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* Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
* @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
namespace Zend\Mail\Storage\Writable;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use Zend\Mail\Exception as MailException;
use Zend\Mail\Storage;
use Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception as StorageException;
use Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder;
use Zend\Stdlib\ErrorHandler;
class Maildir extends Folder\Maildir implements WritableInterface
// TODO: init maildir (+ constructor option create if not found)
* use quota and size of quota if given
* @var bool|int
protected $quota;
* create a new maildir
* If the given dir is already a valid maildir this will not fail.
* @param string $dir directory for the new maildir (may already exist)
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public static function initMaildir($dir)
if (file_exists($dir)) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
throw new StorageException\InvalidArgumentException('maildir must be a directory if already exists');
} else {
$test = mkdir($dir);
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$test) {
$dir = dirname($dir);
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
throw new StorageException\InvalidArgumentException("parent $dir not found", 0, $error);
} elseif (!is_dir($dir)) {
throw new StorageException\InvalidArgumentException("parent $dir not a directory", 0, $error);
} else {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot create maildir', 0, $error);
foreach (array('cur', 'tmp', 'new') as $subdir) {
$test = mkdir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir);
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$test) {
// ignore if dir exists (i.e. was already valid maildir or two processes try to create one)
if (!file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir)) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('could not create subdir ' . $subdir, 0, $error);
* Create instance with parameters
* Additional parameters are (see parent for more):
* - create if true a new maildir is create if none exists
* @param $params array mail reader specific parameters
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function __construct($params)
if (is_array($params)) {
$params = (object) $params;
if (!empty($params->create) && isset($params->dirname) && !file_exists($params->dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur')) {
* create a new folder
* This method also creates parent folders if necessary. Some mail storages may restrict, which folder
* may be used as parent or which chars may be used in the folder name
* @param string $name global name of folder, local name if $parentFolder is set
* @param string|\Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder $parentFolder parent folder for new folder, else root folder is parent
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
* @return string only used internally (new created maildir)
public function createFolder($name, $parentFolder = null)
if ($parentFolder instanceof Folder) {
$folder = $parentFolder->getGlobalName() . $this->delim . $name;
} elseif ($parentFolder != null) {
$folder = rtrim($parentFolder, $this->delim) . $this->delim . $name;
} else {
$folder = $name;
$folder = trim($folder, $this->delim);
// first we check if we try to create a folder that does exist
$exists = null;
try {
$exists = $this->getFolders($folder);
} catch (MailException\ExceptionInterface $e) {
// ok
if ($exists) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('folder already exists');
if (strpos($folder, $this->delim . $this->delim) !== false) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('invalid name - folder parts may not be empty');
if (strpos($folder, 'INBOX' . $this->delim) === 0) {
$folder = substr($folder, 6);
$fulldir = $this->rootdir . '.' . $folder;
// check if we got tricked and would create a dir outside of the rootdir or not as direct child
if (strpos($folder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false || strpos($folder, '/') !== false
|| dirname($fulldir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != $this->rootdir
) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('invalid name - no directory separator allowed in folder name');
// has a parent folder?
$parent = null;
if (strpos($folder, $this->delim)) {
// let's see if the parent folder exists
$parent = substr($folder, 0, strrpos($folder, $this->delim));
try {
} catch (MailException\ExceptionInterface $e) {
// does not - create parent folder
if (!mkdir($fulldir) || !mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur')) {
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('error while creating new folder, may be created incompletely', 0, $error);
mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'new');
mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp');
$localName = $parent ? substr($folder, strlen($parent) + 1) : $folder;
$this->getFolders($parent)->$localName = new Folder($localName, $folder, true);
return $fulldir;
* remove a folder
* @param string|Folder $name name or instance of folder
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function removeFolder($name)
// TODO: This could fail in the middle of the task, which is not optimal.
