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* Zend Framework (
* @link for the canonical source repository
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Di;
use Closure;
use Zend\Di\Exception\RuntimeException as DiRuntimeException;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ExceptionInterface as ServiceManagerException;
* Dependency injector that can generate instances using class definitions and configured instance parameters
class Di implements DependencyInjectionInterface
* @var DefinitionList
protected $definitions = null;
* @var InstanceManager
protected $instanceManager = null;
* @var string
protected $instanceContext = array();
* All the class dependencies [source][dependency]
* @var array
protected $currentDependencies = array();
* All the dependenent aliases
* @var array
protected $currentAliasDependenencies = array();
* All the class references [dependency][source]
* @var array
protected $references = array();
* Resolve method policy
* EAGER: explore type preference or go through
const RESOLVE_EAGER = 1;
* Resolve method policy
* STRICT: explore type preference or throw exception
* use only specified parameters
* resolve mode RESOLVE_EAGER
const METHOD_IS_AWARE = 1;
* resolve mode RESOLVE_EAGER
const METHOD_IS_EAGER = 1;
* Constructor
* @param null|DefinitionList $definitions
* @param null|InstanceManager $instanceManager
* @param null|Config $config
public function __construct(DefinitionList $definitions = null, InstanceManager $instanceManager = null, Config $config = null)
$this->definitions = ($definitions) ?: new DefinitionList(new Definition\RuntimeDefinition());
$this->instanceManager = ($instanceManager) ?: new InstanceManager();
if ($config) {
* Provide a configuration object to configure this instance
* @param Config $config
* @return void
public function configure(Config $config)
* @param DefinitionList $definitions
* @return self
public function setDefinitionList(DefinitionList $definitions)
$this->definitions = $definitions;
return $this;
* @return DefinitionList
public function definitions()
return $this->definitions;
* Set the instance manager
* @param InstanceManager $instanceManager
* @return Di
public function setInstanceManager(InstanceManager $instanceManager)
$this->instanceManager = $instanceManager;
return $this;
* @return InstanceManager
public function instanceManager()
return $this->instanceManager;
* Utility method used to retrieve the class of a particular instance. This is here to allow extending classes to
* override how class names are resolved
* @internal this method is used by the ServiceLocator\DependencyInjectorProxy class to interact with instances
* and is a hack to be used internally until a major refactor does not split the `resolveMethodParameters`. Do not
* rely on its functionality.
* @param object $instance
* @return string
protected function getClass($instance)
return get_class($instance);
* @param $name
* @param array $params
* @param string $method
* @return array
protected function getCallParameters($name, array $params, $method = "__construct")
$im = $this->instanceManager;
$class = $im->hasAlias($name) ? $im->getClassFromAlias($name) : $name;
if ($this->definitions->hasClass($class)) {
$callParameters = array();
if ($this->definitions->hasMethod($class, $method)) {
foreach ($this->definitions->getMethodParameters($class, $method) as $param) {
if (isset($params[$param[0]])) {
$callParameters[$param[0]] = $params[$param[0]];
return $callParameters;
return $params;
* Lazy-load a class
* Attempts to load the class (or service alias) provided. If it has been
* loaded before, the previous instance will be returned (unless the service
* definition indicates shared instances should not be used).
* @param string $name Class name or service alias
* @param null|array $params Parameters to pass to the constructor
* @return object|null
public function get($name, array $params = array())
array_push($this->instanceContext, array('GET', $name, null));
$im = $this->instanceManager;
$callParameters = $this->getCallParameters($name, $params);
if ($callParameters) {
$fastHash = $im->hasSharedInstanceWithParameters($name, $callParameters, true);
if ($fastHash) {
return $im->getSharedInstanceWithParameters(null, array(), $fastHash);
if ($im->hasSharedInstance($name, $callParameters)) {
return $im->getSharedInstance($name, $callParameters);
$config = $im->getConfig($name);
$instance = $this->newInstance($name, $params, $config['shared']);
return $instance;
* Retrieve a new instance of a class
* Forces retrieval of a discrete instance of the given class, using the
* constructor parameters provided.
