2023-03-27 20:12:45 +03:30

237 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"username" = "用户名"
"password" = "密码"
"login" = "登录"
"confirm" = "确定"
"cancel" = "取消"
"close" = "关闭"
"copy" = "复制"
"copied" = "已复制"
"download" = "下载"
"remark" = "备注"
"enable" = "启用"
"protocol" = "协议"
"search" = "搜尋"
"loading" = "加载中"
"second" = "秒"
"minute" = "分钟"
"hour" = "小时"
"day" = "天"
"check" = "查看"
"indefinite" = "无限期"
"unlimited" = "无限制"
"none" = "无"
"qrCode" = "二维码"
"info" = "更多信息"
"edit" = "编辑"
"delete" = "删除"
"reset" = "重置"
"copySuccess" = "复制成功"
"sure" = "确定"
"encryption" = "加密"
"transmission" = "传输"
"host" = "主持人"
"path" = "小路"
"camouflage" = "伪装"
"enabled" = "开启"
"disabled" = "关闭"
"domainName" = "域名"
"additional" = "额外"
"monitor" = "监听"
"certificate" = "证书"
"fail" = "失败"
"success" = "成功"
"getVersion" = "获取版本"
"install" = "安装"
"clients" = "客户端"
"usage" = "用法"
"dashboard" = "系统状态"
"inbounds" = "入站列表"
"setting" = "面板设置"
"logout" = "退出登录"
"link" = "其他"
"title" = "登录"
"loginAgain" = "登录时效已过,请重新登录"
"invalidFormData" = "数据格式错误"
"emptyUsername" = "请输入用户名"
"emptyPassword" = "请输入密码"
"wrongUsernameOrPassword" = "用户名或密码错误"
"successLogin" = "登录"
"title" = "系统状态"
"memory" = "内存"
"hard" = "硬盘"
"xrayStatus" = "xray 状态"
"stopXray" = "停止 Xray"
"restartXray" = "重启 Xray"
"xraySwitch" = "切换版本"
"xraySwitchClick" = "点击你想切换的版本"
"xraySwitchClickDesk" = "请谨慎选择,旧版本可能配置不兼容"
"operationHours" = "运行时间"
"operationHoursDesc" = "系统自启动以来的运行时间"
"systemLoad" = "系统负载"
"connectionCount" = "连接数"
"connectionCountDesc" = "所有网卡的总连接数"
"upSpeed" = "所有网卡的总上传速度"
"downSpeed" = "所有网卡的总下载速度"
"totalSent" = "系统启动以来所有网卡的总上传流量"
"totalReceive" = "系统启动以来所有网卡的总下载流量"
"xraySwitchVersionDialog" = "切换 xray 版本"
"xraySwitchVersionDialogDesc" = "是否切换 xray 版本至"
"dontRefreshh" = "安装中,请不要刷新此页面"
"title" = "入站列表"
"totalDownUp" = "总上传 / 下载"
"totalUsage" = "总用量"
"inboundCount" = "入站数量"
"operate" = "操作"
"enable" = "启用"
"remark" = "备注"
"protocol" = "协议"
"port" = "端口"
"traffic" = "流量"
"details" = "详细信息"
"transportConfig" = "传输配置"
"expireDate" = "到期时间"
"resetTraffic" = "重置流量"
"addInbound" = "添加入"
"addTo" = "添加"
"revise" = "修改"
"modifyInbound" = "修改入站"
"deleteInbound" = "删除入站"
"deleteInboundContent" = "确定要删除入站吗?"
"resetTrafficContent" = "确定要重置流量吗?"
"copyLink" = "复制链接"
"address" = "地址"
"network" = "网络"
"destinationPort" = "目标端口"
"targetAddress" = "目标地址"
"disableInsecureEncryption" = "禁用不安全加密"
"monitorDesc" = "默认留空即可"
"meansNoLimit" = "表示不限制"
"totalFlow" = "总流量"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "留空则永不到期"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "没有特殊需求保持默认即可"
"certificatePath" = "证书文件路径"
"certificateContent" = "证书文件内容"
"publicKeyPath" = "公钥文件路径"
"publicKeyContent" = "公钥内容"
"keyPath" = "密钥文件路径"
"keyContent" = "密钥内容"
"clickOnQRcode" = "点击二维码复制"
"client" = "客户"
"export" = "导出链接"
"Clone" = "克隆"
"cloneInbound" = "创造"
"cloneInboundContent" = "此入站的所有项目除 Port、Listening IP、Clients 将应用于克隆"
"cloneInboundOk" = "从创建克隆"
"resetAllTraffic" = "重置所有入站流量"
"resetAllTrafficTitle" = "重置所有入站流量"
"resetAllTrafficContent" = "您确定要重置所有入站流量吗?"
