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(int) $_GET['sh'] : 0; // Topics read tracks $tracking_topics = get_tracks('topic'); $tracking_forums = get_tracks('forum'); // Statistics if (!$stats = $datastore->get('stats')) { $datastore->update('stats'); $stats = $datastore->get('stats'); } // Forums data if (!$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums')) { $datastore->update('cat_forums'); $forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'); } $cat_title_html = $forums['cat_title_html']; $forum_name_html = $forums['forum_name_html']; $anon = GUEST_UID; $excluded_forums_csv = $user->get_excluded_forums(AUTH_VIEW); $only_new = $user->opt_js['only_new']; // Validate requested category id if ($viewcat AND !$viewcat =& $forums['c'][$viewcat]['cat_id']) { redirect("index.php"); } // Forums $forums_join_sql = 'f.cat_id = c.cat_id'; $forums_join_sql .= ($viewcat) ? " AND f.cat_id = $viewcat " : ''; $forums_join_sql .= ($excluded_forums_csv) ? " AND f.forum_id NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv) AND f.forum_parent NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv) " : ''; // Posts $posts_join_sql = "p.post_id = f.forum_last_post_id"; $posts_join_sql .= ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_POSTS) ? " AND p.post_time > $lastvisit " : ''; $join_p_type = ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_POSTS) ? 'INNER JOIN' : 'LEFT JOIN'; // Topics $topics_join_sql = "t.topic_last_post_id = p.post_id"; $topics_join_sql .= ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_TOPICS) ? " AND t.topic_time > $lastvisit " : ''; $join_t_type = ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_TOPICS) ? 'INNER JOIN' : 'LEFT JOIN'; $sql = " SELECT SQL_CACHE f.cat_id, f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_parent, f.show_on_index, p.post_id AS last_post_id, p.post_time AS last_post_time, t.topic_id AS last_topic_id, t.topic_title AS last_topic_title, u.user_id AS last_post_user_id, u.user_rank AS last_post_user_rank, IF(p.poster_id = $anon, p.post_username, u.username) AS last_post_username FROM ". BB_CATEGORIES ." c INNER JOIN ". BB_FORUMS ." f ON($forums_join_sql) $join_p_type ". BB_POSTS ." p ON($posts_join_sql) $join_t_type ". BB_TOPICS ." t ON($topics_join_sql) LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u ON(u.user_id = p.poster_id) ORDER BY c.cat_order, f.forum_order "; $replace_in_parent = array( 'last_post_id', 'last_post_time', 'last_post_user_id', 'last_post_username', 'last_post_user_rank', 'last_topic_title', 'last_topic_id', ); $cache_name = 'index_sql_' . md5($sql); if (!$cat_forums = CACHE('bb_cache')->get($cache_name)) { $cat_forums = array(); foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) { if (!$cat_id = $row['cat_id'] OR !$forum_id = $row['forum_id']) { continue; } if ($parent_id = $row['forum_parent']) { if (!$parent =& $cat_forums[$cat_id]['f'][$parent_id]) { $parent = $forums['f'][$parent_id]; $parent['last_post_time'] = 0; } if ($row['last_post_time'] > $parent['last_post_time']) { foreach ($replace_in_parent as $key) { $parent[$key] = $row[$key]; } } if ($show_subforums && $row['show_on_index']) { $parent['last_sf_id'] = $forum_id; } else { continue; } } else { $f =& $forums['f'][$forum_id]; $row['forum_desc'] = $f['forum_desc']; $row['forum_posts'] = $f['forum_posts']; $row['forum_topics'] = $f['forum_topics']; } $cat_forums[$cat_id]['f'][$forum_id] = $row; } CACHE('bb_cache')->set($cache_name, $cat_forums, 180); unset($row, $forums); $datastore->rm('cat_forums'); } // Obtain list of moderators $moderators = array(); if (!