setPrivateKey($privateKey); } if ($publicKey instanceof Rsa\PublicKey) { $options->setPublicKey($publicKey); } return new Rsa($options); } /** * Class constructor * * @param RsaOptions $options * @throws Rsa\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function __construct(RsaOptions $options = null) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'Zend\Crypt\PublicKey\Rsa requires openssl extension to be loaded' ); } if ($options === null) { $this->options = new RsaOptions(); } else { $this->options = $options; } } /** * Set options * * @param RsaOptions $options * @return Rsa */ public function setOptions(RsaOptions $options) { $this->options = $options; return $this; } /** * Get options * * @return RsaOptions */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * Return last openssl error(s) * * @return string */ public function getOpensslErrorString() { $message = ''; while (false !== ($error = openssl_error_string())) { $message .= $error . "\n"; } return trim($message); } /** * Sign with private key * * @param string $data * @param Rsa\PrivateKey $privateKey * @return string * @throws Rsa\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function sign($data, Rsa\PrivateKey $privateKey = null) { $signature = ''; if (null === $privateKey) { $privateKey = $this->options->getPrivateKey(); } $result = openssl_sign( $data, $signature, $privateKey->getOpensslKeyResource(), $this->options->getOpensslSignatureAlgorithm() ); if (false === $result) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'Can not generate signature; openssl ' . $this->getOpensslErrorString() ); } if ($this->options->getBinaryOutput()) { return $signature; } return base64_encode($signature); } /** * Verify signature with public key * * $signature can be encoded in base64 or not. $mode sets how the input must be processed: * - MODE_AUTO: Check if the $signature is encoded in base64. Not recommended for performance. * - MODE_BASE64: Decode $signature using base64 algorithm. * - MODE_RAW: $signature is not encoded. * * @param string $data * @param string $signature * @param null|Rsa\PublicKey $publicKey * @param int $mode Input encoding * @return bool * @throws Rsa\Exception\RuntimeException * @see Rsa::MODE_AUTO * @see Rsa::MODE_BASE64 * @see Rsa::MODE_RAW */ public function verify( $data, $signature, Rsa\PublicKey $publicKey = null, $mode = self::MODE_AUTO ) { if (null === $publicKey) { $publicKey = $this->options->getPublicKey(); } switch ($mode) { case self::MODE_AUTO: // check if data is encoded in Base64 $output = base64_decode($signature, true); if ((false !== $output) && ($signature === base64_encode($output))) { $signature = $output; } break; case self::MODE_BASE64: $signature = base64_decode($signature); break; case self::MODE_RAW: default: break; } $result = openssl_verify( $data, $signature, $publicKey->getOpensslKeyResource(), $this->options->getOpensslSignatureAlgorithm() ); if (-1 === $result) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'Can not verify signature; openssl ' . $this->getOpensslErrorString() ); } return ($result === 1); } /** * Encrypt with private/public key * * @param string $data * @param Rsa\AbstractKey $key * @param null|int $padding An OPENSSL_*_PADDING constant value. * @return string * @throws Rsa\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function encrypt($data, Rsa\AbstractKey $key = null, $padding = null) { if (null === $key) { $key = $this->options->getPublicKey(); } if (null === $key) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('No key specified for the decryption'); } if (null === $padding) { $encrypted = $key->encrypt($data); } else { $encrypted = $key->encrypt($data, $padding); } if ($this->options->getBinaryOutput()) { return $encrypted; } return base64_encode($encrypted); } /** * Decrypt with private/public key * * $data can be encoded in base64 or not. $mode sets how the input must be processed: * - MODE_AUTO: Check if the $signature is encoded in base64. Not recommended for performance. * - MODE_BASE64: Decode $data using base64 algorithm. * - MODE_RAW: $data is not encoded. * * @param string $data * @param Rsa\AbstractKey $key * @param int $mode Input encoding * @param null|int $padding An OPENSSL_*_PADDING constant value. * @return string * @throws Rsa\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @see Rsa::MODE_AUTO * @see Rsa::MODE_BASE64 * @see Rsa::MODE_RAW */ public function decrypt( $data, Rsa\AbstractKey $key = null, $mode = self::MODE_AUTO, $padding = null ) { if (null === $key) { $key = $this->options->getPrivateKey(); } if (null === $key) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('No key specified for the decryption'); } switch ($mode) { case self::MODE_AUTO: // check if data is encoded in Base64 $output = base64_decode($data, true); if ((false !== $output) && ($data === base64_encode($output))) { $data = $output; } break; case self::MODE_BASE64: $data = base64_decode($data); break; case self::MODE_RAW: default: break; } if (null === $padding) { return $key->decrypt($data); } return $key->decrypt($data, $padding); } /** * Generate new private/public key pair * @see RsaOptions::generateKeys() * * @param array $opensslConfig * @return Rsa * @throws Rsa\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function generateKeys(array $opensslConfig = array()) { $this->options->generateKeys($opensslConfig); return $this; } }