session_start(); set_die_append_msg($forum_id, $topic_id); // What auth type do we need to check? $is_auth = array(); switch ($mode) { case 'newtopic': case 'new_rel': if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_topic')) { bb_die($lang['RULES_POST_CANNOT']); } if ($topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $is_auth_type = 'auth_announce'; } elseif ($topic_type == POST_STICKY) { $is_auth_type = 'auth_sticky'; } else { $is_auth_type = 'auth_post'; } break; case 'reply': case 'quote': if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post')) { bb_die($lang['RULES_REPLY_CANNOT']); } $is_auth_type = 'auth_reply'; break; case 'editpost': if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post_edit')) { bb_die($lang['RULES_EDIT_CANNOT']); } $is_auth_type = 'auth_edit'; break; case 'delete': $is_auth_type = 'auth_delete'; break; default: bb_die($lang['NO_POST_MODE']); break; } // Here we do various lookups to find topic_id, forum_id, post_id etc. // Doing it here prevents spoofing (eg. faking forum_id, topic_id or post_id $error_msg = ''; $post_data = array(); switch ($mode) { case 'newtopic': case 'new_rel': if (!$forum_id) { bb_die($lang['FORUM_NOT_EXIST']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". BB_FORUMS ." WHERE forum_id = $forum_id LIMIT 1"; break; case 'reply': if (!$topic_id) { bb_die($lang['NO_TOPIC_ID']); } $sql = "SELECT f.*, t.* FROM ". BB_FORUMS ." f, ". BB_TOPICS ." t WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id LIMIT 1"; break; case 'quote': case 'editpost': case 'delete': if (!$post_id) { bb_die($lang['NO_POST_ID']); } $select_sql = 'SELECT f.*, t.*, p.*'; $select_sql .= (!$submit) ? ', pt.*, u.username, u.user_id' : ''; $from_sql = "FROM ". BB_POSTS ." p, ". BB_TOPICS ." t, ". BB_FORUMS ." f"; $from_sql .= (!$submit) ? ", " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " pt, " . BB_USERS . " u" : ''; $where_sql = " WHERE p.post_id = $post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id "; $where_sql .= (!$submit) ? " AND pt.post_id = p.post_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id " : ''; $sql = "$select_sql $from_sql $where_sql LIMIT 1"; break; default: bb_die($lang['NO_VALID_MODE']); } if ($post_info = DB()->fetch_row($sql)) { $forum_id = $post_info['forum_id']; $forum_name = $post_info['forum_name']; set_die_append_msg($forum_id); $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $forum_id, $userdata, $post_info); if ($post_info['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { bb_die($lang['FORUM_LOCKED']); } elseif ($mode != 'newtopic' && $mode != 'new_rel' && $post_info['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { bb_die($lang['TOPIC_LOCKED']); } if ($mode == 'editpost' || $mode == 'delete') { $topic_id = $post_info['topic_id']; $post_data['poster_post'] = ($post_info['poster_id'] == $userdata['user_id']); $post_data['first_post'] = ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id); $post_data['last_post'] = ($post_info['topic_last_post_id'] == $post_id); $post_data['last_topic'] = ($post_info['forum_last_post_id'] == $post_id); $post_data['topic_type'] = $post_info['topic_type']; $post_data['poster_id'] = $post_info['poster_id']; $selected_rg = $post_info['poster_rg_id']; $switch_rg_sig = ($post_info['attach_rg_sig']) ? true : false; // Can this user edit/delete the post? if ($post_info['poster_id'] != $userdata['user_id'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) { $auth_err = ($delete || $mode == 'delete') ? $lang['DELETE_OWN_POSTS'] : $lang['EDIT_OWN_POSTS']; } elseif (!$post_data['last_post'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod'] && ($mode == 'delete' || $delete)) { $auth_err = $lang['CANNOT_DELETE_REPLIED']; } if (isset($auth_err)) bb_die($auth_err); } else { if ($mode == 'quote') { $topic_id = $post_info['topic_id']; } if ($mode == 'newtopic') { $post_data['topic_type'] = POST_NORMAL; } $post_data['first_post'] = ($mode == 'newtopic'); $post_data['last_post'] = false; } } else { bb_die($lang['NO_SUCH_POST']); } // The user is not authed, if they're not logged in then redirect // them, else show them an error message if (!