2023-06-17 02:57:37 +07:00

564 lines
15 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// prototype $
function $p() {
var elements = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var element = arguments[i];
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (arguments.length == 1)
return element;
return elements;
// from
function addEvent(obj, type, fn) {
if (obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
EventCache.add(obj, type, fn);
else if (obj.attachEvent) {
obj["e" + type + fn] = fn;
obj[type + fn] = function () {
obj["e" + type + fn](window.event);
obj.attachEvent("on" + type, obj[type + fn]);
EventCache.add(obj, type, fn);
else {
obj["on" + type] = obj["e" + type + fn];
var EventCache = function () {
var listEvents = [];
return {
listEvents: listEvents,
add: function (node, sEventName, fHandler) {
flush: function () {
var i, item;
for (i = listEvents.length - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) {
item = listEvents[i];
if (item[0].removeEventListener) {
item[0].removeEventListener(item[1], item[2], item[3]);
if (item[1].substring(0, 2) != "on") {
item[1] = "on" + item[1];
if (item[0].detachEvent) {
item[0].detachEvent(item[1], item[2]);
item[0][item[1]] = null;
if (document.all) {
addEvent(window, 'unload', EventCache.flush);
function imgFit(img, maxW) {
img.title = 'Размеры изображения: ' + img.width + ' x ' + img.height;
if (typeof(img.naturalHeight) == 'undefined') {
img.naturalHeight = img.height;
img.naturalWidth = img.width;
if (img.width > maxW) {
img.height = Math.round((maxW / img.width) * img.height);
img.width = maxW;
img.title = 'Нажмите на изображение, чтобы посмотреть его в полный размер'; = 'move';
return false;
else if (img.width == maxW && img.width < img.naturalWidth) {
img.height = img.naturalHeight;
img.width = img.naturalWidth;
img.title = 'Размеры изображения: ' + img.naturalWidth + ' x ' + img.naturalHeight;
return false;
else {
return true;
function toggle_block(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id); = ( == 'none') ? '' : 'none';
function toggle_disabled(id, val) {
document.getElementById(id).disabled = (val) ? 0 : 1;
function rand(min, max) {
return min + Math.floor((max - min + 1) * Math.random());
// Cookie functions
* name Name of the cookie
* value Value of the cookie
* [days] Number of days to remain active (default: end of current session)
* [path] Path where the cookie is valid (default: path of calling document)
* [domain] Domain where the cookie is valid
* (default: domain of calling document)
* [secure] Boolean value indicating if the cookie transmission requires a
* secure transmission
function setCookie(name, value, days, path, domain, secure) {
if (days != 'SESSION') {
var date = new Date();
days = days || 365;
date.setTime(date.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var expires = date.toGMTString();
} else {
var expires = '';
document.cookie =
name + '=' + escape(value)
+ ((expires) ? '; expires=' + expires : '')
+ ((path) ? '; path=' + path : ((cookiePath) ? '; path=' + cookiePath : ''))
+ ((domain) ? '; domain=' + domain : ((cookieDomain) ? '; domain=' + cookieDomain : ''))
+ ((secure) ? '; secure' : ((cookieSecure) ? '; secure' : ''));
* Returns a string containing value of specified cookie,
* or null if cookie does not exist.
