request['type'])) { $this->ajax_die('empty type'); } if (isset($this->request['post_id'])) { $post_id = (int) $this->request['post_id']; $post = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT t.*, f.*, p.*, pt.post_text FROM ". BB_TOPICS ." t, ". BB_FORUMS ." f, ". BB_POSTS ." p, ". BB_POSTS_TEXT ." pt WHERE p.post_id = $post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = pt.post_id LIMIT 1"); if(!$post) $this->ajax_die('not post'); $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post); if ($post['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { $this->ajax_die($lang['TOPIC_LOCKED']); } } elseif (isset($this->request['topic_id'])) { $topic_id = (int) $this->request['topic_id']; $post = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT t.*, f.* FROM ". BB_TOPICS ." t, ". BB_FORUMS ." f WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id LIMIT 1"); if(!$post) $this->ajax_die($lang['INVALID_TOPIC_ID_DB']); $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post); } if (!defined('WORD_LIST_OBTAINED')) { $orig_word = array(); $replace_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word); define('WORD_LIST_OBTAINED', true); } switch($this->request['type']) { case 'delete': if ($post['post_id'] != $post['topic_first_post_id'] && $is_auth['auth_delete'] && ($is_auth['auth_mod'] || ($userdata['user_id'] == $post['poster_id'] && $post['topic_last_post_id'] == $post['post_id'] && $post['post_time'] + 3600*3 > TIMENOW))) { if (empty($this->request['confirmed'])) { $this->prompt_for_confirm($lang['CONFIRM_DELETE']); } post_delete($post_id); // Update atom feed update_atom('topic', (int) $this->request['topic_id']); $this->response['hide'] = true; $this->response['post_id'] = $post_id; } else { $this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_DELETE'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_delete_type']))); } break; case 'reply': if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post')) { $this->ajax_die(strip_tags($lang['RULES_REPLY_CANNOT'])); } elseif(!$is_auth['auth_reply']) { $this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_REPLY'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_reply_type']))); } $quote_username = ($post['post_username'] != '') ? $post['post_username'] : get_username($post['poster_id']); $message = "[quote=\"". $quote_username ."\"][qpost=". $post['post_id'] ."]". $post['post_text'] ."[/quote]\r"; // hide user passkey $message = preg_replace('#(?<=\?uk=)[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}(?=&)#', 'passkey', $message); // hide sid $message = preg_replace('#(?<=[\?&;]sid=)[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}#', 'sid', $message); if (!empty($orig_word)) { $message = (!empty($message)) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $message) : ''; } if ($post['post_id'] == $post['topic_first_post_id']) { $message = "[quote]". $post['topic_title'] ."[/quote]\r"; } if (mb_strlen($message, 'UTF-8') > 1000) { $this->response['redirect'] = make_url(POSTING_URL.'?mode=quote&p='. $post_id); } $this->response['quote'] = true; $this->response['message'] = $message; break; case 'view_message': $message = (string) $this->request['message']; if(!trim($message)) $this->ajax_die($lang['EMPTY_MESSAGE']); $message = htmlCHR($message, false, ENT_NOQUOTES); $this->response['message_html'] = bbcode2html($message); $this->response['res_id'] = @$this->request['res_id']; break; case 'edit': case 'editor': if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post_edit')) { $this->ajax_die($lang['POST_EDIT_CANNOT']); } if ($post['poster_id'] != $userdata['user_id'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { $this->ajax_die($lang['EDIT_OWN_POSTS']); } if ((mb_strlen($post['post_text'], 'UTF-8') > 1000) || $post['post_attachment'] || ($post['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id)) { $this->response['redirect'] = make_url(POSTING_URL.'?mode=editpost&p='. $post_id); } elseif ($this->request['type'] == 'editor') { $text = (string) $this->request['text']; $text = prepare_message($text); if (mb_strlen($text) > 2) { if ($text != $post['post_text']) { if ($bb_cfg['max_smilies']) { $count_smilies = substr_count(bbcode2html($text), 'query("UPDATE ". BB_POSTS ." SET post_edit_time = '". TIMENOW ."', post_edit_count = post_edit_count + 1 WHERE post_id = $post_id LIMIT 1"); } $s_text = str_replace('\n', "\n", $text); $s_topic_title = str_replace('\n', "\n", $post['topic_title']); add_search_words($post_id, stripslashes($s_text), stripslashes($s_topic_title)); update_post_html(array( 'post_id' => $post_id, 'post_text' => $text, )); } } else $this->ajax_die($lang['EMPTY_MESSAGE']); // Update atom feed update_atom('topic', (int) $this->request['topic_id']); $this->response['html'] = bbcode2html($text); } else { $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post); if ($post['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { $this->ajax_die($lang['TOPIC_LOCKED']); } elseif (!$is_auth['auth_edit']) { $this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_EDIT'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_edit_type']))); } $hidden_form = ''; $hidden_form .= ''; $hidden_form .= ''; $this->response['text'] = '
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