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synced 2025-03-01 01:20:49 +03:00
1061 lines
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1061 lines
36 KiB
package service
import (
th "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegohandler"
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
var bot *telego.Bot
var botHandler *th.BotHandler
var adminIds []int64
var isRunning bool
type LoginStatus byte
const (
LoginSuccess LoginStatus = 1
LoginFail LoginStatus = 0
type Tgbot struct {
inboundService InboundService
settingService SettingService
serverService ServerService
xrayService XrayService
lastStatus *Status
hashStorage *global.HashStorage
func (t *Tgbot) NewTgbot() *Tgbot {
return new(Tgbot)
func (t *Tgbot) BotI18n(name string, params ...string) string {
return locale.I18n(locale.Bot, name, params...)
func (t *Tgbot) GetHashStorage() *global.HashStorage {
return t.hashStorage
func (t *Tgbot) Start(i18nFS embed.FS) error {
err := locale.InitLocalizer(i18nFS, &t.settingService)
if err != nil {
return err
// init hash storage => store callback queries
// NOTE: it only save the query if its length is more than 64 chars.
t.hashStorage = global.NewHashStorage(20*time.Minute, false)
tgBottoken, err := t.settingService.GetTgBotToken()
if err != nil || tgBottoken == "" {
logger.Warning("Get TgBotToken failed:", err)
return err
tgBotid, err := t.settingService.GetTgBotChatId()
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Get GetTgBotChatId failed:", err)
return err
for _, adminId := range strings.Split(tgBotid, ",") {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(adminId)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed to get IDs from GetTgBotChatId:", err)
return err
adminIds = append(adminIds, int64(id))
bot, err = telego.NewBot(tgBottoken)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Get tgbot's api error:", err)
return err
// listen for TG bot income messages
if !isRunning {
logger.Info("Starting Telegram receiver ...")
go t.OnReceive()
isRunning = true
return nil
func (t *Tgbot) IsRunning() bool {
return isRunning
func (t *Tgbot) Stop() {
logger.Info("Stop Telegram receiver ...")
isRunning = false
adminIds = nil
func (t *Tgbot) OnReceive() {
params := telego.GetUpdatesParams{
Timeout: 10,
updates, _ := bot.UpdatesViaLongPolling(¶ms)
botHandler, _ = th.NewBotHandler(bot, updates)
botHandler.HandleMessage(func(_ *telego.Bot, message telego.Message) {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(message.Chat.ID, "Custom Keyboard Closed!", tu.ReplyKeyboardRemove())
}, th.TextEqual("❌ Close Keyboard"))
botHandler.HandleMessage(func(_ *telego.Bot, message telego.Message) {
t.answerCommand(&message, message.Chat.ID, checkAdmin(message.From.ID))
}, th.AnyCommand())
botHandler.HandleCallbackQuery(func(_ *telego.Bot, query telego.CallbackQuery) {
t.asnwerCallback(&query, checkAdmin(query.From.ID))
}, th.AnyCallbackQueryWithMessage())
botHandler.HandleMessage(func(_ *telego.Bot, message telego.Message) {
if message.UserShared != nil {
if checkAdmin(message.From.ID) {
err := t.inboundService.SetClientTelegramUserID(message.UserShared.RequestID, strconv.FormatInt(message.UserShared.UserID, 10))
var output string
if err != nil {
output = "❌ Error in user selection!"
} else {
output = "✅ Telegram User saved."
t.SendMsgToTgbot(message.Chat.ID, output, tu.ReplyKeyboardRemove())
} else {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(message.Chat.ID, "No result!", tu.ReplyKeyboardRemove())
}, th.AnyMessage())
func (t *Tgbot) answerCommand(message *telego.Message, chatId int64, isAdmin bool) {
msg := ""
command, commandArgs := tu.ParseCommand(message.Text)
// Extract the command from the Message.
switch command {
case "help":
msg = "This bot is providing you some specefic data from the server.\n\n Please choose:"
case "start":
msg = "Hello <i>" + message.From.FirstName + "</i> 👋"
if isAdmin {
hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
msg += "\nWelcome to <b>" + hostname + "</b> management bot"
msg += "\n\nI can do some magics for you, please choose:"
case "status":
msg = "bot is ok ✅"
case "usage":
if len(commandArgs) > 0 {
if isAdmin {
t.searchClient(chatId, commandArgs[0])
} else {
t.searchForClient(chatId, commandArgs[0])
} else {
msg = "❗Please provide a text for search!"
