session_start(array('req_login' => $bb_cfg['disable_search_for_guest'])); set_die_append_msg(); if (isset($_POST['del_my_post'])) { $template->assign_var('BB_DIE_APPEND_MSG', ' '. $lang['GOTO_MY_MESSAGE'] .'

'. $lang['INDEX_RETURN'] .' '); if (empty($_POST['topic_id_list']) OR !$topic_csv = get_id_csv($_POST['topic_id_list'])) { bb_die($lang['NONE_SELECTED']); } DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_POSTS ." SET user_post = 0 WHERE poster_id = {$user->id} AND topic_id IN($topic_csv)"); if (DB()->affected_rows()) { //bb_die('Выбранные темы ['. count($_POST['topic_id_list']) .' шт.] удалены из списка "Мои сообщения"'); bb_die($lang['DEL_MY_MESSAGE']); } else { bb_die($lang['NO_TOPICS_MY_MESSAGE']); } } else if(isset($_POST['add_my_post'])) { $template->assign_var('BB_DIE_APPEND_MSG', ' '. $lang['GOTO_MY_MESSAGE'] .'

'. $lang['INDEX_RETURN'] .' '); if (IS_GUEST) { redirect('index.php'); } DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_POSTS ." SET user_post = 1 WHERE poster_id = {$user->id}"); redirect("search.php?u={$user->id}"); } // // Define censored word matches // $orig_word = $replacement_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word); $tracking_topics = get_tracks('topic'); $tracking_forums = get_tracks('forum'); if ($mode =& $_REQUEST['mode']) { // This handles the simple windowed user search functions called from various other scripts if ($mode == 'searchuser') { $username = isset($_POST['search_username']) ? $_POST['search_username'] : ''; username_search($username); exit; } } $excluded_forums_csv = $user->get_excluded_forums(AUTH_READ); $search_limit = 500; $forum_select_size = 16; // forum select box max rows $max_forum_name_len = 60; // inside forum select box $text_match_max_len = 60; $poster_name_max_len = 25; $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? abs(intval($_REQUEST['start'])) : 0; $url = basename(__FILE__); $anon_id = GUEST_UID; $user_id = $userdata['user_id']; $lastvisit = (IS_GUEST) ? TIMENOW : $userdata['user_lastvisit']; $search_id = (isset($_GET['id']) && verify_id($_GET['id'], SEARCH_ID_LENGTH)) ? $_GET['id'] : ''; $session_id = $userdata['session_id']; $items_found = $items_display = $previous_settings = null; $text_match_sql = ''; $cat_tbl = BB_CATEGORIES .' c'; $dl_stat_tbl = BB_BT_DLSTATUS .' dl'; $forums_tbl = BB_FORUMS .' f'; $posts_tbl = BB_POSTS .' p'; $posts_text_tbl = BB_POSTS_TEXT .' pt'; $posts_html_tbl = BB_POSTS_HTML .' h'; $tr_snap_tbl = BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP .' sn'; $topics_tbl = BB_TOPICS .' t'; $torrents_tbl = BB_BT_TORRENTS .' tor'; $tracker_tbl = BB_BT_TRACKER .' tr'; $users_tbl = BB_USERS .' u'; // Cat/forum data if (!$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums')) { $datastore->update('cat_forums'); $forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'); } $forum_name_html = $forums['forum_name_html']; // // Search options // // Key values $search_all = 0; $sort_asc = 1; $sort_desc = 0; $as_topics = 0; $as_posts = 1; $show_all = 0; $show_briefly = 1; $ord_posted = 1; $ord_name = 2; $ord_repl = 3; $ord_views = 4; $ord_last_p = 5; $ord_created = 6; // Order options $order_opt = array( $ord_posted => array( 'lang' => $lang['SORT_TIME'], 'sql' => 'item_id', ), $ord_last_p => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_LAST_POST'], 'sql' => 't.topic_last_post_id', ), $ord_created => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_CREATED'], 'sql' => 