"Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given", self::TOO_FEW => "Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given", ); /** * @var array Error message template variables */ protected $messageVariables = array( 'min' => array('options' => 'min'), 'max' => array('options' => 'max'), 'count' => 'count' ); /** * Actual filecount * * @var int */ protected $count; /** * Internal file array * @var array */ protected $files; /** * Options for this validator * * @var array */ protected $options = array( 'min' => null, // Minimum file count, if null there is no minimum file count 'max' => null, // Maximum file count, if null there is no maximum file count ); /** * Sets validator options * * Min limits the file count, when used with max=null it is the maximum file count * It also accepts an array with the keys 'min' and 'max' * * If $options is an integer, it will be used as maximum file count * As Array is accepts the following keys: * 'min': Minimum filecount * 'max': Maximum filecount * * @param int|array|\Traversable $options Options for the adapter */ public function __construct($options = null) { if (is_string($options) || is_numeric($options)) { $options = array('max' => $options); } if (1 < func_num_args()) { $options['min'] = func_get_arg(0); $options['max'] = func_get_arg(1); } parent::__construct($options); } /** * Returns the minimum file count * * @return int */ public function getMin() { return $this->options['min']; } /** * Sets the minimum file count * * @param int|array $min The minimum file count * @return Count Provides a fluent interface * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException When min is greater than max */ public function setMin($min) { if (is_array($min) and isset($min['min'])) { $min = $min['min']; } if (!is_string($min) and !is_numeric($min)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options to validator provided'); } $min = (int) $min; if (($this->getMax() !== null) && ($min > $this->getMax())) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( "The minimum must be less than or equal to the maximum file count, but {$min} > {$this->getMax()}" ); } $this->options['min'] = $min; return $this; } /** * Returns the maximum file count * * @return int */ public function getMax() { return $this->options['max']; } /** * Sets the maximum file count * * @param int|array $max The maximum file count * @return Count Provides a fluent interface * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException When max is smaller than min */ public function setMax($max) { if (is_array($max) and isset($max['max'])) { $max = $max['max']; } if (!is_string($max) and !is_numeric($max)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options to validator provided'); } $max = (int) $max; if (($this->getMin() !== null) && ($max < $this->getMin())) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( "The maximum must be greater than or equal to the minimum file count, but {$max} < {$this->getMin()}" ); } $this->options['max'] = $max; return $this; } /** * Adds a file for validation * * @param string|array $file * @return Count */ public function addFile($file) { if (is_string($file)) { $file = array($file); } if (is_array($file)) { foreach ($file as $name) { if (!isset($this->files[$name]) && !empty($name)) { $this->files[$name] = $name; } } } return $this; } /** * Returns true if and only if the file count of all checked files is at least min and * not bigger than max (when max is not null). Attention: When checking with set min you * must give all files with the first call, otherwise you will get a false. * * @param string|array $value Filenames to check for count * @param array $file File data from \Zend\File\Transfer\Transfer * @return bool */ public function isValid($value, $file = null) { if (($file !== null) && !array_key_exists('destination', $file)) { $file['destination'] = dirname($value); } if (($file !== null) && array_key_exists('tmp_name', $file)) { $value = $file['destination'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file['name']; } if (($file === null) || !empty($file['tmp_name'])) { $this->addFile($value); } $this->count = count($this->files); if (($this->getMax() !== null) && ($this->count > $this->getMax())) { return $this->throwError($file, self::TOO_MANY); } if (($this->getMin() !== null) && ($this->count < $this->getMin())) { return $this->throwError($file, self::TOO_FEW); } return true; } /** * Throws an error of the given type * * @param string $file * @param string $errorType * @return false */ protected function throwError($file, $errorType) { if ($file !== null) { if (is_array($file)) { if (array_key_exists('name', $file)) { $this->value = $file['name']; } } elseif (is_string($file)) { $this->value = $file; } } $this->error($errorType); return false; } }