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message='{{ i18n "secAlertTitle" }}'
description='{{ i18n "secAlertSsl" }}'
show-icon closable>
<transition name="list" appear>
<a-card hoverable>
<a-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :lg="12">
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalDownUp" }}:
<a-tag color="green">[[ sizeFormat(total.up) ]] / [[ sizeFormat(total.down) ]]</a-tag>
<a-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :lg="12">
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalUsage" }}:
<a-tag color="green">[[ sizeFormat(total.up + total.down) ]]</a-tag>
<a-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :lg="12">
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.inboundCount" }}:
<a-tag color="green">[[ dbInbounds.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :lg="12">
<a-back-top :target="() => document.getElementById('content-layout')" visibility-height="200"></a-back-top>
{{ i18n "clients" }}:
<a-tag color="green">[[ total.clients ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "disabled" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in total.deactive">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag v-if="total.deactive.length">[[ total.deactive.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depleted" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in total.depleted">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag color="red" v-if="total.depleted.length">[[ total.depleted.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depletingSoon" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in total.expiring">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag color="orange" v-if="total.expiring.length">[[ total.expiring.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "online" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in onlineClients">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag color="blue" v-if="onlineClients.length">[[ onlineClients.length ]]</a-tag>
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<a-card hoverable>
<div slot="title">
<a-col :xs="12" :sm="12" :lg="12">
<a-button type="primary" icon="plus" @click="openAddInbound">
<template v-if="!isMobile">{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.addInbound" }}</template>
<a-dropdown :trigger="['click']">
<a-button type="primary" icon="menu">
<template v-if="!isMobile">{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.generalActions" }}</template>
<a-menu slot="overlay" @click="a => generalActions(a)" :theme="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<a-menu-item key="import">
<a-icon type="import"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.importInbound" }}
<a-menu-item key="export">
<a-icon type="export"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export" }}
<a-menu-item key="subs" v-if="subSettings.enable">
<a-icon type="export"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export" }} - {{ i18n "pages.settings.subSettings" }}
<a-menu-item key="resetInbounds">
<a-icon type="reload"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllTraffic" }}
<a-menu-item key="resetClients">
<a-icon type="file-done"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllClientTraffics" }}
<a-menu-item key="delDepletedClients" style="color: #FF4D4F;">
<a-icon type="rest"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.delDepletedClients" }}
<a-col :xs="12" :sm="12" :lg="12" style="text-align: right;">
<a-select v-model="refreshInterval"
style="width: 65px;"
<a-select-option v-for="key in [5,10,30,60]" :value="key*1000">[[ key ]]s</a-select-option>
<a-icon type="sync" :spin="refreshing" @click="manualRefresh" style="margin: 0 5px;"></a-icon>
<a-switch v-model="isRefreshEnabled" @change="toggleRefresh"></a-switch>
<div :style="isMobile ? '' : 'display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start;'">
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:style="isMobile ? 'margin-bottom: .5rem; display: flex;' : 'margin-right: .5rem;'"
<a-icon slot="checkedChildren" type="search"></a-icon>
<a-icon slot="unCheckedChildren" type="filter"></a-icon>
<a-input v-if="!enableFilter" v-model.lazy="searchKey" placeholder='{{ i18n "search" }}' autofocus style="max-width: 300px" :size="isMobile ? 'small' : ''"></a-input>
<a-radio-group v-if="enableFilter" v-model="filterBy" @change="filterInbounds" button-style="solid" :size="isMobile ? 'small' : ''">
<a-radio-button value="">{{ i18n "none" }}</a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="deactive">{{ i18n "disabled" }}</a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="depleted">{{ i18n "depleted" }}</a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="expiring">{{ i18n "depletingSoon" }}</a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="online">{{ i18n "online" }}</a-radio-button>
<a-table :columns="isMobile ? mobileColumns : columns" :row-key="dbInbound => dbInbound.id"
:scroll="isMobile ? {} : { x: 1000 }"
:row-class-name="dbInbound => (dbInbound.isMultiUser() ? '' : 'hideExpandIcon')"
style="margin-top: 10px">
<template slot="action" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-dropdown :trigger="['click']">
<a-icon @click="e => e.preventDefault()" type="more" style="font-size: 20px; text-decoration: solid;"></a-icon>
