LoST cc3252531b
Added "comment" in all languages (#2631)
- Added a "comment" in all languages


Co-authored-by: mhsanaei <ho3ein.sanaei@gmail.com>
2025-01-01 19:13:55 +01:00

597 lines
24 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"username" = "使用者名稱"
"password" = "密碼"
"login" = "登入"
"confirm" = "確定"
"cancel" = "取消"
"close" = "關閉"
"copy" = "複製"
"copied" = "已複製"
"download" = "下載"
"remark" = "備註"
"enable" = "啟用"
"protocol" = "協議"
"search" = "搜尋"
"filter" = "篩選"
"loading" = "載入中..."
"second" = "秒"
"minute" = "分鐘"
"hour" = "小時"
"day" = "天"
"check" = "檢視"
"indefinite" = "無限期"
"unlimited" = "無限制"
"none" = "無"
"qrCode" = "二維碼"
"info" = "更多資訊"
"edit" = "編輯"
"delete" = "刪除"
"reset" = "重置"
"copySuccess" = "複製成功"
"sure" = "確定"
"encryption" = "加密"
"transmission" = "傳輸"
"host" = "主機"
"path" = "路徑"
"camouflage" = "偽裝"
"status" = "狀態"
"enabled" = "開啟"
"disabled" = "關閉"
"depleted" = "耗盡"
"depletingSoon" = "即將耗盡"
"offline" = "離線"
"online" = "線上"
"domainName" = "域名"
"monitor" = "監聽"
"certificate" = "憑證"
"fail" = "失敗"
"comment" = "評論"
"success" = "成功"
"getVersion" = "獲取版本"
"install" = "安裝"
"clients" = "客戶端"
"usage" = "使用情況"
"secretToken" = "安全金鑰"
"remained" = "剩餘"
"security" = "安全"
"secAlertTitle" = "安全警報"
"secAlertSsl" = "此連線不安全。在啟用 TLS 進行資料保護之前,請勿輸入敏感資訊。"
"secAlertConf" = "某些設定易受攻擊。建議加強安全協議以防止潛在漏洞。"
"secAlertSSL" = "面板缺少安全連線。請安裝 TLS 證書以保護資料安全。"
"secAlertPanelPort" = "面板預設埠存在安全風險。請配置隨機埠或特定埠。"
"secAlertPanelURI" = "面板預設 URI 路徑不安全。請配置複雜的 URI 路徑。"
"secAlertSubURI" = "訂閱預設 URI 路徑不安全。請配置複雜的 URI 路徑。"
"secAlertSubJsonURI" = "訂閱 JSON 預設 URI 路徑不安全。請配置複雜的 URI 路徑。"
"dashboard" = "系統狀態"
"inbounds" = "入站列表"
"settings" = "面板設定"
"xray" = "Xray 設定"
"logout" = "退出登入"
"link" = "管理"
"hello" = "你好"
"title" = "歡迎"
"loginAgain" = "登入時效已過,請重新登入"
"invalidFormData" = "資料格式錯誤"
"emptyUsername" = "請輸入使用者名稱"
"emptyPassword" = "請輸入密碼"
"wrongUsernameOrPassword" = "使用者名稱或密碼錯誤"
"successLogin" = "登入"
"title" = "系統狀態"
"memory" = "記憶體"
"hard" = "磁碟"
"xrayStatus" = "Xray"
"stopXray" = "停止"
"restartXray" = "重啟"
"xraySwitch" = "版本"
"xraySwitchClick" = "選擇你要切換到的版本"
"xraySwitchClickDesk" = "請謹慎選擇,因為較舊版本可能與當前配置不相容"
"operationHours" = "系統正常執行時間"
"systemLoad" = "系統負載"
"systemLoadDesc" = "過去 1、5 和 15 分鐘的系統平均負載"
"connectionTcpCountDesc" = "系統中所有 TCP 連線數"
"connectionUdpCountDesc" = "系統中所有 UDP 連線數"
"connectionCount" = "連線數"
"upSpeed" = "總上傳速度"
"downSpeed" = "總下載速度"
"totalSent" = "系統啟動以來傳送的總資料量"
"totalReceive" = "系統啟動以來接收的總資料量"
"xraySwitchVersionDialog" = "切換 Xray 版本"
"xraySwitchVersionDialogDesc" = "是否切換 Xray 版本至"
"dontRefresh" = "安裝中,請勿重新整理此頁面"
"logs" = "日誌"
"config" = "配置"
"backup" = "備份和恢復"
"backupTitle" = "備份和恢復資料庫"
"backupDescription" = "恢復資料庫之前建議進行備份"
"exportDatabase" = "備份"
"importDatabase" = "恢復"
"title" = "入站列表"
"totalDownUp" = "總上傳 / 下載"
"totalUsage" = "總用量"
"inboundCount" = "入站數量"
"operate" = "選單"
"enable" = "啟用"
"remark" = "備註"
"protocol" = "協議"
"port" = "埠"
"traffic" = "流量"
"details" = "詳細資訊"
"transportConfig" = "傳輸配置"
"expireDate" = "到期時間"
"resetTraffic" = "重置流量"
"addInbound" = "新增入站"
"generalActions" = "通用操作"
"create" = "新增"
"update" = "修改"
"modifyInbound" = "修改入站"
"deleteInbound" = "刪除入站"
"deleteInboundContent" = "確定要刪除入站嗎?"