$is_auth[$is_auth_type]) { if (!IS_GUEST) { bb_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_'. strtoupper($is_auth_type)], $is_auth[$is_auth_type .'_type'])); } switch ($mode) { case 'newtopic': $redirect = "mode=newtopic&f=$forum_id"; break; case 'new_rel': $redirect = "mode=new_rel&f=$forum_id"; break; case 'reply': $redirect = "mode=reply&t=$topic_id"; break; case 'quote': case 'editpost': $redirect = "mode=quote&p=$post_id"; break; default: $redirect = ''; } redirect(LOGIN_URL . "?redirect=/". POSTING_URL ."?$redirect"); } if ($mode == 'new_rel') { if ($tor_status = join(',', $bb_cfg['tor_cannot_new'])) { $sql = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT t.topic_title, t.topic_id, tor.tor_status FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor, ". BB_TOPICS ." t WHERE poster_id = {$userdata['user_id']} AND tor.topic_id = t.topic_id AND tor.tor_status IN ($tor_status) ORDER BY tor.reg_time "); $topics = ''; foreach($sql as $row) { $topics .= $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$row['tor_status']] .''. $row['topic_title'] .'
'; } if ($topics && !(IS_SUPER_ADMIN && !empty($_REQUEST['edit_tpl']))) bb_die($topics . $lang['UNEXECUTED_RELEASE']); } require(INC_DIR .'posting_tpl.php'); exit; } // Запрет на редактирование релиза с определенным статусом ($bb_cfg['tor_cannot_edit']) if ($mode == 'editpost') { if (!empty($bb_cfg['tor_cannot_edit']) && $post_info['allow_reg_tracker'] && $post_data['first_post'] && !IS_AM) { if ($tor_status = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT tor_status FROM " . BB_BT_TORRENTS . " WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND forum_id = $forum_id AND tor_status IN(" . implode(',', array_keys($bb_cfg['tor_cannot_edit'])) . ") LIMIT 1")) { if ($bb_cfg['tor_cannot_edit'][$tor_status['tor_status']]) { bb_die($lang['NOT_EDIT_TOR_STATUS'] . ': ' . $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$tor_status['tor_status']] . ' ' . $lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$tor_status['tor_status']] . '.'); } } } } // Notify if ($submit || $refresh) { $notify_user = (int) !empty($_POST['notify']); } else { $notify_user = bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'user_notify'); if (!IS_GUEST && $mode != 'newtopic' && !$notify_user) { $notify_user = (int) DB()->fetch_row("SELECT topic_id FROM ". BB_TOPICS_WATCH ." WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND user_id = ". $userdata['user_id']); } } $update_post_time = !empty($_POST['update_post_time']); execute_posting_attachment_handling(); // если за время пока вы писали ответ, в топике появились новые сообщения, перед тем как ваше сообщение будет отправлено, выводится предупреждение с обзором этих сообщений $topic_has_new_posts = false; if (!IS_GUEST && $mode != 'newtopic' && ($submit || $preview || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'reply') && isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_TOPIC])) { if ($topic_last_read = max(intval(@$tracking_topics[$topic_id]), intval(@$tracking_forums[$forum_id]))) { $sql = "SELECT p.*, pt.post_text, u.username, u.user_rank FROM ". BB_POSTS ." p, ". BB_POSTS_TEXT ." pt, ". BB_USERS ." u WHERE p.topic_id = ". (int) $topic_id ." AND u.user_id = p.poster_id AND pt.post_id = p.post_id AND p.post_time > $topic_last_read ORDER BY p.post_time LIMIT ". $bb_cfg['posts_per_page']; if ($rowset = DB()->fetch_rowset($sql)) { $topic_has_new_posts = true; foreach ($rowset as $i => $row) { $template->assign_block_vars('new_posts', array( 'ROW_CLASS' => !($i % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2', 'POSTER' => profile_url($row), 'POSTER_NAME_JS' => addslashes($row['username']), 'POST_DATE' => '' . bb_date($row['post_time'], $bb_cfg['post_date_format']) . '', 'MESSAGE' => get_parsed_post($row), )); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'TPL_SHOW_NEW_POSTS' => true, )); set_tracks(COOKIE_TOPIC, $tracking_topics, $topic_id); unset($rowset); } } } // -------------------- // What shall we do? // if ( ( $delete || $mode == 'delete' ) && !