count($function)))) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Unable to attach function; invalid'); } if (!is_callable($function)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Unable to attach function; does not exist'); } $argv = null; if (2 < func_num_args()) { $argv = func_get_args(); $argv = array_slice($argv, 2); } $class = null; if (is_string($function)) { $method = Reflection::reflectFunction($function, $argv, $namespace); } else { $class = array_shift($function); $action = array_shift($function); $reflection = Reflection::reflectClass($class, $argv, $namespace); $methods = $reflection->getMethods(); $found = false; foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($action == $method->getName()) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $this->fault('Method not found', Error::ERROR_INVALID_METHOD); return $this; } } $definition = $this->_buildSignature($method, $class); $this->_addMethodServiceMap($definition); return $this; } /** * Register a class with the server * * @param string $class * @param string $namespace Ignored * @param mixed $argv Ignored * @return Server */ public function setClass($class, $namespace = '', $argv = null) { if (2 < func_num_args()) { $argv = func_get_args(); $argv = array_slice($argv, 2); } $reflection = Reflection::reflectClass($class, $argv, $namespace); foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) { $definition = $this->_buildSignature($method, $class); $this->_addMethodServiceMap($definition); } return $this; } /** * Indicate fault response * * @param string $fault * @param int $code * @param mixed $data * @return Error */ public function fault($fault = null, $code = 404, $data = null) { $error = new Error($fault, $code, $data); $this->getResponse()->setError($error); return $error; } /** * Handle request * * @param Request $request * @return null|Response * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function handle($request = false) { if ((false !== $request) && (!$request instanceof Request)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid request type provided; cannot handle'); } elseif ($request) { $this->setRequest($request); } // Handle request $this->_handle(); // Get response $response = $this->_getReadyResponse(); // Emit response? if (!$this->returnResponse) { echo $response; return; } // or return it? return $response; } /** * Load function definitions * * @param array|Definition $definition * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return void */ public function loadFunctions($definition) { if (!is_array($definition) && (!$definition instanceof Definition)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid definition provided to loadFunctions()'); } foreach ($definition as $key => $method) { $this->table->addMethod($method, $key); $this->_addMethodServiceMap($method); } } public function setPersistence($mode) { } /** * Set request object * * @param Request $request * @return Server */ public function setRequest(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; return $this; } /** * Get JSON-RPC request object * * @return Request */ public function getRequest() { if (null === ($request = $this->request)) { $this->setRequest(new Request\Http()); } return $this->request; } /** * Set response object * * @param Response $response * @return Server */ public function setResponse(Response $response) { $this->response = $response; return $this; } /** * Get response object * * @return Response */ public function getResponse() { if (null === ($response = $this->response)) { $this->setResponse(new Response\Http()); } return $this->response; } /** * Set return response flag * * If true, {@link handle()} will return the response instead of * automatically sending it back to the requesting client. * * The response is always available via {@link getResponse()}. * * @param bool $flag * @return Server */ public function setReturnResponse($flag = true) { $this->returnResponse = (bool) $flag; return $this; } /** * Retrieve return response flag * * @return bool */ public function getReturnResponse() { return $this->returnResponse; } // overloading for SMD metadata /** * Overload to accessors of SMD object * * @param string $method * @param array $args * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (preg_match('/^(set|get)/', $method, $matches)) { if (in_array($method, $this->_getSmdMethods())) { if ('set' == $matches[1]) { $value = array_shift($args); $this->getServiceMap()->$method($value); return $this; } else { return $this->getServiceMap()->$method(); } } } return; } /** * Retrieve SMD object * * @return Smd */ public function getServiceMap() { if (null === $this->serviceMap) { $this->serviceMap = new Smd(); } return $this->serviceMap; } /** * Add service method to service map * * @param Method\Definition $method * @return void */ protected function _addMethodServiceMap(Method\Definition $method) { $serviceInfo = array( 'name' => $method->getName(), 'return' => $this->_getReturnType($method), ); $params = $this->_getParams($method); $serviceInfo['params'] = $params; $serviceMap = $this->getServiceMap(); if (false !