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* Zend Framework (
* @link for the canonical source repository
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Console;
* Getopt is a class to parse options for command-line
* applications.
* Terminology:
* Argument: an element of the argv array. This may be part of an option,
* or it may be a non-option command-line argument.
* Flag: the letter or word set off by a '-' or '--'. Example: in '--output filename',
* '--output' is the flag.
* Parameter: the additional argument that is associated with the option.
* Example: in '--output filename', the 'filename' is the parameter.
* Option: the combination of a flag and its parameter, if any.
* Example: in '--output filename', the whole thing is the option.
* The following features are supported:
* - Short flags like '-a'. Short flags are preceded by a single
* dash. Short flags may be clustered e.g. '-abc', which is the
* same as '-a' '-b' '-c'.
* - Long flags like '--verbose'. Long flags are preceded by a
* double dash. Long flags may not be clustered.
* - Options may have a parameter, e.g. '--output filename'.
* - Parameters for long flags may also be set off with an equals sign,
* e.g. '--output=filename'.
* - Parameters for long flags may be checked as string, word, or integer.
* - Automatic generation of a helpful usage message.
* - Signal end of options with '--'; subsequent arguments are treated
* as non-option arguments, even if they begin with '-'.
* - Raise exception Zend\Console\Exception\* in several cases
* when invalid flags or parameters are given. Usage message is
* returned in the exception object.
* The format for specifying options uses a PHP associative array.
* The key is has the format of a list of pipe-separated flag names,
* followed by an optional '=' to indicate a required parameter or
* '-' to indicate an optional parameter. Following that, the type
* of parameter may be specified as 's' for string, 'w' for word,
* or 'i' for integer.
* Examples:
* - 'user|username|u=s' this means '--user' or '--username' or '-u'
* are synonyms, and the option requires a string parameter.
* - 'p=i' this means '-p' requires an integer parameter. No synonyms.
* - 'verbose|v-i' this means '--verbose' or '-v' are synonyms, and
* they take an optional integer parameter.
* - 'help|h' this means '--help' or '-h' are synonyms, and
* they take no parameter.
* The values in the associative array are strings that are used as
* brief descriptions of the options when printing a usage message.
* The simpler format for specifying options used by PHP's getopt()
* function is also supported. This is similar to GNU getopt and shell
* getopt format.
* Example: 'abc:' means options '-a', '-b', and '-c'
* are legal, and the latter requires a string parameter.
class Getopt
* The options for a given application can be in multiple formats.
* modeGnu is for traditional 'ab:c:' style getopt format.
* modeZend is for a more structured format.
const MODE_ZEND = 'zend';
const MODE_GNU = 'gnu';
* Constant tokens for various symbols used in the mode_zend
* rule format.
const PARAM_REQUIRED = '=';
const PARAM_OPTIONAL = '-';
const TYPE_STRING = 's';
const TYPE_WORD = 'w';
const TYPE_INTEGER = 'i';
const TYPE_NUMERIC_FLAG = '#';
* These are constants for optional behavior of this class.
* ruleMode is either 'zend' or 'gnu' or a user-defined mode.
* dashDash is true if '--' signifies the end of command-line options.
* ignoreCase is true if '--opt' and '--OPT' are implicitly synonyms.
* parseAll is true if all options on the command line should be parsed, regardless of
* whether an argument appears before them.
const CONFIG_RULEMODE = 'ruleMode';
const CONFIG_DASHDASH = 'dashDash';
const CONFIG_IGNORECASE = 'ignoreCase';
const CONFIG_PARSEALL = 'parseAll';
const CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_PARAMETERS = 'cumulativeParameters';
const CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_FLAGS = 'cumulativeFlags';
const CONFIG_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR = 'parameterSeparator';
const CONFIG_FREEFORM_FLAGS = 'freeformFlags';
const CONFIG_NUMERIC_FLAGS = 'numericFlags';
* Defaults for getopt configuration are:
* ruleMode is 'zend' format,
* dashDash (--) token is enabled,
* ignoreCase is not enabled,
* parseAll is enabled,
* cumulative parameters are disabled,
* this means that subsequent options overwrite the parameter value,
* cumulative flags are disable,
* freeform flags are disable.
protected $getoptConfig = array(
self::CONFIG_DASHDASH => true,
self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE => false,
self::CONFIG_PARSEALL => true,
* Stores the command-line arguments for the calling application.
