fetch_row($sql)) { bb_die($lang['INVALID_ATTACH_ID']); } return $torrent; } function torrent_auth_check ($forum_id, $poster_id) { global $userdata, $lang, $attach_config; if (IS_ADMIN) return true; $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $forum_id, $userdata); if ($poster_id != $userdata['user_id'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { bb_die($lang['NOT_MODERATOR']); } else if (!$is_auth['auth_view'] || !$is_auth['auth_attachments'] || $attach_config['disable_mod']) { bb_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_READ'], $is_auth['auth_read_type'])); } return $is_auth; } function tracker_unregister ($attach_id, $mode = '') { global $lang, $bb_cfg; $attach_id = (int) $attach_id; $post_id = $topic_id = $forum_id = $info_hash = null; // Get torrent info if ($torrent = get_torrent_info($attach_id)) { $post_id = $torrent['post_id']; $topic_id = $torrent['topic_id']; $forum_id = $torrent['forum_id']; } if ($mode == 'request') { if (!$torrent) { bb_die($lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); } if (!$torrent['tracker_status']) { bb_die($lang['BT_UNREGISTERED_ALREADY']); } torrent_auth_check($forum_id, $torrent['poster_id']); } if (!$topic_id) { $sql = "SELECT topic_id FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE attach_id = $attach_id"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not query torrent information'); } if ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; } } // Unset DL-Type for topic if ($bb_cfg['bt_unset_dltype_on_tor_unreg'] && $topic_id) { $sql = "UPDATE ". BB_TOPICS ." SET topic_dl_type = ". TOPIC_DL_TYPE_NORMAL ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not update topics table #1'); } } // Remove peers from tracker $sql = "DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id"; if (!DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not delete peers'); } // Ocelot if ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { if ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT info_hash FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE attach_id = $attach_id LIMIT 1")) { $info_hash = $row['info_hash']; } ocelot_update_tracker('delete_torrent', array('info_hash' => rawurlencode($info_hash), 'id' => $topic_id)); } // Delete torrent $sql = "DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE attach_id = $attach_id"; if (!DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not delete torrent from torrents table'); } // Update tracker_status $sql = "UPDATE ". BB_ATTACHMENTS_DESC ." SET tracker_status = 0 WHERE attach_id = $attach_id LIMIT 1"; if (!DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not update torrent status #1'); } if ($mode == 'request') { set_die_append_msg($forum_id, $topic_id); bb_die($lang['BT_UNREGISTERED']); } } function delete_torrent ($attach_id, $mode = '') { global $lang, $reg_mode, $topic_id; $attach_id = intval($attach_id); $reg_mode = $mode; if (!$torrent = get_torrent_info($attach_id)) { bb_die($lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); } $topic_id = $torrent['topic_id']; $forum_id = $torrent['forum_id']; $poster_id = $torrent['poster_id']; if ($torrent['extension'] !== TORRENT_EXT) { bb_die($lang['NOT_TORRENT']); } torrent_auth_check($forum_id, $poster_id); tracker_unregister($attach_id); delete_attachment(0, $attach_id); return; } function change_tor_status ($attach_id, $new_tor_status) { global $topic_id, $userdata; $attach_id = (int) $attach_id; $new_tor_status = (int) $new_tor_status; if (!$torrent = get_torrent_info($attach_id)) { bb_die($lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); } $topic_id = $torrent['topic_id']; torrent_auth_check($torrent['forum_id'], $torrent['poster_id']); DB()->query(" UPDATE ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." SET tor_status = $new_tor_status, checked_user_id = {$userdata['user_id']}, checked_time = '". TIMENOW ."' WHERE attach_id = $attach_id LIMIT 1 "); } // Set gold/silver type for torrent function change_tor_type ($attach_id, $tor_status_gold) { global $topic_id, $lang, $bb_cfg; if (!