'; $s_auth_can .= (($is_auth['auth_download']) ? $lang['RULES_DOWNLOAD_CAN'] : $lang['RULES_DOWNLOAD_CANNOT'] ) . '
'; } /** * Called from admin_users.php and admin_groups.php in order to process Quota Settings (admin/admin_users.php:admin/admin_groups.php) */ function attachment_quota_settings($admin_mode, $submit = false, $mode) { global $template, $lang, $attach_config; if ($attach_config['upload_dir'][0] == '/' || ($attach_config['upload_dir'][0] != '/' && $attach_config['upload_dir'][1] == ':')) { $upload_dir = $attach_config['upload_dir']; } else { $upload_dir = BB_ROOT . $attach_config['upload_dir']; } include(ATTACH_DIR .'includes/functions_selects.php'); if (!function_exists("process_quota_settings")) include(ATTACH_DIR . 'includes/functions_admin.php'); $user_id = 0; if ($admin_mode == 'user') { // We overwrite submit here... to be sure $submit = (isset($_POST['submit'])) ? true : false; if (!$submit && $mode != 'save') { $user_id = get_var(POST_USERS_URL, 0); $u_name = get_var('username', ''); if (!$user_id && !$u_name) { bb_die($lang['NO_USER_ID_SPECIFIED'] ); } if ($user_id) { $this_userdata['user_id'] = $user_id; } else { // Get userdata is handling the sanitizing of username $this_userdata = get_userdata($_POST['username'], true); } $user_id = (int) $this_userdata['user_id']; } else { $user_id = get_var('id', 0); if (!$user_id) { bb_die($lang['NO_USER_ID_SPECIFIED'] ); } } } if ($admin_mode == 'user' && !$submit && $mode != 'save') { // Show the contents $sql = 'SELECT quota_limit_id, quota_type FROM ' . BB_QUOTA . ' WHERE user_id = ' . (int) $user_id; if (!($result = DB()->sql_query($sql))) { bb_die('Unable to get quota settings #1'); } $pm_quota = $upload_quota = 0; if ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)) { do { if ($row['quota_type'] == QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT) { $upload_quota = $row['quota_limit_id']; } else if ($row['quota_type'] == QUOTA_PM_LIMIT) { $pm_quota = $row['quota_limit_id']; } } while ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)); } else { // Set Default Quota Limit $upload_quota = $attach_config['default_upload_quota']; $pm_quota = $attach_config['default_pm_quota']; } DB()->sql_freeresult($result); $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_UPLOAD_QUOTA' => quota_limit_select('user_upload_quota', $upload_quota), 'S_SELECT_PM_QUOTA' => quota_limit_select('user_pm_quota', $pm_quota), )); } if ($admin_mode == 'user' && $submit && @$_POST['delete_user']) { process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $user_id, QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT, 0); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $user_id, QUOTA_PM_LIMIT, 0); } else if ($admin_mode == 'user' && $submit && $mode == 'save') { // Get the contents $upload_quota = get_var('user_upload_quota', 0); $pm_quota = get_var('user_pm_quota', 0); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $user_id, QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT, $upload_quota); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $user_id, QUOTA_PM_LIMIT, $pm_quota); } if ($admin_mode == 'group' && $mode == 'newgroup') { return; } if ($admin_mode == 'group' && !$submit && isset($_POST['edit'])) { // Get group id again $group_id = get_var(POST_GROUPS_URL, 0); // Show the contents $sql = 'SELECT quota_limit_id, quota_type FROM ' . BB_QUOTA . ' WHERE group_id = ' . (int) $group_id; if (!($result = DB()->sql_query($sql))) { bb_die('Unable to get quota settings #2'); } $pm_quota = $upload_quota = 0; if ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)) { do { if ($row['quota_type'] == QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT) { $upload_quota = $row['quota_limit_id']; } else if ($row['quota_type'] == QUOTA_PM_LIMIT) { $pm_quota = $row['quota_limit_id']; } } while ($row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result)); } else { // Set Default Quota Limit $upload_quota = $attach_config['default_upload_quota']; $pm_quota = $attach_config['default_pm_quota']; } DB()->sql_freeresult($result); $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_UPLOAD_QUOTA' => quota_limit_select('group_upload_quota', $upload_quota), 'S_SELECT_PM_QUOTA' => quota_limit_select('group_pm_quota', $pm_quota), )); } if ($admin_mode == 'group' && $submit && isset($_POST['group_delete'])) { $group_id = get_var(POST_GROUPS_URL, 0); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $group_id, QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT, 0); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $group_id, QUOTA_PM_LIMIT, 0); } else if ($admin_mode == 'group' && $submit) { $group_id = get_var(POST_GROUPS_URL, 0); // Get the contents $upload_quota = get_var('group_upload_quota', 0); $pm_quota = get_var('group_pm_quota', 0); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $group_id, QUOTA_UPLOAD_LIMIT, $upload_quota); process_quota_settings($admin_mode, $group_id, QUOTA_PM_LIMIT, $pm_quota); } }