function getCookie(name) {
var c, RE = new RegExp('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^\\s;]+)', 'g');
return (c = RE.exec(document.cookie)) ? c[2] : null;
* name name of the cookie
* [path] path of the cookie (must be same as path used to create cookie)
* [domain] domain of the cookie (must be same as domain used to create cookie)
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
setCookie(name, '', -1, path, domain);
// Menus
var Menu = {
hideSpeed: 'fast',
offsetCorrection_X: -4,
offsetCorrection_Y: 2,
activeMenuId: null, // currently opened menu (from previous click)
clickedMenuId: null, // menu to show up
$root: null, // root element for menu with "href = '#clickedMenuId'"
$menu: null, // clicked menu
positioningType: null, // reserved
outsideClickWatch: false, // prevent multiple $(document).click binding
clicked: function ($root) {
this.clickedMenuId = this.getMenuId($root);
this.$menu = $(this.clickedMenuId);
this.$root = $root;
hovered: function ($root) {
if (this.activeMenuId && this.activeMenuId !== this.getMenuId($root)) {
unhovered: function ($root) {
getMenuId: function ($el) {
var href = $el.attr('href');
return href.substr(href.indexOf('#'));
setLocation: function () {
var CSS = this.$root.offset(); += this.$root.height() + this.offsetCorrection_Y;
var curTop = parseInt(;
var tCorner = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - 20;
var maxVisibleTop = Math.min(curTop, Math.max(0, tCorner - this.$menu.height()));
if (curTop != maxVisibleTop) { = maxVisibleTop;
CSS.left += this.offsetCorrection_X;
var curLeft = parseInt(CSS.left);
var rCorner = $(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() - 6;
var maxVisibleLeft = Math.min(curLeft, Math.max(0, rCorner - this.$menu.width()));
if (curLeft != maxVisibleLeft) {
CSS.left = maxVisibleLeft;
fixLocation: function () {
var $menu = this.$menu;
var curLeft = parseInt($menu.css('left'));
var rCorner = $(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() - 6;
var maxVisibleLeft = Math.min(curLeft, Math.max(0, rCorner - $menu.width()));
if (curLeft != maxVisibleLeft) {
$menu.css('left', maxVisibleLeft);
var curTop = parseInt($menu.css('top'));
var tCorner = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - 20;
var maxVisibleTop = Math.min(curTop, Math.max(0, tCorner - $menu.height()));
if (curTop != maxVisibleTop) {
$menu.css('top', maxVisibleTop);
toggle: function () {
if (this.activeMenuId && this.activeMenuId !== this.clickedMenuId) {
// toggle clicked menu
if (this.$':visible')) {
this.activeMenuId = null;
} else {
if (!this.outsideClickWatch) {
$(document).one('mousedown', function (e) {
this.outsideClickWatch = true;
showClickedMenu: function () {
this.$menu.css({display: 'block'});
// this.fixLocation();
this.activeMenuId = this.clickedMenuId;
// hide if clicked outside of menu
hideClickWatcher: function (e) {
this.outsideClickWatch = false;
hide: function (e) {
if (this.$menu) {
this.activeMenuId = this.clickedMenuId = this.$menu = null;
$(document).ready(function () {
// Menus
function (e) {
return false;
function () {
return false;
function () {
return false;
.mousedown(function (e) {
.click(function (e) {
// Input hints
.filter('.hint').one('focus', function () {
.filter('.error').one('focus', function () {
// Ajax
function Ajax(handlerURL, requestType, dataType) {
this.url = handlerURL;
this.type = requestType;
this.dataType = dataType;
this.errors = { };
Ajax.prototype = {
init: {}, // init functions (run before submit, after triggering ajax event)
callback: {}, // callback functions (response handlers)
state: {}, // current action state
request: {}, // request data
params: {}, // action params, format: ajax.params[ElementID] = { param: "val" ... }
form_token: '',
hide_loading: null,
exec: function (request, hide_loading = false) {
this.request[request.action] = request;
request['form_token'] = this.form_token;
this.hide_loading = hide_loading;
url: this.url,
type: this.type,
dataType: this.dataType,
data: request,
success: ajax.success,
error: ajax.error
success: function (response) {
var action = response.action;
// raw_output normally might contain only error messages (if php.ini.display_errors == 1)
if (response.raw_output) {
if (response.sql_log) {
$('#sqlLog').prepend(response.sql_log + '<hr />');
if (response.update_ids) {
for (id in response.update_ids) {
$('#' + id).html(response.update_ids[id]);
if (response.prompt_password) {
var user_password = prompt('Для доступа к данной функции, пожалуйста, введите свой пароль', '');
if (user_password) {