't.topic_time', ), $ord_name => array( 'lang' => $lang['SORT_TOPIC_TITLE'], 'sql' => 't.topic_title', ), $ord_repl => array( 'lang' => $lang['REPLIES'], 'sql' => 't.topic_replies', ), ); $order_select = array(); foreach ($order_opt as $val => $opt) { $order_select[$opt['lang']] = $val; } // Sort direction $sort_opt = array( $sort_asc => array( 'lang' => $lang['ASC'], 'sql' => ' ASC ', ), $sort_desc => array( 'lang' => $lang['DESC'], 'sql' => ' DESC ', ), ); $sort_select = array(); foreach ($sort_opt as $val => $opt) { $sort_select[$opt['lang']] = $val; } // Previous days $time_opt = array( $search_all => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_ALL_DAYS_FOR'], 'sql' => 0, ), 1 => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_1_DAY_FOR'], 'sql' => TIMENOW - 86400, ), 3 => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_3_DAY_FOR'], 'sql' => TIMENOW - 86400*3, ), 7 => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_7_DAYS_FOR'], 'sql' => TIMENOW - 86400*7, ), 14 => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_2_WEEKS_FOR'], 'sql' => TIMENOW - 86400*14, ), 30 => array( 'lang' => $lang['BT_1_MONTH_FOR'], 'sql' => TIMENOW - 86400*30, ), ); $time_select = array(); foreach ($time_opt as $val => $opt) { $time_select[$opt['lang']] = $val; } // Display as $display_as_opt = array( $as_topics => array( 'lang' => $lang['TOPICS'], ), $as_posts => array( 'lang' => $lang['MESSAGE'], ), ); $display_as_select = array(); foreach ($display_as_opt as $val => $opt) { $display_as_select[$opt['lang']] = $val; } // Chars $chars_opt = array( $show_all => array( 'lang' => $lang['ALL_AVAILABLE'], ), $show_briefly => array( 'lang' => $lang['BRIEFLY'], ), ); $chars_select = array(); foreach ($chars_opt as $val => $opt) { $chars_select[$opt['lang']] = $val; } $GPC = array( # var_name key_name def_value GPC type 'all_words' => array('allw', 1, CHBOX), 'cat' => array('c', null, REQUEST), 'chars' => array('ch', $show_all, SELECT), 'display_as' => array('dm', $as_topics, SELECT), 'dl_cancel' => array('dla', 0, CHBOX), 'dl_compl' => array('dlc', 0, CHBOX), 'dl_down' => array('dld', 0, CHBOX), 'dl_user_id' => array('dlu', $user_id, CHBOX), 'dl_will' => array('dlw', 0, CHBOX), 'forum' => array('f', $search_all, REQUEST), 'my_topics' => array('myt', 0, CHBOX), 'new' => array('new', 0, CHBOX), 'new_topics' => array('nt', 0, CHBOX), 'order' => array('o', $ord_posted, SELECT), 'poster_id' => array('uid', null, REQUEST), 'poster_name' => array('pn', null, REQUEST), 'sort' => array('s', $sort_desc, SELECT), 'text_match' => array('nm', null, REQUEST), 'time' => array('tm', $search_all, SELECT), 'title_only' => array('to', 0, CHBOX), 'topic' => array('t', null, REQUEST), ); // Define all GPC vars with default values foreach ($GPC as $var_name => $var_options) { $GLOBALS["{$var_name}_key"] = $var_options[KEY_NAME]; $GLOBALS["{$var_name}_val"] = $var_options[DEF_VAL]; } // Output basic page if (empty($_GET) && empty($_POST)) { // Make forum select box $forum_select_mode = explode(',', $excluded_forums_csv); $forum_select = get_forum_select($forum_select_mode, "{$forum_key}[]", $search_all, $max_forum_name_len, $forum_select_size, 'style="width: 95%;"', $search_all); $template->assign_vars(array( 'TPL_SEARCH_MAIN' => true, 'PAGE_TITLE' => $lang['SEARCH'], 'POSTER_ID_KEY' => $poster_id_key, 'TEXT_MATCH_KEY' => $text_match_key, 'POSTER_NAME_KEY' => $poster_name_key, 'THIS_USER_ID' => $userdata['user_id'], 'THIS_USER_NAME' => addslashes($userdata['username']), 