"deleteClient" = "刪除客戶端"
"deleteClientContent" = "確定要刪除客戶端嗎?"
"resetTrafficContent" = "確定要重置流量嗎?"
"copyLink" = "複製連結"
"address" = "地址"
"network" = "網路"
"destinationPort" = "目標埠"
"targetAddress" = "目標地址"
"monitorDesc" = "留空表示監聽所有 IP"
"meansNoLimit" = "= 無限制單位GB)"
"totalFlow" = "總流量"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "留空表示永不過期"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "建議保留預設值"
"certificatePath" = "檔案路徑"
"certificateContent" = "檔案內容"
"publicKey" = "公鑰"
"privatekey" = "私鑰"
"clickOnQRcode" = "點選二維碼複製"
"client" = "客戶"
"export" = "匯出連結"
"clone" = "複製"
"cloneInbound" = "複製"
"cloneInboundContent" = "此入站規則除埠Port、監聽 IPListening IP和客戶端Clients以外的所有配置都將應用於克隆"
"cloneInboundOk" = "建立克隆"
"resetAllTraffic" = "重置所有入站流量"
"resetAllTrafficTitle" = "重置所有入站流量"
"resetAllTrafficContent" = "確定要重置所有入站流量嗎?"
"resetInboundClientTraffics" = "重置客戶端流量"
"resetInboundClientTrafficTitle" = "重置所有客戶端流量"
"resetInboundClientTrafficContent" = "確定要重置此入站客戶端的所有流量嗎?"
"resetAllClientTraffics" = "重置所有客戶端流量"
"resetAllClientTrafficTitle" = "重置所有客戶端流量"
"resetAllClientTrafficContent" = "確定要重置所有客戶端的所有流量嗎?"
"delDepletedClients" = "刪除流量耗盡的客戶端"
"delDepletedClientsTitle" = "刪除流量耗盡的客戶端"
"delDepletedClientsContent" = "確定要刪除所有流量耗盡的客戶端嗎?"
