request['attach_id'])) { $this->ajax_die($lang['EMPTY_ATTACH_ID']); } if (!isset($this->request['type'])) { $this->ajax_die('type'); } $attach_id = (int) $this->request['attach_id']; $type = (string) $this->request['type']; $torrent = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT a.post_id, d.physical_filename, d.extension, d.tracker_status, t.topic_first_post_id, p.poster_id, p.topic_id, p.forum_id, f.allow_reg_tracker FROM ". BB_ATTACHMENTS ." a, ". BB_ATTACHMENTS_DESC ." d, ". BB_POSTS ." p, ". BB_TOPICS ." t, ". BB_FORUMS ." f WHERE a.attach_id = $attach_id AND d.attach_id = $attach_id AND p.post_id = a.post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id LIMIT 1 "); if (!$torrent) $this->ajax_die($lang['INVALID_ATTACH_ID']); if ($torrent['poster_id'] == $userdata['user_id'] && !IS_AM) { if ($type == 'del_torrent' || $type == 'reg' || $type == 'unreg') { true; } else { $this->ajax_die($lang['ONLY_FOR_MOD']); } } elseif (!IS_AM) { $this->ajax_die($lang['ONLY_FOR_MOD']); } $title = $url = ''; switch ($type) { case 'set_gold': case 'set_silver': case 'unset_silver_gold': if ($type == 'set_silver') { $tor_type = TOR_TYPE_SILVER; } elseif ($type == 'set_gold') { $tor_type = TOR_TYPE_GOLD; } else { $tor_type = 0; } change_tor_type($attach_id, $tor_type); $title = $lang['CHANGE_TOR_TYPE']; $url = make_url(TOPIC_URL . $torrent['topic_id']); break; case 'reg': tracker_register($attach_id); $url = (TOPIC_URL . $torrent['topic_id']); break; case 'unreg': tracker_unregister($attach_id); $url = (TOPIC_URL . $torrent['topic_id']); break; case 'del_torrent': if (empty($this->request['confirmed'])) $this->prompt_for_confirm($lang['DEL_TORRENT']); delete_torrent($attach_id); $url = make_url(TOPIC_URL . $torrent['topic_id']); break; case 'del_torrent_move_topic': if (empty($this->request['confirmed'])) $this->prompt_for_confirm($lang['DEL_MOVE_TORRENT']); delete_torrent($attach_id); $url = make_url("modcp.php?t={$torrent['topic_id']}&mode=move&sid={$userdata['session_id']}"); break; } $this->response['url'] = $url; $this->response['title'] = $title;