'SEARCH_ACTION' => "search.php", 'U_SEARCH_USER' => "search.php?mode=searchuser&input_name=$poster_name_key", 'ONLOAD_FOCUS_ID' => 'text_match_input', 'MY_TOPICS_ID' => 'my_topics', 'MY_TOPICS_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($my_topics_key, $lang['SEARCH_MY_TOPICS'], $my_topics_val, true, null, 'my_topics'), 'TITLE_ONLY_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($title_only_key, $lang['SEARCH_TITLES_ONLY'], true, $bb_cfg['disable_ft_search_in_posts']), 'ALL_WORDS_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($all_words_key, $lang['SEARCH_ALL_WORDS'], true), 'DL_CANCEL_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($dl_cancel_key, $lang['SEARCH_DL_CANCEL'], $dl_cancel_val, IS_GUEST, 'dlCancel'), 'DL_COMPL_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($dl_compl_key, $lang['SEARCH_DL_COMPLETE'], $dl_compl_val, IS_GUEST, 'dlComplete'), 'DL_DOWN_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($dl_down_key, $lang['SEARCH_DL_DOWN'], $dl_down_val, IS_GUEST, 'dlDown'), 'DL_WILL_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($dl_will_key, $lang['SEARCH_DL_WILL'], $dl_will_val, IS_GUEST, 'dlWill'), 'ONLY_NEW_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($new_key, $lang['BT_ONLY_NEW'], $new_val, IS_GUEST), 'NEW_TOPICS_CHBOX' => build_checkbox ($new_topics_key, $lang['NEW_TOPICS'], $new_topics_val, IS_GUEST), 'FORUM_SELECT' => $forum_select, 'TIME_SELECT' => build_select ($time_key, $time_select, $time_val), 'ORDER_SELECT' => build_select ($order_key, $order_select, $order_val), 'SORT_SELECT' => build_select ($sort_key, $sort_select, $sort_val), 'CHARS_SELECT' => '', # build_select ($chars_key, $chars_select, $chars_val), 'DISPLAY_AS_SELECT' => build_select ($display_as_key, $display_as_select, $display_as_val), )); print_page('search.tpl'); } unset($forums); $datastore->rm('cat_forums'); // Restore previously found items list and search settings if we have valid $search_id if ($search_id) { $row = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT search_array, search_settings FROM ". BB_SEARCH ." WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND search_type = ". SEARCH_TYPE_POST ." AND search_id = '". DB()->escape($search_id) ."' LIMIT 1 "); if (empty($row['search_settings'])) { bb_die($lang['SESSION_EXPIRED']); } $previous_settings = unserialize($row['search_settings']); $items_found = explode(',', $row['search_array']); } // Get simple "CHBOX" and "SELECT" type vars foreach ($GPC as $name => $params) { if ($params[GPC_TYPE] == CHBOX) { checkbox_get_val($params[KEY_NAME], ${"{$name}_val"}, $params[DEF_VAL]); } else if ($params[GPC_TYPE] == SELECT) { select_get_val($params[KEY_NAME], ${"{$name}_val"}, ${"{$name}_opt"}, $params[DEF_VAL]); } } // Get other "REQUEST" vars $egosearch = false; if (!$items_found) { // For compatibility with old-style params if (isset($_REQUEST['search_id'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['search_id']) { case 'egosearch': $egosearch = true; $display_as_val = $as_topics; if (empty($_REQUEST[$poster_id_key])) { $_REQUEST[$poster_id_key] = $user_id; } break; case 'newposts': $new_val = true; break; } } // Forum $forum_selected = ''; if ($var =& $_REQUEST[$forum_key]) { $forum_selected = get_id_ary($var); if (!in_array($search_all, $forum_selected)) { $forum_val = join(',', $forum_selected); } } // Topic if ($var =& $_REQUEST[$topic_key]) { $topic_val = join(',', get_id_ary($var)); } // Poster id (from requested name or id) if ($var = request_var($poster_id_key, 0)) { $poster_id_val = (int) $var; if ($poster_id_val != $user_id && !get_username($poster_id_val)) { bb_die($lang['USER_NOT_EXIST']); } } else if ($var =& $_POST[$poster_name_key]) { $poster_name_sql = str_replace("\\'", "''", clean_username($var)); if (!