* @var array
protected $argv = array();
* Stores the name of the calling application.
* @var string
protected $progname = '';
* Stores the list of legal options for this application.
* @var array
protected $rules = array();
* Stores alternate spellings of legal options.
* @var array
protected $ruleMap = array();
* Stores options given by the user in the current invocation
* of the application, as well as parameters given in options.
* @var array
protected $options = array();
* Stores the command-line arguments other than options.
* @var array
protected $remainingArgs = array();
* State of the options: parsed or not yet parsed?
* @var bool
protected $parsed = false;
* A list of callbacks to call when a particular option is present.
* @var array
protected $optionCallbacks = array();
* The constructor takes one to three parameters.
* The first parameter is $rules, which may be a string for
* gnu-style format, or a structured array for Zend-style format.
* The second parameter is $argv, and it is optional. If not
* specified, $argv is inferred from the global argv.
* The third parameter is an array of configuration parameters
* to control the behavior of this instance of Getopt; it is optional.
* @param array $rules
* @param array $argv
* @param array $getoptConfig
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct($rules, $argv = null, $getoptConfig = array())
if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
$errorDescription = (ini_get('register_argc_argv') == false)
? "argv is not available, because ini option 'register_argc_argv' is set Off"
: '$_SERVER["argv"] is not set, but Zend\Console\Getopt cannot work without this information.';
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($errorDescription);
$this->progname = $_SERVER['argv'][0];
if (!is_array($argv)) {
$argv = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1);
if (isset($argv)) {
$this->addArguments((array) $argv);
* Return the state of the option seen on the command line of the
* current application invocation. This function returns true, or the
* parameter to the option, if any. If the option was not given,
* this function returns null.
* The magic __get method works in the context of naming the option
* as a virtual member of this class.
* @param string $key
* @return string
public function __get($key)
return $this->getOption($key);
* Test whether a given option has been seen.
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function __isset($key)
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$key])) {
$key = $this->ruleMap[$key];
return isset($this->options[$key]);
return false;
* Set the value for a given option.
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
public function __set($key, $value)
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$key])) {
$key = $this->ruleMap[$key];
$this->options[$key] = $value;
* Return the current set of options and parameters seen as a string.
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->toString();
* Unset an option.
* @param string $key
public function __unset($key)
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$key])) {
$key = $this->ruleMap[$key];
* Define additional command-line arguments.
* These are appended to those defined when the constructor was called.
* @param array $argv
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException When not given an array as parameter
* @return self
public function addArguments($argv)
if (!is_array($argv)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("Parameter #1 to addArguments should be an array");
$this->argv = array_merge($this->argv, $argv);
$this->parsed = false;
return $this;
* Define full set of command-line arguments.
* These replace any currently defined.
* @param array $argv
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException When not given an array as parameter
* @return self
public function setArguments($argv)
if (!is_array($argv)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("Parameter #1 to setArguments should be an array");
$this->argv = $argv;
$this->parsed = false;
return $this;
* Define multiple configuration options from an associative array.
* These are not program options, but properties to configure
* the behavior of Zend\Console\Getopt.
* @param array $getoptConfig
* @return self
public function setOptions($getoptConfig)
if (isset($getoptConfig)) {
foreach ($getoptConfig as $key => $value) {
$this->setOption($key, $value);
return $this;
* Define one configuration option as a key/value pair.
* These are not program options, but properties to configure
* the behavior of Zend\Console\Getopt.
* @param string $configKey
* @param string $configValue
* @return self
public function setOption($configKey, $configValue)
if ($configKey !== null) {
$this->getoptConfig[$configKey] = $configValue;
return $this;
* Define additional option rules.
* These are appended to the rules defined when the constructor was called.
* @param array $rules
* @return self
public function addRules($rules)
$ruleMode = $this->getoptConfig['ruleMode'];
switch ($this->getoptConfig['ruleMode']) {
case self::MODE_ZEND:
if (is_array($rules)) {
// intentional fallthrough
case self::MODE_GNU:
* Call addRulesModeFoo() for ruleMode 'foo'.
* The developer should subclass Getopt and
* provide this method.
$method = '_addRulesMode' . ucfirst($ruleMode);
$this->parsed = false;
return $this;
* Return the current set of options and parameters seen as a string.
* @return string
public function toString()
$s = array();
foreach ($this->options as $flag => $value) {
$s[] = $flag . '=' . ($value === true ? 'true' : $value);
return implode(' ', $s);
* Return the current set of options and parameters seen
* as an array of canonical options and parameters.