$torrent = get_torrent_info($attach_id)) { bb_die($lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); } if (!IS_AM) bb_die($lang['ONLY_FOR_MOD']); $topic_id = $torrent['topic_id']; $tor_status_gold = intval($tor_status_gold); $info_hash = null; DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." SET tor_type = $tor_status_gold WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1"); // Ocelot if ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { if ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT info_hash FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1")) { $info_hash = $row['info_hash']; } ocelot_update_tracker('update_torrent', array('info_hash' => rawurlencode($info_hash), 'freetorrent' => $tor_status_gold)); } } function tracker_register ($attach_id, $mode = '', $tor_status = TOR_NOT_APPROVED, $reg_time = TIMENOW) { global $bb_cfg, $lang, $reg_mode, $tr_cfg; $attach_id = intval($attach_id); $reg_mode = $mode; if (!$torrent = get_torrent_info($attach_id)) { bb_die($lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); } $post_id = $torrent['post_id']; $topic_id = $torrent['topic_id']; $forum_id = $torrent['forum_id']; $poster_id = $torrent['poster_id']; $info_hash = null; if ($torrent['extension'] !== TORRENT_EXT) torrent_error_exit($lang['NOT_TORRENT']); if (!$torrent['allow_reg_tracker']) torrent_error_exit($lang['REG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_FORUM']); if ($post_id != $torrent['topic_first_post_id']) torrent_error_exit($lang['ALLOWED_ONLY_1ST_POST_REG']); if ($torrent['tracker_status']) torrent_error_exit($lang['ALREADY_REG']); if ($this_topic_torrents = get_registered_torrents($topic_id, 'topic')) torrent_error_exit($lang['ONLY_1_TOR_PER_TOPIC']); torrent_auth_check($forum_id, $torrent['poster_id']); $filename = get_attachments_dir() .'/'. $torrent['physical_filename']; if (!is_file($filename)) torrent_error_exit($lang['ERROR_NO_ATTACHMENT'] . "

" . $filename. "

" .$lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); if (!file_exists($filename)) torrent_error_exit($lang['ERROR_NO_ATTACHMENT'] . "

" . $filename. "

" .$lang['TOR_NOT_FOUND']); if (!$tor = bdecode_file($filename)) torrent_error_exit($lang['TORFILE_INVALID']); if ($bb_cfg['bt_disable_dht']) { $tor['info']['private'] = (int) 1; $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb+'); fwrite ($fp, bencode($tor)); fclose ($fp); } if ($bb_cfg['bt_check_announce_url']) { $announce_urls = array(); include(INC_DIR .'torrent_announce_urls.php'); $ann = (@$tor['announce']) ? strtok($tor['announce'], '?') : ''; $announce_urls['main_url'] = $bb_cfg['bt_announce_url']; if (!$ann || !in_array($ann, $announce_urls)) { $msg = sprintf($lang['INVALID_ANN_URL'], htmlspecialchars($ann), $announce_urls['main_url']); torrent_error_exit($msg); } unset($announce_urls); } $info = (@$tor['info']) ? $tor['info'] : array(); if (!isset($info['name']) || !isset($info['piece length']) || !isset($info['pieces']) || strlen($info['pieces']) % 20 != 0) { torrent_error_exit($lang['TORFILE_INVALID']); } $info_hash = pack('H*', sha1(bencode($info))); $info_hash_sql = rtrim(DB()->escape($info_hash), ' '); $info_hash_md5 = md5($info_hash); // Ocelot if ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { ocelot_update_tracker('add_torrent', array('info_hash' => rawurlencode($info_hash), 'id' => $topic_id, 'freetorrent' => 0)); } if ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT topic_id FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE info_hash = '$info_hash_sql' LIMIT 1")) { $msg = sprintf($lang['BT_REG_FAIL_SAME_HASH'], TOPIC_URL . $row['topic_id']); bb_die($msg); set_die_append_msg($forum_id, $topic_id); } $totallen = 0; if (isset($info['length'])) { $totallen = (float) $info['length']; } else if (isset($info['files']) && is_array($info['files'])) { foreach ($info['files'] as $fn => $f) { // Exclude padding files [Only for hybrid torrents] if ((isset($f['attr']) ? $f['attr'] : null) !