_close(); parent::__destruct(); } /* options */ /** * Set options. * * @param array|Traversable|DbaOptions $options * @return self * @see getOptions() */ public function setOptions($options) { if (!$options instanceof DbaOptions) { $options = new DbaOptions($options); } return parent::setOptions($options); } /** * Get options. * * @return DbaOptions * @see setOptions() */ public function getOptions() { if (!$this->options) { $this->setOptions(new DbaOptions()); } return $this->options; } /* TotalSpaceCapableInterface */ /** * Get total space in bytes * * @return int|float */ public function getTotalSpace() { if ($this->totalSpace === null) { $pathname = $this->getOptions()->getPathname(); if ($pathname === '') { throw new Exception\LogicException('No pathname to database file'); } ErrorHandler::start(); $total = disk_total_space(dirname($pathname)); $error = ErrorHandler::stop(); if ($total === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Can't detect total space of '{$pathname}'", 0, $error); } $this->totalSpace = $total; // clean total space buffer on change pathname $events = $this->getEventManager(); $handle = null; $totalSpace = & $this->totalSpace; $callback = function ($event) use (& $events, & $handle, & $totalSpace) { $params = $event->getParams(); if (isset($params['pathname'])) { $totalSpace = null; $events->detach($handle); } }; $events->attach('option', $callback); } return $this->totalSpace; } /* AvailableSpaceCapableInterface */ /** * Get available space in bytes * * @return float */ public function getAvailableSpace() { $pathname = $this->getOptions()->getPathname(); if ($pathname === '') { throw new Exception\LogicException('No pathname to database file'); } ErrorHandler::start(); $avail = disk_free_space(dirname($pathname)); $error = ErrorHandler::stop(); if ($avail === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Can't detect free space of '{$pathname}'", 0, $error); } return $avail; } /* FlushableInterface */ /** * Flush the whole storage * * @return bool */ public function flush() { $pathname = $this->getOptions()->getPathname(); if ($pathname === '') { throw new Exception\LogicException('No pathname to database file'); } if (file_exists($pathname)) { // close the dba file before delete // and reopen (create) on next use $this->_close(); ErrorHandler::start(); $result = unlink($pathname); $error = ErrorHandler::stop(); if (!$result) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("unlink('{$pathname}') failed", 0, $error); } } return true; } /* ClearByNamespaceInterface */ /** * Remove items by given namespace * * @param string $namespace * @return bool */ public function clearByNamespace($namespace) { $namespace = (string) $namespace; if ($namespace === '') { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('No namespace given'); } $prefix = $namespace . $this->getOptions()->getNamespaceSeparator(); $prefixl = strlen($prefix); $result = true; $this->_open(); do { // Workaround for PHP-Bug #62491 & #62492 $recheck = false; $internalKey = dba_firstkey($this->handle); while ($internalKey !== false && $internalKey !== null) { if (substr($internalKey, 0, $prefixl) === $prefix) { $result = dba_delete($internalKey, $this->handle) && $result; } $internalKey = dba_nextkey($this->handle); } } while ($recheck); return $result; } /* ClearByPrefixInterface */ /** * Remove items matching given prefix * * @param string $prefix * @return bool */ public function clearByPrefix($prefix) { $prefix = (string) $prefix; if ($prefix === '') { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('No prefix given'); } $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator() . $prefix; $prefixL = strlen($prefix); $result = true; $this->_open(); // Workaround for PHP-Bug #62491 & #62492 do { $recheck = false; $internalKey = dba_firstkey($this->handle); while ($internalKey !== false && $internalKey !== null) { if (substr($internalKey, 0, $prefixL) === $prefix) { $result = dba_delete($internalKey, $this->handle) && $result; $recheck = true; } $internalKey = dba_nextkey($this->handle); } } while ($recheck); return $result; } /* IterableInterface */ /** * Get the storage iterator * * @return DbaIterator */ public function getIterator() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); return new DbaIterator($this, $this->handle, $prefix); } /* OptimizableInterface */ /** * Optimize the storage * * @return bool * @return Exception\RuntimeException */ public function optimize() { $this->_open(); if (!dba_optimize($this->handle)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('dba_optimize failed'); } return true; } /* reading */ /** * Internal method to get an item. * * @param string $normalizedKey * @param bool $success * @param mixed $casToken * @return mixed Data on success, null on failure * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface */ protected function internalGetItem(& $normalizedKey, & $success = null, & $casToken = null) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); $this->_open(); $value = dba_fetch($prefix . $normalizedKey, $this->handle); if ($value === false) { $success = false; return; } $success = true; $casToken = $value; return $value; } /** * Internal method to test if an item exists. * * @param string $normalizedKey * @return bool * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface */ protected function internalHasItem(& $normalizedKey) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); $this->_open(); return dba_exists($prefix . $normalizedKey, $this->handle); } /* writing */ /** * Internal method to store an item. * * @param string $normalizedKey * @param mixed $value * @return bool * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface */ protected function internalSetItem(& $normalizedKey, & $value) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); $internalKey = $prefix . $normalizedKey; $cacheableValue = (string) $value; // dba_replace requires a string $this->_open(); if (!dba_replace($internalKey, $cacheableValue, $this->handle)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("dba_replace('{$internalKey}', ...) failed"); } return true; } /** * Add an item. * * @param string $normalizedKey * @param mixed $value * @return bool * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface */ protected function internalAddItem(& $normalizedKey, & $value) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); $internalKey = $prefix . $normalizedKey; $this->_open(); // Workaround for PHP-Bug #54242 & #62489 if (dba_exists($internalKey, $this->handle)) { return false; } // Workaround for PHP-Bug #54242 & #62489 // dba_insert returns true if key already exists ErrorHandler::start(); $result = dba_insert($internalKey, $value, $this->handle); $error = ErrorHandler::stop(); if (!$result || $error) { return false; } return true; } /** * Internal method to remove an item. * * @param string $normalizedKey * @return bool * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface */ protected function internalRemoveItem(& $normalizedKey) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $namespace = $options->getNamespace(); $prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . $options->getNamespaceSeparator(); $internalKey = $prefix . $normalizedKey; $this->_open(); // Workaround for PHP-Bug #62490 if (!dba_exists($internalKey, $this->handle)) { return false; } return dba_delete($internalKey, $this->handle); } /* status */ /** * Internal method to get capabilities of this adapter * * @return Capabilities */ protected function internalGetCapabilities() { if ($this->capabilities === null) { $marker = new stdClass(); $capabilities = new Capabilities( $this, $marker, array( 'supportedDatatypes' => array( 'NULL' => 'string', 'boolean' => 'string', 'integer' => 'string', 'double' => 'string', 'string' => true, 'array' => false, 'object' => false, 'resource' => false, ), 'minTtl' => 0, 'supportedMetadata' => array(), 'maxKeyLength' => 0, // TODO: maxKeyLength ???? 'namespaceIsPrefix' => true, 'namespaceSeparator' => $this->getOptions()->getNamespaceSeparator(), ) ); // update namespace separator on change option $this->getEventManager()->attach('option', function ($event) use ($capabilities, $marker) { $params = $event->getParams(); if (isset($params['namespace_separator'])) { $capabilities->setNamespaceSeparator($marker, $params['namespace_separator']); } }); $this->capabilities = $capabilities; $this->capabilityMarker = $marker; } return $this->capabilities; } /** * Open the database if not already done. * * @return void * @throws Exception\LogicException * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected function _open() { if (!$this->handle) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $pathname = $options->getPathname(); $mode = $options->getMode(); $handler = $options->getHandler(); if ($pathname === '') { throw new Exception\LogicException('No pathname to database file'); } ErrorHandler::start(); $dba = dba_open($pathname, $mode, $handler); $err = ErrorHandler::stop(); if (!$dba) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( "dba_open('{$pathname}', '{$mode}', '{$handler}') failed", 0, $err ); } $this->handle = $dba; } } /** * Close database file if opened * * @return void */ protected function _close() { if ($this->handle) { ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE); dba_close($this->handle); ErrorHandler::stop(); $this->handle = null; } } }