
110 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));
if (!$bb_cfg['topic_notify_enabled'])
2023-04-01 08:43:34 +03:00
// Define censored word matches
$orig_word = $replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word);
$page_cfg['use_tablesorter'] = true;
$page_cfg['include_bbcode_js'] = true;
$tracking_topics = get_tracks('topic');
$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? abs(intval($_GET['start'])) : 0;
$per_page = $bb_cfg['topics_per_page'];
if (isset($_POST['topic_id_list']))
$topic_ids = implode(",", $_POST['topic_id_list']);
$sql = "DELETE FROM ". BB_TOPICS_WATCH ." WHERE topic_id IN(". $topic_ids .") AND user_id = $user_id";
if (!($result = DB() ->sql_query($sql)))
bb_die('Could not delete topic watch information #1');
'S_FORM_ACTION' => BB_ROOT .'profile.php?mode=watch',
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(topic_id) as watch_count FROM ". BB_TOPICS_WATCH ." WHERE user_id = $user_id";
if ( !($result = DB() ->sql_query($sql)) )
bb_die('Could not obtain watch topic information #2');
$row = DB() ->sql_fetchrow($result);
$watch_count = ( $row['watch_count'] ) ? $row['watch_count'] : 0;
DB() ->sql_freeresult($result);
if ($watch_count > 0)
$sql = "SELECT w.*, t.*, f.*, u.*, u2.username as last_username, u2.user_id as last_user_id,
u2.user_level as last_user_level, u2.user_rank as last_user_rank
FROM ". BB_TOPICS_WATCH ." w, ". BB_TOPICS ." t, ". BB_USERS ." u, ". BB_FORUMS ." f, ". BB_POSTS ." p, " . BB_USERS . " u2
WHERE w.topic_id = t.topic_id
AND t.forum_id = f.forum_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p.poster_id = u2.user_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND w.user_id = $user_id
GROUP BY t.topic_last_post_time DESC
LIMIT $start, $per_page";
if (!($result = DB() ->sql_query($sql)))
bb_die('Could not obtain watch topic information #3');
$watch = DB() ->sql_fetchrowset($result);
if ($watch)
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($watch); $i++ )
$is_unread = is_unread($watch[$i]['topic_last_post_time'], $watch[$i]['topic_id'], $watch[$i]['forum_id']);
$template->assign_block_vars('watch', array(
'ROW_CLASS' => ( !($i % 2) ) ? 'row1' : 'row2',
'POST_ID' => $watch[$i]['topic_first_post_id'],
'TOPIC_ID' => $watch[$i]['topic_id'],
2023-04-01 08:43:34 +03:00
'TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr(str_short(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $watch[$i]['topic_title']), 70)),
'FULL_TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr(preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $watch[$i]['topic_title'])),
'U_TOPIC' => TOPIC_URL . $watch[$i]['topic_id'],
'FORUM_TITLE' => wbr($watch[$i]['forum_name']),
'U_FORUM' => FORUM_URL . $watch[$i]['forum_id'],
'REPLIES' => $watch[$i]['topic_replies'],
'AUTHOR' => profile_url($watch[$i]),
'LAST_POST' => bb_date($watch[$i]['topic_last_post_time']) .'<br />'. profile_url(array('user_id' => $watch[$i]['last_user_id'], 'username' => $watch[$i]['last_username'], 'user_rank' => $watch[$i]['last_user_rank'])),
2023-12-19 04:32:06 +03:00
'LAST_POST_RAW' => $watch[$i]['topic_last_post_time'],
'LAST_POST_ID' => $watch[$i]['topic_last_post_id'],
'IS_UNREAD' => $is_unread,
'TOPIC_ICON' => get_topic_icon($watch[$i], $is_unread),
'PAGINATION' => ($watch[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED) ? '' : build_topic_pagination(TOPIC_URL . $watch[$i]['topic_id'], $watch[$i]['topic_replies'], $bb_cfg['posts_per_page']),
'MATCHES' => (count($watch) == 1) ? sprintf($lang['FOUND_SEARCH_MATCH'], count($watch)) : sprintf($lang['FOUND_SEARCH_MATCHES'], count($watch)),
'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination(BB_ROOT .'profile.php?mode=watch', $watch_count, $per_page, $start),
'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['PAGE_OF'], ( floor( $start / $per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $watch_count / $per_page )),
'U_PER_PAGE' => BB_ROOT .'profile.php?mode=watch',
'PER_PAGE' => $per_page,
DB() ->sql_freeresult($result);
2023-10-22 08:47:20 +03:00