// But there is no defined standard way to mark a folder as removed and there is no atomar fs-op
// to remove a directory. Also moving the folder to a/the trash folder is not possible, as
// all parent folders must be created. What we could do is add a dash to the front of the
// directory name and it should be ignored as long as other processes obey the standard.
if ($name instanceof Folder) {
$name = $name->getGlobalName();
$name = trim($name, $this->delim);
if (strpos($name, 'INBOX' . $this->delim) === 0) {
$name = substr($name, 6);
// check if folder exists and has no children
if (!$this->getFolders($name)->isLeaf()) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('delete children first');
if ($name == 'INBOX' || $name == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $name == '/') {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('wont delete INBOX');
if ($name == $this->getCurrentFolder()) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('wont delete selected folder');
foreach (array('tmp', 'new', 'cur', '.') as $subdir) {
$dir = $this->rootdir . '.' . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir;
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
$dh = opendir($dir);
if (!$dh) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException("error opening $subdir");
while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
if (!unlink($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry)) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException("error cleaning $subdir");
if ($subdir !== '.') {
if (!rmdir($dir)) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException("error removing $subdir");
if (!rmdir($this->rootdir . '.' . $name)) {
// at least we should try to make it a valid maildir again
mkdir($this->rootdir . '.' . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur');
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException("error removing maindir");
$parent = strpos($name, $this->delim) ? substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, $this->delim)) : null;
$localName = $parent ? substr($name, strlen($parent) + 1) : $name;
* rename and/or move folder
* The new name has the same restrictions as in createFolder()
* @param string|\Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder $oldName name or instance of folder
* @param string $newName new global name of folder
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function renameFolder($oldName, $newName)
// TODO: This is also not atomar and has similar problems as removeFolder()
if ($oldName instanceof Folder) {
$oldName = $oldName->getGlobalName();
$oldName = trim($oldName, $this->delim);
if (strpos($oldName, 'INBOX' . $this->delim) === 0) {
$oldName = substr($oldName, 6);
$newName = trim($newName, $this->delim);
if (strpos($newName, 'INBOX' . $this->delim) === 0) {
$newName = substr($newName, 6);
if (strpos($newName, $oldName . $this->delim) === 0) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('new folder cannot be a child of old folder');
// check if folder exists and has no children
$folder = $this->getFolders($oldName);
if ($oldName == 'INBOX' || $oldName == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $oldName == '/') {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('wont rename INBOX');
if ($oldName == $this->getCurrentFolder()) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('wont rename selected folder');
$newdir = $this->createFolder($newName);
if (!$folder->isLeaf()) {
foreach ($folder as $k => $v) {
$this->renameFolder($v->getGlobalName(), $newName . $this->delim . $k);
$olddir = $this->rootdir . '.' . $folder;
foreach (array('tmp', 'new', 'cur') as $subdir) {
$subdir = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir;
if (!file_exists($olddir . $subdir)) {
// using copy or moving files would be even better - but also much slower
if (!rename($olddir . $subdir, $newdir . $subdir)) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('error while moving ' . $subdir);
// create a dummy if removing fails - otherwise we can't read it next time
mkdir($olddir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur');
* create a uniqueid for maildir filename
* This is nearly the format defined in the maildir standard. The microtime() call should already
* create a uniqueid, the pid is for multicore/-cpu machine that manage to call this function at the
* exact same time, and uname() gives us the hostname for multiple machines accessing the same storage.
* If someone disables posix we create a random number of the same size, so this method should also
* work on Windows - if you manage to get maildir working on Windows.
* Microtime could also be disabled, although I've never seen it.
* @return string new uniqueid
protected function _createUniqueId()
$id = '';
$id .= microtime(true);
$id .= '.' . getmypid();
$id .= '.' . php_uname('n');
return $id;
* open a temporary maildir file
* makes sure tmp/ exists and create a file with a unique name
* you should close the returned filehandle!
* @param string $folder name of current folder without leading .