$mod = $datastore->get('moderators')) { $datastore->update('moderators'); $mod = $datastore->get('moderators'); } if (!empty($mod)) { foreach ($mod['mod_users'] as $forum_id => $user_ids) { foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) { $moderators[$forum_id][] = ''. $mod['name_users'][$user_id] .''; } } foreach ($mod['mod_groups'] as $forum_id => $group_ids) { foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) { $moderators[$forum_id][] = ''. $mod['name_groups'][$group_id] .''; } } } unset($mod); $datastore->rm('moderators'); // Build index page $forums_count = 0; foreach ($cat_forums as $cid => $c) { $template->assign_block_vars('h_c', array( 'H_C_ID' => $cid, 'H_C_TITLE' => $cat_title_html[$cid], 'H_C_CHEKED' => in_array($cid, preg_split("/[-]+/", $hide_cat_opt)) ? 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' new' : '', )); continue; } $template->assign_block_vars('c.f', array( 'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'FORUM_ID' => $fid, 'FORUM_NAME' => $fname_html, 'FORUM_DESC' => $f['forum_desc'], 'POSTS' => commify($f['forum_posts']), 'TOPICS' => commify($f['forum_topics']), 'LAST_SF_ID' => isset($f['last_sf_id']) ? $f['last_sf_id'] : null, 'MODERATORS' => isset($moderators[$fid]) ? join(', ', $moderators[$fid]) : '', 'FORUM_FOLDER_ALT' => ($new) ? $lang['NEW'] : $lang['OLD'], )); if ($f['last_post_id']) { $template->assign_block_vars('c.f.last', array( 'LAST_TOPIC_ID' => $f['last_topic_id'], 'LAST_TOPIC_TIP' => preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $f['last_topic_title']), 'LAST_TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr(str_short(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $f['last_topic_title']), $last_topic_max_len)), 'LAST_POST_TIME' => bb_date($f['last_post_time'], $bb_cfg['last_post_date_format']), 'LAST_POST_USER' => profile_url(array('username' => str_short($f['last_post_username'], 15), 'user_id' => $f['last_post_user_id'], 'user_rank' => $f['last_post_user_rank'])), )); } } } $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_FORUMS' => $forums_count, 'SHOW_MAP' => (isset($_GET['map']) && !IS_GUEST), 'PAGE_TITLE' => ($viewcat) ? $cat_title_html[$viewcat] : $lang['HOME'], 'NO_FORUMS_MSG' => ($only_new) ? $lang['NO_NEW_POSTS'] : $lang['NO_FORUMS'], 'TOTAL_TOPICS' => sprintf($lang['POSTED_TOPICS_TOTAL'], $stats['topiccount']), 'TOTAL_POSTS' => sprintf($lang['POSTED_ARTICLES_TOTAL'], $stats['postcount']), 'TOTAL_USERS' => sprintf($lang['REGISTERED_USERS_TOTAL'], $stats['usercount']), 'TOTAL_GENDER' => ($bb_cfg['gender']) ? sprintf($lang['USERS_TOTAL_GENDER'], $stats['male'], $stats['female'], $stats['unselect']) : '', 'NEWEST_USER' => sprintf($lang['NEWEST_USER'], profile_url($stats['newestuser'])), // Tracker stats 'TORRENTS_STAT' => ($bb_cfg['tor_stats']) ? sprintf($lang['TORRENTS_STAT'], $stats['torrentcount'], humn_size($stats['size'])) : '', 'PEERS_STAT' => ($bb_cfg['tor_stats']) ? sprintf($lang['PEERS_STAT'], $stats['peers'], $stats['seeders'], $stats['leechers']) : '', 'SPEED_STAT' => ($bb_cfg['tor_stats']) ? sprintf($lang['SPEED_STAT'], humn_size($stats['speed']) .'