$extension_informations = get_extension_informations();
$allowed_extensions = array();
for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($extension_informations); $i < $size; $i++)
$extension = strtolower(trim($extension_informations[$i]['extension']));
// Get allowed extensions
if ((int) $extension_informations[$i]['allow_group'] === 1)
$allowed_extensions[] = $extension;
$display_categories[$extension] = intval($extension_informations[$i]['cat_id']);
$download_modes[$extension] = intval($extension_informations[$i]['download_mode']);
$upload_icons[$extension] = trim($extension_informations[$i]['upload_icon']);
* Writing Data into plain Template Vars
function init_display_template($template_var, $replacement, $filename = 'viewtopic_attach.tpl')
global $template;
// This function is adapted from the old template class
// I wish i had the functions from the 3.x one. :D (This class rocks, can't await to use it in Mods)
// Handle Attachment Informations
if (!isset($template->uncompiled_code[$template_var]) && empty($template->uncompiled_code[$template_var]))
// If we don't have a file assigned to this handle, die.
if (!isset($template->files[$template_var]))
die("Template->loadfile(): No file specified for handle $template_var");
$filename_2 = $template->files[$template_var];
$str = implode('', @file($filename_2));
if (empty($str))
die("Template->loadfile(): File $filename_2 for handle $template_var is empty");
$template->uncompiled_code[$template_var] = $str;
$complete_filename = $filename;
if (substr($complete_filename, 0, 1) != '/')
$complete_filename = $template->root . '/' . $complete_filename;
if (!file_exists($complete_filename))
die("Template->make_filename(): Error - file $complete_filename does not exist");
$content = implode('', file($complete_filename));
if (empty($content))
die('Template->loadfile(): File ' . $complete_filename . ' is empty');
// replace $replacement with uncompiled code in $filename
$template->uncompiled_code[$template_var] = str_replace($replacement, $content, $template->uncompiled_code[$template_var]);
* Display Attachments in Posts
function display_post_attachments($post_id, $switch_attachment)
global $attach_config, $is_auth;
if (intval($switch_attachment) == 0 || intval($attach_config['disable_mod']))
if ($is_auth['auth_download'] && $is_auth['auth_view'])
* Initializes some templating variables for displaying Attachments in Posts
function init_display_post_attachments($switch_attachment)
global $attach_config, $is_auth, $template, $lang, $postrow, $total_posts, $attachments, $forum_row, $t_data;
if (empty($t_data) && !empty($forum_row))
$switch_attachment = $forum_row['topic_attachment'];
if (intval($switch_attachment) == 0 || intval($attach_config['disable_mod']) || (!($is_auth['auth_download'] && $is_auth['auth_view'])))
init_display_template('body', '{postrow.ATTACHMENTS}', 'viewtopic_attach_guest.tpl');
$post_id_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
if ($postrow[$i]['post_attachment'] == 1)
$post_id_array[] = (int) $postrow[$i]['post_id'];
if (sizeof($post_id_array) == 0)
$rows = get_attachments_from_post($post_id_array);
$num_rows = sizeof($rows);
if ($num_rows == 0)
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
$attachments['_' . $rows[$i]['post_id']][] = $rows[$i];
if ($rows[$i]['tracker_status'])
if (defined('TORRENT_POST'))
bb_die('Multiple registered torrents in one topic
first torrent found in post_id = '. TORRENT_POST .'
current post_id = '. $rows[$i]['post_id'] .'
attachments info:
'. print_r($rows, TRUE) .''); } define('TORRENT_POST', $rows[$i]['post_id']); } //bt end } init_display_template('body', '{postrow.ATTACHMENTS}'); init_complete_extensions_data(); } /** * END ATTACHMENT DISPLAY IN POSTS */ /** * Assign Variables and Definitions based on the fetched Attachments - internal * used by all displaying functions, the Data was collected before, it's only dependend on the template used. :) * before this function is usable, init_display_attachments have to be called for specific pages (pm, posting, review etc...) */ function display_attachments($post_id) { global $template, $upload_dir, $userdata, $allowed_extensions, $display_categories, $download_modes, $lang, $attachments, $upload_icons, $attach_config; $num_attachments = @sizeof($attachments['_' . $post_id]); if ($num_attachments == 0) { return; } $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach', array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_attachments; $i++) { // Some basic things... $filename = $upload_dir . '/' . basename($attachments['_' . $post_id][$i]['physical_filename']); $thumbnail_filename = $upload_dir . '/' . THUMB_DIR . '/t_' . basename($attachments['_' . $post_id][$i]['physical_filename']); // Check the file existence if (!is_file($filename)) { continue; } $upload_image = ''; if ($attach_config['upload_img'] && empty($upload_icons[$attachments['_' . $post_id][$i]['extension']])) { $upload_image = '