== 'p') { $totallen += (float) $f['length']; } } } else { torrent_error_exit($lang['TORFILE_INVALID']); } $size = sprintf('%.0f', (float) $totallen); $columns = ' info_hash, post_id, poster_id, topic_id, forum_id, attach_id, size, reg_time, tor_status'; $values = "'$info_hash_sql', $post_id, $poster_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $attach_id, '$size', $reg_time, $tor_status"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." ($columns) VALUES ($values)"; if (!DB()->sql_query($sql)) { $sql_error = DB()->sql_error(); if ($sql_error['code'] == 1062) // Duplicate entry { torrent_error_exit($lang['BT_REG_FAIL_SAME_HASH']); } bb_die($lang['BT_REG_FAIL']); } // update tracker status for this attachment $sql = 'UPDATE '. BB_ATTACHMENTS_DESC ." SET tracker_status = 1 WHERE attach_id = $attach_id LIMIT 1"; if (!DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not update torrent status #2'); } // set DL-Type for topic if ($bb_cfg['bt_set_dltype_on_tor_reg']) { $sql = 'UPDATE '. BB_TOPICS .' SET topic_dl_type = '. TOPIC_DL_TYPE_DL ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not update topics table #2'); } } if ($tr_cfg['tor_topic_up']) { DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_TOPICS ." SET topic_last_post_time = GREATEST(topic_last_post_time, ". (TIMENOW - 3*86400) .") WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1"); } if ($reg_mode == 'request' || $reg_mode == 'newtopic') { set_die_append_msg($forum_id, $topic_id); $mess = sprintf($lang['BT_REGISTERED'], DOWNLOAD_URL . $attach_id); bb_die($mess); } return; } function send_torrent_with_passkey ($filename) { global $attachment, $auth_pages, $userdata, $bb_cfg, $tr_cfg, $lang; if (!$bb_cfg['bt_add_auth_key'] || $attachment['extension'] !== TORRENT_EXT || !$size = @filesize($filename)) { return; } $post_id = $poster_id = $passkey_val = ''; $user_id = $userdata['user_id']; $attach_id = $attachment['attach_id']; if (!$passkey_key = $bb_cfg['passkey_key']) { bb_die('Could not add passkey (wrong config $bb_cfg[\'passkey_key\'])'); } // Get $post_id & $poster_id foreach ($auth_pages as $rid => $row) { if ($row['attach_id'] == $attach_id) { $post_id = $row['post_id']; $poster_id = $row['user_id_1']; break; } } // Get $topic_id $topic_id_sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . BB_POSTS . ' WHERE post_id = ' . (int) $post_id; if (!($topic_id_result = DB()->sql_query($topic_id_sql))) { bb_die('Could not query post information'); } $topic_id_row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($topic_id_result); $topic_id = $topic_id_row['topic_id']; if (!$attachment['tracker_status']) { bb_die($lang['PASSKEY_ERR_TOR_NOT_REG']); } if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_passkey') && !IS_GUEST) { bb_die($lang['DISALLOWED']); } if ($bt_userdata = get_bt_userdata($user_id)) { $passkey_val = $bt_userdata['auth_key']; } if (!$passkey_val) { if (!$passkey_val = generate_passkey($user_id)) { bb_die(sprintf($lang['PASSKEY_ERR_EMPTY'], PROFILE_URL . $user_id)); } elseif ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { ocelot_update_tracker('add_user', array('id' => $user_id ,'passkey' => $passkey_val)); } } // Ratio limits $min_ratio = $bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_allow_dl_tor']; if ($min_ratio && $user_id != $poster_id && ($user_ratio = get_bt_ratio($bt_userdata)) !== null) { if ($user_ratio < $min_ratio && $post_id) { $dl = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT dl.user_status FROM ". BB_POSTS ." p LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_DLSTATUS ." dl ON dl.topic_id = p.topic_id AND dl.user_id = $user_id WHERE p.post_id = $post_id LIMIT 1 "); if (!isset($dl['user_status']) || $dl['user_status'] != DL_STATUS_COMPLETE) { bb_die(sprintf($lang['BT_LOW_RATIO_FOR_DL'], round($user_ratio, 2), "search.php?dlu=$user_id&dlc=1")); } } } // Announce URL $ann_url = $bb_cfg['bt_announce_url']; if (!$tor = bdecode_file($filename)) { bb_die($lang['TORFILE_INVALID']); } $announce = $bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled'] ? strval($bb_cfg['ocelot']['url'] .$passkey_val. "/announce") : strval($ann_url . "?