"resetAllTrafficOkText" = "确认"
"resetAllTrafficCancelText" = "取消"
"add" = "添加客户端"
"edit" = "编辑客户"
"submitAdd" = "添加客户端"
"submitEdit" = "保存修改"
"clientCount" = "客户数量"
"bulk" = "批量创建"
"method" = "方法"
"first" = "第一"
"last" = "最后"
"prefix" = "前缀"
"postfix" = "后缀"
"obtain" = "获取"
"requestHeader" = "请求头"
"name" = "名称"
"value" = "值"
"requestVersion" = "请求版本"
"requestMethod" = "请求方法"
"requestPath" = "请求路径"
"responseVersion" = "响应版本"
"responseStatus" = "响应状态"
"responseStatusDescription" = "响应状态说明"
"responseHeader" = "响应头"
"encryption" = "加密"
"title" = "设置"
"save" = "保存配置"
"restartPanel" = "重启面板"
"restartPanelDesc" = "确定要重启面板吗?点击确定将于 3 秒后重启,若重启后无法访问面板,请前往服务器查看面板日志信息"
"panelConfig" = "面板配置"
"userSetting" = "用户设置"
"xrayConfiguration" = "xray 相关设置"
"TGReminder" = "TG提醒相关设置"
"otherSetting" = "其他设置"
"panelListeningIP" = "面板监听 IP"
"panelListeningIPDesc" = "默认留空监听所有 IP重启面板生效"
"panelPort" = "面板监听端口"
"panelPortDesc" = "重启面板生效"
"publicKeyPath" = "面板证书公钥文件路径"
"publicKeyPathDesc" = "填写一个 '/' 开头的绝对路径,重启面板生效"
"privateKeyPath" = "面板证书密钥文件路径"
"privateKeyPathDesc" = "填写一个 '/' 开头的绝对路径,重启面板生效"
"panelUrlPath" = "面板 url 根路径"
"panelUrlPathDesc" = "必须以 '/' 开头,以 '/' 结尾,重启面板生效"
"oldUsername" = "原用户名"
"currentPassword" = "原密码"
"newUsername" = "新用户名"
"newPassword" = "新密码"
"advancedTemplate" = "高级模板部件"
"completeTemplate" = "Xray 配置的完整模板"
"xrayConfigTemplate" = "xray 配置模板"
"xrayConfigTemplateDesc" = "以该模型为基础生成最终的xray配置文件重新启动面板生成效率"
"xrayConfigTorrent" = "禁止使用 bittorrent"
"xrayConfigTorrentDesc" = "更改配置模板避免用户使用bittorrent重启面板生效"
"xrayConfigPrivateIp" = "禁止私人 ip 范围连接"
"xrayConfigPrivateIpDesc" = "更改配置模板以避免连接私有 IP 范围,重启面板生效"
"xrayConfigInbounds" = "入站配置"
"xrayConfigInboundsDesc" = "更改配置模板接受特殊客户端,重启面板生效"
"xrayConfigOutbounds" = "出站配置"
"xrayConfigOutboundsDesc" = "更改配置模板定义此服务器的传出方式,重启面板生效"
"xrayConfigRoutings" = "路由规则配置"
"xrayConfigRoutingsDesc" = "更改配置模板为该服务器定义路由规则,重启面板生效"
"telegramBotEnable" = "启用电报机器人"
"telegramBotEnableDesc" = "重启面板生效"
"telegramToken" = "电报机器人TOKEN"
"telegramTokenDesc" = "重启面板生效"
"telegramChatId" = "以逗号分隔的多个 chatID 重启面板生效"
"telegramChatIdDesc" = "重启面板生效"
"telegramNotifyTime" = "电报机器人通知时间"
"telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "采用Crontab定时格式,重启面板生效"
"tgNotifyBackup" = "数据库备份"
"tgNotifyBackupDesc" = "正在发送数据库备份文件和报告通知。重启面板生效"
"tgNotifyExpireTimeDiff" = "剩余时间阈值"
"tgNotifyExpireTimeDiffDesc" = "这个 talegram bot 会在到期前给你发送通知(单位:天)"
"tgNotifyTrafficDiff" = "剩余流量阈值"
"tgNotifyTrafficDiffDesc" = "这个 talegram bot 会在流量结束前给你发送通知单位GB"
"tgNotifyCpu" = "CPU 百分比警报阈值"
"tgNotifyCpuDesc" = "如果 CPU 使用率超过此百分比(单位:%),此 talegram bot 将向您发送通知"
"timeZonee" = "时区"
"timeZoneDesc" = "定时任务按照该时区的时间运行,重启面板生效"
"modifySetting" = "修改设置"
"getSetting" = "获取设置"
"modifyUser" = "修改用户"
"originalUserPassIncorrect" = "原用户名或原密码错误"
"userPassMustBeNotEmpty" = "新用户名和新密码不能为空"