* @param mixed $name Class name or service alias
* @param array $params Parameters to pass to the constructor
* @param bool $isShared
* @return object|null
* @throws Exception\ClassNotFoundException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public function newInstance($name, array $params = array(), $isShared = true)
// localize dependencies
$definitions = $this->definitions;
$instanceManager = $this->instanceManager();
if ($instanceManager->hasAlias($name)) {
$class = $instanceManager->getClassFromAlias($name);
$alias = $name;
} else {
$class = $name;
$alias = null;
array_push($this->instanceContext, array('NEW', $class, $alias));
if (!$definitions->hasClass($class)) {
$aliasMsg = ($alias) ? '(specified by alias ' . $alias . ') ' : '';
throw new Exception\ClassNotFoundException(
'Class ' . $aliasMsg . $class . ' could not be located in provided definitions.'
$instantiator = $definitions->getInstantiator($class);
$injectionMethods = array();
$injectionMethods[$class] = $definitions->getMethods($class);
foreach ($definitions->getClassSupertypes($class) as $supertype) {
$injectionMethods[$supertype] = $definitions->getMethods($supertype);
if ($instantiator === '__construct') {
$instance = $this->createInstanceViaConstructor($class, $params, $alias);
if (array_key_exists('__construct', $injectionMethods)) {
} elseif (is_callable($instantiator, false)) {
$instance = $this->createInstanceViaCallback($instantiator, $params, $alias);
} else {
if (is_array($instantiator)) {
$msg = sprintf(
'Invalid instantiator: %s::%s() is not callable.',
isset($instantiator[0]) ? $instantiator[0] : 'NoClassGiven',
isset($instantiator[1]) ? $instantiator[1] : 'NoMethodGiven'
} else {
$msg = sprintf(
'Invalid instantiator of type "%s" for "%s".',
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($msg);
if ($isShared) {
if ($callParameters = $this->getCallParameters($name, $params)) {
$this->instanceManager->addSharedInstanceWithParameters($instance, $name, $callParameters);
} else {
$this->instanceManager->addSharedInstance($instance, $name);
$this->handleInjectDependencies($instance, $injectionMethods, $params, $class, $alias, $name);
return $instance;
* Inject dependencies
* @param object $instance
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function injectDependencies($instance, array $params = array())
$definitions = $this->definitions();
$class = $this->getClass($instance);
$injectionMethods = array(
$class => ($definitions->hasClass($class)) ? $definitions->getMethods($class) : array()
$parent = $class;
while ($parent = get_parent_class($parent)) {
if ($definitions->hasClass($parent)) {
$injectionMethods[$parent] = $definitions->getMethods($parent);
foreach (class_implements($class) as $interface) {
if ($definitions->hasClass($interface)) {
$injectionMethods[$interface] = $definitions->getMethods($interface);
$this->handleInjectDependencies($instance, $injectionMethods, $params, $class, null, null);
* @param object $instance
* @param array $injectionMethods
* @param array $params
* @param string|null $instanceClass
* @param string|null$instanceAlias
* @param string $requestedName
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
protected function handleInjectDependencies($instance, $injectionMethods, $params, $instanceClass, $instanceAlias, $requestedName)
// localize dependencies
$definitions = $this->definitions;
$instanceManager = $this->instanceManager();
$calledMethods = array('__construct' => true);
if ($injectionMethods) {
foreach ($injectionMethods as $type => $typeInjectionMethods) {
foreach ($typeInjectionMethods as $typeInjectionMethod => $methodRequirementType) {
if (!isset($calledMethods[$typeInjectionMethod])) {
if ($this->resolveAndCallInjectionMethodForInstance($instance, $typeInjectionMethod, $params, $instanceAlias, $methodRequirementType, $type)) {
$calledMethods[$typeInjectionMethod] = true;
if ($requestedName) {
$instanceConfig = $instanceManager->getConfig($requestedName);
if ($instanceConfig['injections']) {
$objectsToInject = $methodsToCall = array();
foreach ($instanceConfig['injections'] as $injectName => $injectValue) {
if (is_int($injectName) && is_string($injectValue)) {
$objectsToInject[] = $this->get($injectValue, $params);
} elseif (is_string($injectName) && is_array($injectValue)) {
if (is_string(key($injectValue))) {
$methodsToCall[] = array('method' => $injectName, 'args' => $injectValue);
} else {
foreach ($injectValue as $methodCallArgs) {
$methodsToCall[] = array('method' => $injectName, 'args' => $methodCallArgs);
} elseif (is_object($injectValue)) {
$objectsToInject[] = $injectValue;
} elseif (is_int($injectName) && is_array($injectValue)) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
'An injection was provided with a keyed index and an array of data, try using'
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
. ' the name of a particular method as a key for your injection data.'
