loadAttributeTypes(); $this->loadLdapSyntaxes(); $this->loadMatchingRules(); $this->loadMatchingRuleUse(); $this->loadObjectClasses(); return $this; } /** * Gets the attribute Types * * @return array */ public function getAttributeTypes() { return $this->attributeTypes; } /** * Gets the object classes * * @return array */ public function getObjectClasses() { return $this->objectClasses; } /** * Gets the LDAP syntaxes * * @return array */ public function getLdapSyntaxes() { return $this->ldapSyntaxes; } /** * Gets the matching rules * * @return array */ public function getMatchingRules() { return $this->matchingRules; } /** * Gets the matching rule use * * @return array */ public function getMatchingRuleUse() { return $this->matchingRuleUse; } /** * Loads the attribute Types * * @return void */ protected function loadAttributeTypes() { $this->attributeTypes = array(); foreach ($this->getAttribute('attributeTypes') as $value) { $val = $this->parseAttributeType($value); $val = new AttributeType\OpenLdap($val); $this->attributeTypes[$val->getName()] = $val; } foreach ($this->attributeTypes as $val) { if (count($val->sup) > 0) { $this->resolveInheritance($val, $this->attributeTypes); } foreach ($val->aliases as $alias) { $this->attributeTypes[$alias] = $val; } } ksort($this->attributeTypes, SORT_STRING); } /** * Parses an attributeType value * * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function parseAttributeType($value) { $attributeType = array( 'oid' => null, 'name' => null, 'desc' => null, 'obsolete' => false, 'sup' => null, 'equality' => null, 'ordering' => null, 'substr' => null, 'syntax' => null, 'max-length' => null, 'single-value' => false, 'collective' => false, 'no-user-modification' => false, 'usage' => 'userApplications', '_string' => $value, '_parents' => array()); $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value); $attributeType['oid'] = array_shift($tokens); // first token is the oid $this->parseLdapSchemaSyntax($attributeType, $tokens); if (array_key_exists('syntax', $attributeType)) { // get max length from syntax if (preg_match('/^(.+){(\d+)}$/', $attributeType['syntax'], $matches)) { $attributeType['syntax'] = $matches[1]; $attributeType['max-length'] = $matches[2]; } } $this->ensureNameAttribute($attributeType); return $attributeType; } /** * Loads the object classes * * @return void */ protected function loadObjectClasses() { $this->objectClasses = array(); foreach ($this->getAttribute('objectClasses') as $value) { $val = $this->parseObjectClass($value); $val = new ObjectClass\OpenLdap($val); $this->objectClasses[$val->getName()] = $val; } foreach ($this->objectClasses as $val) { if (count($val->sup) > 0) { $this->resolveInheritance($val, $this->objectClasses); } foreach ($val->aliases as $alias) { $this->objectClasses[$alias] = $val; } } ksort($this->objectClasses, SORT_STRING); } /** * Parses an objectClasses value * * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function parseObjectClass($value) { $objectClass = array( 'oid' => null, 'name' => null, 'desc' => null, 'obsolete' => false, 'sup' => array(), 'abstract' => false, 'structural' => false, 'auxiliary' => false, 'must' => array(), 'may' => array(), '_string' => $value, '_parents' => array()); $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value); $objectClass['oid'] = array_shift($tokens); // first token is the oid $this->parseLdapSchemaSyntax($objectClass, $tokens); $this->ensureNameAttribute($objectClass); return $objectClass; } /** * Resolves inheritance in objectClasses and attributes * * @param AbstractItem $node * @param array $repository */ protected function resolveInheritance(AbstractItem $node, array $repository) { $data = $node->getData(); $parents = $data['sup']; if ($parents === null || !is_array($parents) || count($parents) < 1) { return; } foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!array_key_exists($parent, $repository)) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists('_parents', $data) || !is_array($data['_parents'])) { $data['_parents'] = array(); } $data['_parents'][] = $repository[$parent]; } $node->setData($data); } /** * Loads the LDAP syntaxes * * @return void */ protected function loadLdapSyntaxes() { $this->ldapSyntaxes = array(); foreach ($this->getAttribute('ldapSyntaxes') as $value) { $val = $this->parseLdapSyntax($value); $this->ldapSyntaxes[$val['oid']] = $val; } ksort($this->ldapSyntaxes, SORT_STRING); } /** * Parses an ldapSyntaxes value * * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function parseLdapSyntax($value) { $ldapSyntax = array( 'oid' => null, 'desc' => null, '_string' => $value); $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value); $ldapSyntax['oid'] = array_shift($tokens); // first token is the oid $this->parseLdapSchemaSyntax($ldapSyntax, $tokens); return $ldapSyntax; } /** * Loads the matching rules * * @return void */ protected function loadMatchingRules() { $this->matchingRules = array(); foreach ($this->getAttribute('matchingRules') as $value) { $val = $this->parseMatchingRule($value); $this->matchingRules[$val['name']] = $val; } ksort($this->matchingRules, SORT_STRING); } /** * Parses a matchingRules value * * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function parseMatchingRule($value) { $matchingRule = array( 'oid' => null, 'name' => null, 'desc' => null, 'obsolete' => false, 'syntax' => null, '_string' => $value); $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value); $matchingRule['oid'] = array_shift($tokens); // first token is the oid $this->parseLdapSchemaSyntax($matchingRule, $tokens); $this->ensureNameAttribute($matchingRule); return $matchingRule; } /** * Loads the matching rule use * * @return void */ protected function loadMatchingRuleUse() { $this->matchingRuleUse = array(); foreach ($this->getAttribute('matchingRuleUse') as $value) { $val = $this->parseMatchingRuleUse($value); $this->matchingRuleUse[$val['name']] = $val; } ksort($this->matchingRuleUse, SORT_STRING); } /** * Parses a matchingRuleUse value * * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function parseMatchingRuleUse($value) { $matchingRuleUse = array( 'oid' => null, 'name' => null, 'desc' => null, 'obsolete' => false, 'applies' => array(), '_string' => $value); $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value); $matchingRuleUse['oid'] = array_shift($tokens); // first token is the oid $this->parseLdapSchemaSyntax($matchingRuleUse, $tokens); $this->ensureNameAttribute($matchingRuleUse); return $matchingRuleUse; } /** * Ensures that a name element is present and that it is single-values. * * @param array $data */ protected function ensureNameAttribute(array &$data) { if (!array_key_exists('name', $data) || empty($data['name'])) { // force a name $data['name'] = $data['oid']; } if (is_array($data['name'])) { // make one name the default and put the other ones into aliases $aliases = $data['name']; $data['name'] = array_shift($aliases); $data['aliases'] = $aliases; } else { $data['aliases'] = array(); } } /** * Parse the given tokens into a data structure * * @param array $data * @param array $tokens * @return void */ protected function parseLdapSchemaSyntax(array &$data, array $tokens) { // tokens that have no value associated $noValue = array('single-value', 'obsolete', 'collective', 'no-user-modification', 'abstract', 'structural', 'auxiliary'); // tokens that can have multiple values $multiValue = array('must', 'may', 'sup'); while (count($tokens) > 0) { $token = strtolower(array_shift($tokens)); if (in_array($token, $noValue)) { $data[$token] = true; // single value token } else { $data[$token] = array_shift($tokens); // this one follows a string or a list if it is multivalued if ($data[$token] == '(') { // this creates the list of values and cycles through the tokens // until the end of the list is reached ')' $data[$token] = array(); $tmp = array_shift($tokens); while ($tmp) { if ($tmp == ')') { break; } if ($tmp != '$') { $data[$token][] = Converter\Converter::fromLdap($tmp); } $tmp = array_shift($tokens); } } else { $data[$token] = Converter\Converter::fromLdap($data[$token]); } // create an array if the value should be multivalued but was not if (in_array($token, $multiValue) && !is_array($data[$token])) { $data[$token] = array($data[$token]); } } } } /** * Tokenizes the given value into an array * * @param string $value * @return array tokens */ protected function tokenizeString($value) { $tokens = array(); $matches = array(); // this one is taken from PEAR::Net_LDAP2 $pattern = "/\\s* (?:([()]) | ([^'\\s()]+) | '((?:[^']+|'[^\\s)])*)') \\s*/x"; preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches); $cMatches = count($matches[0]); $cPattern = count($matches); for ($i = 0; $i < $cMatches; $i++) { // number of tokens (full pattern match) for ($j = 1; $j < $cPattern; $j++) { // each subpattern $tok = trim($matches[$j][$i]); if (!empty($tok)) { // pattern match in this subpattern $tokens[$i] = $tok; // this is the token } } } if ($tokens[0] == '(') { array_shift($tokens); } if ($tokens[count($tokens) - 1] == ')') { array_pop($tokens); } return $tokens; } }