2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
< ? php
* Zend Framework ( http :// framework . zend . com / )
* @ link http :// github . com / zendframework / zf2 for the canonical source repository
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Di\ServiceLocator ;
use Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator ;
use Zend\Code\Generator\FileGenerator ;
use Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator ;
use Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator ;
use Zend\Di\Di ;
use Zend\Di\Exception ;
* Generator that creates the body of a service locator that can emulate the logic of the given Zend\Di\Di instance
* without class definitions
class Generator
protected $containerClass = 'ApplicationContext' ;
/** @var DependencyInjectorProxy */
protected $injector ;
* @ var null | string
protected $namespace ;
* Constructor
* Requires a DependencyInjection manager on which to operate .
* @ param Di $injector
public function __construct ( Di $injector )
$this -> injector = new DependencyInjectorProxy ( $injector );
* Set the class name for the generated service locator container
* @ param string $name
* @ return Generator
public function setContainerClass ( $name )
$this -> containerClass = $name ;
return $this ;
* Set the namespace to use for the generated class file
* @ param string $namespace
* @ return Generator
public function setNamespace ( $namespace )
$this -> namespace = $namespace ;
return $this ;
* Construct , configure , and return a PHP class file code generation object
* Creates a Zend\Code\Generator\FileGenerator object that has
* created the specified class and service locator methods .
* @ param null | string $filename
* @ throws \Zend\Di\Exception\RuntimeException
* @ return FileGenerator
public function getCodeGenerator ( $filename = null )
$injector = $this -> injector ;
$im = $injector -> instanceManager ();
$indent = ' ' ;
$aliases = $this -> reduceAliases ( $im -> getAliases ());
$caseStatements = array ();
$getters = array ();
$definitions = $injector -> definitions ();
$fetched = array_unique ( array_merge ( $definitions -> getClasses (), $im -> getAliases ()));
foreach ( $fetched as $name ) {
$getter = $this -> normalizeAlias ( $name );
$meta = $injector -> get ( $name );
$params = $meta -> getParams ();
// Build parameter list for instantiation
foreach ( $params as $key => $param ) {
if ( null === $param || is_scalar ( $param ) || is_array ( $param )) {
$string = var_export ( $param , 1 );
if ( strstr ( $string , '::__set_state(' )) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException ( 'Arguments in definitions may not contain objects' );
$params [ $key ] = $string ;
} elseif ( $param instanceof GeneratorInstance ) {
/* @var $param GeneratorInstance */
$params [ $key ] = sprintf ( '$this->%s()' , $this -> normalizeAlias ( $param -> getName ()));
} else {
$message = sprintf ( 'Unable to use object arguments when building containers. Encountered with "%s", parameter of type "%s"' , $name , get_class ( $param ));
throw new Exception\RuntimeException ( $message );
// Strip null arguments from the end of the params list
$reverseParams = array_reverse ( $params , true );
foreach ( $reverseParams as $key => $param ) {
if ( 'NULL' === $param ) {
unset ( $params [ $key ]);
continue ;
break ;
// Create instantiation code
$constructor = $meta -> getConstructor ();
if ( '__construct' != $constructor ) {
// Constructor callback
$callback = var_export ( $constructor , 1 );
if ( strstr ( $callback , '::__set_state(' )) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException ( 'Unable to build containers that use callbacks requiring object instances' );
if ( count ( $params )) {
$creation = sprintf ( '$object = call_user_func(%s, %s);' , $callback , implode ( ', ' , $params ));
} else {
$creation = sprintf ( '$object = call_user_func(%s);' , $callback );
} else {
// Normal instantiation
$className = '\\' . ltrim ( $name , '\\' );
$creation = sprintf ( '$object = new %s(%s);' , $className , implode ( ', ' , $params ));
// Create method call code
$methods = '' ;
foreach ( $meta -> getMethods () as $methodData ) {
if ( ! isset ( $methodData [ 'name' ]) && ! isset ( $methodData [ 'method' ])) {
continue ;
$methodName = isset ( $methodData [ 'name' ]) ? $methodData [ 'name' ] : $methodData [ 'method' ];
$methodParams = $methodData [ 'params' ];
// Create method parameter representation
foreach ( $methodParams as $key => $param ) {
if ( null === $param || is_scalar ( $param ) || is_array ( $param )) {
$string = var_export ( $param , 1 );
if ( strstr ( $string , '::__set_state(' )) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException ( 'Arguments in definitions may not contain objects' );
$methodParams [ $key ] = $string ;
} elseif ( $param instanceof GeneratorInstance ) {