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
* @return array array('dirname' => dir of maildir folder, 'uniq' => unique id, 'filename' => name of create file
* 'handle' => file opened for writing)
protected function _createTmpFile($folder = 'INBOX')
if ($folder == 'INBOX') {
$tmpdir = $this->rootdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
} else {
$tmpdir = $this->rootdir . '.' . $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (!file_exists($tmpdir)) {
if (!mkdir($tmpdir)) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('problems creating tmp dir');
// we should retry to create a unique id if a file with the same name exists
// to avoid a script timeout we only wait 1 second (instead of 2) and stop
// after a defined retry count
// if you change this variable take into account that it can take up to $maxTries seconds
// normally we should have a valid unique name after the first try, we're just following the "standard" here
$maxTries = 5;
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxTries; ++$i) {
$uniq = $this->_createUniqueId();
if (!file_exists($tmpdir . $uniq)) {
// here is the race condition! - as defined in the standard
// to avoid having a long time between stat()ing the file and creating it we're opening it here
// to mark the filename as taken
$fh = fopen($tmpdir . $uniq, 'w');
if (!$fh) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('could not open temp file');
if (!$fh) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException("tried $maxTries unique ids for a temp file, but all were taken"
. ' - giving up');
return array('dirname' => $this->rootdir . '.' . $folder,
'uniq' => $uniq,
'filename' => $tmpdir . $uniq,
'handle' => $fh);
* create an info string for filenames with given flags
* @param array $flags wanted flags, with the reference you'll get the set flags with correct key (= char for flag)
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @return string info string for version 2 filenames including the leading colon
protected function _getInfoString(&$flags)
// accessing keys is easier, faster and it removes duplicated flags
$wantedFlags = array_flip($flags);
if (isset($wantedFlags[Storage::FLAG_RECENT])) {
throw new StorageException\InvalidArgumentException('recent flag may not be set');
$info = ':2,';
$flags = array();
foreach (Storage\Maildir::$knownFlags as $char => $flag) {
if (!isset($wantedFlags[$flag])) {
$info .= $char;
$flags[$char] = $flag;
if (!empty($wantedFlags)) {
$wantedFlags = implode(', ', array_keys($wantedFlags));
throw new StorageException\InvalidArgumentException('unknown flag(s): ' . $wantedFlags);
return $info;
* append a new message to mail storage
* @param string|resource $message message as string or stream resource
* @param null|string|\Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder $folder folder for new message, else current folder is taken
* @param null|array $flags set flags for new message, else a default set is used
* @param bool $recent handle this mail as if recent flag has been set,
* should only be used in delivery
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
// not yet * @param string|\Zend\Mail\Message|\Zend\Mime\Message $message message as string or instance of message class
public function appendMessage($message, $folder = null, $flags = null, $recent = false)
if ($this->quota && $this->checkQuota()) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('storage is over quota!');
if ($folder === null) {
$folder = $this->currentFolder;
if (!($folder instanceof Folder)) {
$folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
if ($flags === null) {
$flags = array(Storage::FLAG_SEEN);
$info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
$tempFile = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
// TODO: handle class instances for $message
if (is_resource($message) && get_resource_type($message) == 'stream') {
stream_copy_to_stream($message, $tempFile['handle']);
} else {
fwrite($tempFile['handle'], $message);
// we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
$size = filesize($tempFile['filename']);
if ($size !== false) {
$info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
$newFilename = $tempFile['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$newFilename .= $recent ? 'new' : 'cur';
$newFilename .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempFile['uniq'] . $info;
// we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
$exception = null;
if (!link($tempFile['filename'], $newFilename)) {
$exception = new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot link message file to final dir');
if ($exception) {
throw $exception;
$this->files[] = array('uniq' => $tempFile['uniq'],
'flags' => $flags,
'filename' => $newFilename);
if ($this->quota) {
$this->_addQuotaEntry((int) $size, 1);
* copy an existing message
* @param int $id number of message
* @param string|\Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function copyMessage($id, $folder)
if ($this->quota && $this->checkQuota()) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('storage is over quota!');
if (!($folder instanceof Folder)) {
$folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
$filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
$oldFile = $filedata['filename'];
$flags = $filedata['flags'];
// copied message can't be recent
while (($key = array_search(Storage::FLAG_RECENT, $flags)) !== false) {
$info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
// we're creating the copy as temp file before moving to cur/
$tempFile = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
// we don't write directly to the file
// we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
$size = filesize($oldFile);
if ($size !== false) {
$info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
$newFile = $tempFile['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempFile['uniq'] . $info;
// we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
$exception = null;
if (!copy($oldFile, $tempFile['filename'])) {
$exception = new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot copy message file');
} elseif (!link($tempFile['filename'], $newFile)) {
$exception = new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot link message file to final dir');
if ($exception) {
throw $exception;
if ($folder->getGlobalName() == $this->currentFolder
|| ($this->currentFolder == 'INBOX' && $folder->getGlobalName() == '/')
) {
$this->files[] = array('uniq' => $tempFile['uniq'],
'flags' => $flags,
'filename' => $newFile);
if ($this->quota) {
$this->_addQuotaEntry((int) $size, 1);
* move an existing message
* @param int $id number of message
* @param string|\Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function moveMessage($id, $folder)
if (!($folder instanceof Folder)) {
$folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
if ($folder->getGlobalName() == $this->currentFolder
|| ($this->currentFolder == 'INBOX' && $folder->getGlobalName() == '/')
) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('target is current folder');
$filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
$oldFile = $filedata['filename'];
$flags = $filedata['flags'];
// moved message can't be recent
while (($key = array_search(Storage::FLAG_RECENT, $flags)) !== false) {
$info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
// reserving a new name
$tempFile = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
// we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
$size = filesize($oldFile);
if ($size !== false) {
$info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
$newFile = $tempFile['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempFile['uniq'] . $info;
// we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
$exception = null;
if (!rename($oldFile, $newFile)) {
$exception = new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot move message file');
if ($exception) {
throw $exception;
unset($this->files[$id - 1]);
// remove the gap
$this->files = array_values($this->files);
* set flags for message
* NOTE: this method can't set the recent flag.