* Clusters have been expanded, and option aliases
* have been mapped to their primary option names.
* @return array
public function toArray()
$s = array();
foreach ($this->options as $flag => $value) {
$s[] = $flag;
if ($value !== true) {
$s[] = $value;
return $s;
* Return the current set of options and parameters seen in Json format.
* @return string
public function toJson()
$j = array();
foreach ($this->options as $flag => $value) {
$j['options'][] = array(
'option' => array(
'flag' => $flag,
'parameter' => $value
$json = \Zend\Json\Json::encode($j);
return $json;
* Return the current set of options and parameters seen in XML format.
* @return string
public function toXml()
$doc = new \DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$optionsNode = $doc->createElement('options');
foreach ($this->options as $flag => $value) {
$optionNode = $doc->createElement('option');
$optionNode->setAttribute('flag', utf8_encode($flag));
if ($value !== true) {
$optionNode->setAttribute('parameter', utf8_encode($value));
$xml = $doc->saveXML();
return $xml;
* Return a list of options that have been seen in the current argv.
* @return array
public function getOptions()
return array_keys($this->options);
* Return the state of the option seen on the command line of the
* current application invocation.
* This function returns true, or the parameter value to the option, if any.
* If the option was not given, this function returns false.
* @param string $flag
* @return mixed
public function getOption($flag)
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE]) {
$flag = strtolower($flag);
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
$flag = $this->ruleMap[$flag];
if (isset($this->options[$flag])) {
return $this->options[$flag];
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* Return the arguments from the command-line following all options found.
* @return array
public function getRemainingArgs()
return $this->remainingArgs;
public function getArguments()
$result = $this->getRemainingArgs();
foreach ($this->getOptions() as $option) {
$result[$option] = $this->getOption($option);
return $result;
* Return a useful option reference, formatted for display in an
* error message.
* Note that this usage information is provided in most Exceptions
* generated by this class.
* @return string
public function getUsageMessage()
$usage = "Usage: {$this->progname} [ options ]\n";
$maxLen = 20;
$lines = array();
foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
if (isset($rule['isFreeformFlag'])) {
$flags = array();
if (is_array($rule['alias'])) {
foreach ($rule['alias'] as $flag) {
$flags[] = (strlen($flag) == 1 ? '-' : '--') . $flag;
$linepart['name'] = implode('|', $flags);
if (isset($rule['param']) && $rule['param'] != 'none') {
$linepart['name'] .= ' ';
switch ($rule['param']) {
case 'optional':
$linepart['name'] .= "[ <{$rule['paramType']}> ]";
case 'required':
$linepart['name'] .= "<{$rule['paramType']}>";
if (strlen($linepart['name']) > $maxLen) {
$maxLen = strlen($linepart['name']);
$linepart['help'] = '';
if (isset($rule['help'])) {
$linepart['help'] .= $rule['help'];
$lines[] = $linepart;
foreach ($lines as $linepart) {
$usage .= sprintf(
"%s %s\n",
str_pad($linepart['name'], $maxLen),
return $usage;
* Define aliases for options.
* The parameter $aliasMap is an associative array
* mapping option name (short or long) to an alias.
* @param array $aliasMap
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
* @return self
public function setAliases($aliasMap)
foreach ($aliasMap as $flag => $alias) {
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE]) {
$flag = strtolower($flag);
$alias = strtolower($alias);
if (!isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
$flag = $this->ruleMap[$flag];
if (isset($this->rules[$alias]) || isset($this->ruleMap[$alias])) {
$o = (strlen($alias) == 1 ? '-' : '--') . $alias;
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("Option \"$o\" is being defined more than once.");
$this->rules[$flag]['alias'][] = $alias;
$this->ruleMap[$alias] = $flag;
return $this;
* Define help messages for options.
* The parameter $helpMap is an associative array
* mapping option name (short or long) to the help string.
* @param array $helpMap
* @return self
public function setHelp($helpMap)
foreach ($helpMap as $flag => $help) {
if (!isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
$flag = $this->ruleMap[$flag];
$this->rules[$flag]['help'] = $help;
return $this;
* Parse command-line arguments and find both long and short
* options.
* Also find option parameters, and remaining arguments after
* all options have been parsed.