case "inbound":
if isAdmin && len(commandArgs) > 0 {
t.searchInbound(chatId, commandArgs[0])
} else {
msg = "❗ Unknown command"
msg = "❗ Unknown command"
t.SendAnswer(chatId, msg, isAdmin)
func (t *Tgbot) asnwerCallback(callbackQuery *telego.CallbackQuery, isAdmin bool) {
chatId := callbackQuery.Message.Chat.ID
if isAdmin {
// get query from hash storage
decodedQuery, err := t.hashStorage.GetValue(callbackQuery.Data)
if err != nil {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, "Query not found! Please use the command again!")
dataArray := strings.Split(decodedQuery, " ")
if len(dataArray) >= 2 && len(dataArray[1]) > 0 {
email := dataArray[1]
switch dataArray[0] {
case "client_refresh":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Client refreshed successfully.", email))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "client_cancel":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s : Operation canceled.", email))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "ips_refresh":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : IPs refreshed successfully.", email))
t.searchClientIps(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "ips_cancel":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s : Operation canceled.", email))
t.searchClientIps(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "tgid_refresh":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Client's Telegram User refreshed successfully.", email))
t.clientTelegramUserInfo(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "tgid_cancel":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s : Operation canceled.", email))
t.clientTelegramUserInfo(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "reset_traffic":
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Cancel Reset").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("client_cancel "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("✅ Confirm Reset Traffic?").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_traffic_c "+email)),
t.editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID, inlineKeyboard)
case "reset_traffic_c":
err := t.inboundService.ResetClientTrafficByEmail(email)
if err == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Traffic reset successfully.", email))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
} else {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
case "reset_exp":
var inlineKeyboard = tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Cancel Reset").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("client_cancel "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("♾ Unlimited").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 0")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("1 Month").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 30")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("2 Months").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 60")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("3 Months").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 90")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("6 Months").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 180")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("9 Months").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 270")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("12 Months").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 360")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("10 Days").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 10")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("20 Days").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp_c "+email+" 20")),
t.editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID, inlineKeyboard)
case "reset_exp_c":
if len(dataArray) == 3 {
days, err := strconv.Atoi(dataArray[2])
if err == nil {
var date int64 = 0
if days > 0 {
date = int64(-(days * 24 * 60 * 60000))
err := t.inboundService.ResetClientExpiryTimeByEmail(email, date)
if err == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Expire days reset successfully.", email))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "ip_limit":
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Cancel IP Limit").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("client_cancel "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("♾ Unlimited").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 0")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("1").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 1")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("2").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 2")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("3").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 3")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("4").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 4")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("5").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 5")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("6").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 6")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("7").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 7")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("8").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 8")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("9").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 9")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("10").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit_c "+email+" 10")),
t.editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID, inlineKeyboard)
case "ip_limit_c":
if len(dataArray) == 3 {
count, err := strconv.Atoi(dataArray[2])
if err == nil {
err := t.inboundService.ResetClientIpLimitByEmail(email, count)
if err == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : IP limit %d saved successfully.", email, count))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
case "clear_ips":
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Cancel").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ips_cancel "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("✅ Confirm Clear IPs?").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("clear_ips_c "+email)),
t.editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID, inlineKeyboard)
case "clear_ips_c":
err := t.inboundService.ClearClientIps(email)
if err == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : IPs cleared successfully.", email))
t.searchClientIps(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
} else {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
case "ip_log":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Get IP Log.", email))
t.searchClientIps(chatId, email)
case "tg_user":
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Get Telegram User Info.", email))
t.clientTelegramUserInfo(chatId, email)
case "tgid_remove":
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Cancel").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("tgid_cancel "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("✅ Confirm Remove Telegram User?").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("tgid_remove_c "+email)),
t.editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID, inlineKeyboard)
case "tgid_remove_c":
traffic, err := t.inboundService.GetClientTrafficByEmail(email)
if err != nil || traffic == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
err = t.inboundService.SetClientTelegramUserID(traffic.Id, "")
if err == nil {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Telegram User removed successfully.", email))
t.clientTelegramUserInfo(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
} else {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
case "toggle_enable":
enabled, err := t.inboundService.ToggleClientEnableByEmail(email)
if err == nil {
if enabled {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Enabled successfully.", email))
} else {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s : Disabled successfully.", email))
t.searchClient(chatId, email, callbackQuery.Message.MessageID)
} else {
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, "❗ Error in Operation.")