if ($objectsToInject) {
foreach ($objectsToInject as $objectToInject) {
$calledMethods = array('__construct' => true);
foreach ($injectionMethods as $type => $typeInjectionMethods) {
foreach ($typeInjectionMethods as $typeInjectionMethod => $methodRequirementType) {
if (!isset($calledMethods[$typeInjectionMethod])) {
$methodParams = $definitions->getMethodParameters($type, $typeInjectionMethod);
if ($methodParams) {
foreach ($methodParams as $methodParam) {
$objectToInjectClass = $this->getClass($objectToInject);
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
if ($objectToInjectClass == $methodParam[1] || is_subclass_of($objectToInjectClass, $methodParam[1])) {
if ($this->resolveAndCallInjectionMethodForInstance($instance, $typeInjectionMethod, array($methodParam[0] => $objectToInject), $instanceAlias, self::METHOD_IS_REQUIRED, $type)) {
$calledMethods[$typeInjectionMethod] = true;
continue 3;
if ($methodsToCall) {
foreach ($methodsToCall as $methodInfo) {
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
$this->resolveAndCallInjectionMethodForInstance($instance, $methodInfo['method'], $methodInfo['args'], $instanceAlias, self::METHOD_IS_REQUIRED, $instanceClass);
* Retrieve a class instance based on class name
* Any parameters provided will be used as constructor arguments. If any
* given parameter is a DependencyReference object, it will be fetched
* from the container so that the instance may be injected.
* @param string $class
* @param array $params
* @param string|null $alias
* @return object
protected function createInstanceViaConstructor($class, $params, $alias = null)
$callParameters = array();
if ($this->definitions->hasMethod($class, '__construct')) {
$callParameters = $this->resolveMethodParameters($class, '__construct', $params, $alias, self::METHOD_IS_CONSTRUCTOR, true);
if (!class_exists($class)) {
if (interface_exists($class)) {
throw new Exception\ClassNotFoundException(sprintf(
'Cannot instantiate interface "%s"',
throw new Exception\ClassNotFoundException(sprintf(
'Class "%s" does not exist; cannot instantiate',
// Hack to avoid Reflection in most common use cases
switch (count($callParameters)) {
case 0:
return new $class();
case 1:
return new $class($callParameters[0]);
case 2:
return new $class($callParameters[0], $callParameters[1]);
case 3:
return new $class($callParameters[0], $callParameters[1], $callParameters[2]);
$r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
return $r->newInstanceArgs($callParameters);
* Get an object instance from the defined callback
* @param callable $callback
* @param array $params
* @param string $alias
* @return object
* @throws Exception\InvalidCallbackException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
protected function createInstanceViaCallback($callback, $params, $alias)
if (!is_callable($callback)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidCallbackException('An invalid constructor callback was provided');
if (is_array($callback)) {
$class = (is_object($callback[0])) ? $this->getClass($callback[0]) : $callback[0];
$method = $callback[1];
} elseif (is_string($callback) && strpos($callback, '::') !== false) {
list($class, $method) = explode('::', $callback, 2);
} else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Invalid callback type provided to ' . __METHOD__);
$callParameters = array();
if ($this->definitions->hasMethod($class, $method)) {
$callParameters = $this->resolveMethodParameters($class, $method, $params, $alias, self::METHOD_IS_INSTANTIATOR, true);
return call_user_func_array($callback, $callParameters);
* This parameter will handle any injection methods and resolution of
* dependencies for such methods
* @param object $instance
* @param string $method
* @param array $params
* @param string $alias
* @param bool $methodRequirementType
* @param string|null $methodClass
* @return bool
protected function resolveAndCallInjectionMethodForInstance($instance, $method, $params, $alias, $methodRequirementType, $methodClass = null)