$poster_id_val = get_user_id($poster_name_sql)) { bb_die($lang['USER_NOT_EXIST']); } } // Search words if ($var =& $_REQUEST[$text_match_key]) { if ($tmp = mb_substr(trim($var), 0, $text_match_max_len)) { if ($bb_cfg['autocorrect_wkl']) { // Autocorrect wrong keyboard layout $tlc = new Text_LangCorrect(); $title_match_val = $tlc->parse($tlc->parse($tmp, 1), 2); } else { $title_match_val = $tmp; } $text_match_sql = clean_text_match($title_match_val, $all_words_val, false, true); } } } $dl_status = array(); if ($dl_cancel_val) $dl_status[] = DL_STATUS_CANCEL; if ($dl_compl_val) $dl_status[] = DL_STATUS_COMPLETE; if ($dl_down_val) $dl_status[] = DL_STATUS_DOWN; if ($dl_will_val) $dl_status[] = DL_STATUS_WILL; $dl_status_csv = join(',', $dl_status); // Switches $dl_search = ($dl_status && !IS_GUEST); $new_posts = ($new_val && !IS_GUEST); $prev_days = ($time_val != $search_all); $new_topics = (!IS_GUEST && ($new_topics_val || isset($_GET['newposts']))); $my_topics = ($poster_id_val && $my_topics_val); $my_posts = ($poster_id_val && !$my_topics_val); $title_match = ($text_match_sql && ($title_only_val || $bb_cfg['disable_ft_search_in_posts'])); // "Display as" mode (posts or topics) $post_mode = (!$dl_search && ($display_as_val == $as_posts || isset($_GET['search_author']))); // Start building SQL $SQL = DB()->get_empty_sql_array(); // Displaying "as posts" mode if ($post_mode) { $order = $order_opt[$order_val]['sql']; $sort = $sort_opt[$sort_val]['sql']; $per_page = $bb_cfg['posts_per_page']; $display_as_val = $as_posts; // Run initial search for post_ids if (!$items_found) { $join_t = ($title_match || $my_topics || $new_topics || in_array($order_val, array($ord_last_p, $ord_created, $ord_name, $ord_repl))); $join_s = ($text_match_sql && !$title_match); $join_p = ($my_posts || $join_s); $tbl = ($join_t && !$join_p) ? 't' : 'p'; $time_field = ($join_t && !$join_p) ? 'topic_last_post_time' : 'post_time'; // SELECT $SQL['SELECT'][] = ($join_t && !$join_p) ? 't.topic_first_post_id AS item_id' : 'p.post_id AS item_id'; // FROM if ($join_t) $SQL['FROM'][] = $topics_tbl; if ($join_p) $SQL['FROM'][] = $posts_tbl; if (!$SQL['FROM']) { $join_p = true; $SQL['FROM'][] = $posts_tbl; } // WHERE if ($join_p && $join_t) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_id = p.topic_id"; if ($excluded_forums_csv) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.forum_id NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv)"; if ($forum_val) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.forum_id IN($forum_val)"; if ($topic_val) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.topic_id IN($topic_val)"; if ($new_posts) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.$time_field > $lastvisit"; if ($new_topics) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_time > $lastvisit"; if ($prev_days) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.$time_field > ". $time_opt[$time_val]['sql']; if ($my_posts) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "p.poster_id = $poster_id_val"; if ($my_topics) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_poster = $poster_id_val"; if ($text_match_sql) { $search_match_topics_csv = ''; $title_match_topics = get_title_match_topics($text_match_sql, $forum_selected); if (!