// Respond to the callback query, telling Telegram to show the user
// a message with the data received.
t.sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(callbackQuery.ID, callbackQuery.Data)
switch callbackQuery.Data {
case "get_usage":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, t.getServerUsage())
case "inbounds":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, t.getInboundUsages())
case "deplete_soon":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, t.getExhausted())
case "get_backup":
case "client_traffic":
t.getClientUsage(chatId, callbackQuery.From.Username, strconv.FormatInt(callbackQuery.From.ID, 10))
case "client_commands":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, "To search for statistics, just use folowing command:\r\n \r\n<code>/usage [UID|Password]</code>\r\n \r\nUse UID for vmess/vless and Password for Trojan.")
case "commands":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, "Search for a client email:\r\n<code>/usage email</code>\r\n \r\nSearch for inbounds (with client stats):\r\n<code>/inbound [remark]</code>")
func checkAdmin(tgId int64) bool {
for _, adminId := range adminIds {
if adminId == tgId {
return true
return false
func (t *Tgbot) SendAnswer(chatId int64, msg string, isAdmin bool) {
numericKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("Server Usage").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("get_usage")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("Get DB Backup").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("get_backup")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("Get Inbounds").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("inbounds")),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("Deplete soon").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("deplete_soon")),
numericKeyboardClient := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("Get Usage").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("client_traffic")),
var ReplyMarkup telego.ReplyMarkup
if isAdmin {
ReplyMarkup = numericKeyboard
} else {
ReplyMarkup = numericKeyboardClient
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg, ReplyMarkup)
func (t *Tgbot) SendMsgToTgbot(chatId int64, msg string, replyMarkup ...telego.ReplyMarkup) {
if !isRunning {
if msg == "" {
logger.Info("[tgbot] message is empty!")
var allMessages []string
limit := 2000
// paging message if it is big
if len(msg) > limit {
messages := strings.Split(msg, "\r\n \r\n")
lastIndex := -1
for _, message := range messages {
if (len(allMessages) == 0) || (len(allMessages[lastIndex])+len(message) > limit) {
allMessages = append(allMessages, message)
} else {
allMessages[lastIndex] += "\r\n \r\n" + message
} else {
allMessages = append(allMessages, msg)
for _, message := range allMessages {
params := telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatId),
Text: message,
ParseMode: "HTML",
if len(replyMarkup) > 0 {
params.ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup[0]
_, err := bot.SendMessage(¶ms)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error sending telegram message :", err)
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
func (t *Tgbot) SendMsgToTgbotAdmins(msg string) {
for _, adminId := range adminIds {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(adminId, msg)
func (t *Tgbot) SendReport() {
runTime, err := t.settingService.GetTgbotRuntime()
if err == nil && len(runTime) > 0 {
t.SendMsgToTgbotAdmins("🕰 Scheduled reports: " + runTime + "\r\nDate-Time: " + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
info := t.getServerUsage()
exhausted := t.getExhausted()
backupEnable, err := t.settingService.GetTgBotBackup()
if err == nil && backupEnable {
for _, adminId := range adminIds {
func (t *Tgbot) SendBackUP(c *gin.Context) {
for _, adminId := range adminIds {
func (t *Tgbot) getServerUsage() string {
var info string
//get hostname
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("get hostname error:", err)
hostname = ""
info = fmt.Sprintf("💻 Hostname: %s\r\n", hostname)
info += fmt.Sprintf("🚀X-UI Version: %s\r\n", config.GetVersion())
//get ip address
var ip string
var ipv6 string
netInterfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("net.Interfaces failed, err:", err.Error())
info += "🌐 IP: Unknown\r\n \r\n"
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(netInterfaces); i++ {
if (netInterfaces[i].Flags & net.FlagUp) != 0 {
addrs, _ := netInterfaces[i].Addrs()
for _, address := range addrs {
if ipnet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipnet.IP.IsLoopback() {
if ipnet.IP.To4() != nil {
ip += ipnet.IP.String() + " "