var req = ajax.request[action];
req.user_password = user_password;
else {
ajax.showErrorMsg('Введен неверный пароль');
else if (response.prompt_confirm) {
if (window.confirm(response.confirm_msg)) {
var req = ajax.request[action];
req.confirmed = 1;
else {
else if (response.error_code) {
else {
error: function (xml, desc) {
clearActionState: function (action) {
ajax.state[action] = ajax.request[action] = '';
showErrorMsg: function (msg) {
callInitFn: function (event) {
var params = ajax.params[$(this).attr('id')];
var action = params.action;
if (ajax.state[action] == 'readyToSubmit' || ajax.state[action] == 'error') {
return false;
} else {
ajax.state[action] = 'readyToSubmit';
setStatusBoxPosition: function ($el) {
var newTop = $(document).scrollTop();
var rCorner = $(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() - 8;
var newLeft = Math.max(0, rCorner - $el.width());
$el.css({ top: newTop, left: newLeft });
makeEditable: function (rootElementId, editableType) {
var $root = $('#' + rootElementId);
var $editable = $('.editable', $root);
var inputsHtml = $('#editable-tpl-' + editableType).html();
var $inputs = $('.editable-inputs', $root);
if (editableType == 'input' || editableType == 'textarea') {
$('.editable-value', $inputs).val($.trim($editable.text()));
$('input.editable-submit', $inputs).click(function () {
var params = ajax.params[rootElementId];
var $val = $('.editable-value', '#' + rootElementId);
params.value = ($val.size() == 1) ? $val.val() : $val.filter(':checked').val();
params.submit = true;
$('input.editable-cancel', $inputs).click(function () {
restoreEditable: function (rootElementId, newValue) {
var $root = $('#' + rootElementId);
var $editable = $('.editable', $root);
$('.editable-inputs', $root).remove();
if (newValue) {
ajax.params[rootElementId].submit = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
// Setup ajax-loading box
$("#ajax-loading").ajaxStart(function () {
if (ajax.hide_loading === false) {
$("#ajax-loading").ajaxStop(function () {
if (ajax.hide_loading === false) {
// Setup ajax-error box
$("#ajax-error").ajaxError(function (req, xml) {
var status = xml.status;
var text = xml.statusText;
if (status == 200) {
status = '';
text = 'неверный формат данных';
"Ошибка в: <i>" + ajax.url + "</i><br /><b>" + status + " " + text + "</b>"
// Bind ajax events
$('var.ajax-params').each(function () {
var params = $.evalJSON($(this).html());
params.event = params.event || 'dblclick';
ajax.params[] = params;
$("#" +, ajax.callInitFn);
if (params.event == 'click' || params.event == 'dblclick') {
$("#" +'editable-container');
* Autocomplete password
var array_for_rand_pass = ["a", "A", "b", "B", "c", "C", "d", "D", "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G", "h", "H", "i", "I", "j", "J", "k", "K", "l", "L", "m", "M", "n", "N", "o", "O", "p", "P", "q", "Q", "r", "R", "s", "S", "t", "T", "u", "U", "v", "V", "w", "W", "x", "X", "y", "Y", "z", "Z", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var array_rand = function (array) {
var array_length = array.length;
var result = Math.random() * array_length;
return Math.floor(result);
var autocomplete = function (noCenter) {
var string_result = ""; // Empty string
for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
string_result += array_for_rand_pass[array_rand(array_for_rand_pass)];
var _popup_left = (Math.ceil(window.screen.availWidth / 2) - 150);
var _popup_top = (Math.ceil(window.screen.availHeight / 2) - 50);
if (!noCenter) {
left: _popup_left + "px",
top: _popup_top + "px"
} else {
$("input#pass, input#pass_confirm, div#autocomplete_popup input").each(function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
$("span#autocomplete").click(function () {
// перемещение окна
var _X, _Y;
var _bMoveble = false;
$("div#autocomplete_popup div.title").mousedown(function (event) {
_bMoveble = true;
_X = event.clientX;
_Y = event.clientY;
$("div#autocomplete_popup div.title").mousemove(function (event) {
var jFrame = $("div#autocomplete_popup");
var jFLeft = parseInt(jFrame.css("left"));
var jFTop = parseInt(jFrame.css("top"));
if (_bMoveble) {
if (event.clientX < _X) {
jFrame.css("left", jFLeft - (_X - event.clientX) + "px");
} else {
jFrame.css("left", (jFLeft + (event.clientX - _X)) + "px");
if (event.clientY < _Y) {
jFrame.css("top", jFTop - (_Y - event.clientY) + "px");
} else {
jFrame.css("top", (jFTop + (event.clientY - _Y)) + "px");
_X = event.clientX;
_Y = event.clientY;
$("div#autocomplete_popup div.title").mouseup(function () {
_bMoveble = false;
}).mouseout(function () {
_bMoveble = false;