$confirm ) { if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { redirect(POST_URL . "$post_id#$post_id"); } // // Confirm deletion // $hidden_fields = array( 'p' => $post_id, 'mode' => 'delete', ); print_confirmation(array( 'QUESTION' => $lang['CONFIRM_DELETE'], 'FORM_ACTION' => POSTING_URL, 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => build_hidden_fields($hidden_fields), )); } elseif ( ($submit || $confirm) && !$topic_has_new_posts ) { // // Submit post (newtopic, edit, reply, etc.) // $return_message = ''; $return_meta = ''; switch ($mode) { case 'editpost': case 'newtopic': case 'reply': $username = ( !empty($_POST['username']) ) ? clean_username($_POST['username']) : ''; $subject = ( !empty($_POST['subject']) ) ? clean_title($_POST['subject']) : ''; $message = ( !empty($_POST['message']) ) ? prepare_message($_POST['message']) : ''; $attach_rg_sig = (isset($_POST['attach_rg_sig']) && isset($_POST['poster_rg']) && $_POST['poster_rg'] != -1) ? 1 : 0; $poster_rg_id = (isset($_POST['poster_rg']) && $_POST['poster_rg'] != -1) ? (int) $_POST['poster_rg'] : 0; prepare_post($mode, $post_data, $error_msg, $username, $subject, $message); if (!$error_msg) { $topic_type = ( isset($post_data['topic_type']) && $topic_type != $post_data['topic_type'] && !$is_auth['auth_sticky'] && !$is_auth['auth_announce'] ) ? $post_data['topic_type'] : $topic_type; submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $topic_type, DB()->escape($username), DB()->escape($subject), DB()->escape($message), $update_post_time, $poster_rg_id, $attach_rg_sig); $post_url = POST_URL ."$post_id#$post_id"; $post_msg = ($mode == 'editpost') ? $lang['EDITED']: $lang['STORED']; $onclick = ($mode == 'editpost') ? 'onclick="return post2url(this.href);"': ''; $return_message .= $post_msg .'

'. $lang['POST_RETURN'] .' '; } break; case 'delete': require_once(INC_DIR .'functions_admin.php'); if (!$post_data['first_post']) { delete_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id); } else { redirect("modcp.php?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=delete&sid=" . $userdata['session_id']); } break; } if (!$error_msg) { if (!in_array($mode, array('editpost', 'delete'))) { $user_id = ( $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'newtopic' ) ? $userdata['user_id'] : $post_data['poster_id']; update_post_stats($mode, $post_data, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $user_id); } $attachment_mod['posting']->insert_attachment($post_id); if (!$error_msg) { user_notification($mode, $post_data, $post_info['topic_title'], $forum_id, $topic_id, $notify_user); } if ($mode == 'newtopic' || $mode == 'reply') { set_tracks(COOKIE_TOPIC, $tracking_topics, $topic_id); } if (defined('TORRENT_ATTACH_ID') && $bb_cfg['bt_newtopic_auto_reg'] && !$error_msg) { include(INC_DIR .'functions_torrent.php'); if (!DB()->fetch_row("SELECT attach_id FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE attach_id = ". TORRENT_ATTACH_ID)) { if ($bb_cfg['premod']) { // Получение списка id форумов начиная с parent $forum_parent = $forum_id; if ($post_info['forum_parent']) $forum_parent = $post_info['forum_parent']; $count_rowset = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT forum_id FROM ". BB_FORUMS ." WHERE forum_parent = $forum_parent"); $sub_forums = array(); foreach ($count_rowset as $count_row) { if ($count_row['forum_id'] != $forum_id) $sub_forums[] = $count_row['forum_id']; } $sub_forums[] = $forum_id; $sub_forums = join(',', $sub_forums); // Подсчет проверенных релизов в форумах раздела $count_checked_releases = DB()->fetch_row(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS checked_releases FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." WHERE poster_id = ". $userdata['user_id'] ." AND forum_id IN($sub_forums) AND tor_status IN(". TOR_APPROVED .",". TOR_DOUBTFUL .",". TOR_TMP .") LIMIT 1 ", 'checked_releases'); if ($count_checked_releases || IS_AM) { tracker_register(TORRENT_ATTACH_ID, 'newtopic', TOR_NOT_APPROVED); } else { tracker_register(TORRENT_ATTACH_ID, 'newtopic', TOR_PREMOD); } } else tracker_register(TORRENT_ATTACH_ID, 'newtopic', TOR_NOT_APPROVED); } } // Update atom feed update_atom('topic', $topic_id); if ($mode == 'reply' && $post_info['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED) { $locked_warn = '
'. $lang['LOCKED_WARN'] .'