$search_match_topics_csv = join(',', $title_match_topics)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } $where_id = ($title_match) ? 'topic_id' : 'post_id'; $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.$where_id IN($search_match_topics_csv)"; prevent_huge_searches($SQL); } if (!$SQL['WHERE']) redirect(basename(__FILE__)); $SQL['GROUP BY'][] = "item_id"; $SQL['ORDER BY'][] = ($new_posts && $join_p) ? "p.topic_id ASC, p.post_time ASC" : "$order $sort"; $SQL['LIMIT'][] = "$search_limit"; $items_display = fetch_search_ids($SQL); } else if (!$items_display = array_slice($items_found, $start, $per_page)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } // Build SQL for displaying posts $excluded_forums_sql = ($excluded_forums_csv) ? " AND t.forum_id NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv) " : ''; $sql = " SELECT p.post_id AS item_id, t.*, p.*, h.post_html, IF(h.post_html IS NULL, pt.post_text, NULL) AS post_text, IF(p.poster_id = $anon_id, p.post_username, u.username) AS username, u.user_id, u.user_rank FROM $posts_tbl INNER JOIN $topics_tbl ON(t.topic_id = p.topic_id) INNER JOIN $posts_text_tbl ON(pt.post_id = p.post_id) LEFT JOIN $posts_html_tbl ON(h.post_id = pt.post_id) INNER JOIN $users_tbl ON(u.user_id = p.poster_id) WHERE p.post_id IN(". join(',', $items_display) .") $excluded_forums_sql LIMIT $per_page "; // Fetch posts data if (!$unsorted_rows = DB()->fetch_rowset($sql)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } $tmp = $sorted_rows = array(); foreach ($unsorted_rows as $row) { $tmp[$row['post_id']] = $row; } foreach ($items_display as $post_id) { if (empty($tmp[$post_id])) { continue; // if post was deleted but still remain in search results } $topic_id = $tmp[$post_id]['topic_id']; $sorted_rows[$topic_id][] = $tmp[$post_id]; } // Output page $new_tracks = array(); foreach ($sorted_rows as $topic_id => $topic_posts) { // Topic title block $first_post = $topic_posts[0]; $topic_id = (int) $topic_id; $forum_id = (int) $first_post['forum_id']; $is_unread_t = is_unread($first_post['topic_last_post_time'], $topic_id, $forum_id); $topic_title = $first_post['topic_title']; if (count($orig_word)) { $topic_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic_title); } $template->assign_block_vars('t', array( 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_name_html[$forum_id], 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_ICON' => get_topic_icon($first_post, $is_unread_t), )); $quote_btn = $edit_btn = $ip_btn = ''; $delpost_btn = (IS_AM); // Topic posts block foreach ($topic_posts as $row_num => $post) { if ($post['poster_id'] != BOT_UID) { if ($bb_cfg['fix_quote_button']) { $quote_btn = !IS_GUEST; } else { $quote_btn = true; } $edit_btn = $ip_btn = (IS_AM); } $message = get_parsed_post($post); if (count($orig_word)) { $message = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $message); } $template->assign_block_vars('t.p', array( 'ROW_NUM' => $row_num, 'POSTER_ID' => $post['poster_id'], 'POSTER' => profile_url($post), 'POST_ID' => $post['post_id'], 'POST_DATE' => bb_date($post['post_time'], $bb_cfg['post_date_format']), 'IS_UNREAD' => is_unread($post['post_time'], $topic_id, $forum_id), 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'POSTED_AFTER' => '', 'QUOTE' => $quote_btn, 'EDIT' => $edit_btn, 'DELETE' => $delpost_btn, 'IP' => $ip_btn, )); $curr_new_track_val = !empty($new_tracks[$topic_id]) ? $new_tracks[$topic_id] : 0; $new_tracks[$topic_id] = max($curr_new_track_val, $post['post_time']); } } set_tracks(COOKIE_TOPIC, $tracking_topics, $new_tracks); } // Displaying "as topics" mode else { $order = $order_opt[$order_val]['sql']; $sort = $sort_opt[$sort_val]['sql']; $per_page = $bb_cfg['topics_per_page']; $display_as_val = $as_topics; // Run initial search for topic_ids if (!