== $serviceMap->getService($serviceInfo['name'])) { $serviceMap->removeService($serviceInfo['name']); } $serviceMap->addService($serviceInfo); } /** * Translate PHP type to JSON type * * @param string $type * @return string */ protected function _fixType($type) { return $type; } /** * Get default params from signature * * @param array $args * @param array $params * @return array */ protected function _getDefaultParams(array $args, array $params) { if (false === $this->isAssociative($args)) { $params = array_slice($params, count($args)); } foreach ($params as $param) { if (isset($args[$param['name']]) || !array_key_exists('default', $param)) { continue; } $args[$param['name']] = $param['default']; } return $args; } /** * check whether array is associative or not * * @param array $array * @return bool */ private function isAssociative(array $array) { $keys = array_keys($array); return ($keys != array_keys($keys)); } /** * Get method param type * * @param Method\Definition $method * @return string|array */ protected function _getParams(Method\Definition $method) { $params = array(); foreach ($method->getPrototypes() as $prototype) { foreach ($prototype->getParameterObjects() as $key => $parameter) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = array( 'type' => $parameter->getType(), 'name' => $parameter->getName(), 'optional' => $parameter->isOptional(), ); if (null !== ($default = $parameter->getDefaultValue())) { $params[$key]['default'] = $default; } $description = $parameter->getDescription(); if (!empty($description)) { $params[$key]['description'] = $description; } continue; } $newType = $parameter->getType(); if (!is_array($params[$key]['type'])) { if ($params[$key]['type'] == $newType) { continue; } $params[$key]['type'] = (array) $params[$key]['type']; } elseif (in_array($newType, $params[$key]['type'])) { continue; } array_push($params[$key]['type'], $parameter->getType()); } } return $params; } /** * Set response state * * @return Response */ protected function _getReadyResponse() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setServiceMap($this->getServiceMap()); if (null !== ($id = $request->getId())) { $response->setId($id); } if (null !== ($version = $request->getVersion())) { $response->setVersion($version); } return $response; } /** * Get method return type * * @param Method\Definition $method * @return string|array */ protected function _getReturnType(Method\Definition $method) { $return = array(); foreach ($method->getPrototypes() as $prototype) { $return[] = $prototype->getReturnType(); } if (1 == count($return)) { return $return[0]; } return $return; } /** * Retrieve list of allowed SMD methods for proxying * * @return array */ protected function _getSmdMethods() { if (null === $this->smdMethods) { $this->smdMethods = array(); $methods = get_class_methods('Zend\\Json\\Server\\Smd'); foreach ($methods as $method) { if (!preg_match('/^(set|get)/', $method)) { continue; } if (strstr($method, 'Service')) { continue; } $this->smdMethods[] = $method; } } return $this->smdMethods; } /** * Internal method for handling request * * @return void */ protected function _handle() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isParseError()) { return $this->fault('Parse error', Error::ERROR_PARSE); } if (!$request->isMethodError() && (null === $request->getMethod())) { return $this->fault('Invalid Request', Error::ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST); } if ($request->isMethodError()) { return $this->fault('Invalid Request', Error::ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST); } $method = $request->getMethod(); if (!$this->table->hasMethod($method)) { return $this->fault('Method not found', Error::ERROR_INVALID_METHOD); } $params = $request->getParams(); $invokable = $this->table->getMethod($method); $serviceMap = $this->getServiceMap(); $service = $serviceMap->getService($method); $serviceParams = $service->getParams(); if (count($params) < count($serviceParams)) { $params = $this->_getDefaultParams($params, $serviceParams); } //Make sure named parameters are passed in correct order if (is_string(key($params))) { $callback = $invokable->getCallback(); if ('function' == $callback->getType()) { $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($callback->getFunction()); } else { $reflection = new ReflectionMethod( $callback->getClass(), $callback->getMethod() ); } $orderedParams = array(); foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $refParam) { if (array_key_exists($refParam->getName(), $params)) { $orderedParams[$refParam->getName()] = $params[$refParam->getName()]; } elseif ($refParam->isOptional()) { $orderedParams[$refParam->getName()] = null; } else { return $this->fault('Invalid params', Error::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS); } } $params = $orderedParams; } try { $result = $this->_dispatch($invokable, $params); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->fault($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } $this->getResponse()->setResult($result); } }