<a-menu slot="overlay" @click="a => clickAction(a, dbInbound)" :theme="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<a-menu-item key="edit">
<a-icon type="edit"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "edit" }}
<a-menu-item key="qrcode" v-if="(dbInbound.isSS && !dbInbound.toInbound().isSSMultiUser) || dbInbound.isWireguard">
<a-icon type="qrcode"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "qrCode" }}
<template v-if="dbInbound.isMultiUser()">
<a-menu-item key="addClient">
<a-icon type="user-add"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.client.add"}}
<a-menu-item key="addBulkClient">
<a-icon type="usergroup-add"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.client.bulk"}}
<a-menu-item key="resetClients">
<a-icon type="file-done"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetInboundClientTraffics"}}
<a-menu-item key="export">
<a-icon type="export"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}}
<a-menu-item key="subs" v-if="subSettings.enable">
<a-icon type="export"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}} - {{ i18n "pages.settings.subSettings" }}
<a-menu-item key="delDepletedClients" style="color: #FF4D4F;">
<a-icon type="rest"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.delDepletedClients" }}
<template v-else>
<a-menu-item key="showInfo">
<a-icon type="info-circle"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "info"}}
<a-menu-item key="clipboard">
<a-icon type="copy"></a-icon>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.exportInbound" }}
<a-menu-item key="resetTraffic">
<a-icon type="retweet"></a-icon> {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTraffic" }}
<a-menu-item key="clone">
<a-icon type="block"></a-icon> {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.clone"}}
<a-menu-item key="delete">
<span style="color: #FF4D4F">
<a-icon type="delete"></a-icon> {{ i18n "delete"}}
<a-menu-item v-if="isMobile">
<a-switch size="small" v-model="dbInbound.enable" @change="switchEnable(dbInbound.id,dbInbound.enable)"></a-switch>
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.enable" }}
<template slot="protocol" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="purple">[[ dbInbound.protocol ]]</a-tag>
<template v-if="dbInbound.isVMess || dbInbound.isVLess || dbInbound.isTrojan || dbInbound.isSS">
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="green">[[ dbInbound.toInbound().stream.network ]]</a-tag>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" v-if="dbInbound.toInbound().stream.isTls" color="blue">TLS</a-tag>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" v-if="dbInbound.toInbound().stream.isReality" color="blue">Reality</a-tag>
<template slot="clients" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<template v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id]">
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="green">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].clients ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "disabled" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depleted" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="red" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depletingSoon" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="orange" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "online" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].online">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="blue" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].online.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].online.length ]]</a-tag>
<template slot="traffic" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-popover :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<table cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<td>↑[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.up) ]]</td>
<td>↓[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.down) ]]</td>
<tr v-if="dbInbound.total > 0 && dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down < dbInbound.total">
<td>{{ i18n "remained" }}</td>
<td>[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total - dbInbound.up - dbInbound.down) ]]</td>
<a-tag :color="usageColor(dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down, app.trafficDiff, dbInbound.total)">
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down) ]] /
<template v-if="dbInbound.total > 0">
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total) ]]
<template v-else>
<svg height="10px" width="14px" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M484.4 96C407 96 349.2 164.1 320 208.5C290.8 164.1 233 96 155.6 96C69.75 96 0 167.8 0 256s69.75 160 155.6 160C233.1 416 290.8 347.9 320 303.5C349.2 347.9 407 416 484.4 416C570.3 416 640 344.2 640 256S570.3 96 484.4 96zM155.6 368C96.25 368 48 317.8 48 256s48.25-112 107.6-112c67.75 0 120.5 82.25 137.1 112C276 285.8 223.4 368 155.6 368zM484.4 368c-67.75 0-120.5-82.25-137.1-112C364 226.2 416.6 144 484.4 144C543.8 144 592 194.2 592 256S543.8 368 484.4 368z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<template slot="enable" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-switch v-model="dbInbound.enable" @change="switchEnable(dbInbound.id,dbInbound.enable)"></a-switch>
<template slot="expiryTime" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-popover v-if="dbInbound.expiryTime > 0" :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content" v-if="app.datepicker === 'gregorian'">
