getDatabase())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The database option cannot be empty'); } if (null === ($collection = $options->getCollection())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The collection option cannot be empty'); } $this->mongoCollection = $mongo->selectCollection($database, $collection); $this->options = $options; } /** * Open session * * @param string $savePath * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function open($savePath, $name) { // Note: session save path is not used $this->sessionName = $name; $this->lifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); return true; } /** * Close session * * @return bool */ public function close() { return true; } /** * Read session data * * @param string $id * @return string */ public function read($id) { $session = $this->mongoCollection->findOne(array( '_id' => $id, $this->options->getNameField() => $this->sessionName, )); if (null !== $session) { if ($session[$this->options->getModifiedField()] instanceof MongoDate && $session[$this->options->getModifiedField()]->sec + $session[$this->options->getLifetimeField()] > time()) { return $session[$this->options->getDataField()]; } $this->destroy($id); } return ''; } /** * Write session data * * @param string $id * @param string $data * @return bool */ public function write($id, $data) { $saveOptions = array_replace( $this->options->getSaveOptions(), array('upsert' => true, 'multiple' => false) ); $criteria = array( '_id' => $id, $this->options->getNameField() => $this->sessionName, ); $newObj = array('$set' => array( $this->options->getDataField() => (string) $data, $this->options->getLifetimeField() => $this->lifetime, $this->options->getModifiedField() => new MongoDate(), )); /* Note: a MongoCursorException will be thrown if a record with this ID * already exists with a different session name, since the upsert query * cannot insert a new document with the same ID and new session name. * This should only happen if ID's are not unique or if the session name * is altered mid-process. */ $result = $this->mongoCollection->update($criteria, $newObj, $saveOptions); return (bool) (isset($result['ok']) ? $result['ok'] : $result); } /** * Destroy session * * @param string $id * @return bool */ public function destroy($id) { $result = $this->mongoCollection->remove(array( '_id' => $id, $this->options->getNameField() => $this->sessionName, ), $this->options->getSaveOptions()); return (bool) (isset($result['ok']) ? $result['ok'] : $result); } /** * Garbage collection * * Note: MongoDB 2.2+ supports TTL collections, which may be used in place * of this method by indexing the "modified" field with an * "expireAfterSeconds" option. Regardless of whether TTL collections are * used, consider indexing this field to make the remove query more * efficient. * * @see * @param int $maxlifetime * @return bool */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { /* Note: unlike DbTableGateway, we do not use the lifetime field in * each document. Doing so would require a $where query to work with the * computed value (modified + lifetime) and be very inefficient. */ $result = $this->mongoCollection->remove(array( $this->options->getModifiedField() => array('$lt' => new MongoDate(time() - $maxlifetime)), ), $this->options->getSaveOptions()); return (bool) (isset($result['ok']) ? $result['ok'] : $result); } }