/s') : '', 'SHOW_MOD_INDEX' => $bb_cfg['show_mod_index'], 'FORUM_IMG' => $images['forum'], 'FORUM_NEW_IMG' => $images['forum_new'], 'FORUM_LOCKED_IMG' => $images['forum_locked'], 'SHOW_ONLY_NEW_MENU' => true, 'ONLY_NEW_POSTS_ON' => ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_POSTS), 'ONLY_NEW_TOPICS_ON' => ($only_new == ONLY_NEW_TOPICS), 'U_SEARCH_NEW' => "search.php?new=1", 'U_SEARCH_SELF_BY_MY' => "search.php?uid={$userdata['user_id']}&o=1", 'U_SEARCH_LATEST' => "search.php?search_id=latest", 'U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => "search.php?search_id=unanswered", 'U_ATOM_FEED' => is_file($bb_cfg['atom']['path'] . '/f/0.atom') ? make_url($bb_cfg['atom']['url'] . '/f/0.atom') : false, 'SHOW_LAST_TOPIC' => $show_last_topic, )); // Set tpl vars for bt_userdata if ($bb_cfg['bt_show_dl_stat_on_index'] && !IS_GUEST) { show_bt_userdata($userdata['user_id']); } // Latest news if ($bb_cfg['show_latest_news']) { if (!$latest_news = $datastore->get('latest_news')) { $datastore->update('latest_news'); $latest_news = $datastore->get('latest_news'); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_LATEST_NEWS' => true, )); foreach ($latest_news as $news) { $template->assign_block_vars('news', array( 'NEWS_TOPIC_ID' => $news['topic_id'], 'NEWS_TITLE' => str_short(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $news['topic_title']), $bb_cfg['max_news_title']), 'NEWS_TIME' => bb_date($news['topic_time'], 'd-M', false), 'NEWS_IS_NEW' => is_unread($news['topic_time'], $news['topic_id'], $news['forum_id']), )); } } // Network news if ($bb_cfg['show_network_news']) { if (!$network_news = $datastore->get('network_news')) { $datastore->update('network_news'); $network_news = $datastore->get('network_news'); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_NETWORK_NEWS' => true, )); foreach ($network_news as $net) { $template->assign_block_vars('net', array( 'NEWS_TOPIC_ID' => $net['topic_id'], 'NEWS_TITLE' => str_short(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $net['topic_title']), $bb_cfg['max_net_title']), 'NEWS_TIME' => bb_date($net['topic_time'], 'd-M', false), 'NEWS_IS_NEW' => is_unread($net['topic_time'], $net['topic_id'], $net['forum_id']), )); } } if ($bb_cfg['birthday_check_day'] && $bb_cfg['birthday_enabled']) { $week_list = $today_list = array(); $week_all = $today_all = false; if ($stats['birthday_week_list']) { shuffle($stats['birthday_week_list']); foreach ($stats['birthday_week_list'] as $i => $week) { if ($i >= 5) { $week_all = true; continue; } $week_list[] = profile_url($week) .' ('. birthday_age(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 year', strtotime($week['user_birthday'])))) .')'; } $week_all = ($week_all) ? ' ...' : ''; $week_list = sprintf($lang['BIRTHDAY_WEEK'], $bb_cfg['birthday_check_day'], join(', ', $week_list)) . $week_all; } else $week_list = sprintf($lang['NOBIRTHDAY_WEEK'], $bb_cfg['birthday_check_day']); if ($stats['birthday_today_list']) { shuffle($stats['birthday_today_list']); foreach ($stats['birthday_today_list'] as $i => $today) { if ($i >= 5) { $today_all = true; continue; } $today_list[] = profile_url($today) .' ('. birthday_age($today['user_birthday']) .')'; } $today_all = ($today_all) ? ' ...' : ''; $today_list = $lang['BIRTHDAY_TODAY'] . join(', ', $today_list) . $today_all; } else $today_list = $lang['NOBIRTHDAY_TODAY']; $template->assign_vars(array( 'WHOSBIRTHDAY_WEEK' => $week_list, 'WHOSBIRTHDAY_TODAY' => $today_list, )); } // Allow cron if (IS_AM) { if (file_exists(CRON_RUNNING)) { if (file_exists(CRON_ALLOWED)) { unlink (CRON_ALLOWED); } rename(CRON_RUNNING, CRON_ALLOWED); } } // Display page define('SHOW_ONLINE', $show_online_users); if (isset($_GET['map'])) $template->assign_vars(array('PAGE_TITLE' => $lang['FORUM_MAP'])); print_page('index.tpl');