2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
* Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
* @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter;
use stdClass;
use Zend\Cache\Exception;
use Zend\Cache\Storage\Capabilities;
abstract class AbstractZendServer extends AbstractAdapter
* The namespace separator used on Zend Data Cache functions
* @var string
/* reading */
* Internal method to get an item.
* @param string $normalizedKey
* @param bool $success
* @param mixed $casToken
* @return mixed Data on success, null on failure
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalGetItem(& $normalizedKey, & $success = null, & $casToken = null)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
$prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
$result = $this->zdcFetch($prefix . $normalizedKey);
if ($result === null) {
$success = false;
} else {
$success = true;
$casToken = $result;
return $result;
* Internal method to get multiple items.
* @param array $normalizedKeys
* @return array Associative array of keys and values
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalGetItems(array & $normalizedKeys)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
if ($namespace === '') {
return $this->zdcFetchMulti($normalizedKeys);
$prefix = $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
$internalKeys = array();
foreach ($normalizedKeys as $normalizedKey) {
$internalKeys[] = $prefix . $normalizedKey;
$fetch = $this->zdcFetchMulti($internalKeys);
$result = array();
$prefixL = strlen($prefix);
foreach ($fetch as $k => & $v) {
$result[substr($k, $prefixL)] = $v;
return $result;
* Internal method to test if an item exists.
* @param string $normalizedKey
* @return bool
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalHasItem(& $normalizedKey)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
$prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
return ($this->zdcFetch($prefix . $normalizedKey) !== false);
* Internal method to test multiple items.
* @param array $normalizedKeys
* @return array Array of found keys
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalHasItems(array & $normalizedKeys)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
if ($namespace === '') {
return array_keys($this->zdcFetchMulti($normalizedKeys));
$prefix = $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
$internalKeys = array();
foreach ($normalizedKeys as $normalizedKey) {
$internalKeys[] = $prefix . $normalizedKey;
$fetch = $this->zdcFetchMulti($internalKeys);
$result = array();
$prefixL = strlen($prefix);
foreach ($fetch as $internalKey => & $value) {
$result[] = substr($internalKey, $prefixL);
return $result;
* Get metadata for multiple items
* @param array $normalizedKeys
* @return array Associative array of keys and metadata
* @triggers getMetadatas.pre(PreEvent)
* @triggers getMetadatas.post(PostEvent)
* @triggers getMetadatas.exception(ExceptionEvent)
protected function internalGetMetadatas(array & $normalizedKeys)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
if ($namespace === '') {
$result = $this->zdcFetchMulti($normalizedKeys);
return array_fill_keys(array_keys($result), array());
$prefix = $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
$internalKeys = array();
foreach ($normalizedKeys as $normalizedKey) {
$internalKeys[] = $prefix . $normalizedKey;
$fetch = $this->zdcFetchMulti($internalKeys);
$result = array();
$prefixL = strlen($prefix);
foreach ($fetch as $internalKey => $value) {
$result[substr($internalKey, $prefixL)] = array();
return $result;
/* writing */
* Internal method to store an item.
* @param string $normalizedKey
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalSetItem(& $normalizedKey, & $value)
$options = $this->getOptions();
$namespace = $options->getNamespace();
$prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
$this->zdcStore($prefix . $normalizedKey, $value, $options->getTtl());
return true;
* Internal method to remove an item.
* @param string $normalizedKey
* @return bool
* @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface
protected function internalRemoveItem(& $normalizedKey)
$namespace = $this->getOptions()->getNamespace();
$prefix = ($namespace === '') ? '' : $namespace . self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
return $this->zdcDelete($prefix . $normalizedKey);
/* status */
* Internal method to get capabilities of this adapter
* @return Capabilities
protected function internalGetCapabilities()
if ($this->capabilities === null) {
$this->capabilityMarker = new stdClass();
$this->capabilities = new Capabilities(
'supportedDatatypes' => array(
'NULL' => true,
'boolean' => true,
'integer' => true,
'double' => true,
'string' => true,
'array' => true,
'object' => 'object',
'resource' => false,
'supportedMetadata' => array(),
'maxTtl' => 0,
'staticTtl' => true,
'ttlPrecision' => 1,
'useRequestTime' => false,
'expiredRead' => false,
'maxKeyLength' => 0,
'namespaceIsPrefix' => true,
'namespaceSeparator' => self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR,
return $this->capabilities;
/* internal wrapper of zend_[disk|shm]_cache_* functions */
* Store data into Zend Data Cache (zdc)
* @param string $internalKey
* @param mixed $value
* @param int $ttl
* @return void
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
abstract protected function zdcStore($internalKey, $value, $ttl);
* Fetch a single item from Zend Data Cache (zdc)
* @param string $internalKey
* @return mixed The stored value or FALSE if item wasn't found
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
abstract protected function zdcFetch($internalKey);
* Fetch multiple items from Zend Data Cache (zdc)
* @param array $internalKeys
* @return array All found items
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
abstract protected function zdcFetchMulti(array $internalKeys);
* Delete data from Zend Data Cache (zdc)
* @param string $internalKey
* @return bool
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
abstract protected function zdcDelete($internalKey);