$items_found) { $join_t = ($title_match || $my_topics || $new_topics || $dl_search || $new_posts || in_array($order_val, array($ord_last_p, $ord_created, $ord_name, $ord_repl))); $join_s = ($text_match_sql && !$title_match); $join_p = ($my_posts || $join_s); $join_dl = ($dl_search); $tbl = ($join_p && !$join_t) ? 'p' : 't'; $time_field = ($join_p && !$join_t) ? 'post_time' : 'topic_last_post_time'; // SELECT if ($egosearch) { $SQL['SELECT'][] = 'p.topic_id AS item_id, MAX(p.post_time) AS max_post_time'; } else { $SQL['SELECT'][] = ($join_p && !$join_t) ? 'p.topic_id AS item_id' : 't.topic_id AS item_id'; } // FROM if ($join_t) $SQL['FROM'][] = $topics_tbl; if ($join_p) $SQL['FROM'][] = $posts_tbl; if (!$SQL['FROM']) { $join_t = true; $SQL['FROM'][] = $topics_tbl; } // WHERE if ($join_p && $join_t) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_id = p.topic_id"; if ($excluded_forums_csv) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.forum_id NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv)"; if ($join_t) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_status != ". TOPIC_MOVED; if ($forum_val) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.forum_id IN($forum_val)"; if ($topic_val) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.topic_id IN($topic_val)"; if ($new_posts) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.$time_field > $lastvisit"; if ($new_topics) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_time > $lastvisit"; if ($prev_days) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$tbl.$time_field > ". $time_opt[$time_val]['sql']; if ($my_posts) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "p.poster_id = $poster_id_val"; if ($my_posts && $user->id == $poster_id_val) { $SQL['WHERE'][] = "p.user_post = 1"; if($userdata['user_posts']) { $template->assign_var('BB_DIE_APPEND_MSG', '

'. $lang['INDEX_RETURN'] .' '); } } if ($my_topics) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_poster = $poster_id_val"; if ($text_match_sql) { $search_match_topics_csv = ''; $title_match_topics = get_title_match_topics($text_match_sql, $forum_selected); if (!$search_match_topics_csv = join(',', $title_match_topics)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } $where_id = ($title_match) ? 't.topic_id' : 'p.post_id'; $SQL['WHERE'][] = "$where_id IN($search_match_topics_csv)"; prevent_huge_searches($SQL); } if ($join_dl) $SQL['FROM'][] = $dl_stat_tbl; if ($join_dl) $SQL['WHERE'][] = "dl.topic_id = t.topic_id AND dl.user_id = $dl_user_id_val AND dl.user_status IN($dl_status_csv)"; if (!$SQL['WHERE']) redirect(basename(__FILE__)); $SQL['GROUP BY'][] = "item_id"; $SQL['LIMIT'][] = "$search_limit"; if ($egosearch) { $SQL['ORDER BY'][] = 'max_post_time DESC'; } else { $SQL['ORDER BY'][] = ($order_val == $ord_posted) ? "$tbl.$time_field $sort" : "$order $sort"; } $items_display = fetch_search_ids($SQL); } else if (!