* @param int $id number of message
* @param array $flags new flags for message
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function setFlags($id, $flags)
$info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
$filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
// NOTE: double dirname to make sure we always move to cur. if recent flag has been set (message is in new) it will be moved to cur.
$newFilename = dirname(dirname($filedata['filename'])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "$filedata[uniq]$info";
$test = rename($filedata['filename'], $newFilename);
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$test) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot rename file', 0, $error);
$filedata['flags'] = $flags;
$filedata['filename'] = $newFilename;
$this->files[$id - 1] = $filedata;
* stub for not supported message deletion
* @param $id
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
public function removeMessage($id)
$filename = $this->_getFileData($id, 'filename');
if ($this->quota) {
$size = filesize($filename);
$test = unlink($filename);
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$test) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot remove message', 0, $error);
unset($this->files[$id - 1]);
// remove the gap
$this->files = array_values($this->files);
if ($this->quota) {
$this->_addQuotaEntry(0 - (int) $size, -1);
* enable/disable quota and set a quota value if wanted or needed
* You can enable/disable quota with true/false. If you don't have
* a MDA or want to enforce a quota value you can also set this value
* here. Use array('size' => SIZE_QUOTA, 'count' => MAX_MESSAGE) do
* define your quota. Order of these fields does matter!
* @param bool|array $value new quota value
public function setQuota($value)
$this->quota = $value;
* get currently set quota
* @see \Zend\Mail\Storage\Writable\Maildir::setQuota()
* @param bool $fromStorage
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
* @return bool|array
public function getQuota($fromStorage = false)
if ($fromStorage) {
$fh = fopen($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize', 'r');
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$fh) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('cannot open maildirsize', 0, $error);
$definition = fgets($fh);
$definition = explode(',', trim($definition));
$quota = array();
foreach ($definition as $member) {
$key = $member[strlen($member) - 1];
if ($key == 'S' || $key == 'C') {
$key = $key == 'C' ? 'count' : 'size';
$quota[$key] = substr($member, 0, -1);
return $quota;
return $this->quota;
* @see http://www.inter7.com/courierimap/README.maildirquota.html "Calculating maildirsize"
* @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
* @return array
protected function _calculateMaildirsize()
$timestamps = array();
$messages = 0;
$totalSize = 0;
if (is_array($this->quota)) {
$quota = $this->quota;
} else {
try {
$quota = $this->getQuota(true);
} catch (StorageException\ExceptionInterface $e) {
throw new StorageException\RuntimeException('no quota definition found', 0, $e);
$folders = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this->getFolders(), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
$subdir = $folder->getGlobalName();
if ($subdir == 'INBOX') {
$subdir = '';
} else {
$subdir = '.' . $subdir;
if ($subdir == 'Trash') {
foreach (array('cur', 'new') as $subsubdir) {
$dirname = $this->rootdir . $subdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subsubdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
// NOTE: we are using mtime instead of "the latest timestamp". The latest would be atime
// and as we are accessing the directory it would make the whole calculation useless.