$methodClass = ($methodClass) ?: $this->getClass($instance);
$callParameters = $this->resolveMethodParameters($methodClass, $method, $params, $alias, $methodRequirementType);
if ($callParameters == false) {
return false;
if ($callParameters !== array_fill(0, count($callParameters), null)) {
call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $callParameters);
return true;
return false;
* Resolve parameters referencing other services
* @param string $class
* @param string $method
* @param array $callTimeUserParams
* @param string $alias
* @param int|bool $methodRequirementType
* @param bool $isInstantiator
* @throws Exception\MissingPropertyException
* @throws Exception\CircularDependencyException
* @return array
protected function resolveMethodParameters($class, $method, array $callTimeUserParams, $alias, $methodRequirementType, $isInstantiator = false)
//for BC
if (is_bool($methodRequirementType)) {
if ($isInstantiator) {
$methodRequirementType = Di::METHOD_IS_INSTANTIATOR;
} elseif ($methodRequirementType) {
$methodRequirementType = Di::METHOD_IS_REQUIRED;
} else {
$methodRequirementType = Di::METHOD_IS_OPTIONAL;
// parameters for this method, in proper order, to be returned
$resolvedParams = array();
// parameter requirements from the definition
$injectionMethodParameters = $this->definitions->getMethodParameters($class, $method);
// computed parameters array
$computedParams = array(
'value' => array(),
'retrieval' => array(),
'optional' => array()
// retrieve instance configurations for all contexts
$iConfig = array();
$aliases = $this->instanceManager->getAliases();
// for the alias in the dependency tree
if ($alias && $this->instanceManager->hasConfig($alias)) {
$iConfig['thisAlias'] = $this->instanceManager->getConfig($alias);
// for the current class in the dependency tree
if ($this->instanceManager->hasConfig($class)) {
$iConfig['thisClass'] = $this->instanceManager->getConfig($class);
// for the parent class, provided we are deeper than one node
if (isset($this->instanceContext[0])) {
list($requestedClass, $requestedAlias) = ($this->instanceContext[0][0] == 'NEW')
? array($this->instanceContext[0][1], $this->instanceContext[0][2])
: array($this->instanceContext[1][1], $this->instanceContext[1][2]);
} else {
$requestedClass = $requestedAlias = null;
if ($requestedClass != $class && $this->instanceManager->hasConfig($requestedClass)) {
$iConfig['requestedClass'] = $this->instanceManager->getConfig($requestedClass);
if (array_key_exists('parameters', $iConfig['requestedClass'])) {
$newParameters = array();
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
foreach ($iConfig['requestedClass']['parameters'] as $name => $parameter) {
$newParameters[$requestedClass.'::'.$method.'::'.$name] = $parameter;
$iConfig['requestedClass']['parameters'] = $newParameters;
if ($requestedAlias) {
$iConfig['requestedAlias'] = $this->instanceManager->getConfig($requestedAlias);
// This is a 2 pass system for resolving parameters
// first pass will find the sources, the second pass will order them and resolve lookups if they exist
// MOST methods will only have a single parameters to resolve, so this should be fast
foreach ($injectionMethodParameters as $fqParamPos => $info) {
list($name, $type, $isRequired) = $info;
$fqParamName = substr_replace($fqParamPos, ':' . $info[0], strrpos($fqParamPos, ':'));
// PRIORITY 1 - consult user provided parameters
if (isset($callTimeUserParams[$fqParamPos]) || isset($callTimeUserParams[$name])) {
if (isset($callTimeUserParams[$fqParamPos])) {
$callTimeCurValue =& $callTimeUserParams[$fqParamPos];
} elseif (isset($callTimeUserParams[$fqParamName])) {
$callTimeCurValue =& $callTimeUserParams[$fqParamName];
} else {
$callTimeCurValue =& $callTimeUserParams[$name];
if ($type !== false && is_string($callTimeCurValue)) {
if ($this->instanceManager->hasAlias($callTimeCurValue)) {
// was an alias provided?
