setUnnest($this); $this->addPredicate($predicateSet, ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $predicateSet; } /** * Indicate what predicate will be unnested * * @param Predicate $predicate * @return void */ public function setUnnest(Predicate $predicate) { $this->unnest = $predicate; } /** * Indicate end of nested predicate * * @return Predicate * @throws RuntimeException */ public function unnest() { if ($this->unnest === null) { throw new RuntimeException('Not nested'); } $unnest = $this->unnest; $this->unnest = null; return $unnest; } /** * Create "Equal To" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function equalTo($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_EQUAL_TO, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Not Equal To" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function notEqualTo($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL_TO, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Less Than" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function lessThan($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_LESS_THAN, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Greater Than" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function greaterThan($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Less Than Or Equal To" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function lessThanOrEqualTo($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Greater Than Or Equal To" predicate * * Utilizes Operator predicate * * @param int|float|bool|string $left * @param int|float|bool|string $right * @param string $leftType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_IDENTIFIER {@see allowedTypes} * @param string $rightType TYPE_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_VALUE by default TYPE_VALUE {@see allowedTypes} * @return Predicate */ public function greaterThanOrEqualTo($left, $right, $leftType = self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, $rightType = self::TYPE_VALUE) { $this->addPredicate( new Operator($left, Operator::OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, $right, $leftType, $rightType), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Like" predicate * * Utilizes Like predicate * * @param string $identifier * @param string $like * @return Predicate */ public function like($identifier, $like) { $this->addPredicate( new Like($identifier, $like), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "notLike" predicate * * Utilizes In predicate * * @param string $identifier * @param string $notLike * @return Predicate */ public function notLike($identifier, $notLike) { $this->addPredicate( new NotLike($identifier, $notLike), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ? : $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create an expression, with parameter placeholders * * @param $expression * @param $parameters * @return $this */ public function expression($expression, $parameters) { $this->addPredicate( new Expression($expression, $parameters), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "Literal" predicate * * Literal predicate, for parameters, use expression() * * @param string $literal * @return Predicate */ public function literal($literal) { // process deprecated parameters from previous literal($literal, $parameters = null) signature if (func_num_args() >= 2) { $parameters = func_get_arg(1); $predicate = new Expression($literal, $parameters); } // normal workflow for "Literals" here if (!isset($predicate)) { $predicate = new Literal($literal); } $this->addPredicate( $predicate, ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "IS NULL" predicate * * Utilizes IsNull predicate * * @param string $identifier * @return Predicate */ public function isNull($identifier) { $this->addPredicate( new IsNull($identifier), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "IS NOT NULL" predicate * * Utilizes IsNotNull predicate * * @param string $identifier * @return Predicate */ public function isNotNull($identifier) { $this->addPredicate( new IsNotNull($identifier), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "IN" predicate * * Utilizes In predicate * * @param string $identifier * @param array|\Zend\Db\Sql\Select $valueSet * @return Predicate */ public function in($identifier, $valueSet = null) { $this->addPredicate( new In($identifier, $valueSet), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "NOT IN" predicate * * Utilizes NotIn predicate * * @param string $identifier * @param array|\Zend\Db\Sql\Select $valueSet * @return Predicate */ public function notIn($identifier, $valueSet = null) { $this->addPredicate( new NotIn($identifier, $valueSet), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Create "between" predicate * * Utilizes Between predicate * * @param string $identifier * @param int|float|string $minValue * @param int|float|string $maxValue * @return Predicate */ public function between($identifier, $minValue, $maxValue) { $this->addPredicate( new Between($identifier, $minValue, $maxValue), ($this->nextPredicateCombineOperator) ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Use given predicate directly * * Contrary to {@link addPredicate()} this method respects formerly set * AND / OR combination operator, thus allowing generic predicates to be * used fluently within where chains as any other concrete predicate. * * @param PredicateInterface $predicate * @return Predicate */ public function predicate(PredicateInterface $predicate) { $this->addPredicate( $predicate, $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator ?: $this->defaultCombination ); $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = null; return $this; } /** * Overloading * * Overloads "or", "and", "nest", and "unnest" * * @param string $name * @return Predicate */ public function __get($name) { switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'or': $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = self::OP_OR; break; case 'and': $this->nextPredicateCombineOperator = self::OP_AND; break; case 'nest': return $this->nest(); case 'unnest': return $this->unnest(); } return $this; } }