"email" = "電子郵件"
"emailDesc" = "電子郵件必須完全唯一"
"IPLimit" = "IP 限制"
"IPLimitDesc" = "如果數量超過設定值則禁用入站流量。0 = 禁用)"
"IPLimitlog" = "IP 日誌"
"IPLimitlogDesc" = "IP 歷史日誌(要啟用被禁用的入站流量,請清除日誌)"
"IPLimitlogclear" = "清除日誌"
"setDefaultCert" = "從面板設定證書"
"telegramDesc" = "請提供Telegram聊天ID。在機器人中使用'/id'命令)或(@userinfobot"
"subscriptionDesc" = "要找到你的訂閱 URL請導航到“詳細資訊”。此外你可以為多個客戶端使用相同的名稱。"
"info" = "資訊"
"same" = "相同"
"inboundData" = "入站資料"
"exportInbound" = "匯出入站規則"
"importInbound" = "匯入入站規則"
"add" = "新增客戶端"
"edit" = "編輯客戶端"
"submitAdd" = "新增客戶端"
"submitEdit" = "儲存修改"
"clientCount" = "客戶端數量"
"bulk" = "批量建立"
"method" = "方法"
"first" = "置頂"
"last" = "置底"
"prefix" = "字首"
"postfix" = "字尾"
"delayedStart" = "首次使用後開始"
"expireDays" = "期間"
"days" = "天"
"renew" = "自動續訂"
"renewDesc" = "到期後自動續訂。(0 = 禁用)(單位: 天)"
"obtain" = "獲取"
"request" = "請求"
"response" = "響應"
"name" = "名稱"
"value" = "值"
"version" = "版本"
"method" = "方法"
"path" = "路徑"
"status" = "狀態"
"statusDescription" = "狀態說明"
"requestHeader" = "請求頭"
"responseHeader" = "響應頭"
"title" = "面板設定"
"save" = "儲存"
"infoDesc" = "此處的所有更改都需要儲存並重啟面板才能生效"
"restartPanel" = "重啟面板"
"restartPanelDesc" = "確定要重啟面板嗎?若重啟後無法訪問面板,請前往伺服器檢視面板日誌資訊"
"actions" = "操作"
"resetDefaultConfig" = "重置為預設配置"
"panelSettings" = "常規"
"securitySettings" = "安全設定"
"TGBotSettings" = "Telegram 機器人配置"
"panelListeningIP" = "面板監聽 IP"
"panelListeningIPDesc" = "預設留空監聽所有 IP"
"panelListeningDomain" = "面板監聽域名"
"panelListeningDomainDesc" = "預設情況下留空以監視所有域名和 IP 地址"
"panelPort" = "面板監聽埠"
"panelPortDesc" = "重啟面板生效"
"publicKeyPath" = "面板證書公鑰檔案路徑"
"publicKeyPathDesc" = "填寫一個 '/' 開頭的絕對路徑"
"privateKeyPath" = "面板證書金鑰檔案路徑"
"privateKeyPathDesc" = "填寫一個 '/' 開頭的絕對路徑"
"panelUrlPath" = "面板 url 根路徑"
"panelUrlPathDesc" = "必須以 '/' 開頭,以 '/' 結尾"
"pageSize" = "分頁大小"
"pageSizeDesc" = "定義入站表的頁面大小。設定 0 表示禁用"
"remarkModel" = "備註模型和分隔符"
"datepicker" = "日期選擇器"
"datepickerPlaceholder" = "選擇日期"
"datepickerDescription" = "選擇器日曆類型指定到期日期"
"sampleRemark" = "備註示例"
"oldUsername" = "原使用者名稱"
"currentPassword" = "原密碼"
"newUsername" = "新使用者名稱"
"newPassword" = "新密碼"
"telegramBotEnable" = "啟用 Telegram 機器人"
"telegramBotEnableDesc" = "啟用 Telegram 機器人功能"
"telegramToken" = "Telegram 機器人令牌token"
"telegramTokenDesc" = "從 '@BotFather' 獲取的 Telegram 機器人令牌"
"telegramProxy" = "SOCKS5 Proxy"
"telegramProxyDesc" = "啟用 SOCKS5 代理連線到 Telegram根據指南調整設定"
"telegramAPIServer" = "Telegram API Server"
"telegramAPIServerDesc" = "要使用的 Telegram API 伺服器。留空以使用預設伺服器。"
"telegramChatId" = "管理員聊天 ID"