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array(
} elseif ($this->definitions->hasClass($callTimeUserParams[$name])) {
// was a known class provided?
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array(
} else {
// must be a value
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $callTimeCurValue;
} else {
// int, float, null, object, etc
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $callTimeCurValue;
// PRIORITY 2 -specific instance configuration (thisAlias) - this alias
// PRIORITY 3 -THEN specific instance configuration (thisClass) - this class
// PRIORITY 4 -THEN specific instance configuration (requestedAlias) - requested alias
// PRIORITY 5 -THEN specific instance configuration (requestedClass) - requested class
foreach (array('thisAlias', 'thisClass', 'requestedAlias', 'requestedClass') as $thisIndex) {
// check the provided parameters config
if (isset($iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamPos])
|| isset($iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamName])
|| isset($iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$name])) {
if (isset($iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamPos])) {
$iConfigCurValue =& $iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamPos];
} elseif (isset($iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamName])) {
$iConfigCurValue =& $iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$fqParamName];
} else {
$iConfigCurValue =& $iConfig[$thisIndex]['parameters'][$name];
if ($type === false && is_string($iConfigCurValue)) {
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $iConfigCurValue;
} elseif (is_string($iConfigCurValue)
&& isset($aliases[$iConfigCurValue])) {
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array(
} elseif (is_string($iConfigCurValue)
&& $this->definitions->hasClass($iConfigCurValue)) {
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array(
} elseif (is_object($iConfigCurValue)
&& $iConfigCurValue instanceof Closure
&& $type !== 'Closure') {
/* @var $iConfigCurValue Closure */
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $iConfigCurValue();
} else {
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $iConfigCurValue;
continue 2;
// PRIORITY 6 - globally preferred implementations
// next consult alias level preferred instances
// RESOLVE_EAGER wants to inject the cross-cutting concerns.
// If you want to retrieve an instance from TypePreferences,
// use AwareInterface or specify the method requirement option METHOD_IS_EAGER at ClassDefinition
if ($methodRequirementType & self::RESOLVE_EAGER) {
if ($alias && $this->instanceManager->hasTypePreferences($alias)) {
$pInstances = $this->instanceManager->getTypePreferences($alias);
foreach ($pInstances as $pInstance) {
if (is_object($pInstance)) {
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $pInstance;
continue 2;
$pInstanceClass = ($this->instanceManager->hasAlias($pInstance)) ?
$this->instanceManager->getClassFromAlias($pInstance) : $pInstance;
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
if ($pInstanceClass === $type || is_subclass_of($pInstanceClass, $type)) {
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array($pInstance, $pInstanceClass);
continue 2;
// next consult class level preferred instances
if ($type && $this->instanceManager->hasTypePreferences($type)) {
$pInstances = $this->instanceManager->getTypePreferences($type);
foreach ($pInstances as $pInstance) {
if (is_object($pInstance)) {
$computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos] = $pInstance;
continue 2;
$pInstanceClass = ($this->instanceManager->hasAlias($pInstance)) ?