} else if ipnet.IP.To16() != nil && !ipnet.IP.IsLinkLocalUnicast() {
ipv6 += ipnet.IP.String() + " "
info += fmt.Sprintf("🌐IP: %s\r\n🌐IPv6: %s\r\n", ip, ipv6)
// get latest status of server
t.lastStatus = t.serverService.GetStatus(t.lastStatus)
info += fmt.Sprintf("🔌Server Uptime: %d days\r\n", int(t.lastStatus.Uptime/86400))
info += fmt.Sprintf("📈Server Load: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f\r\n", t.lastStatus.Loads[0], t.lastStatus.Loads[1], t.lastStatus.Loads[2])
info += fmt.Sprintf("📋Server Memory: %s/%s\r\n", common.FormatTraffic(int64(t.lastStatus.Mem.Current)), common.FormatTraffic(int64(t.lastStatus.Mem.Total)))
info += fmt.Sprintf("🔹TcpCount: %d\r\n", t.lastStatus.TcpCount)
info += fmt.Sprintf("🔸UdpCount: %d\r\n", t.lastStatus.UdpCount)
info += fmt.Sprintf("🚦Traffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", common.FormatTraffic(int64(t.lastStatus.NetTraffic.Sent+t.lastStatus.NetTraffic.Recv)), common.FormatTraffic(int64(t.lastStatus.NetTraffic.Sent)), common.FormatTraffic(int64(t.lastStatus.NetTraffic.Recv)))
info += fmt.Sprintf("ℹXray status: %s", t.lastStatus.Xray.State)
return info
func (t *Tgbot) UserLoginNotify(username string, ip string, time string, status LoginStatus) {
if !t.IsRunning() {
if username == "" || ip == "" || time == "" {
logger.Warning("UserLoginNotify failed, invalid info!")
// Get hostname
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("get hostname error:", err)
msg := ""
if status == LoginSuccess {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("✅ Successfully logged-in to the panel\r\nHostname:%s\r\n", hostname)
} else if status == LoginFail {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("❗ Login to the panel was unsuccessful\r\nHostname:%s\r\n", hostname)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("⏰ Time:%s\r\n", time)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("🆔 Username:%s\r\n", username)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("🌐 IP:%s\r\n", ip)
func (t *Tgbot) getInboundUsages() string {
info := ""
// get traffic
inbouds, err := t.inboundService.GetAllInbounds()
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("GetAllInbounds run failed:", err)
info += "❌ Failed to get inbounds"
} else {
// NOTE:If there no any sessions here,need to notify here
// TODO:Sub-node push, automatic conversion format
for _, inbound := range inbouds {
info += fmt.Sprintf("📍Inbound:%s\r\nPort:%d\r\n", inbound.Remark, inbound.Port)
info += fmt.Sprintf("Traffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", common.FormatTraffic((inbound.Up + inbound.Down)), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Up), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Down))
if inbound.ExpiryTime == 0 {
info += "Expire date: ♾ Unlimited\r\n \r\n"
} else {
info += fmt.Sprintf("Expire date:%s\r\n \r\n", time.Unix((inbound.ExpiryTime/1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
return info
func (t *Tgbot) getClientUsage(chatId int64, tgUserName string, tgUserID string) {
traffics, err := t.inboundService.GetClientTrafficTgBot(tgUserID)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if len(traffics) == 0 {
if len(tgUserName) == 0 {
msg := "Your configuration is not found!\nPlease ask your Admin to use your telegram user id in your configuration(s).\n\nYour user id: <b>" + tgUserID + "</b>"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
traffics, err = t.inboundService.GetClientTrafficTgBot(tgUserName)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if len(traffics) == 0 {
msg := "Your configuration is not found!\nPlease ask your Admin to use your telegram username or user id in your configuration(s).\n\nYour username: <b>@" + tgUserName + "</b>\n\nYour user id: <b>" + tgUserID + "</b>"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
for _, traffic := range traffics {
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else if traffic.ExpiryTime < 0 {
expiryTime = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", traffic.ExpiryTime/-86400000)
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output := fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output)
t.SendAnswer(chatId, "Please choose:", false)
func (t *Tgbot) searchClientIps(chatId int64, email string, messageID ...int) {
ips, err := t.inboundService.GetInboundClientIps(email)
if err != nil || len(ips) == 0 {
ips = "No IP Record"
output := fmt.Sprintf("📧 Email: %s\r\n🔢 IPs: \r\n%s\r\n", email, ips)
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔄 Refresh").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ips_refresh "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Clear IPs").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("clear_ips "+email)),
