setConnectionParameters($connectionInfo); } elseif ($connectionInfo instanceof \mysqli) { $this->setResource($connectionInfo); } elseif (null !== $connectionInfo) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$connection must be an array of parameters, a mysqli object or null'); } } /** * @param Mysqli $driver * @return Connection */ public function setDriver(Mysqli $driver) { $this->driver = $driver; return $this; } /** * @param Profiler\ProfilerInterface $profiler * @return Connection */ public function setProfiler(Profiler\ProfilerInterface $profiler) { $this->profiler = $profiler; return $this; } /** * @return null|Profiler\ProfilerInterface */ public function getProfiler() { return $this->profiler; } /** * Set connection parameters * * @param array $connectionParameters * @return Connection */ public function setConnectionParameters(array $connectionParameters) { $this->connectionParameters = $connectionParameters; return $this; } /** * Get connection parameters * * @return array */ public function getConnectionParameters() { return $this->connectionParameters; } /** * Get current schema * * @return string */ public function getCurrentSchema() { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } /** @var $result \mysqli_result */ $result = $this->resource->query('SELECT DATABASE()'); $r = $result->fetch_row(); return $r[0]; } /** * Set resource * * @param \mysqli $resource * @return Connection */ public function setResource(\mysqli $resource) { $this->resource = $resource; return $this; } /** * Get resource * * @return \mysqli */ public function getResource() { $this->connect(); return $this->resource; } /** * Connect * * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return Connection */ public function connect() { if ($this->resource instanceof \mysqli) { return $this; } // localize $p = $this->connectionParameters; // given a list of key names, test for existence in $p $findParameterValue = function (array $names) use ($p) { foreach ($names as $name) { if (isset($p[$name])) { return $p[$name]; } } return; }; $hostname = $findParameterValue(array('hostname', 'host')); $username = $findParameterValue(array('username', 'user')); $password = $findParameterValue(array('password', 'passwd', 'pw')); $database = $findParameterValue(array('database', 'dbname', 'db', 'schema')); $port = (isset($p['port'])) ? (int) $p['port'] : null; $socket = (isset($p['socket'])) ? $p['socket'] : null; $this->resource = new \mysqli(); $this->resource->init(); if (!empty($p['driver_options'])) { foreach ($p['driver_options'] as $option => $value) { if (is_string($option)) { $option = strtoupper($option); if (!defined($option)) { continue; } $option = constant($option); } $this->resource->options($option, $value); } } $this->resource->real_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database, $port, $socket); if ($this->resource->connect_error) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'Connection error', null, new Exception\ErrorException($this->resource->connect_error, $this->resource->connect_errno) ); } if (!empty($p['charset'])) { $this->resource->set_charset($p['charset']); } return $this; } /** * Is connected * * @return bool */ public function isConnected() { return ($this->resource instanceof \mysqli); } /** * Disconnect * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { if ($this->resource instanceof \mysqli) { $this->resource->close(); } $this->resource = null; } /** * Begin transaction * * @return void */ public function beginTransaction() { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } $this->resource->autocommit(false); $this->inTransaction = true; } /** * In transaction * * @return bool */ public function inTransaction() { return $this->inTransaction; } /** * Commit * * @return void */ public function commit() { if (!$this->resource) { $this->connect(); } $this->resource->commit(); $this->inTransaction = false; $this->resource->autocommit(true); } /** * Rollback * * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return Connection */ public function rollback() { if (!$this->resource) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Must be connected before you can rollback.'); } if (!$this->inTransaction) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Must call beginTransaction() before you can rollback.'); } $this->resource->rollback(); $this->resource->autocommit(true); return $this; } /** * Execute * * @param string $sql * @throws Exception\InvalidQueryException * @return Result */ public function execute($sql) { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerStart($sql); } $resultResource = $this->resource->query($sql); if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerFinish($sql); } // if the returnValue is something other than a mysqli_result, bypass wrapping it if ($resultResource === false) { throw new Exception\InvalidQueryException($this->resource->error); } $resultPrototype = $this->driver->createResult(($resultResource === true) ? $this->resource : $resultResource); return $resultPrototype; } /** * Get last generated id * * @param null $name Ignored * @return int */ public function getLastGeneratedValue($name = null) { return $this->resource->insert_id; } }