.
* Thus web forms can be sent to the server in 2-encoding: $charset and UTF-8.
* For example: ?тест[тест]=тест
* 3) If in the HTTP_COOKIE there are parameters with the same name,
* takes the last value (as in the QUERY_STRING), not the first.
* 4) Creates an array of $_POST for non-standard Content-Type, for example,
* "Content-Type: application/octet-stream". Standard PHP5 creates
* an array for "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
* and "Content-Type: multipart/form-data".
* Examples
* '%F2%E5%F1%F2' => 'тест' #CP1251 (regular)
* '0xF2E5F1F2' => 'тест' #CP1251 (compact)
* '%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82' => 'тест' #UTF-8 (regular)
* '0xD182D0B5D181D182' => 'тест' #UTF-8 (compact)
* '%u0442%u0435%u0441%u0442' => 'тест' #UCS-2 (U+0 — U+FFFF)
* '%u{442}%u{435}%u{0441}%u{00442}' => 'тест' #UTF-8 (U+0 — U+FFFFFF)
* Сессии, куки и независимая авторизация на поддоменах.
* У рабочего сайта появились поддомены.
* Для кроссдоменной авторизации через механизм сессий имя хоста для COOKIE было изменено с "" на ""
* В результате авторизация не работает. Решение: поменять имя сессии.
* Ещё помогает очистка COOKIE, но их принудительная очистка на тысячах пользовательских компьютеров проблематична.
* PHP не правильно (?) обрабатывает заголовок HTTP_COOKIE, если там встречаются параметры с одинаковым именем, но разными значениями.
* Пример запроса HTTP-заголовка клиентом: "Cookie: sid=chpgs2fiak-330mzqza; sid=cmz5tnp5zz-xlbbgqp"
* В этом случае сервер берёт первое значение, а не последнее.
* Хотя если в QUERY_STRING есть такая ситуация, всегда берётся последний параметр.
* В HTTP_COOKIE два параметра с одинаковым именем могут появиться, если отправить клиенту следующие HTTP-заголовки:
* "Set-Cookie: sid=chpgs2fiak-330mzqza; expires=Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:23:42 GMT; path=/;" (только
* "Set-Cookie: sid=cmz6uqorzv-1bn35110; expires=Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:23:42 GMT; path=/;" ( и все его поддомены)
* Есть рабочие сайты: (основной), (админка),
* (подпроект 1),, (подпроект 2).
* Так же имеется сервер разработки, на котором м. б. свои поддомены.
* Требуется сделать независимую кросс-доменную авторизацию для http://* и http://*
* Для сохранения статуса авторизации будем использовать сессию, имя и значение которой пишется в COOKIE.
* Т. к. домены http://* имеют пересечение с доменами http://*,
* для независимой авторизации нужно использовать разные имена сессий!
* Пример HTTP заголовков ответа сервера:
* "Set-Cookie: sid=chpgs2fiak-330mzqza; expires=Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:23:42 GMT; path=/;" ( и все его поддомены)
* "Set-Cookie:; expires=Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:23:42 GMT; path=/;" ( и все его поддомены)
* @link RFC 2965 - HTTP State Management Mechanism
* @param bool $is_hex2bin Decode the HEX-data?
* Example: '0xD182D0B5D181D182' => "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"
* Hint: parameters in the URL address is sometimes
* convenient to encode not function rawurlencode($string),
* and use the following mechanism (encoded data is more compact):
* '0x' . bin2hex($string)
* @param string $charset
* @return bool
public static function unescape_request($is_hex2bin = false, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1')
$fixed = false;
#ATTENTION! HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is only accessible when Content-Type of POST request is NOT default "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"!