$items_display = array_slice($items_found, $start, $per_page)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } // Build SQL for displaying topics $SQL = DB()->get_empty_sql_array(); $join_dl = ($bb_cfg['show_dl_status_in_search'] && !IS_GUEST); $SQL['SELECT'][] = " t.*, t.topic_poster AS first_user_id, u1.user_rank AS first_user_rank, IF(t.topic_poster = $anon_id, p1.post_username, u1.username) AS first_username, p2.poster_id AS last_user_id, u2.user_rank AS last_user_rank, IF(p2.poster_id = $anon_id, p2.post_username, u2.username) AS last_username "; if ($join_dl) $SQL['SELECT'][] = "dl.user_status AS dl_status"; $SQL['FROM'][] = BB_TOPICS ." t"; $SQL['LEFT JOIN'][] = BB_POSTS ." p1 ON(t.topic_first_post_id = p1.post_id)"; $SQL['LEFT JOIN'][] = BB_USERS ." u1 ON(t.topic_poster = u1.user_id)"; $SQL['LEFT JOIN'][] = BB_POSTS ." p2 ON(t.topic_last_post_id = p2.post_id)"; $SQL['LEFT JOIN'][] = BB_USERS ." u2 ON(p2.poster_id = u2.user_id)"; if ($join_dl) { $SQL['LEFT JOIN'][] = BB_BT_DLSTATUS ." dl ON(dl.user_id = $user_id AND dl.topic_id = t.topic_id)"; } $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.topic_id IN(". join(',', $items_display) .")"; if ($excluded_forums_csv) { $SQL['WHERE'][] = "t.forum_id NOT IN($excluded_forums_csv)"; } $SQL['LIMIT'][] = "$per_page"; // Fetch topics data $topic_rows = array(); foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($SQL) as $row) { $topic_rows[$row['topic_id']] = $row; } if (!$topic_rows) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } // Output page foreach ($items_display as $row_num => $item_id) { if (empty($topic_rows[$item_id])) { continue; // if topic was deleted but still remain in search results } $topic = $topic_rows[$item_id]; $topic_id = $topic['topic_id']; $forum_id = $topic['forum_id']; $is_unread = is_unread($topic['topic_last_post_time'], $topic_id, $forum_id); $moved = ($topic['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED); $template->assign_block_vars('t', array( 'ROW_NUM' => $row_num, 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_name_html[$forum_id], 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'HREF_TOPIC_ID' => ($moved) ? $topic['topic_moved_id'] : $topic['topic_id'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic['topic_title'])), 'IS_UNREAD' => $is_unread, 'TOPIC_ICON' => get_topic_icon($topic, $is_unread), 'PAGINATION' => ($moved) ? '' : build_topic_pagination(TOPIC_URL . $topic_id, $topic['topic_replies'], $bb_cfg['posts_per_page']), 'REPLIES' => ($moved) ? '' : $topic['topic_replies'], 'ATTACH' => $topic['topic_attachment'], 'STATUS' => $topic['topic_status'], 'TYPE' => $topic['topic_type'], 'DL' => ($topic['topic_dl_type'] == TOPIC_DL_TYPE_DL), 'POLL' => !IS_GUEST && $topic['topic_vote'], 'DL_CLASS' => isset($topic['dl_status']) ? $dl_link_css[$topic['dl_status']] : '', 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => profile_url(array('username' => $topic['first_username'], 'user_id' => $topic['first_user_id'], 'user_rank' => $topic['first_user_rank'])), 'LAST_POSTER' => profile_url(array('username' => $topic['last_username'], 'user_id' => $topic['last_user_id'], 'user_rank' => $topic['last_user_rank'])), 'LAST_POST_TIME' => bb_date($topic['topic_last_post_time']), 'LAST_POST_TIME_RAW' => $topic['topic_last_post_time'], 'LAST_POST_ID' => $topic['topic_last_post_id'], )); } } if ($items_display) { $items_count = count($items_found); $pages = (!$items_count) ? 