if len(messageID) > 0 {
t.editMessageTgBot(chatId, messageID[0], output, inlineKeyboard)
} else {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output, inlineKeyboard)
func (t *Tgbot) clientTelegramUserInfo(chatId int64, email string, messageID ...int) {
traffic, client, err := t.inboundService.GetClientByEmail(email)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if client == nil {
msg := "No result!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
tgId := "None"
if len(client.TgID) > 0 {
tgId = client.TgID
output := fmt.Sprintf("📧 Email: %s\r\n👤 Telegram User: %s\r\n", email, tgId)
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔄 Refresh").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("tgid_refresh "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("❌ Remove Telegram User").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("tgid_remove "+email)),
if len(messageID) > 0 {
t.editMessageTgBot(chatId, messageID[0], output, inlineKeyboard)
} else {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output, inlineKeyboard)
requestUser := telego.KeyboardButtonRequestUser{
RequestID: int32(traffic.Id),
UserIsBot: false,
keyboard := tu.Keyboard(
tu.KeyboardButton("👤 Select Telegram User").WithRequestUser(&requestUser),
tu.KeyboardButton("❌ Close Keyboard"),
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, "👤 Select a telegram user:", keyboard)
func (t *Tgbot) searchClient(chatId int64, email string, messageID ...int) {
traffic, err := t.inboundService.GetClientTrafficByEmail(email)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if traffic == nil {
msg := "No result!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else if traffic.ExpiryTime < 0 {
expiryTime = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", traffic.ExpiryTime/-86400000)
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output := fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
inlineKeyboard := tu.InlineKeyboard(
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔄 Refresh").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("client_refresh "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("📈 Reset Traffic").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_traffic "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("📅 Reset Expire Days").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("reset_exp "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔢 IP Log").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_log "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔢 IP Limit").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("ip_limit "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("👤 Set Telegram User").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("tg_user "+email)),
tu.InlineKeyboardButton("🔘 Enable / Disable").WithCallbackData(t.hashStorage.AddHash("toggle_enable "+email)),
if len(messageID) > 0 {
t.editMessageTgBot(chatId, messageID[0], output, inlineKeyboard)
} else {
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output, inlineKeyboard)
func (t *Tgbot) searchInbound(chatId int64, remark string) {
inbouds, err := t.inboundService.SearchInbounds(remark)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if len(inbouds) == 0 {
msg := "❌ No inbounds found!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
for _, inbound := range inbouds {
info := ""
info += fmt.Sprintf("📍Inbound:%s\r\nPort:%d\r\n", inbound.Remark, inbound.Port)
info += fmt.Sprintf("Traffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", common.FormatTraffic((inbound.Up + inbound.Down)), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Up), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Down))
if inbound.ExpiryTime == 0 {
info += "Expire date: ♾ Unlimited\r\n \r\n"
} else {
info += fmt.Sprintf("Expire date:%s\r\n \r\n", time.Unix((inbound.ExpiryTime/1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, info)
for _, traffic := range inbound.ClientStats {
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else if traffic.ExpiryTime < 0 {
expiryTime = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", traffic.ExpiryTime/-86400000)
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output := fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output)
func (t *Tgbot) searchForClient(chatId int64, query string) {
traffic, err := t.inboundService.SearchClientTraffic(query)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
if traffic == nil {
msg := "No result!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else if traffic.ExpiryTime < 0 {