$passkey_key=$passkey_val"); // Replace original announce url with tracker default if ($bb_cfg['bt_replace_ann_url'] || !isset($tor['announce'])) { $tor['announce'] = $announce; } // Get additional announce urls $additional_announce_urls = array(); include(INC_DIR .'torrent_announce_urls.php'); $announce_urls_add = array(); foreach ($additional_announce_urls as $additional_announce_url) { $announce_urls_add[] = array($additional_announce_url); } unset($additional_announce_urls); // Delete all additional urls if ($bb_cfg['bt_del_addit_ann_urls'] || $bb_cfg['bt_disable_dht']) { unset($tor['announce-list']); } else { $tor['announce-list'] = array_merge((isset($tor['announce-list']) ? $tor['announce-list'] : array()), $announce_urls_add); } // Add retracker if (isset($tr_cfg['retracker']) && $tr_cfg['retracker']) { if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'user_retracker') || IS_GUEST) { if (!isset($tor['announce-list'])) { $tor['announce-list'] = array( array($announce), $announce_urls_add, array($tr_cfg['retracker_host']) ); } else { $tor['announce-list'] = array_merge($tor['announce-list'], array(array($tr_cfg['retracker_host']))); } } } // Add publisher & topic url $publisher_name = $bb_cfg['server_name']; $publisher_url = make_url(TOPIC_URL . $topic_id); $tor['publisher'] = strval($publisher_name); unset($tor['publisher.utf-8']); $tor['publisher-url'] = strval($publisher_url); unset($tor['publisher-url.utf-8']); $tor['comment'] = strval($publisher_url); unset($tor['comment.utf-8']); // Send torrent $output = bencode($tor); $dl_fname = ($bb_cfg['torrent_name_style'] ? '['.$bb_cfg['server_name'].'].t' . $topic_id . '.' . TORRENT_EXT : clean_filename(basename($attachment['real_filename']))); if (!empty($_COOKIE['explain'])) { $out = "attach path: $filename

"; $tor['info']['pieces'] = '[...] '. strlen($tor['info']['pieces']) .' bytes'; $out .= print_r($tor, true); bb_die("
"); } header("Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent; name=\"$dl_fname\""); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$dl_fname\""); bb_exit($output); } function generate_passkey ($user_id, $force_generate = false) { global $bb_cfg, $lang, $sql; $user_id = (int) $user_id; // Check if user can change passkey if (!$force_generate) { $sql = "SELECT user_opt FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE user_id = $user_id LIMIT 1"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not query userdata for passkey'); } if ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (bf($row['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_passkey')) { bb_die($lang['NOT_AUTHORISED']); } } } for ($i=0; $i < 20; $i++) { $passkey_val = make_rand_str(BT_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH); $old_passkey = null; if ($row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT auth_key FROM ". BB_BT_USERS ." WHERE user_id = $user_id LIMIT 1")) { $old_passkey = $row['auth_key']; } // Insert new row DB()->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO ". BB_BT_USERS ." (user_id, auth_key) VALUES ($user_id, '$passkey_val')"); if (DB()->affected_rows() == 1) { return $passkey_val; } // Update DB()->query("UPDATE IGNORE ". BB_BT_USERS ." SET auth_key = '$passkey_val' WHERE user_id = $user_id LIMIT 1"); if (DB()->affected_rows() == 1) { // Ocelot if ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { ocelot_update_tracker('change_passkey', array('oldpasskey' => $old_passkey,'newpasskey' => $passkey_val)); } return $passkey_val; } } return false; } function tracker_rm_torrent ($topic_id) { return DB()->sql_query("DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE topic_id = ". (int) $topic_id); } function tracker_rm_user ($user_id) { return DB()->sql_query("DELETE FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE user_id = ". (int) $user_id); } function get_registered_torrents ($id, $mode) { $field = ($mode == 'topic') ? 'topic_id' : 'post_id'; $sql = "SELECT topic_id FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE $field = $id LIMIT 1"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { bb_die('Could not query torrent id'); } if ($rowset = @DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result)) { return $rowset; } else { return false; } } function torrent_error_exit ($message) { global $reg_mode, $return_message, $lang; $msg = ''; if (isset($reg_mode) && ($reg_mode == 'request' || $reg_mode == 'newtopic')) { if (isset($return_message)) { $msg .= $return_message .'