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ? (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] : @file_get_contents('php://input')) : null;
if (ini_get('always_populate_raw_post_data')) $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
foreach (array( '_GET' => isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : null,
'_COOKIE' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] : null,
'_FILES' => isset($_FILES) ? $_FILES : null,
) as $k => $v)
if (! is_string($v)) continue;
if ($k === '_COOKIE')
$v = preg_replace('/; *+/sSX', '&', $v);
unset($_COOKIE); #будем парсить HTTP_COOKIE сами, чтобы сделать обработку как у QUERY_STRING
$v = self::unescape($v, $is_hex2bin, false);
if ($v === false) return false;
parse_str($v, $GLOBALS[$k]);
$GLOBALS[$k] = self::convert_from($GLOBALS[$k], $charset);
if ($GLOBALS[$k] === false)
trigger_error('Array $' . $k . ' does not have keys/values in UTF-8 charset!', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$fixed = true;
if ($fixed)
(isset($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array()) +
(isset($_POST) ? $_POST : array()) +
(isset($_GET) ? $_GET : array());
return true;
* Calculates the height of the edit text in <textarea> html tag by value and width.
* В большинстве случаев будет корректно работать для моноширинных шрифтов.
* Т.к. браузер переносит последнее слово, которое не умещается на строке,
* на следующую строку, высота м.б. меньше ожидаемой.
* Этот алгоритм явл. простым (и быстрым) и не отслеживает переносы слов.
* @param string|null $s Текст
* @param int|digit $cols Ширина области редактирования (колонок)
* @param int|digit $min_rows Минимальное кол-во строк
* @param int|digit $max_rows Максимальное кол-во строк
* @return int|bool|null Number of rows (lines)
public static function textarea_rows($s, $cols, $min_rows = 3, $max_rows = 32)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
if (strlen($s) == 0) return $min_rows; #speed improve
$rows = 0;
#utf8_decode() converts characters that are not in ISO-8859-1 to '?'
foreach (preg_split('/\r\n|[\r\n]/sSX', utf8_decode($s)) as $line)
$rows += ceil((strlen($line) + 1) / $cols);
if ($rows > $max_rows) return $max_rows;
return ($rows < $min_rows) ? $min_rows : $rows;
* @param string|null $s
* @param string|null $charlist
* @return string|bool|null
public static function ltrim($s, $charlist = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if ($charlist === null || self::is_ascii($charlist)) return ltrim($s);
return preg_replace('~^[' . self::_preg_quote_class($charlist, '~') . ']+~suSX', '', $s);
* @param string|null $s
* @param string|null $charlist
* @return string|bool|null
public static function rtrim($s, $charlist = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if ($charlist === null || self::is_ascii($charlist)) return rtrim($s);
return preg_replace('~[' . self::_preg_quote_class($charlist, '~') . ']+$~suSX', '', $s);
* @param scalar|null $s
* @param string|null $charlist
* @return scalar|null
public static function trim($s, $charlist = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if ($charlist === null || self::is_ascii($charlist)) return trim($s);
$charlist_re = self::_preg_quote_class($charlist, '~');
$s = preg_replace('~^[' . $charlist_re . ']+~suSX', '', $s);
return preg_replace('~[' . $charlist_re . ']+$~suSX', '', $s);
* @param string $charlist
* @param string|null $delimiter
* @return string
private static function _preg_quote_class($charlist, $delimiter = null)
#return preg_quote($charlist, $delimiter); #DEPRECATED
$quote_table = array(
'\\' => '\\\\',
'-' => '\-',
']' => '\]',
if (is_string($delimiter)) $quote_table[$delimiter] = '\\' . $delimiter;
return strtr($charlist, $quote_table);