"telegramChatIdDesc" = "Telegram 管理員聊天 ID (多個以逗號分隔)(可通過 @userinfobot 獲取,或在機器人中使用 '/id' 命令獲取)"
"telegramNotifyTime" = "通知時間"
"telegramNotifyTimeDesc" = "設定週期性的 Telegram 機器人通知時間(使用 crontab 時間格式)"
"tgNotifyBackup" = "資料庫備份"
"tgNotifyBackupDesc" = "傳送帶有報告的資料庫備份檔案"
"tgNotifyLogin" = "登入通知"
"tgNotifyLoginDesc" = "當有人試圖登入你的面板時顯示使用者名稱、IP 地址和時間"
"sessionMaxAge" = "會話時長"
"sessionMaxAgeDesc" = "保持登入狀態的時長(單位:分鐘)"
"expireTimeDiff" = "到期通知閾值"
"expireTimeDiffDesc" = "達到此閾值時,將收到有關到期時間的通知(單位:天)"
"trafficDiff" = "流量耗盡閾值"
"trafficDiffDesc" = "達到此閾值時將收到有關流量耗盡的通知單位GB"
"tgNotifyCpu" = "CPU 負載通知閾值"
"tgNotifyCpuDesc" = "CPU 負載超過此閾值時,將收到通知(單位:%"
"timeZone" = "時區"
"timeZoneDesc" = "定時任務將按照該時區的時間執行"
"subSettings" = "訂閱設定"
"subEnable" = "啟用訂閱服務"
"subEnableDesc" = "啟用訂閱服務功能"
"subListen" = "監聽 IP"
"subListenDesc" = "訂閱服務監聽的 IP 地址(留空表示監聽所有 IP"
"subPort" = "監聽埠"
"subPortDesc" = "訂閱服務監聽的埠號(必須是未使用的埠)"
"subCertPath" = "公鑰路徑"
"subCertPathDesc" = "訂閱服務使用的公鑰檔案路徑(以 '/' 開頭)"
"subKeyPath" = "私鑰路徑"
"subKeyPathDesc" = "訂閱服務使用的私鑰檔案路徑(以 '/' 開頭)"
"subPath" = "URI 路徑"
"subPathDesc" = "訂閱服務使用的 URI 路徑(以 '/' 開頭,以 '/' 結尾)"
"subDomain" = "監聽域名"
"subDomainDesc" = "訂閱服務監聽的域名(留空表示監聽所有域名和 IP"
"subUpdates" = "更新間隔"
"subUpdatesDesc" = "客戶端應用中訂閱 URL 的更新間隔(單位:小時)"
"subEncrypt" = "編碼"
"subEncryptDesc" = "訂閱服務返回的內容將採用 Base64 編碼"
"subShowInfo" = "顯示使用資訊"
"subShowInfoDesc" = "客戶端應用中將顯示剩餘流量和日期資訊"
"subURI" = "反向代理 URI"
"subURIDesc" = "用於代理後面的訂閱 URL 的 URI 路徑"
"fragment" = "分片"
"fragmentDesc" = "啟用 TLS hello 資料包分片"
"fragmentSett" = "設定"
"noisesDesc" = "啟用 Noises."
"noisesSett" = "Noises 設定"
"mux" = "多路複用器"
"muxDesc" = "在已建立的資料流內傳輸多個獨立的資料流"
"muxSett" = "複用器設定"
"direct" = "直接連線"
"directDesc" = "直接與特定國家的域或IP範圍建立連線"
"title" = "Xray 配置"
"save" = "儲存"
"restart" = "重新啟動 Xray"
"basicTemplate" = "基礎配置"
"advancedTemplate" = "高階配置"
"generalConfigs" = "常規配置"
"generalConfigsDesc" = "這些選項將決定常規配置"
"logConfigs" = "日誌"
"logConfigsDesc" = "日誌可能會影響伺服器的效能,建議僅在需要時啟用"
"blockConfigs" = "防護遮蔽"
"blockConfigsDesc" = "這些選項將阻止使用者連線到特定協議和網站"
"basicRouting" = "基本路由"
"blockConnectionsConfigsDesc" = "這些選項將根據特定的請求國家阻止流量。"
"directConnectionsConfigsDesc" = "直接連線確保特定的流量不會通過其他伺服器路由。"
"blockips" = "阻止IP"
"blockdomains" = "阻止域名"
"directips" = "直接IP"
"directdomains" = "直接域名"
"ipv4Routing" = "IPv4 路由"
"ipv4RoutingDesc" = "此選項將僅通過 IPv4 路由到目標域"
"warpRouting" = "WARP 路由"
"warpRoutingDesc" = "注意:在使用這些選項之前,請按照面板 GitHub 上的步驟在你的伺服器上以 socks5 代理模式安裝 WARP。WARP 將通過 Cloudflare 伺服器將流量路由到網站。"
"Template" = "高階 Xray 配置模板"
"TemplateDesc" = "最終的 Xray 配置檔案將基於此模板生成"
