data['schemas'])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('schemas'); $results = $this->fetchPragma('database_list'); foreach ($results as $row) { $schemas[] = $row['name']; } $this->data['schemas'] = $schemas; } protected function loadTableNameData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['table_names'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('table_names', $schema); // FEATURE: Filename? $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $sql = 'SELECT "name", "type", "sql" FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array($schema, 'sqlite_master')) . ' WHERE "type" IN (\'table\',\'view\') AND "name" NOT LIKE \'sqlite_%\''; $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $tables = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { if ('table' == $row['type']) { $table = array( 'table_type' => 'BASE TABLE', 'view_definition' => null, // VIEW only 'check_option' => null, // VIEW only 'is_updatable' => null, // VIEW only ); } else { $table = array( 'table_type' => 'VIEW', 'view_definition' => null, 'check_option' => 'NONE', 'is_updatable' => false, ); // Parse out extra data if (null !== ($data = $this->parseView($row['sql']))) { $table = array_merge($table, $data); } } $tables[$row['name']] = $table; } $this->data['table_names'][$schema] = $tables; } protected function loadColumnData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('columns', $schema, $table); $this->prepareDataHierarchy('sqlite_columns', $schema, $table); $results = $this->fetchPragma('table_info', $table, $schema); $columns = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { $columns[$row['name']] = array( // cid appears to be zero-based, ordinal position needs to be one-based 'ordinal_position' => $row['cid'] + 1, 'column_default' => $row['dflt_value'], 'is_nullable' => !((bool) $row['notnull']), 'data_type' => $row['type'], 'character_maximum_length' => null, 'character_octet_length' => null, 'numeric_precision' => null, 'numeric_scale' => null, 'numeric_unsigned' => null, 'erratas' => array(), ); // TODO: populate character_ and numeric_values with correct info } $this->data['columns'][$schema][$table] = $columns; $this->data['sqlite_columns'][$schema][$table] = $results; } protected function loadConstraintData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraints', $schema, $table); $this->loadColumnData($table, $schema); $primaryKey = array(); foreach ($this->data['sqlite_columns'][$schema][$table] as $col) { if ((bool) $col['pk']) { $primaryKey[] = $col['name']; } } if (empty($primaryKey)) { $primaryKey = null; } $constraints = array(); $indexes = $this->fetchPragma('index_list', $table, $schema); foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (!((bool) $index['unique'])) { continue; } $constraint = array( 'constraint_name' => $index['name'], 'constraint_type' => 'UNIQUE', 'table_name' => $table, 'columns' => array(), ); $info = $this->fetchPragma('index_info', $index['name'], $schema); foreach ($info as $column) { $constraint['columns'][] = $column['name']; } if ($primaryKey === $constraint['columns']) { $constraint['constraint_type'] = 'PRIMARY KEY'; $primaryKey = null; } $constraints[$constraint['constraint_name']] = $constraint; } if (null !== $primaryKey) { $constraintName = '_zf_' . $table . '_PRIMARY'; $constraints[$constraintName] = array( 'constraint_name' => $constraintName, 'constraint_type' => 'PRIMARY KEY', 'table_name' => $table, 'columns' => $primaryKey, ); } $foreignKeys = $this->fetchPragma('foreign_key_list', $table, $schema); $id = $name = null; foreach ($foreignKeys as $fk) { if ($id !== $fk['id']) { $id = $fk['id']; $name = '_zf_' . $table . '_FOREIGN_KEY_' . ($id + 1); $constraints[$name] = array( 'constraint_name' => $name, 'constraint_type' => 'FOREIGN KEY', 'table_name' => $table, 'columns' => array(), 'referenced_table_schema' => $schema, 'referenced_table_name' => $fk['table'], 'referenced_columns' => array(), // TODO: Verify match, on_update, and on_delete values conform to SQL Standard 'match_option' => strtoupper($fk['match']), 'update_rule' => strtoupper($fk['on_update']), 'delete_rule' => strtoupper($fk['on_delete']), ); } $constraints[$name]['columns'][] = $fk['from']; $constraints[$name]['referenced_columns'][] = $fk['to']; } $this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table] = $constraints; } protected function