array_shift($args) ); if (count($args)) { $options['elementMap'] = array_shift($args); } if (count($args)) { $options['encoding'] = array_shift($args); } if (count($args)) { $options['dateTimeFormat'] = array_shift($args); } } if (!array_key_exists('rootElement', $options)) { $options['rootElement'] = 'logEntry'; } if (!array_key_exists('encoding', $options)) { $options['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'; } $this->rootElement = $options['rootElement']; $this->setEncoding($options['encoding']); if (array_key_exists('elementMap', $options)) { $this->elementMap = $options['elementMap']; } if (array_key_exists('dateTimeFormat', $options)) { $this->setDateTimeFormat($options['dateTimeFormat']); } } /** * Get encoding * * @return string */ public function getEncoding() { return $this->encoding; } /** * Set encoding * * @param string $value * @return Xml */ public function setEncoding($value) { $this->encoding = (string) $value; return $this; } /** * Set Escaper instance * * @param Escaper $escaper * @return Xml */ public function setEscaper(Escaper $escaper) { $this->escaper = $escaper; return $this; } /** * Get Escaper instance * * Lazy-loads an instance with the current encoding if none registered. * * @return Escaper */ public function getEscaper() { if (null === $this->escaper) { $this->setEscaper(new Escaper($this->getEncoding())); } return $this->escaper; } /** * Formats data into a single line to be written by the writer. * * @param array $event event data * @return string formatted line to write to the log */ public function format($event) { if (isset($event['timestamp']) && $event['timestamp'] instanceof DateTime) { $event['timestamp'] = $event['timestamp']->format($this->getDateTimeFormat()); } $dataToInsert = $event; if (null !== $this->elementMap) { $dataToInsert = array(); foreach ($this->elementMap as $elementName => $fieldKey) { $dataToInsert[$elementName] = $event[$fieldKey]; } } $enc = $this->getEncoding(); $escaper = $this->getEscaper(); $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', $enc); $elt = $dom->appendChild(new DOMElement($this->rootElement)); foreach ($dataToInsert as $key => $value) { if (empty($value) || is_scalar($value) || ((is_array($value) || $value instanceof Traversable) && $key == "extra") || (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString')) ) { if ($key == "message") { $value = $escaper->escapeHtml($value); } if ($key == "extra" && empty($value)) { continue; } if ($key == "extra" && (is_array($value) || $value instanceof Traversable)) { $elt->appendChild($this->buildElementTree($dom, $dom->createElement('extra'), $value)); continue; } $elt->appendChild(new DOMElement($key, (string) $value)); } } return preg_replace('/<\?xml version="1.0"( encoding="[^\"]*")?\?>\n/u', '', $dom->saveXML()) . PHP_EOL; } /** * Recursion function to create an xml tree structure out of array structure * @param DomDocument $doc - DomDocument where the current nodes will be generated * @param DomElement $rootElement - root element the tree will be attached to * @param $mixedData array|Traversable - mixedData * @return DomElement $domElement - DOM Element with appended child nodes */ protected function buildElementTree(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $rootElement, $mixedData) { if (! (is_array($mixedData) || $mixedData instanceof Traversable)) { return $rootElement; } foreach ($mixedData as $key => $value) { // key is numeric and switch is not possible, numeric values are not valid node names if ((empty($value) || is_numeric($value)) && is_numeric($key)) { continue; } if ($value instanceof Traversable || is_array($value)) { // current value is an array, start recursion $rootElement->appendChild($this->buildElementTree($doc, $doc->createElement($key), $value)); continue; } if (is_object($value) && ! method_exists($value, '__toString')) { // object does not support __toString() method, manually convert the value $value = $this->getEscaper()->escapeHtml( '"Object" of type ' . get_class($value) . " does not support __toString() method" ); } if (is_numeric($key)) { // xml does not allow numeric values, try to switch the value and the key $key = (string) $value; $value = null; } try { $rootElement->appendChild(new DOMElement($key, empty($value) ? null : (string) $value)); } catch (\DOMException $e) { // the input name is not valid, go one. continue; } } return $rootElement; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDateTimeFormat() { return $this->dateTimeFormat; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setDateTimeFormat($dateTimeFormat) { $this->dateTimeFormat = (string) $dateTimeFormat; return $this; } }