"FreedomStrategy" = "Freedom 協議策略"
"FreedomStrategyDesc" = "設定 Freedom 協議中網路的輸出策略"
"RoutingStrategy" = "配置路由域策略"
"RoutingStrategyDesc" = "設定 DNS 解析的整體路由策略"
"Torrent" = "遮蔽 BitTorrent 協議"
"TorrentDesc" = "禁止使用 BitTorrent"
"Family" = "家庭保護"
"FamilyDesc" = "遮蔽成人內容和惡意網站"
"Inbounds" = "入站規則"
"InboundsDesc" = "接受來自特定客戶端的流量"
"Outbounds" = "出站規則"
"Balancers" = "負載均衡"
"OutboundsDesc" = "設定出站流量傳出方式"
"Routings" = "路由規則"
"RoutingsDesc" = "每條規則的優先順序都很重要"
"completeTemplate" = "全部"
"logLevel" = "日誌級別"
"logLevelDesc" = "錯誤日誌的日誌級別,用於指示需要記錄的資訊"
"accessLog" = "訪問日誌"
"accessLogDesc" = "訪問日誌的檔案路徑。特殊值 'none' 禁用訪問日誌"
"errorLog" = "錯誤日誌"
"errorLogDesc" = "錯誤日誌的檔案路徑。特殊值 'none' 禁用錯誤日誌"
"dnsLog" = "DNS 日誌"
"dnsLogDesc" = "是否啟用 DNS 查詢日誌"
"maskAddress" = "隱藏地址"
"maskAddressDesc" = "IP 地址掩碼,啟用時會自動替換日誌中出現的 IP 地址。"
"first" = "置頂"
"last" = "置底"
"up" = "向上"
"down" = "向下"
"source" = "來源"
"dest" = "目的地址"
"inbound" = "入站"
"outbound" = "出站"
"balancer" = "負載均衡"
"info" = "資訊"
"add" = "新增規則"
"edit" = "編輯規則"
"useComma" = "逗號分隔的項目"
"addOutbound" = "新增出站"
"addReverse" = "新增反向"
"editOutbound" = "編輯出站"
"editReverse" = "編輯反向"
"tag" = "標籤"
"tagDesc" = "唯一標籤"
"address" = "地址"
"reverse" = "反向"
"domain" = "域名"
"type" = "類型"
"bridge" = "Bridge"
"portal" = "Portal"
"intercon" = "互連"
"settings" = "設定"
"accountInfo" = "帳戶資訊"
"outboundStatus" = "出站狀態"
"sendThrough" = "傳送通過"
"addBalancer" = "新增負載均衡"
"editBalancer" = "編輯負載均衡"
"balancerStrategy" = "策略"
"balancerSelectors" = "選擇器"
"tag" = "標籤"
"tagDesc" = "唯一標籤"
"balancerDesc" = "無法同時使用 balancerTag 和 outboundTag。如果同時使用則只有 outboundTag 會生效。"
"secretKey" = "金鑰"
"publicKey" = "公鑰"
"allowedIPs" = "允許的 IP"
"endpoint" = "端點"
"psk" = "共享金鑰"
"domainStrategy" = "域策略"
"enable" = "啟用 DNS"
"enableDesc" = "啟用內建 DNS 伺服器"
"tag" = "DNS 入站標籤"
"tagDesc" = "此標籤將在路由規則中可用作入站標籤"
"strategy" = "查詢策略"
"strategyDesc" = "解析域名的總體策略"
"add" = "新增伺服器"
"edit" = "編輯伺服器"
"domains" = "域"
"expectIPs" = "預期 IP"
"add" = "新增假 DNS"
"edit" = "編輯假 DNS"
"ipPool" = "IP 池子網"
"poolSize" = "池大小"
"admin" = "管理員"
"secret" = "安全令牌"
"loginSecurity" = "登入安全"
"loginSecurityDesc" = "新增額外的身份驗證以提高安全性"
"secretToken" = "安全令牌"
"secretTokenDesc" = "請將此令牌儲存在安全的地方。此令牌用於登入,丟失無法恢復。"
"modifySettings" = "修改設定"
"getSettings" = "獲取設定"
"modifyUser" = "修改管理員"
"originalUserPassIncorrect" = "原使用者名稱或原密碼錯誤"
"userPassMustBeNotEmpty" = "新使用者名稱和新密碼不能為空"
"keyboardClosed" = "❌ 自定義鍵盤已關閉!"
"noResult" = "❗ 沒有結果!"
"noQuery" = "❌ 未找到查詢!請重新使用命令!"
"wentWrong" = "❌ 出了點問題!"
"noIpRecord" = "❗ 沒有 IP 記錄!"
"noInbounds" = "❗ 沒有找到入站連線!"