* @param string|null $s
* @param int|digit $length
* @param string $pad_str
* @param int $type STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT or STR_PAD_BOTH
* @return string|bool|null
public static function str_pad($s, $length, $pad_str = ' ', $type = STR_PAD_RIGHT)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s)) return $s;
$input_len = self::strlen($s);
if ($length <= $input_len) return $s;
$pad_str_len = self::strlen($pad_str);
$pad_len = $length - $input_len;
if ($type == STR_PAD_RIGHT)
$repeat_num = ceil($pad_len / $pad_str_len);
return self::substr($s . str_repeat($pad_str, $repeat_num), 0, $length);
if ($type == STR_PAD_LEFT)
$repeat_num = ceil($pad_len / $pad_str_len);
return self::substr(str_repeat($pad_str, $repeat_num), 0, intval(floor($pad_len))) . $s;
if ($type == STR_PAD_BOTH)
$pad_len /= 2;
$pad_amount_left = intval(floor($pad_len));
$pad_amount_right = intval(ceil($pad_len));
$repeat_times_left = ceil($pad_amount_left / $pad_str_len);
$repeat_times_right = ceil($pad_amount_right / $pad_str_len);
$padding_left = self::substr(str_repeat($pad_str, $repeat_times_left), 0, $pad_amount_left);
$padding_right = self::substr(str_repeat($pad_str, $repeat_times_right), 0, $pad_amount_right);
return $padding_left . $s . $padding_right;
trigger_error('Parameter 4 should be a constant of STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_LEFT or STR_PAD_BOTH!', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* @param string $str
* @param string $mask
* @param int|null $start
* @param int|null $length
* @return int|bool
public static function strspn($str, $mask, $start = null, $length = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
#if (self::is_ascii($str) && self::is_ascii($mask)) return strspn($str, $mask, $start, $length);
if ($start !== null || $length !== null) $str = self::substr($str, $start, $length);
if (preg_match('~^[' . preg_quote($mask, '~') . ']+~uSX', $str, $m)) self::strlen($m[0]);
return 0;
* Recode the text files in a specified folder in the UTF-8
* In the processing skipped binary files, files encoded in UTF-8, files that could not convert.
* So method works reliably enough.
* @param string $dir Директория для сканирования
* @param string|null $files_re Регул. выражение для шаблона имён файлов,
* например: '~\.(?:txt|sql|php|pl|py|sh|tpl|xml|xsl|html|xhtml|phtml|htm|js|json|css|conf|cfg|ini|htaccess)$~sSX'
* @param bool $is_recursive Обрабатывать вложенные папки и файлы?
* @param string $charset Исходная кодировка
* @param string|null $dirs_ignore_re Регул. выражение для исключения папок из обработки
* например: '~^(?:cache|images?|photos?|fonts?|img|ico|\.svn|\.hg|\.cvs)$~siSX'
* @param bool $is_echo Печать имён обработанных файлов и статус обработки в выходной поток?
* @param bool $is_simulate Сымитировать работу без реальной перезаписи файлов?
* @return int|bool Возвращает кол-во перекодированных файлов
* Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function convert_files_from(
$files_re = null,
$is_recursive = true,
$charset = 'CP1251',
$dirs_ignore_re = null,
$is_echo = false,
$is_simulate = false)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
$dh = opendir($dir);
if (! is_resource($dh)) return false;
$counter = 0;
while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if ($name == '.' || $name == '..') continue;
$file = $dir . '/' . $name;
if (is_file($file))
if (is_string($files_re) && ! preg_match($files_re, $name)) continue;
if ($is_echo) echo $file;
$s = @file_get_contents($file);
if (! is_string($s))
if ($is_echo) echo ' Error to reading' . PHP_EOL;
return false;
if (self::is_utf8($s))
if ($is_echo) echo ' Already UTF-8, skipped' . PHP_EOL;
if (self::has_binary($s))