1 : ceil($items_count / $per_page); $url = ($search_id) ? url_arg($url, 'id', $search_id) : $url; generate_pagination($url, $items_count, $per_page, $start); $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGE_TITLE' => $lang['SEARCH'], 'SEARCH_MATCHES' => ($items_count) ? sprintf($lang['FOUND_SEARCH_MATCHES'], $items_count) : '', 'DISPLAY_AS_POSTS' => $post_mode, 'DL_CONTROLS' => ($dl_search && $dl_user_id_val == $user_id), 'DL_ACTION' => 'dl_list.php', 'MY_POSTS' => (!$post_mode && $my_posts && $user->id == $poster_id_val), )); print_page('search_results.tpl'); } redirect(basename(__FILE__)); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // Functions // function fetch_search_ids ($sql, $search_type = SEARCH_TYPE_POST) { global $lang, $search_id, $session_id, $items_found, $per_page; $items_found = array(); foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) { $items_found[] = $row['item_id']; } if (!$items_count = count($items_found)) { bb_die($lang['NO_SEARCH_MATCH']); } // Save results in DB $search_id = make_rand_str(SEARCH_ID_LENGTH); if ($items_count > $per_page) { $search_array = join(',', $items_found); $save_in_db = array( 'order', 'sort', 'display_as', 'chars', ); if ($GLOBALS['dl_cancel_val']) $save_in_db[] = 'dl_cancel'; if ($GLOBALS['dl_compl_val']) $save_in_db[] = 'dl_compl'; if ($GLOBALS['dl_down_val']) $save_in_db[] = 'dl_down'; if ($GLOBALS['dl_will_val']) $save_in_db[] = 'dl_will'; $curr_set = array(); foreach ($save_in_db as $name) { $curr_set[$GLOBALS["{$name}_key"]] = $GLOBALS["{$name}_val"]; } $search_settings = DB()->escape(serialize($curr_set)); $columns = 'session_id, search_type, search_id, search_time, search_settings, search_array'; $values = "'$session_id', $search_type, '$search_id', ". TIMENOW .", '$search_settings', '$search_array'"; DB()->query("REPLACE INTO ". BB_SEARCH ." ($columns) VALUES ($values)"); } return array_slice($items_found, 0, $per_page); } function prevent_huge_searches ($SQL) { global $bb_cfg; if ($bb_cfg['limit_max_search_results']) { $SQL['select_options'][] = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'; $SQL['ORDER BY'] = array(); $SQL['LIMIT'] = array('0'); if (DB()->query($SQL) AND $row = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rows_count")) { if ($row['rows_count'] > $bb_cfg['limit_max_search_results']) { # bb_log(str_compact(DB()->build_sql($SQL)) ." [{$row['rows_count']} rows]". LOG_LF, 'sql_huge_search'); bb_die('Too_many_search_results'); } } } } function username_search ($search_match) { global $template, $lang, $gen_simple_header; $username_list = ''; if (!empty($search_match)) { $username_search = preg_replace('/\*/', '%', clean_username($search_match)); $sql = " SELECT username FROM ". BB_USERS ." WHERE username LIKE '". DB()->escape($username_search) . "' AND user_id <> ". GUEST_UID ." ORDER BY username LIMIT 200 "; foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) { $username = htmlCHR(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($row['username']))); $username_list .= ''; } if (!$username_list) { $username_list = ''; } } $input_name = isset($_REQUEST['input_name']) ? htmlCHR($_REQUEST['input_name']) : 'username'; $template->assign_vars(array( 'TPL_SEARCH_USERNAME' => true, 'PAGE_TITLE' => $lang['SEARCH'], 'USERNAME' => !empty($search_match) ? htmlCHR(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($search_match))) : '', 'INPUT_NAME' => $input_name, 'USERNAME_OPTIONS' => $username_list, 'SEARCH_ACTION' => "search.php?mode=searchuser&input_name=$input_name", )); print_page('search.tpl', 'simple'); }