"unlimited" = "♾ 無限制"
"add" = "新增"
"month" = "月"
"months" = "月"
"day" = "天"
"days" = "天"
"hours" = "小時"
"unknown" = "未知"
"inbounds" = "入站連線"
"clients" = "客戶端"
"offline" = "🔴 離線"
"online" = "🟢 線上"
"unknown" = "❗ 未知命令"
"pleaseChoose" = "👇 請選擇:\r\n"
"help" = "🤖 歡迎使用本機器人!它旨在為您提供來自伺服器的特定資料,並允許您進行必要的修改。\r\n\r\n"
"start" = "👋 你好,<i>{{ .Firstname }}</i>。\r\n"
"welcome" = "🤖 歡迎來到 <b>{{ .Hostname }}</b> 管理機器人。\r\n"
"status" = "✅ 機器人正常執行!"
"usage" = "❗ 請輸入要搜尋的文字!"
"getID" = "🆔 您的 ID 為:<code>{{ .ID }}</code>"
"helpAdminCommands" = "要重新啟動 Xray Core\r\n<code>/restart force</code>\r\n\r\n要搜尋客戶電子郵件\r\n<code>/usage [電子郵件]</code>\r\n\r\n要搜尋入站帶有客戶統計資料\r\n<code>/inbound [備註]</code>\r\n\r\nTelegram聊天ID\r\n<code>/id</code>"
"helpClientCommands" = "要搜尋統計資料,請使用以下命令:\r\n<code>/usage [電子郵件]</code>\r\n\r\nTelegram聊天ID\r\n<code>/id</code>"
"restartUsage" = "\r\n\r\n<code>/restart force</code>"
"restartSuccess" = "✅ 操作成功!"
"restartFailed" = "❗ 操作錯誤。\r\n\r\n<code>錯誤: {{ .Error }}</code>."
"xrayNotRunning" = "❗ Xray Core 未運行。"
"cpuThreshold" = "🔴 CPU 使用率為 {{ .Percent }}%,超過閾值 {{ .Threshold }}%"
"selectUserFailed" = "❌ 使用者選擇錯誤!"
"userSaved" = "✅ 電報使用者已儲存。"
"loginSuccess" = "✅ 成功登入到面板。\r\n"
"loginFailed" = "❗️ 面板登入失敗。\r\n"
"report" = "🕰 定時報告:{{ .RunTime }}\r\n"
"datetime" = "⏰ 日期時間:{{ .DateTime }}\r\n"
"hostname" = "💻 主機名:{{ .Hostname }}\r\n"
"version" = "🚀 X-UI 版本:{{ .Version }}\r\n"
"xrayVersion" = "📡 Xray 版本: {{ .XrayVersion }}\r\n"
"ipv6" = "🌐 IPv6{{ .IPv6 }}\r\n"
"ipv4" = "🌐 IPv4{{ .IPv4 }}\r\n"
"ip" = "🌐 IP{{ .IP }}\r\n"
"ips" = "🔢 IP 地址:\r\n{{ .IPs }}\r\n"
"serverUpTime" = "⏳ 伺服器執行時間:{{ .UpTime }} {{ .Unit }}\r\n"
"serverLoad" = "📈 伺服器負載:{{ .Load1 }}, {{ .Load2 }}, {{ .Load3 }}\r\n"
"serverMemory" = "📋 伺服器記憶體:{{ .Current }}/{{ .Total }}\r\n"
"tcpCount" = "🔹 TCP 連線數:{{ .Count }}\r\n"
"udpCount" = "🔸 UDP 連線數:{{ .Count }}\r\n"
"traffic" = "🚦 流量:{{ .Total }} (↑{{ .Upload }},↓{{ .Download }})\r\n"
"xrayStatus" = " Xray 狀態:{{ .State }}\r\n"
"username" = "👤 使用者名稱:{{ .Username }}\r\n"
"password" = "👤 密碼: {{ .Password }}\r\n"
"time" = "⏰ 時間:{{ .Time }}\r\n"
"inbound" = "📍 入站:{{ .Remark }}\r\n"
"port" = "🔌 埠:{{ .Port }}\r\n"
"expire" = "📅 過期日期:{{ .Time }}\r\n"
"expireIn" = "📅 剩餘時間:{{ .Time }}\r\n"
"active" = "💡 啟用:{{ .Enable }}\r\n"
"enabled" = "🚨 已啟用:{{ .Enable }}\r\n"
"online" = "🌐 連線狀態:{{ .Status }}\r\n"
"email" = "📧 郵箱:{{ .Email }}\r\n"
"upload" = "🔼 上傳↑:{{ .Upload }}\r\n"
"download" = "🔽 下載↓:{{ .Download }}\r\n"
"total" = "📊 總計:{{ .UpDown }} / {{ .Total }}\r\n"
"TGUser" = "👤 電報使用者:{{ .TelegramID }}\r\n"
"exhaustedMsg" = "🚨 耗盡的 {{ .Type }}\r\n"