$timestamps[$dirname] = filemtime($dirname);
$dh = opendir($dirname);
// NOTE: Should have been checked in constructor. Not throwing an exception here, quotas will
// therefore not be fully enforced, but next request will fail anyway, if problem persists.
if (!$dh) {
while (($entry = readdir()) !== false) {
if ($entry[0] == '.' || !is_file($dirname . $entry)) {
if (strpos($entry, ',S=')) {
strtok($entry, '=');
$filesize = strtok(':');
if (is_numeric($filesize)) {
$totalSize += $filesize;
$size = filesize($dirname . $entry);
if ($size === false) {
// ignore, as we assume file got removed
$totalSize += $size;
$tmp = $this->_createTmpFile();
$fh = $tmp['handle'];
$definition = array();
foreach ($quota as $type => $value) {
if ($type == 'size' || $type == 'count') {
$type = $type == 'count' ? 'C' : 'S';
$definition[] = $value . $type;
$definition = implode(',', $definition);
fwrite($fh, "$definition\n");
fwrite($fh, "$totalSize $messages\n");
rename($tmp['filename'], $this->rootdir . 'maildirsize');
foreach ($timestamps as $dir => $timestamp) {
if ($timestamp < filemtime($dir)) {
unlink($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize');
return array('size' => $totalSize,
'count' => $messages,
'quota' => $quota);
* @see http://www.inter7.com/courierimap/README.maildirquota.html "Calculating the quota for a Maildir++"
* @param bool $forceRecalc
* @return array
protected function _calculateQuota($forceRecalc = false)
$fh = null;
$totalSize = 0;
$messages = 0;
$maildirsize = '';
if (!$forceRecalc && file_exists($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize') && filesize($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize') < 5120) {
$fh = fopen($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize', 'r');
if ($fh) {
$maildirsize = fread($fh, 5120);
if (strlen($maildirsize) >= 5120) {
$fh = null;
$maildirsize = '';
if (!$fh) {
$result = $this->_calculateMaildirsize();
$totalSize = $result['size'];
$messages = $result['count'];
$quota = $result['quota'];
} else {
$maildirsize = explode("\n", $maildirsize);
if (is_array($this->quota)) {
$quota = $this->quota;
} else {
$definition = explode(',', $maildirsize[0]);
$quota = array();
foreach ($definition as $member) {
$key = $member[strlen($member) - 1];
if ($key == 'S' || $key == 'C') {
$key = $key == 'C' ? 'count' : 'size';
$quota[$key] = substr($member, 0, -1);
foreach ($maildirsize as $line) {
list($size, $count) = explode(' ', trim($line));
$totalSize += $size;
$messages += $count;
$overQuota = false;
$overQuota = $overQuota || (isset($quota['size']) && $totalSize > $quota['size']);
$overQuota = $overQuota || (isset($quota['count']) && $messages > $quota['count']);
// NOTE: $maildirsize equals false if it wasn't set (AKA we recalculated) or it's only
// one line, because $maildirsize[0] gets unsetted.
// Also we're using local time to calculate the 15 minute offset. Touching a file just for known the
// local time of the file storage isn't worth the hassle.
if ($overQuota && ($maildirsize || filemtime($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize') > time() - 900)) {
$result = $this->_calculateMaildirsize();
$totalSize = $result['size'];
$messages = $result['count'];
$quota = $result['quota'];
$overQuota = false;
$overQuota = $overQuota || (isset($quota['size']) && $totalSize > $quota['size']);
$overQuota = $overQuota || (isset($quota['count']) && $messages > $quota['count']);
if ($fh) {
// TODO is there a safe way to keep the handle open for writing?
return array('size' => $totalSize,
'count' => $messages,
'quota' => $quota,
'over_quota' => $overQuota);
protected function _addQuotaEntry($size, $count = 1)
if (!file_exists($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize')) {
// TODO: should get file handler from _calculateQuota
$size = (int) $size;
$count = (int) $count;
file_put_contents($this->rootdir . 'maildirsize', "$size $count\n", FILE_APPEND);
* check if storage is currently over quota
* @see _calculateQuota()
* @param bool $detailedResponse return known data of quota and current size and message count
* @param bool $forceRecalc
* @return bool|array over quota state or detailed response
public function checkQuota($detailedResponse = false, $forceRecalc = false)
$result = $this->_calculateQuota($forceRecalc);
return $detailedResponse ? $result : $result['over_quota'];