$this->instanceManager->getClassFromAlias($pInstance) : $pInstance;
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
if ($pInstanceClass === $type || is_subclass_of($pInstanceClass, $type)) {
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array($pInstance, $pInstanceClass);
continue 2;
if (!$isRequired) {
$computedParams['optional'][$fqParamPos] = true;
if ($type && $isRequired && ($methodRequirementType & self::RESOLVE_EAGER)) {
$computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos] = array($type, $type);
$index = 0;
foreach ($injectionMethodParameters as $fqParamPos => $value) {
$name = $value[0];
if (isset($computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos])) {
// if there is a value supplied, use it
$resolvedParams[$index] = $computedParams['value'][$fqParamPos];
} elseif (isset($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos])) {
// detect circular dependencies! (they can only happen in instantiators)
if ($isInstantiator && in_array($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos][1], $this->currentDependencies)
&& (!isset($alias) || in_array($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos][0], $this->currentAliasDependenencies))
) {
$msg = "Circular dependency detected: $class depends on {$value[1]} and viceversa";
if (isset($alias)) {
$msg .= " (Aliased as $alias)";
throw new Exception\CircularDependencyException($msg);
array_push($this->currentDependencies, $class);
if (isset($alias)) {
array_push($this->currentAliasDependenencies, $alias);
$dConfig = $this->instanceManager->getConfig($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos][0]);
try {
if ($dConfig['shared'] === false) {
$resolvedParams[$index] = $this->newInstance($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos][0], $callTimeUserParams, false);
} else {
$resolvedParams[$index] = $this->get($computedParams['retrieval'][$fqParamPos][0], $callTimeUserParams);
} catch (DiRuntimeException $e) {
if ($methodRequirementType & self::RESOLVE_STRICT) {
//finally ( be aware to do at the end of flow)
if (isset($alias)) {
// if this item was marked strict,
// plus it cannot be resolve, and no value exist, bail out
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
throw new Exception\MissingPropertyException(
'Missing %s for parameter ' . $name . ' for ' . $class . '::' . $method,
(($value[0] === null) ? 'value' : 'instance/object')
} else {
//finally ( be aware to do at the end of flow)
if (isset($alias)) {
return false;
} catch (ServiceManagerException $e) {
// Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException
if ($methodRequirementType & self::RESOLVE_STRICT) {
//finally ( be aware to do at the end of flow)
if (isset($alias)) {
// if this item was marked strict,
// plus it cannot be resolve, and no value exist, bail out
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
throw new Exception\MissingPropertyException(
'Missing %s for parameter ' . $name . ' for ' . $class . '::' . $method,
(($value[0] === null) ? 'value' : 'instance/object')
} else {
//finally ( be aware to do at the end of flow)
if (isset($alias)) {
return false;
if (isset($alias)) {
} elseif (!array_key_exists($fqParamPos, $computedParams['optional'])) {
if ($methodRequirementType & self::RESOLVE_STRICT) {
// if this item was not marked as optional,
// plus it cannot be resolve, and no value exist, bail out
throw new Exception\MissingPropertyException(sprintf(
'Missing %s for parameter ' . $name . ' for ' . $class . '::' . $method,
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
(($value[0] === null) ? 'value' : 'instance/object')
} else {
return false;
} else {
$resolvedParams[$index] = $value[3];
return $resolvedParams; // return ordered list of parameters
* Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents
* @see
* @see
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
* @deprecated since zf 2.3 requires PHP >= 5.3.23
* @param string $className
* @param $type
* @return bool
protected static function isSubclassOf($className, $type)
2023-04-01 09:03:34 +03:00
return is_subclass_of($className, $type);