loadTriggerData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['triggers'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('triggers', $schema); $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $sql = 'SELECT "name", "tbl_name", "sql" FROM ' . $p->quoteIdentifierChain(array($schema, 'sqlite_master')) . ' WHERE "type" = \'trigger\''; $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $triggers = array(); foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) { $trigger = array( 'trigger_name' => $row['name'], 'event_manipulation' => null, // in $row['sql'] 'event_object_catalog' => null, 'event_object_schema' => $schema, 'event_object_table' => $row['tbl_name'], 'action_order' => 0, 'action_condition' => null, // in $row['sql'] 'action_statement' => null, // in $row['sql'] 'action_orientation' => 'ROW', 'action_timing' => null, // in $row['sql'] 'action_reference_old_table' => null, 'action_reference_new_table' => null, 'action_reference_old_row' => 'OLD', 'action_reference_new_row' => 'NEW', 'created' => null, ); // Parse out extra data if (null !== ($data = $this->parseTrigger($row['sql']))) { $trigger = array_merge($trigger, $data); } $triggers[$trigger['trigger_name']] = $trigger; } $this->data['triggers'][$schema] = $triggers; } protected function fetchPragma($name, $value = null, $schema = null) { $p = $this->adapter->getPlatform(); $sql = 'PRAGMA '; if (null !== $schema) { $sql .= $p->quoteIdentifier($schema) . '.'; } $sql .= $name; if (null !== $value) { $sql .= '(' . $p->quoteTrustedValue($value) . ')'; } $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); if ($results instanceof ResultSetInterface) { return $results->toArray(); } return array(); } protected function parseView($sql) { static $re = null; if (null === $re) { $identifierChain = $this->getIdentifierChainRegularExpression(); $re = $this->buildRegularExpression(array( 'CREATE', array('TEMP|TEMPORARY'), 'VIEW', array('IF', 'NOT', 'EXISTS'), $identifierChain, 'AS', '(?.+)', array(';'), )); } if (!preg_match($re, $sql, $matches)) { return; } return array( 'view_definition' => $matches['view_definition'], ); } protected function parseTrigger($sql) { static $re = null; if (null === $re) { $identifier = $this->getIdentifierRegularExpression(); $identifierList = $this->getIdentifierListRegularExpression(); $identifierChain = $this->getIdentifierChainRegularExpression(); $re = $this->buildRegularExpression(array( 'CREATE', array('TEMP|TEMPORARY'), 'TRIGGER', array('IF', 'NOT', 'EXISTS'), $identifierChain, array('(?BEFORE|AFTER|INSTEAD\\s+OF)', ), '(?DELETE|INSERT|UPDATE)', array('OF', '(?' . $identifierList . ')'), 'ON', '(?' . $identifier . ')', array('FOR', 'EACH', 'ROW'), array('WHEN', '(?.+)'), '(?BEGIN', '.+', 'END)', array(';'), )); } if (!preg_match($re, $sql, $matches)) { return; } $data = array(); foreach ($matches as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) { $data[$key] = $value; } } // Normalize data and populate defaults, if necessary $data['event_manipulation'] = strtoupper($data['event_manipulation']); if (empty($data['action_condition'])) { $data['action_condition'] = null; } if (!empty($data['action_timing'])) { $data['action_timing'] = strtoupper($data['action_timing']); if ('I' == $data['action_timing'][0]) { // normalize the white-space between the two words $data['action_timing'] = 'INSTEAD OF'; } } else { $data['action_timing'] = 'AFTER'; } unset($data['column_usage']); return $data; } protected function buildRegularExpression(array $re) { foreach ($re as &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = '(?:' . implode('\\s*+', $value) . '\\s*+)?'; } else { $value .= '\\s*+'; } } unset($value); $re = '/^' . implode('\\s*+', $re) . '$/'; return $re; } protected function getIdentifierRegularExpression() { static $re = null; if (null === $re) { $re = '(?:' . implode('|', array( '"(?:[^"\\\\]++|\\\\.)*+"', '`(?:[^`]++|``)*+`', '\\[[^\\]]+\\]', '[^\\s\\.]+', )) . ')'; } return $re; } protected function getIdentifierChainRegularExpression() { static $re = null; if (null === $re) { $identifier = $this->getIdentifierRegularExpression(); $re = $identifier . '(?:\\s*\\.\\s*' . $identifier . ')*+'; } return $re; } protected function getIdentifierListRegularExpression() { static $re = null; if (null === $re) { $identifier = $this->getIdentifierRegularExpression(); $re = $identifier . '(?:\\s*,\\s*' . $identifier . ')*+'; } return $re; } }