setStorage($storage); } if (null !== $adapter) { $this->setAdapter($adapter); } } /** * Returns the authentication adapter * * The adapter does not have a default if the storage adapter has not been set. * * @return Adapter\AdapterInterface|null */ public function getAdapter() { return $this->adapter; } /** * Sets the authentication adapter * * @param Adapter\AdapterInterface $adapter * @return AuthenticationService Provides a fluent interface */ public function setAdapter(Adapter\AdapterInterface $adapter) { $this->adapter = $adapter; return $this; } /** * Returns the persistent storage handler * * Session storage is used by default unless a different storage adapter has been set. * * @return Storage\StorageInterface */ public function getStorage() { if (null === $this->storage) { $this->setStorage(new Storage\Session()); } return $this->storage; } /** * Sets the persistent storage handler * * @param Storage\StorageInterface $storage * @return AuthenticationService Provides a fluent interface */ public function setStorage(Storage\StorageInterface $storage) { $this->storage = $storage; return $this; } /** * Authenticates against the supplied adapter * * @param Adapter\AdapterInterface $adapter * @return Result * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ public function authenticate(Adapter\AdapterInterface $adapter = null) { if (!$adapter) { if (!$adapter = $this->getAdapter()) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('An adapter must be set or passed prior to calling authenticate()'); } } $result = $adapter->authenticate(); /** * ZF-7546 - prevent multiple successive calls from storing inconsistent results * Ensure storage has clean state */ if ($this->hasIdentity()) { $this->clearIdentity(); } if ($result->isValid()) { $this->getStorage()->write($result->getIdentity()); } return $result; } /** * Returns true if and only if an identity is available from storage * * @return bool */ public function hasIdentity() { return !$this->getStorage()->isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the identity from storage or null if no identity is available * * @return mixed|null */ public function getIdentity() { $storage = $this->getStorage(); if ($storage->isEmpty()) { return; } return $storage->read(); } /** * Clears the identity from persistent storage * * @return void */ public function clearIdentity() { $this->getStorage()->clear(); } }