2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( 'BB_ROOT' )) die ( basename ( __FILE__ ));
class cache_redis extends cache_common
var $used = true ;
var $engine = 'Redis' ;
var $cfg = null ;
var $redis = null ;
var $prefix = null ;
var $connected = false ;
function cache_redis ( $cfg , $prefix = null )
if ( ! $this -> is_installed ())
die ( 'Error: Redis extension not installed' );
$this -> cfg = $cfg ;
$this -> prefix = $prefix ;
$this -> redis = new Redis ();
$this -> dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled ();
function connect ()
$this -> cur_query = 'connect ' . $this -> cfg [ 'host' ] . ':' . $this -> cfg [ 'port' ];
$this -> debug ( 'start' );
if ( @ $this -> redis -> connect ( $this -> cfg [ 'host' ], $this -> cfg [ 'port' ]))
$this -> connected = true ;
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if ( DBG_LOG ) dbg_log (( $this -> connected ? " Connected successfully to { $this -> engine } server " : " Could not connect to { $this -> engine } server " ), " { $this -> engine } -CACHE-connect " . ( $this -> connected ? '' : '-FAIL' ));
2023-03-11 12:04:29 +03:00
if ( ! $this -> connected && $this -> cfg [ 'con_required' ])
die ( 'Could not connect to redis server' );
$this -> debug ( 'stop' );
$this -> cur_query = null ;
function get ( $name , $get_miss_key_callback = '' , $ttl = 0 )
if ( ! $this -> connected ) $this -> connect ();
$this -> cur_query = " cache->get(' $name ') " ;
$this -> debug ( 'start' );
$this -> debug ( 'stop' );
$this -> cur_query = null ;
$this -> num_queries ++ ;
return ( $this -> connected ) ? unserialize ( $this -> redis -> get ( $this -> prefix . $name )) : false ;
function set ( $name , $value , $ttl = 0 )
if ( ! $this -> connected ) $this -> connect ();
$this -> cur_query = " cache->set(' $name ') " ;
$this -> debug ( 'start' );
if ( $this -> redis -> set ( $this -> prefix . $name , serialize ( $value )))
if ( $ttl > 0 )
$this -> redis -> expire ( $this -> prefix . $name , $ttl );
$this -> debug ( 'stop' );
$this -> cur_query = null ;
$this -> num_queries ++ ;
return true ;
return false ;
function rm ( $name = '' )
if ( ! $this -> connected ) $this -> connect ();
if ( $name )
$this -> cur_query = " cache->rm(' $name ') " ;
$this -> debug ( 'start' );
$this -> debug ( 'stop' );
$this -> cur_query = null ;
$this -> num_queries ++ ;
return ( $this -> connected ) ? $this -> redis -> del ( $this -> prefix . $name ) : false ;
return ( $this -> connected ) ? $this -> redis -> flushdb () : false ;
function is_installed ()
return class_exists ( 'Redis' );