"exhaustedCount" = "🚨 耗盡的 {{ .Type }} 數量:\r\n"
"onlinesCount" = "🌐 線上客戶:{{ .Count }}\r\n"
"disabled" = "🛑 禁用:{{ .Disabled }}\r\n"
"depleteSoon" = "🔜 即將耗盡:{{ .Deplete }}\r\n\r\n"
"backupTime" = "🗄 備份時間:{{ .Time }}\r\n"
"refreshedOn" = "\r\n📋🔄 重新整理時間:{{ .Time }}\r\n\r\n"
"yes" = "✅ 是的"
"no" = "❌ 沒有"
"closeKeyboard" = "❌ 關閉鍵盤"
"cancel" = "❌ 取消"
"cancelReset" = "❌ 取消重置"
"cancelIpLimit" = "❌ 取消 IP 限制"
"confirmResetTraffic" = "✅ 確認重置流量?"
"confirmClearIps" = "✅ 確認清除 IP"
"confirmRemoveTGUser" = "✅ 確認移除 Telegram 使用者?"
"confirmToggle" = "✅ 確認啟用/禁用使用者?"
"dbBackup" = "獲取資料庫備份"
"serverUsage" = "伺服器使用情況"
"getInbounds" = "獲取入站資訊"
"depleteSoon" = "即將耗盡"
"clientUsage" = "獲取使用情況"
"onlines" = "線上客戶端"
"commands" = "命令"
"refresh" = "🔄 重新整理"
"clearIPs" = "❌ 清除 IP"
"removeTGUser" = "❌ 移除 Telegram 使用者"
"selectTGUser" = "👤 選擇 Telegram 使用者"
"selectOneTGUser" = "👤 選擇一個 Telegram 使用者:"
"resetTraffic" = "📈 重置流量"
"resetExpire" = "📅 更改到期日期"
"ipLog" = "🔢 IP 日誌"
"ipLimit" = "🔢 IP 限制"
"setTGUser" = "👤 設定 Telegram 使用者"
"toggle" = "🔘 啟用/禁用"
"custom" = "🔢 風俗"
"confirmNumber" = "✅ 確認: {{ .Num }}"
"confirmNumberAdd" = "✅ 確認新增:{{ .Num }}"
"limitTraffic" = "🚧 流量限制"
"getBanLogs" = "禁止日誌"
"allClients" = "所有客戶"
"successfulOperation" = "✅ 成功!"
"errorOperation" = "❗ 操作錯誤。"
"getInboundsFailed" = "❌ 獲取入站資訊失敗。"
"getClientsFailed" = "❌ 獲取客戶失敗。"
"canceled" = "❌ {{ .Email }}:操作已取消。"
"clientRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:客戶端重新整理成功。"
"IpRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}IP 重新整理成功。"
"TGIdRefreshSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:客戶端的 Telegram 使用者重新整理成功。"
"resetTrafficSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:流量已重置成功。"
"setTrafficLimitSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: 流量限制儲存成功。"
"expireResetSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:過期天數已重置成功。"
"resetIpSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:成功儲存 IP 限制數量為 {{ .Count }}。"
"clearIpSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}IP 已成功清除。"
"getIpLog" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:獲取 IP 日誌。"
"getUserInfo" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:獲取 Telegram 使用者資訊。"
"removedTGUserSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}Telegram 使用者已成功移除。"
"enableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:已成功啟用。"
"disableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}:已成功禁用。"
"askToAddUserId" = "未找到您的配置!\r\n請向管理員詢問在您的配置中使用您的 Telegram 使用者 ChatID。\r\n\r\n您的使用者 ChatID<code>{{ .TgUserID }}</code>"
"chooseClient" = "為入站 {{ .Inbound }} 選擇一個客戶"
"chooseInbound" = "選擇一個入站"