0xFFFF) { msg_die('Invalid port: ' . $port); } if (!isset($uploaded) || $uploaded < 0 || $uploaded > $max_up_down_val || $uploaded == 1844674407370) { msg_die('Invalid uploaded value: ' . $uploaded); } if (!isset($downloaded) || $downloaded < 0 || $downloaded > $max_up_down_val || $downloaded == 1844674407370) { msg_die('Invalid downloaded value: ' . $downloaded); } if (!isset($left) || $left < 0 || $left > $max_left_val) { msg_die('Invalid left value: ' . $left); } if (!verify_id($passkey, BT_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH)) { msg_die('Invalid passkey: ' . $passkey); } // IP $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!$bb_cfg['ignore_reported_ip'] && isset($_GET['ip']) && $ip !== $_GET['ip']) { if (!$bb_cfg['verify_reported_ip']) { $ip = $_GET['ip']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && preg_match_all('#\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}#', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $x_ip) { if ($x_ip === $_GET['ip']) { if (!$bb_cfg['allow_internal_ip'] && preg_match("#(127\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3}|10\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3}|172\.[123][0-9]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}|192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})#", $x_ip)) { break; } $ip = $x_ip; break; } } } } // Check that IP format is valid if (!verify_ip($ip)) { msg_die("Invalid IP: $ip"); } // Convert IP to HEX format $ip_sql = encode_ip($ip); // Peer unique id $peer_hash = md5( rtrim($info_hash, ' ') . $passkey . $ip . $port ); // Get cached peer info from previous announce (last peer info) $lp_info = CACHE('tr_cache')->get(PEER_HASH_PREFIX . $peer_hash); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', '$lp_info-get_from-CACHE-'. ($lp_info ? 'hit' : 'miss')); // Drop fast announce if ($lp_info && (!isset($event) || $event !== 'stopped')) { drop_fast_announce($lp_info); } // Functions function drop_fast_announce ($lp_info) { global $announce_interval; if ($lp_info['update_time'] < (TIMENOW - $announce_interval + 60)) { return; // if announce interval correct } $new_ann_intrv = $lp_info['update_time'] + $announce_interval - TIMENOW; dummy_exit($new_ann_intrv); } function msg_die ($msg) { if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', '!die-'. clean_filename($msg)); $output = bencode(array( # 'interval' => (int) 1800, 'min interval' => (int) 1800, # 'peers' => (string) DUMMY_PEER, 'failure reason' => (string) $msg, 'warning message' => (string) $msg, )); die($output); } # $agent = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '-'; # bb_log("$agent | ". str_compact($peer_id) ."\n", 'agent'); // Start announcer define('TR_ROOT', './'); require(TR_ROOT . 'includes/init_tr.php'); $seeder = ($left == 0) ? 1 : 0; $stopped = ($event === 'stopped'); // Stopped event if ($stopped) { CACHE('tr_cache')->rm(PEER_HASH_PREFIX . $peer_hash); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', 'stopped'); } // Get last peer info from DB if (!CACHE('tr_cache')->used && !$lp_info) { $lp_info = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT * FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE peer_hash = '$peer_hash' LIMIT 1 "); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', '$lp_info-get_from-DB-'. ($lp_info ? 'hit' : 'miss')); } if ($lp_info) { if (!$stopped) { drop_fast_announce($lp_info); } $user_id = $lp_info['user_id']; $topic_id = $lp_info['topic_id']; $releaser = $lp_info['releaser']; $tor_type = $lp_info['tor_type']; } else { // Verify if torrent registered on tracker and user authorized $info_hash_sql = rtrim(DB()->escape($info_hash), ' '); $passkey_sql = DB()->escape($passkey); $sql = " SELECT tor.topic_id, tor.poster_id, tor.tor_type, u.* FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_USERS ." u ON u.auth_key = '$passkey_sql' WHERE tor.info_hash = '$info_hash_sql' LIMIT 1 "; $row = DB()->fetch_row($sql); if (empty($row['topic_id'])) { msg_die('Torrent not registered, info_hash = ' . bin2hex($info_hash)); } if (empty($row['user_id'])) { msg_die('Please LOG IN and RE-DOWNLOAD this torrent (user not found)'); } $user_id = $row['user_id']; $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; $releaser = (int) ($user_id == $row['poster_id']); $tor_type = $row['tor_type']; // Ratio limits if ((TR_RATING_LIMITS || $tr_cfg['limit_concurrent_ips']) && !$stopped) { $user_ratio = ($row['u_down_total'] && $row['u_down_total'] > MIN_DL_FOR_RATIO) ? ($row['u_up_total'] + $row['u_up_release'] + $row['u_up_bonus']) / $row['u_down_total'] : 1; $rating_msg = ''; if (!$seeder) { foreach ($rating_limits as $ratio => $limit) { if ($user_ratio < $ratio) { $tr_cfg['limit_active_tor'] = 1; $tr_cfg['limit_leech_count'] = $limit; $rating_msg = " (ratio < $ratio)"; break; } } } // Limit active torrents if (!isset($bb_cfg['unlimited_users'][$user_id]) && $tr_cfg['limit_active_tor'] && (($tr_cfg['limit_seed_count'] && $seeder) || ($tr_cfg['limit_leech_count'] && !$seeder))) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT topic_id) AS active_torrents FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE user_id = $user_id AND seeder = $seeder AND topic_id != $topic_id"; if (!$seeder && $tr_cfg['leech_expire_factor'] && $user_ratio < 0.5) { $sql .= " AND update_time > ". (TIMENOW - 60*$tr_cfg['leech_expire_factor']); } $sql .= " GROUP BY user_id"; if ($row = DB()->fetch_row($sql)) { if ($seeder && $tr_cfg['limit_seed_count'] && $row['active_torrents'] >= $tr_cfg['limit_seed_count']) { msg_die('Only '. $tr_cfg['limit_seed_count'] .' torrent(s) allowed for seeding'); } elseif (!$seeder && $tr_cfg['limit_leech_count'] && $row['active_torrents'] >= $tr_cfg['limit_leech_count']) { msg_die('Only '. $tr_cfg['limit_leech_count'] .' torrent(s) allowed for leeching'. $rating_msg); } } } // Limit concurrent IPs if ($tr_cfg['limit_concurrent_ips'] && (($tr_cfg['limit_seed_ips'] && $seeder) || ($tr_cfg['limit_leech_ips'] && !$seeder))) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip) AS ips FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND user_id = $user_id AND seeder = $seeder AND ip != '$ip_sql'"; if (!$seeder && $tr_cfg['leech_expire_factor']) { $sql .= " AND update_time > ". (TIMENOW - 60*$tr_cfg['leech_expire_factor']); } $sql .= " GROUP BY topic_id"; if ($row = DB()->fetch_row($sql)) { if ($seeder && $tr_cfg['limit_seed_ips'] && $row['ips'] >= $tr_cfg['limit_seed_ips']) { msg_die('You can seed only from '. $tr_cfg['limit_seed_ips'] ." IP's"); } elseif (!$seeder && $tr_cfg['limit_leech_ips'] && $row['ips'] >= $tr_cfg['limit_leech_ips']) { msg_die('You can leech only from '. $tr_cfg['limit_leech_ips'] ." IP's"); } } } } } // Up/Down speed $speed_up = $speed_down = 0; if ($lp_info && $lp_info['update_time'] < TIMENOW) { if ($uploaded > $lp_info['uploaded']) { $speed_up = ceil(($uploaded - $lp_info['uploaded']) / (TIMENOW - $lp_info['update_time'])); } if ($downloaded > $lp_info['downloaded']) { $speed_down = ceil(($downloaded - $lp_info['downloaded']) / (TIMENOW - $lp_info['update_time'])); } } // Up/Down addition $up_add = ($lp_info && $uploaded > $lp_info['uploaded']) ? $uploaded - $lp_info['uploaded'] : 0; $down_add = ($lp_info && $downloaded > $lp_info['downloaded']) ? $downloaded - $lp_info['downloaded'] : 0; // Gold/Silver releases if ($tr_cfg['gold_silver_enabled'] && $down_add) { if ($tor_type == TOR_TYPE_GOLD) { $down_add = 0; } // Silver releases elseif ($tor_type == TOR_TYPE_SILVER) { $down_add = ceil($down_add/2); } } // Freeleech if ($tr_cfg['freeleech'] && $down_add) { $down_add = 0; } // Insert/update peer info $peer_info_updated = false; $update_time = ($stopped) ? 