if ($is_echo) echo ' Вinary file, skipped' . PHP_EOL;
$s = self::convert_from($s, $charset);
if (! is_string($s) || ! self::is_utf8($s))
if ($is_echo) echo ' Error to converting (source file not in ' . $charset . '?)' . PHP_EOL;
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if ($ext === 'htm' || $ext === 'html' || $ext === 'xhtml' || $ext === 'phtml' || $ext === 'tpl')
$s = preg_replace('~(<meta [\x00-\x20]++
(?: content="text/html; [\x00-\x20]++ charset= #HTML4
| charset=" #HTML5
) #1
[-a-z\d]++ #charset name
(" [^>]* >) #2
~sixSX', '$1utf-8$2', $s);
if ($ext === 'xml' || $ext === 'xsl' || $ext === 'tpl')
$s = preg_replace('~(<\?xml [\x00-\x20]++ encoding=") #1
[-a-z\d]++ #charset name
(" .*? \?>) #2
~sixSX', '$1utf-8$2', $s);
if (! $is_simulate)
$bytes = @file_put_contents($file, $s);
if ($bytes === false)
if ($is_echo) echo ' Error to writing' . PHP_EOL;
return false;
if ($is_echo) echo ' ' . $charset . ' to UTF-8 converted' . PHP_EOL;
elseif ($is_recursive && is_dir($file))
if (! is_string($dirs_ignore_re) || ! preg_match($dirs_ignore_re, $name))
$c = self::convert_files_from($file, $files_re, $is_recursive, $charset, $dirs_ignore_re, $is_echo, $is_simulate);
if ($c === false) return false;
$counter += $c;
return $counter;
* @param int|string $low
* @param int|string $high
* @param int $step
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function range($low, $high, $step = 1)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (is_int($low) || is_int($high)) return range($low, $high, $step); #speed improve
$low_cp = self::ord($low);
$high_cp = self::ord($high);
if (! is_int($low_cp) || ! is_int($high_cp)) return false;
$a = range($low_cp, $high_cp, $step);
return array_map(array('self', 'chr'), $a);
* @param string|null $s
* @param string|array $from
* @param string|null $to
* @return string|bool|null Returns FALSE if error occurred
public static function strtr($s, $from, $to = null)
if (! ReflectionTypeHint::isValid()) return false;
if (! is_string($s) || $s === '') return $s;
if (is_array($from)) return strtr($s, $from); #speed improve
$keys = self::str_split($from);
$values = self::str_split($to);
if (! is_array($keys) || ! is_array($values)) return false;
$table = array_combine($keys, $values);
if (! is_array($table)) return false;
return strtr($s, $table);
public static function tests()
assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, true);
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, true);
assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, true);
assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, false);
$a = array(
'self::html_entity_decode("&quot;&amp;&lt;&gt;", true) === "\"&<>"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&quot;&amp;&lt;&gt;", false) === "&quot;&amp;&lt;&gt;"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&amp;amp;", true) === "&amp;"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&amp;amp;", false) === "&amp;amp;"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#034;", true) === "\""',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#034;", false) === "&quot;"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#039;", true) === "\'"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#039;", false) === "\'"',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#x22;", true) === "\""',
'self::html_entity_decode("&#x22;", false) === "&quot;"',
'self::array_change_key_case(array("АБВГД" => "АБВГД"), CASE_LOWER) === array("абвгд" => "АБВГД")',
'self::array_change_key_case(array("абвгд" => "абвгд"), CASE_UPPER) === array("АБВГД" => "абвгд")',
'self::blocks_check("Яндекс", "Cyrillic") === true',
'self::blocks_check("Google", "Basic Latin") === true',