expiryTime = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", traffic.ExpiryTime/-86400000)
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output := fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output)
func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
trDiff := int64(0)
exDiff := int64(0)
now := time.Now().Unix() * 1000
var exhaustedInbounds []model.Inbound
var exhaustedClients []xray.ClientTraffic
var disabledInbounds []model.Inbound
var disabledClients []xray.ClientTraffic
output := ""
TrafficThreshold, err := t.settingService.GetTrafficDiff()
if err == nil && TrafficThreshold > 0 {
trDiff = int64(TrafficThreshold) * 1073741824
ExpireThreshold, err := t.settingService.GetExpireDiff()
if err == nil && ExpireThreshold > 0 {
exDiff = int64(ExpireThreshold) * 86400000
inbounds, err := t.inboundService.GetAllInbounds()
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Unable to load Inbounds", err)
for _, inbound := range inbounds {
if inbound.Enable {
if (inbound.ExpiryTime > 0 && (inbound.ExpiryTime-now < exDiff)) ||
(inbound.Total > 0 && (inbound.Total-(inbound.Up+inbound.Down) < trDiff)) {
exhaustedInbounds = append(exhaustedInbounds, *inbound)
if len(inbound.ClientStats) > 0 {
for _, client := range inbound.ClientStats {
if client.Enable {
if (client.ExpiryTime > 0 && (client.ExpiryTime-now < exDiff)) ||
(client.Total > 0 && (client.Total-(client.Up+client.Down) < trDiff)) {
exhaustedClients = append(exhaustedClients, client)
} else {
disabledClients = append(disabledClients, client)
} else {
disabledInbounds = append(disabledInbounds, *inbound)
output += fmt.Sprintf("Exhausted Inbounds count:\r\n🛑 Disabled: %d\r\n🔜 Deplete soon: %d\r\n \r\n", len(disabledInbounds), len(exhaustedInbounds))
if len(exhaustedInbounds) > 0 {
output += "Exhausted Inbounds:\r\n"
for _, inbound := range exhaustedInbounds {
output += fmt.Sprintf("📍Inbound:%s\r\nPort:%d\r\nTraffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", inbound.Remark, inbound.Port, common.FormatTraffic((inbound.Up + inbound.Down)), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Up), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Down))
if inbound.ExpiryTime == 0 {
output += "Expire date: ♾Unlimited\r\n \r\n"
} else {
output += fmt.Sprintf("Expire date:%s\r\n \r\n", time.Unix((inbound.ExpiryTime/1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
output += fmt.Sprintf("Exhausted Clients count:\r\n🛑 Exhausted: %d\r\n🔜 Deplete soon: %d\r\n \r\n", len(disabledClients), len(exhaustedClients))
if len(exhaustedClients) > 0 {
output += "Exhausted Clients:\r\n"
for _, traffic := range exhaustedClients {
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else if traffic.ExpiryTime < 0 {
expiryTime += fmt.Sprintf("%d days", traffic.ExpiryTime/-86400000)
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output += fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire date: %s\r\n \r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
return output
func (t *Tgbot) sendBackup(chatId int64) {
if !t.IsRunning() {
sendingTime := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, "Backup time: "+sendingTime)
file, err := os.Open(config.GetDBPath())
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in opening db file for backup: ", err)
document := tu.Document(
_, err = bot.SendDocument(document)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in uploading backup: ", err)
file, err = os.Open(xray.GetConfigPath())
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in opening config.json file for backup: ", err)
document = tu.Document(
_, err = bot.SendDocument(document)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in uploading config.json: ", err)
func (t *Tgbot) sendCallbackAnswerTgBot(id string, message string) {
params := telego.AnswerCallbackQueryParams{
CallbackQueryID: id,
Text: message,
if err := bot.AnswerCallbackQuery(¶ms); err != nil {
func (t *Tgbot) editMessageCallbackTgBot(chatId int64, messageID int, inlineKeyboard *telego.InlineKeyboardMarkup) {
params := telego.EditMessageReplyMarkupParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatId),
MessageID: messageID,
ReplyMarkup: inlineKeyboard,
if _, err := bot.EditMessageReplyMarkup(¶ms); err != nil {
func (t *Tgbot) editMessageTgBot(chatId int64, messageID int, text string, inlineKeyboard ...*telego.InlineKeyboardMarkup) {
params := telego.EditMessageTextParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatId),
MessageID: messageID,
Text: text,
ParseMode: "HTML",
if len(inlineKeyboard) > 0 {
params.ReplyMarkup = inlineKeyboard[0]
if _, err := bot.EditMessageText(¶ms); err != nil {