* @return self
public function parse()
if ($this->parsed === true) {
return $this;
$argv = $this->argv;
$this->options = array();
$this->remainingArgs = array();
while (count($argv) > 0) {
if ($argv[0] == '--') {
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_DASHDASH]) {
$this->remainingArgs = array_merge($this->remainingArgs, $argv);
if (substr($argv[0], 0, 2) == '--') {
} elseif (substr($argv[0], 0, 1) == '-' && ('-' != $argv[0] || count($argv) >1)) {
} elseif ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_PARSEALL]) {
$this->remainingArgs[] = array_shift($argv);
} else {
* We should put all other arguments in remainingArgs and stop parsing
* since CONFIG_PARSEALL is false.
$this->remainingArgs = array_merge($this->remainingArgs, $argv);
$this->parsed = true;
//go through parsed args and process callbacks
return $this;
* @param string $option The name of the property which, if present, will call the passed
* callback with the value of this parameter.
* @param callable $callback The callback that will be called for this option. The first
* parameter will be the value of getOption($option), the second
* parameter will be a reference to $this object. If the callback returns
* false then an Exception\RuntimeException will be thrown indicating that
* there is a parse issue with this option.
* @return self
public function setOptionCallback($option, \Closure $callback)
$this->optionCallbacks[$option] = $callback;
return $this;
* Triggers all the registered callbacks.
protected function triggerCallbacks()
foreach ($this->optionCallbacks as $option => $callback) {
if (null === $this->getOption($option)) {
//make sure we've resolved the alias, if using one
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$option]) && $option = $this->ruleMap[$option]) {
if (false === $callback($this->getOption($option), $this)) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"The option $option is invalid. See usage.",
* Parse command-line arguments for a single long option.
* A long option is preceded by a double '--' character.
* Long options may not be clustered.
* @param mixed &$argv
protected function _parseLongOption(&$argv)
$optionWithParam = ltrim(array_shift($argv), '-');
$l = explode('=', $optionWithParam, 2);
$flag = array_shift($l);
$param = array_shift($l);
if (isset($param)) {
array_unshift($argv, $param);
$this->_parseSingleOption($flag, $argv);
* Parse command-line arguments for short options.
* Short options are those preceded by a single '-' character.
* Short options may be clustered.
* @param mixed &$argv
protected function _parseShortOptionCluster(&$argv)
$flagCluster = ltrim(array_shift($argv), '-');
foreach (str_split($flagCluster) as $flag) {
$this->_parseSingleOption($flag, $argv);
* Parse command-line arguments for a single option.
* @param string $flag
* @param mixed $argv
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function _parseSingleOption($flag, &$argv)
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE]) {
$flag = strtolower($flag);
// Check if this option is numeric one
if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $flag)) {
return $this->_setNumericOptionValue($flag);
if (!isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
// Don't throw Exception for flag-like param in case when freeform flags are allowed
if (!$this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_FREEFORM_FLAGS]) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Option \"$flag\" is not recognized.",
// Magic methods in future will use this mark as real flag value
$this->ruleMap[$flag] = $flag;
$realFlag = $flag;
$this->rules[$realFlag] = array(
'param' => 'optional',
'isFreeformFlag' => true
} else {
$realFlag = $this->ruleMap[$flag];
switch ($this->rules[$realFlag]['param']) {
case 'required':
if (count($argv) > 0) {
$param = array_shift($argv);
$this->_checkParameterType($realFlag, $param);
} else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Option \"$flag\" requires a parameter.",
case 'optional':
if (count($argv) > 0 && substr($argv[0], 0, 1) != '-') {
$param = array_shift($argv);
$this->_checkParameterType($realFlag, $param);
} else {
$param = true;
$param = true;
$this->_setSingleOptionValue($realFlag, $param);
* Set given value as value of numeric option
* Throw runtime exception if this action is deny by configuration
* or no one numeric option handlers is defined
* @param int $value
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
* @return void
protected function _setNumericOptionValue($value)
if (!$this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_NUMERIC_FLAGS]) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Using of numeric flags are deny by configuration");
if (empty($this->getoptConfig['numericFlagsOption'])) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Any option for handling numeric flags are specified");
return $this->_setSingleOptionValue($this->getoptConfig['numericFlagsOption'], $value);
* Add relative to options' flag value
* If options list already has current flag as key
* and parser should follow cumulative params by configuration,
* we should to add new param to array, not to overwrite
* @param string $flag
* @param string $value
protected function _setSingleOptionValue($flag, $value)
if (true === $value && $this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_FLAGS]) {
// For boolean values we have to create new flag, or increase number of flags' usage count
return $this->_setBooleanFlagValue($flag);
// Split multiple values, if necessary
// Filter empty values from splited array
$separator = $this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR];
if (is_string($value) && !empty($separator) && is_string($separator) && substr_count($value, $separator)) {
$value = array_filter(explode($separator, $value));
if (!array_key_exists($flag, $this->options)) {
$this->options[$flag] = $value;
} elseif ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_PARAMETERS]) {
$this->options[$flag] = (array) $this->options[$flag];
array_push($this->options[$flag], $value);
} else {
$this->options[$flag] = $value;
* Set TRUE value to given flag, if this option does not exist yet
* In other case increase value to show count of flags' usage
* @param string $flag
protected function _setBooleanFlagValue($flag)
$this->options[$flag] = array_key_exists($flag, $this->options)
? (int) $this->options[$flag] + 1
: true;
* Return true if the parameter is in a valid format for
* the option $flag.