$methodParams [ $key ] = sprintf ( '$this->%s()' , $this -> normalizeAlias ( $param -> getName ()));
} else {
$message = sprintf ( 'Unable to use object arguments when generating method calls. Encountered with class "%s", method "%s", parameter of type "%s"' , $name , $methodName , get_class ( $param ));
throw new Exception\RuntimeException ( $message );
// Strip null arguments from the end of the params list
$reverseParams = array_reverse ( $methodParams , true );
foreach ( $reverseParams as $key => $param ) {
if ( 'NULL' === $param ) {
unset ( $methodParams [ $key ]);
continue ;
break ;
$methods .= sprintf ( " \$ object->%s(%s); \n " , $methodName , implode ( ', ' , $methodParams ));
// Generate caching statement
$storage = '' ;
if ( $im -> hasSharedInstance ( $name , $params )) {
$storage = sprintf ( " \$ this->services['%s'] = \$ object; \n " , $name );
// Start creating getter
$getterBody = '' ;
// Create fetch of stored service
if ( $im -> hasSharedInstance ( $name , $params )) {
$getterBody .= sprintf ( " if (isset( \$ this->services['%s'])) { \n " , $name );
$getterBody .= sprintf ( " %sreturn \$ this->services['%s']; \n } \n \n " , $indent , $name );
// Creation and method calls
$getterBody .= sprintf ( " %s \n " , $creation );
$getterBody .= $methods ;
// Stored service
$getterBody .= $storage ;
// End getter body
$getterBody .= " return \$ object; \n " ;
$getterDef = new MethodGenerator ();
$getterDef -> setName ( $getter );
$getterDef -> setBody ( $getterBody );
$getters [] = $getterDef ;
// Get cases for case statements
$cases = array ( $name );
if ( isset ( $aliases [ $name ])) {
$cases = array_merge ( $aliases [ $name ], $cases );
// Build case statement and store
$statement = '' ;
foreach ( $cases as $value ) {
$statement .= sprintf ( " %scase '%s': \n " , $indent , $value );
$statement .= sprintf ( " %sreturn \$ this->%s(); \n " , str_repeat ( $indent , 2 ), $getter );
$caseStatements [] = $statement ;
// Build switch statement
$switch = sprintf ( " switch (%s) { \n %s \n " , '$name' , implode ( " \n " , $caseStatements ));
$switch .= sprintf ( " %sdefault: \n %sreturn parent::get(%s, %s); \n " , $indent , str_repeat ( $indent , 2 ), '$name' , '$params' );
$switch .= " } \n \n " ;
// Build get() method
$nameParam = new ParameterGenerator ();
$nameParam -> setName ( 'name' );
$paramsParam = new ParameterGenerator ();
$paramsParam -> setName ( 'params' )
-> setType ( 'array' )
-> setDefaultValue ( array ());
$get = new MethodGenerator ();
$get -> setName ( 'get' );
$get -> setParameters ( array (
$nameParam ,
$paramsParam ,
$get -> setBody ( $switch );
// Create getters for aliases
$aliasMethods = array ();
foreach ( $aliases as $class => $classAliases ) {
foreach ( $classAliases as $alias ) {
$aliasMethods [] = $this -> getCodeGenMethodFromAlias ( $alias , $class );
// Create class code generation object
$container = new ClassGenerator ();
$container -> setName ( $this -> containerClass )
-> setExtendedClass ( 'ServiceLocator' )
-> addMethodFromGenerator ( $get )
-> addMethods ( $getters )
-> addMethods ( $aliasMethods );
// Create PHP file code generation object
$classFile = new FileGenerator ();
$classFile -> setUse ( 'Zend\Di\ServiceLocator' )
-> setClass ( $container );
if ( null !== $this -> namespace ) {
$classFile -> setNamespace ( $this -> namespace );
if ( null !== $filename ) {
$classFile -> setFilename ( $filename );
return $classFile ;
* Reduces aliases
* Takes alias list and reduces it to a 2 - dimensional array of
* class names pointing to an array of aliases that resolve to
* it .
* @ param array $aliasList
* @ return array
protected function reduceAliases ( array $aliasList )
$reduced = array ();
$aliases = array_keys ( $aliasList );
foreach ( $aliasList as $alias => $service ) {
if ( in_array ( $service , $aliases )) {
do {
$service = $aliasList [ $service ];
} while ( in_array ( $service , $aliases ));
if ( ! isset ( $reduced [ $service ])) {
$reduced [ $service ] = array ();
$reduced [ $service ][] = $alias ;
return $reduced ;
* Create a PhpMethod code generation object named after a given alias
* @ param string $alias
* @ param string $class Class to which alias refers
* @ return MethodGenerator
protected function getCodeGenMethodFromAlias ( $alias , $class )
$alias = $this -> normalizeAlias ( $alias );
$method = new MethodGenerator ();
$method -> setName ( $alias );
$method -> setBody ( sprintf ( 'return $this->get(\'%s\');' , $class ));
return $method ;
* Normalize an alias to a getter method name
* @ param string $alias
* @ return string
protected function normalizeAlias ( $alias )
$normalized = preg_replace ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/' , ' ' , $alias );
$normalized = 'get' . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , ucwords ( $normalized ));
return $normalized ;