'; $return_message = $locked_warn . $return_message; } bb_die($return_message); } } if ($refresh || $error_msg || ($submit && $topic_has_new_posts)) { $username = ( !empty($_POST['username']) ) ? clean_username($_POST['username']) : ''; $subject = ( !empty($_POST['subject']) ) ? clean_title($_POST['subject']) : ''; $message = ( !empty($_POST['message']) ) ? prepare_message($_POST['message']) : ''; if ($preview) { $preview_subject = $subject; $preview_username = $username; $preview_message = htmlCHR($message, false, ENT_NOQUOTES); $preview_message = bbcode2html($preview_message); $template->assign_vars(array( 'TPL_PREVIEW_POST' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr($preview_subject), 'POST_SUBJECT' => $preview_subject, 'POSTER_NAME' => $preview_username, 'POST_DATE' => bb_date(TIMENOW), 'PREVIEW_MSG' => $preview_message, )); } } else { // User default entry point if ( $mode == 'newtopic' ) { $username = ($userdata['session_logged_in']) ? $userdata['username'] : ''; $subject = $message = ''; } elseif ( $mode == 'reply' ) { $username = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? $userdata['username'] : ''; $subject = $message = ''; } elseif ( $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'editpost' ) { $subject = ( $post_data['first_post'] ) ? $post_info['topic_title'] : ''; $message = $post_info['post_text']; if ( $mode == 'quote' ) { // // Define censored word matches // if (!defined('WORD_LIST_OBTAINED')) { $orig_word = array(); $replace_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word); define('WORD_LIST_OBTAINED', TRUE); } if ($post_info['post_attachment'] && !IS_AM) $message = $post_info['topic_title']; $quote_username = ($post_info['post_username'] != '') ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username']; $message = '[quote="'. $quote_username .'"][qpost='. $post_info['post_id'] .']' . $message . '[/quote]'; // hide user passkey $message = preg_replace('#(?<=[\?&;]' . $bb_cfg['passkey_key'] . '=)[a-zA-Z0-9]{' . BT_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH . '}#', 'passkey', $message); // hide sid $message = preg_replace('#(?<=[\?&;]sid=)[a-zA-Z0-9]{' . SID_LENGTH . '}#', 'sid', $message); if (!empty($orig_word)) { $subject = (!empty($subject)) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $subject) : ''; $message = (!empty($message)) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $message) : ''; } if ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $subject) && strlen($subject) > 0 ) { $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject; } $mode = 'reply'; } else { $username = ( $post_info['user_id'] == GUEST_UID && !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : ''; } } } if ($error_msg) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'ERROR_MESSAGE' => $error_msg, )); } if (IS_GUEST || ($mode == 'editpost' && $post_info['poster_id'] == GUEST_UID)) { $template->assign_var('POSTING_USERNAME'); } // Notify checkbox if (!IS_GUEST) { if ($mode != 'editpost' || ($mode == 'editpost' && $post_info['poster_id'] != GUEST_UID)) { $template->assign_var('SHOW_NOTIFY_CHECKBOX'); } } // Topic type selection $topic_type_toggle = ''; if ( $mode == 'newtopic' || ( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_data['first_post'] ) ) { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_type_toggle', array()); if( $is_auth['auth_sticky'] ) { $topic_type_toggle .= '