* Throw an exception in most other cases.
* @param string $flag
* @param string $param
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
* @return bool
protected function _checkParameterType($flag, $param)
$type = 'string';
if (isset($this->rules[$flag]['paramType'])) {
$type = $this->rules[$flag]['paramType'];
switch ($type) {
case 'word':
if (preg_match('/\W/', $param)) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Option \"$flag\" requires a single-word parameter, but was given \"$param\".",
case 'integer':
if (preg_match('/\D/', $param)) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Option \"$flag\" requires an integer parameter, but was given \"$param\".",
case 'string':
return true;
* Define legal options using the gnu-style format.
* @param string $rules
protected function _addRulesModeGnu($rules)
$ruleArray = array();
* Options may be single alphanumeric characters.
* Options may have a ':' which indicates a required string parameter.
* No long options or option aliases are supported in GNU style.
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9]:?)/', $rules, $ruleArray);
foreach ($ruleArray[1] as $rule) {
$r = array();
$flag = substr($rule, 0, 1);
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE]) {
$flag = strtolower($flag);
$r['alias'][] = $flag;
if (substr($rule, 1, 1) == ':') {
$r['param'] = 'required';
$r['paramType'] = 'string';
} else {
$r['param'] = 'none';
$this->rules[$flag] = $r;
$this->ruleMap[$flag] = $flag;
* Define legal options using the Zend-style format.
* @param array $rules
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function _addRulesModeZend($rules)
foreach ($rules as $ruleCode => $helpMessage) {
// this may have to translate the long parm type if there
// are any complaints that =string will not work (even though that use
// case is not documented)
if (in_array(substr($ruleCode, -2, 1), array('-', '='))) {
$flagList = substr($ruleCode, 0, -2);
$delimiter = substr($ruleCode, -2, 1);
$paramType = substr($ruleCode, -1);
} else {
$flagList = $ruleCode;
$delimiter = $paramType = null;
if ($this->getoptConfig[self::CONFIG_IGNORECASE]) {
$flagList = strtolower($flagList);
$flags = explode('|', $flagList);
$rule = array();
$mainFlag = $flags[0];
foreach ($flags as $flag) {
if (empty($flag)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("Blank flag not allowed in rule \"$ruleCode\".");
if (strlen($flag) == 1) {
if (isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
"Option \"-$flag\" is being defined more than once."
$this->ruleMap[$flag] = $mainFlag;
$rule['alias'][] = $flag;
} else {
if (isset($this->rules[$flag]) || isset($this->ruleMap[$flag])) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
"Option \"--$flag\" is being defined more than once."
$this->ruleMap[$flag] = $mainFlag;
$rule['alias'][] = $flag;
if (isset($delimiter)) {
switch ($delimiter) {
case self::PARAM_REQUIRED:
$rule['param'] = 'required';
case self::PARAM_OPTIONAL:
$rule['param'] = 'optional';
switch (substr($paramType, 0, 1)) {
case self::TYPE_WORD:
$rule['paramType'] = 'word';
case self::TYPE_INTEGER:
$rule['paramType'] = 'integer';
$rule['paramType'] = 'numericFlag';
$this->getoptConfig['numericFlagsOption'] = $mainFlag;
case self::TYPE_STRING:
$rule['paramType'] = 'string';
} else {
$rule['param'] = 'none';
$rule['help'] = $helpMessage;
$this->rules[$mainFlag] = $rule;