setValue($value); } if ($type !== self::TYPE_AUTO) { $this->setType($type); } if ($outputMode !== self::OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_LINE) { $this->setOutputMode($outputMode); } if ($constants !== null) { $this->constants = $constants; } else { $this->constants = new ArrayObject(); } } /** * Init constant list by defined and magic constants */ public function initEnvironmentConstants() { $constants = array( '__DIR__', '__FILE__', '__LINE__', '__CLASS__', '__TRAIT__', '__METHOD__', '__FUNCTION__', '__NAMESPACE__', '::' ); $constants = array_merge($constants, array_keys(get_defined_constants()), $this->constants->getArrayCopy()); $this->constants->exchangeArray($constants); } /** * Add constant to list * * @param string $constant * * @return $this */ public function addConstant($constant) { $this->constants->append($constant); return $this; } /** * Delete constant from constant list * * @param string $constant * * @return bool */ public function deleteConstant($constant) { if (($index = array_search($constant, $this->constants->getArrayCopy())) !== false) { $this->constants->offsetUnset($index); } return $index !== false; } /** * Return constant list * * @return ArrayObject */ public function getConstants() { return $this->constants; } /** * @return bool */ public function isValidConstantType() { if ($this->type == self::TYPE_AUTO) { $type = $this->getAutoDeterminedType($this->value); } else { $type = $this->type; } // valid types for constants $scalarTypes = array( self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, self::TYPE_BOOL, self::TYPE_NUMBER, self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_INT, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DOUBLE, self::TYPE_STRING, self::TYPE_CONSTANT, self::TYPE_NULL ); return in_array($type, $scalarTypes); } /** * @param mixed $value * @return ValueGenerator */ public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * @param string $type * @return ValueGenerator */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = (string) $type; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param int $arrayDepth * @return ValueGenerator */ public function setArrayDepth($arrayDepth) { $this->arrayDepth = (int) $arrayDepth; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getArrayDepth() { return $this->arrayDepth; } /** * @param string $type * @return string */ protected function getValidatedType($type) { $types = array( self::TYPE_AUTO, self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, self::TYPE_BOOL, self::TYPE_NUMBER, self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_INT, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DOUBLE, self::TYPE_STRING, self::TYPE_ARRAY, self::TYPE_CONSTANT, self::TYPE_NULL, self::TYPE_OBJECT, self::TYPE_OTHER ); if (in_array($type, $types)) { return $type; } return self::TYPE_AUTO; } /** * @param mixed $value * @return string */ public function getAutoDeterminedType($value) { switch (gettype($value)) { case 'boolean': return self::TYPE_BOOLEAN; case 'string': foreach ($this->constants as $constant) { if (strpos($value, $constant) !== false) { return self::TYPE_CONSTANT; } } return self::TYPE_STRING; case 'double': case 'float': case 'integer': return self::TYPE_NUMBER; case 'array': return self::TYPE_ARRAY; case 'NULL': return self::TYPE_NULL; case 'object': case 'resource': case 'unknown type': default: return self::TYPE_OTHER; } } /** * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return string */ public function generate() { $type = $this->type; if ($type != self::TYPE_AUTO) { $type = $this->getValidatedType($type); } $value = $this->value; if ($type == self::TYPE_AUTO) { $type = $this->getAutoDeterminedType($value); } if ($type == self::TYPE_ARRAY) { foreach ($value as &$curValue) { if ($curValue instanceof self) { continue; } $curValue = new self($curValue, self::TYPE_AUTO, self::OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_LINE, $this->getConstants()); } } $output = ''; switch ($type) { case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: case self::TYPE_BOOL: $output .= ($value ? 'true' : 'false'); break; case self::TYPE_STRING: $output .= self::escape($value); break; case self::TYPE_NULL: $output .= 'null'; break; case self::TYPE_NUMBER: case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_INT: case self::TYPE_FLOAT: case self::TYPE_DOUBLE: case self::TYPE_CONSTANT: $output .= $value; break; case self::TYPE_ARRAY: $output .= 'array('; if ($this->outputMode == self::OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_LINE) { $output .= self::LINE_FEED . str_repeat($this->indentation, $this->arrayDepth + 1); } $outputParts = array(); $noKeyIndex = 0; foreach ($value as $n => $v) { /* @var $v ValueGenerator */ $v->setArrayDepth($this->arrayDepth + 1); $partV = $v->generate(); $short = false; if (is_int($n)) { if ($n === $noKeyIndex) { $short = true; $noKeyIndex++; } else { $noKeyIndex = max($n + 1, $noKeyIndex); } } if ($short) { $outputParts[] = $partV; } else { $outputParts[] = (is_int($n) ? $n : self::escape($n)) . ' => ' . $partV; } } $padding = ($this->outputMode == self::OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_LINE) ? self::LINE_FEED . str_repeat($this->indentation, $this->arrayDepth + 1) : ' '; $output .= implode(',' . $padding, $outputParts); if ($this->outputMode == self::OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_LINE) { if (count($outputParts) > 0) { $output .= ','; } $output .= self::LINE_FEED . str_repeat($this->indentation, $this->arrayDepth); } $output .= ')'; break; case self::TYPE_OTHER: default: throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf('Type "%s" is unknown or cannot be used as property default value.', get_class($value)) ); } return $output; } /** * Quotes value for PHP code. * * @param string $input Raw string. * @param bool $quote Whether add surrounding quotes or not. * @return string PHP-ready code. */ public static function escape($input, $quote = true) { $output = addcslashes($input, "\\'"); // adds quoting strings if ($quote) { $output = "'" . $output . "'"; } return $output; } /** * @param string $outputMode * @return ValueGenerator */ public function setOutputMode($outputMode) { $this->outputMode = (string) $outputMode; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getOutputMode() { return $this->outputMode; } public function __toString() { return $this->generate(); } }