2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
< ? php
* Zend Framework ( http :// framework . zend . com / )
* @ link http :// github . com / zendframework / zf2 for the canonical source repository
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* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform ;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\DriverInterface ;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo ;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pgsql ;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception ;
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class Postgresql extends AbstractPlatform
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* Overrides value from AbstractPlatform to use proper escaping for Postgres
* @ var string
protected $quoteIdentifierTo = '""' ;
* @ var resource | \PDO
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protected $resource = null ;
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* @ param null | \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pgsql\Pgsql | \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo | resource | \PDO $driver
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public function __construct ( $driver = null )
if ( $driver ) {
$this -> setDriver ( $driver );
* @ param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pgsql\Pgsql | \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo | resource | \PDO $driver
* @ throws \Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @ return $this
public function setDriver ( $driver )
if ( $driver instanceof Pgsql\Pgsql
|| ( $driver instanceof Pdo\Pdo && $driver -> getDatabasePlatformName () == 'Postgresql' )
|| ( is_resource ( $driver ) && ( in_array ( get_resource_type ( $driver ), array ( 'pgsql link' , 'pgsql link persistent' ))))
|| ( $driver instanceof \PDO && $driver -> getAttribute ( \PDO :: ATTR_DRIVER_NAME ) == 'pgsql' )
) {
$this -> resource = $driver ;
return $this ;
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException ( '$driver must be a Pgsql or Postgresql PDO Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver, pgsql link resource or Postgresql PDO instance' );
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* { @ inheritDoc }
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public function getName ()
return 'PostgreSQL' ;
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* { @ inheritDoc }
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public function quoteIdentifierChain ( $identifierChain )
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return '"' . implode ( '"."' , ( array ) str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $identifierChain )) . '"' ;
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* { @ inheritDoc }
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public function quoteValue ( $value )
if ( $this -> resource instanceof DriverInterface ) {
$this -> resource = $this -> resource -> getConnection () -> getResource ();
if ( is_resource ( $this -> resource )) {
return '\'' . pg_escape_string ( $this -> resource , $value ) . '\'' ;
if ( $this -> resource instanceof \PDO ) {
return $this -> resource -> quote ( $value );
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return 'E' . parent :: quoteValue ( $value );
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* { @ inheritDoc }
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public function quoteTrustedValue ( $value )
if ( $this -> resource instanceof DriverInterface ) {
$this -> resource = $this -> resource -> getConnection () -> getResource ();
if ( is_resource ( $this -> resource )) {
return '\'' . pg_escape_string ( $this -> resource , $value ) . '\'' ;
if ( $this -> resource instanceof \PDO ) {
return $this -> resource -> quote ( $value );
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return 'E' . parent :: quoteTrustedValue ( $value );
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