0 : TIMENOW; if ($lp_info) { $sql = "UPDATE ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." SET update_time = $update_time"; $sql .= ", seeder = $seeder"; $sql .= ($releaser != $lp_info['releaser']) ? ", releaser = $releaser" : ''; $sql .= ($tor_type != $lp_info['tor_type']) ? ", tor_type = $tor_type" : ''; $sql .= ($uploaded != $lp_info['uploaded']) ? ", uploaded = $uploaded" : ''; $sql .= ($downloaded != $lp_info['downloaded']) ? ", downloaded = $downloaded" : ''; $sql .= ", remain = $left"; $sql .= ($up_add) ? ", up_add = up_add + $up_add" : ''; $sql .= ($down_add) ? ", down_add = down_add + $down_add" : ''; $sql .= ", speed_up = $speed_up"; $sql .= ", speed_down = $speed_down"; $sql .= " WHERE peer_hash = '$peer_hash'"; $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; DB()->query($sql); $peer_info_updated = DB()->affected_rows(); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', 'this_peer-update'. ($peer_info_updated ? '' : '-FAIL')); } if (!$lp_info || !$peer_info_updated) { $columns = 'peer_hash, topic_id, user_id, ip, port, seeder, releaser, tor_type, uploaded, downloaded, remain, speed_up, speed_down, up_add, down_add, update_time'; $values = "'$peer_hash', $topic_id, $user_id, '$ip_sql', $port, $seeder, $releaser, $tor_type, $uploaded, $downloaded, $left, $speed_up, $speed_down, $up_add, $down_add, $update_time"; DB()->query("REPLACE INTO ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." ($columns) VALUES ($values)"); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', 'this_peer-insert'); } // Exit if stopped if ($stopped) { silent_exit(); } // Store peer info in cache $lp_info = array( 'downloaded' => (float) $downloaded, 'releaser' => (int) $releaser, 'seeder' => (int) $seeder, 'topic_id' => (int) $topic_id, 'update_time' => (int) TIMENOW, 'uploaded' => (float) $uploaded, 'user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'tor_type' => (int) $tor_type, ); $lp_info_cached = CACHE('tr_cache')->set(PEER_HASH_PREFIX . $peer_hash, $lp_info, PEER_HASH_EXPIRE); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER && !$lp_info_cached) dbg_log(' ', '$lp_info-caching-FAIL'); // Get cached output $output = CACHE('tr_cache')->get(PEERS_LIST_PREFIX . $topic_id); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER) dbg_log(' ', '$output-get_from-CACHE-'. ($output !== false ? 'hit' : 'miss')); if (!$output) { // Retrieve peers $numwant = (int) $tr_cfg['numwant']; $compact_mode = ($tr_cfg['compact_mode'] || !empty($compact)); $rowset = DB()->fetch_rowset(" SELECT ip, port FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $numwant "); if ($compact_mode) { $peers = ''; foreach ($rowset as $peer) { $peers .= pack('Nn', ip2long(decode_ip($peer['ip'])), $peer['port']); } } else { $peers = array(); foreach ($rowset as $peer) { $peers[] = array( 'ip' => decode_ip($peer['ip']), 'port' => intval($peer['port']), ); } } $seeders = 0; $leechers = 0; if ($tr_cfg['scrape']) { $row = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT seeders, leechers FROM ". BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1 "); $seeders = $row['seeders']; $leechers = $row['leechers']; } $output = array( 'interval' => (int) $announce_interval, 'min interval' => (int) $announce_interval, 'complete' => (int) $seeders, 'incomplete' => (int) $leechers, # 'downloaded' => (int) $client_completed, 'peers' => $peers, ); $peers_list_cached = CACHE('tr_cache')->set(PEERS_LIST_PREFIX . $topic_id, $output, PEERS_LIST_EXPIRE); if (DBG_LOG_TRACKER && !$peers_list_cached) dbg_log(' ', '$output-caching-FAIL'); } // Return data to client echo bencode($output); tracker_exit(); exit;