'; } $msg .= ''. $lang['BT_REG_FAIL'] .'

'; } bb_die($msg . $message); } function ocelot_update_tracker ($action, $updates) { global $bb_cfg; $get = $bb_cfg['ocelot']['secret'] . "/update?action=$action"; foreach ($updates as $key => $value) { $get .= "&$key=$value"; } $max_attempts = 3; $err = false; if (ocelot_send_request($get, $max_attempts, $err) === false) { return false; } return true; } function ocelot_send_request ($get, $max_attempts = 1, &$err = false) { global $bb_cfg; $header = "GET /$get HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; $attempts = $sleep = $success = $response = 0; $start_time = microtime(true); while (!$success && $attempts++ < $max_attempts) { if ($sleep) { sleep($sleep); } // Send request $file = fsockopen($bb_cfg['ocelot']['host'], $bb_cfg['ocelot']['port'], $error_num, $error_string); if ($file) { if (fwrite($file, $header) === false) { $err = "Failed to fwrite()"; $sleep = 3; continue; } } else { $err = "Failed to fsockopen() - $error_num - $error_string"; $sleep = 6; continue; } // Check for response while (!feof($file)) { $response .= fread($file, 1024); } $data_start = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; $data_end = strrpos($response, "\n"); if ($data_end > $data_start) { $data = substr($response, $data_start, $data_end - $data_start); } else { $data = ""; } $status = substr($response, $data_end + 1); if ($status == "success") { $success = true; } } return $success; } // bdecode: based on OpenTracker function bdecode_file ($filename) { $file_contents = file_get_contents($filename); return bdecode($file_contents); } function bdecode ($str) { $pos = 0; return bdecode_r($str, $pos); } function bdecode_r ($str, &$pos) { $strlen = strlen($str); if (($pos < 0) || ($pos >= $strlen)) { return null; } else if ($str[$pos] == 'i') { $pos++; $numlen = strspn($str, '-0123456789', $pos); $spos = $pos; $pos += $numlen; if (($pos >= $strlen) || ($str[$pos] != 'e')) { return null; } else { $pos++; return floatval(substr($str, $spos, $numlen)); } } else if ($str[$pos] == 'd') { $pos++; $ret = array(); while ($pos < $strlen) { if ($str[$pos] == 'e') { $pos++; return $ret; } else { $key = bdecode_r($str, $pos); if ($key === null) { return null; } else { $val = bdecode_r($str, $pos); if ($val === null) { return null; } else if (!is_array($key)) { $ret[$key] = $val; } } } } return null; } else if ($str[$pos] == 'l') { $pos++; $ret = array(); while ($pos < $strlen) { if ($str[$pos] == 'e') { $pos++; return $ret; } else { $val = bdecode_r($str, $pos); if ($val === null) { return null; } else { $ret[] = $val; } } } return null; } else { $numlen = strspn($str, '0123456789', $pos); $spos = $pos; $pos += $numlen; if (($pos >= $strlen) || ($str[$pos] != ':')) { return null; } else { $vallen = intval(substr($str, $spos, $numlen)); $pos++; $val = substr($str, $pos, $vallen); if (strlen($val) != $vallen) { return null; } else { $pos += $vallen; return $val; } } } }