$value) { switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'format': $this->setFormat($value); break; case 'authname': $this->setAuthName($value); break; case 'username': $this->setUserName($value); break; } } } /** * Generate the hash of a password * * @param string $password * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return string */ public function create($password) { if (empty($this->format)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'You must specify a password format' ); } switch ($this->format) { case 'crypt': $hash = crypt($password, Rand::getString(2, self::ALPHA64)); break; case 'sha1': $hash = '{SHA}' . base64_encode(sha1($password, true)); break; case 'md5': $hash = $this->apr1Md5($password); break; case 'digest': if (empty($this->userName) || empty($this->authName)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'You must specify UserName and AuthName (realm) to generate the digest' ); } $hash = md5($this->userName . ':' . $this->authName . ':' .$password); break; } return $hash; } /** * Verify if a password is correct against a hash value * * @param string $password * @param string $hash * @return bool */ public function verify($password, $hash) { if (substr($hash, 0, 5) === '{SHA}') { $hash2 = '{SHA}' . base64_encode(sha1($password, true)); return Utils::compareStrings($hash, $hash2); } if (substr($hash, 0, 6) === '$apr1$') { $token = explode('$', $hash); if (empty($token[2])) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'The APR1 password format is not valid' ); } $hash2 = $this->apr1Md5($password, $token[2]); return Utils::compareStrings($hash, $hash2); } $bcryptPattern = '/\$2[ay]?\$[0-9]{2}\$[' . addcslashes(static::BASE64, '+/') . '\.]{53}/'; if (strlen($hash) > 13 && ! preg_match($bcryptPattern, $hash)) { // digest if (empty($this->userName) || empty($this->authName)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'You must specify UserName and AuthName (realm) to verify the digest' ); } $hash2 = md5($this->userName . ':' . $this->authName . ':' .$password); return Utils::compareStrings($hash, $hash2); } return Utils::compareStrings($hash, crypt($password, $hash)); } /** * Set the format of the password * * @param string $format * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Apache */ public function setFormat($format) { $format = strtolower($format); if (!in_array($format, $this->supportedFormat)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'The format %s specified is not valid. The supported formats are: %s', $format, implode(',', $this->supportedFormat) )); } $this->format = $format; return $this; } /** * Get the format of the password * * @return string */ public function getFormat() { return $this->format; } /** * Set the AuthName (for digest authentication) * * @param string $name * @return Apache */ public function setAuthName($name) { $this->authName = $name; return $this; } /** * Get the AuthName (for digest authentication) * * @return string */ public function getAuthName() { return $this->authName; } /** * Set the username * * @param string $name * @return Apache */ public function setUserName($name) { $this->userName = $name; return $this; } /** * Get the username * * @return string */ public function getUserName() { return $this->userName; } /** * Convert a binary string using the alphabet "./0-9A-Za-z" * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function toAlphabet64($value) { return strtr(strrev(substr(base64_encode($value), 2)), self::BASE64, self::ALPHA64); } /** * APR1 MD5 algorithm * * @param string $password * @param null|string $salt * @return string */ protected function apr1Md5($password, $salt = null) { if (null === $salt) { $salt = Rand::getString(8, self::ALPHA64); } else { if (strlen($salt) !== 8) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'The salt value for APR1 algorithm must be 8 characters long' ); } for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { if (strpos(self::ALPHA64, $salt[$i]) === false) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'The salt value must be a string in the alphabet "./0-9A-Za-z"' ); } } } $len = strlen($password); $text = $password . '$apr1$' . $salt; $bin = pack("H32", md5($password . $salt . $password)); for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) { $text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i)); } for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) { $text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $password[0]; } $bin = pack("H32", md5($text)); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $new = ($i & 1) ? $password : $bin; if ($i % 3) { $new .= $salt; } if ($i % 7) { $new .= $password; } $new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $password; $bin = pack("H32", md5($new)); } $tmp = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $k = $i + 6; $j = $i + 12; if ($j == 16) { $j = 5; } $tmp = $bin[$i] . $bin[$k] . $bin[$j] . $tmp; } $tmp = chr(0) . chr(0) . $bin[11] . $tmp; return '$apr1$' . $salt . '$' . $this->toAlphabet64($tmp); } }