'self::blocks_check("Google & Яндекс", array("Basic Latin", "Cyrillic")) === true',
'self::blocks_check("Ё-моё, Yandex!", array(array(0x20, 0x7E), #[\x20-\x7E]
array(0x0410, 0x044F), #[A-Яa-я]
0x0401, #russian yo (Ё)
0x0451, #russian ye (ё)
)) === true',
'self::chunk_split("абвг", 2) === "аб\r\nвг"',
'self::chunk_split("абвг", 2, "|") === "аб|вг"',
'self::lowercase("1234-ABCD-АБВГ") === "1234-abcd-абвг"',
'self::lowercase(array("1234-ABCD-АБВГ" => "1234-ABCD-АБВГ")) === array("1234-ABCD-АБВГ" => "1234-abcd-абвг")',
'self::uppercase("1234-abcd-абвг") === "1234-ABCD-АБВГ"',
'self::uppercase(array("1234-abcd-абвг" => "1234-abcd-абвг")) === array("1234-abcd-абвг" => "1234-ABCD-АБВГ")',
'self::convert_from(self::convert_to("123-ABC-abc-АБВ-абв", $charset = "cp1251"), $charset = "cp1251") === "123-ABC-abc-АБВ-абв"',
'self::diactrical_remove("вдох\xc2\xadно\xc2\xadве\xcc\x81\xc2\xadние") === "вдох\xc2\xadно\xc2\xadве\xc2\xadние"',
'self::diactrical_remove("вдох\xc2\xadно\xc2\xadве\xcc\x81\xc2\xadние", array("\xc2\xad")) === "вдохновение"',
'self::diactrical_remove("вдох\xc2\xadно\xc2\xadве\xcc\x81\xc2\xadние", array("\xc2\xad"), true, $restore_table) === "вдохновение"',
'self::diactrical_restore("вдохновение", $restore_table) === "вдох\xc2\xadно\xc2\xadве\xcc\x81\xc2\xadние"',
'self::is_utf8(file_get_contents(' . var_export(__FILE__, true) . ', true)) === true',
'self::is_utf8(file_get_contents(' . var_export(__FILE__, true) . ', false)) === true',
'self::is_ascii(file_get_contents(' . var_export(__FILE__, true) . ')) === false',
'self::is_ascii("_\x01\x02абв", $error_char_offset) === false && $error_char_offset === 3',
'self::has_binary(file_get_contents(' . var_export(__FILE__, true) . ')) === false',
'self::has_binary("_аб\x01вг", $found_char_offset) === true && $found_char_offset === 3',
#range() uses ord() and chr()
'self::range("A", "D") === array("A", "B", "C", "D")',
'self::range("а", "г") === array("а", "б", "в", "г")',
'self::range(1, 3) === array(1, 2, 3)',
'"↔" === self::chr(self::ord("↔"))',
'"123-ABC-abc-АБВ-абв" === self::from_unicode(self::to_unicode("123-ABC-abc-АБВ-абв"))',
'self::strpos("123-ABC-abc-абв-АБВ-где", "АБВ") === 16',
'self::stripos("123-ABC-abc-абд-АБВ-где", "абв") === 16',
'self::strpos("123-ABC-abc", "АБВ") === false',
'self::strpos("123-АБВ-абв", "abc") === false',
'self::preg_quote_case_insensitive("123_слово_test") === "123_(с|С)(л|Л)(о|О)(в|В)(о|О)_[tT][eE][sS][tT]"',
'self::preg_quote_case_insensitive("123_test") === "(?i:123_test)"',
'self::preg_quote_case_insensitive("123") === "123"',
'self::unescape("%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82") === "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"',
'self::unescape("0xD182D0B5D181D182", true) === "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"',
'self::unescape("%u0442%u0435%u0441%u0442") === "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"',
'self::unescape("%u{442}%u{435}%u{0441}%u{00442}") === "\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81\xD1\x82"',
'self::unescape("%u0025%u0032%u0035+%25%75%30%30%32%35") === "%25 %u0025"',
'self::ucfirst("!@#$", true) === "!@#$"',
'self::ucfirst("!@#$ test", true) === "!@#$ test"',
'self::ucfirst("«северный Поток»", true) === "«Северный поток»"',
'self::ucfirst("«северный Поток»", false) === "«Северный Поток»"',
//'self::strlen(file_get_contents(' . var_export(__FILE__, true) . ', true))'
foreach ($a as $k => $v) if (! assert($v)) return false;
//$start_time = microtime(true);
//$s = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
//for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) $r = self::html_entity_encode($s);
//$time = microtime(true) - $start_time;
//d($time, $r);
return true;