isInitialized) { return; } if (!$this->featureSet instanceof Feature\FeatureSet) { $this->featureSet = new Feature\FeatureSet; } $this->featureSet->setRowGateway($this); $this->featureSet->apply('preInitialize', array()); if (!is_string($this->table) && !$this->table instanceof TableIdentifier) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('This row object does not have a valid table set.'); } if ($this->primaryKeyColumn === null) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('This row object does not have a primary key column set.'); } elseif (is_string($this->primaryKeyColumn)) { $this->primaryKeyColumn = (array) $this->primaryKeyColumn; } if (!$this->sql instanceof Sql) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('This row object does not have a Sql object set.'); } $this->featureSet->apply('postInitialize', array()); $this->isInitialized = true; } /** * Populate Data * * @param array $rowData * @param bool $rowExistsInDatabase * @return AbstractRowGateway */ public function populate(array $rowData, $rowExistsInDatabase = false) { $this->initialize(); $this->data = $rowData; if ($rowExistsInDatabase == true) { $this->processPrimaryKeyData(); } else { $this->primaryKeyData = null; } return $this; } /** * @param mixed $array * @return array|void */ public function exchangeArray($array) { return $this->populate($array, true); } /** * Save * * @return int */ public function save() { $this->initialize(); if ($this->rowExistsInDatabase()) { // UPDATE $data = $this->data; $where = array(); $isPkModified = false; // primary key is always an array even if its a single column foreach ($this->primaryKeyColumn as $pkColumn) { $where[$pkColumn] = $this->primaryKeyData[$pkColumn]; if ($data[$pkColumn] == $this->primaryKeyData[$pkColumn]) { unset($data[$pkColumn]); } else { $isPkModified = true; } } $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($this->sql->update()->set($data)->where($where)); $result = $statement->execute(); $rowsAffected = $result->getAffectedRows(); unset($statement, $result); // cleanup // If one or more primary keys are modified, we update the where clause if ($isPkModified) { foreach ($this->primaryKeyColumn as $pkColumn) { if ($data[$pkColumn] != $this->primaryKeyData[$pkColumn]) { $where[$pkColumn] = $data[$pkColumn]; } } } } else { // INSERT $insert = $this->sql->insert(); $insert->values($this->data); $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $result = $statement->execute(); if (($primaryKeyValue = $result->getGeneratedValue()) && count($this->primaryKeyColumn) == 1) { $this->primaryKeyData = array($this->primaryKeyColumn[0] => $primaryKeyValue); } else { // make primary key data available so that $where can be complete $this->processPrimaryKeyData(); } $rowsAffected = $result->getAffectedRows(); unset($statement, $result); // cleanup $where = array(); // primary key is always an array even if its a single column foreach ($this->primaryKeyColumn as $pkColumn) { $where[$pkColumn] = $this->primaryKeyData[$pkColumn]; } } // refresh data $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($this->sql->select()->where($where)); $result = $statement->execute(); $rowData = $result->current(); unset($statement, $result); // cleanup // make sure data and original data are in sync after save $this->populate($rowData, true); // return rows affected return $rowsAffected; } /** * Delete * * @return int */ public function delete() { $this->initialize(); $where = array(); // primary key is always an array even if its a single column foreach ($this->primaryKeyColumn as $pkColumn) { $where[$pkColumn] = $this->primaryKeyData[$pkColumn]; } // @todo determine if we need to do a select to ensure 1 row will be affected $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($this->sql->delete()->where($where)); $result = $statement->execute(); $affectedRows = $result->getAffectedRows(); if ($affectedRows == 1) { // detach from database $this->primaryKeyData = null; } return $affectedRows; } /** * Offset Exists * * @param string $offset * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return array_key_exists($offset, $this->data); } /** * Offset get * * @param string $offset * @return mixed */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->data[$offset]; } /** * Offset set * * @param string $offset * @param mixed $value * @return RowGateway */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->data[$offset] = $value; return $this; } /** * Offset unset * * @param string $offset * @return AbstractRowGateway */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { $this->data[$offset] = null; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function count() { return count($this->data); } /** * To array * * @return array */ public function toArray() { return $this->data; } /** * __get * * @param string $name * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) { return $this->data[$name]; } else { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Not a valid column in this row: ' . $name); } } /** * __set * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->offsetSet($name, $value); } /** * __isset * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function __isset($name) { return $this->offsetExists($name); } /** * __unset * * @param string $name * @return void */ public function __unset($name) { $this->offsetUnset($name); } /** * @return bool */ public function rowExistsInDatabase() { return ($this->primaryKeyData !== null); } /** * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected function processPrimaryKeyData() { $this->primaryKeyData = array(); foreach ($this->primaryKeyColumn as $column) { if (!isset($this->data[$column])) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('While processing primary key data, a known key ' . $column . ' was not found in the data array'); } $this->primaryKeyData[$column] = $this->data[$column]; } } }