[[ DateUtil.formatMillis(dbInbound.expiryTime) ]]
<template v-else slot="content">
[[ DateUtil.convertToJalalian(moment(dbInbound.expiryTime)) ]]
<a-tag style="min-width: 50px;" :color="usageColor(new Date().getTime(), app.expireDiff, dbInbound._expiryTime)">
[[ remainedDays(dbInbound._expiryTime) ]]
<a-tag v-else color="purple" class="infinite-tag">
<svg height="10px" width="14px" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M484.4 96C407 96 349.2 164.1 320 208.5C290.8 164.1 233 96 155.6 96C69.75 96 0 167.8 0 256s69.75 160 155.6 160C233.1 416 290.8 347.9 320 303.5C349.2 347.9 407 416 484.4 416C570.3 416 640 344.2 640 256S570.3 96 484.4 96zM155.6 368C96.25 368 48 317.8 48 256s48.25-112 107.6-112c67.75 0 120.5 82.25 137.1 112C276 285.8 223.4 368 155.6 368zM484.4 368c-67.75 0-120.5-82.25-137.1-112C364 226.2 416.6 144 484.4 144C543.8 144 592 194.2 592 256S543.8 368 484.4 368z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<template slot="info" slot-scope="text, dbInbound">
<a-popover placement="bottomRight" :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme" trigger="click">
<template slot="content">
<table cellpadding="2">
<td>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.protocol" }}</td>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="purple">[[ dbInbound.protocol ]]</a-tag>
<template v-if="dbInbound.isVMess || dbInbound.isVLess || dbInbound.isTrojan || dbInbound.isSS">
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="blue">[[ dbInbound.toInbound().stream.network ]]</a-tag>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" v-if="dbInbound.toInbound().stream.isTls" color="green">tls</a-tag>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" v-if="dbInbound.toInbound().stream.isReality" color="green">reality</a-tag>
<td>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.port" }}</td>
<td><a-tag>[[ dbInbound.port ]]</a-tag></td>
<tr v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id]">
<td>{{ i18n "clients" }}</td>
<a-tag style="margin:0;" color="blue">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].clients ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "disabled" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depleted" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="red" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "depletingSoon" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="orange" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring.length ]]</a-tag>
<a-popover title='{{ i18n "online" }}' :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<p v-for="clientEmail in clientCount[dbInbound.id].online">[[ clientEmail ]]</p>
<a-tag style="margin:0; padding: 0 2px;" color="green" v-if="clientCount[dbInbound.id].online.length">[[ clientCount[dbInbound.id].online.length ]]</a-tag>
<td>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.traffic" }}</td>
<a-popover :overlay-class-name="themeSwitcher.currentTheme">
<template slot="content">
<table cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<td>↑[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.up) ]]</td>
<td>↓[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.down) ]]</td>
<tr v-if="dbInbound.total > 0 && dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down < dbInbound.total">
<td>{{ i18n "remained" }}</td>
<td>[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total - dbInbound.up - dbInbound.down) ]]</td>
<a-tag :color="usageColor(dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down, app.trafficDiff, dbInbound.total)">
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.up + dbInbound.down) ]] /
<template v-if="dbInbound.total > 0">
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total) ]]
<template v-else>
<svg height="10px" width="14px" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M484.4 96C407 96 349.2 164.1 320 208.5C290.8 164.1 233 96 155.6 96C69.75 96 0 167.8 0 256s69.75 160 155.6 160C233.1 416 290.8 347.9 320 303.5C349.2 347.9 407 416 484.4 416C570.3 416 640 344.2 640 256S570.3 96 484.4 96zM155.6 368C96.25 368 48 317.8 48 256s48.25-112 107.6-112c67.75 0 120.5 82.25 137.1 112C276 285.8 223.4 368 155.6 368zM484.4 368c-67.75 0-120.5-82.25-137.1-112C364 226.2 416.6 144 484.4 144C543.8 144 592 194.2 592 256S543.8 368 484.4 368z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<td>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.expireDate" }}</td>
<a-tag style="min-width: 50px; text-align: center;" v-if="dbInbound.expiryTime > 0"
:color="dbInbound.isExpiry? 'red': 'blue'">
<template v-if="app.datepicker === 'gregorian'">
[[ DateUtil.formatMillis(dbInbound.expiryTime) ]]
<template v-else>
[[ DateUtil.convertToJalalian(moment(dbInbound.expiryTime)) ]]
<a-tag v-else style="text-align: center;" color="purple" class="infinite-tag">
<svg height="10px" width="14px" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M484.4 96C407 96 349.2 164.1 320 208.5C290.8 164.1 233 96 155.6 96C69.75 96 0 167.8 0 256s69.75 160 155.6 160C233.1 416 290.8 347.9 320 303.5C349.2 347.9 407 416 484.4 416C570.3 416 640 344.2 640 256S570.3 96 484.4 96zM155.6 368C96.25 368 48 317.8 48 256s48.25-112 107.6-112c67.75 0 120.5 82.25 137.1 112C276 285.8 223.4 368 155.6 368zM484.4 368c-67.75 0-120.5-82.25-137.1-112C364 226.2 416.6 144 484.4 144C543.8 144 592 194.2 592 256S543.8 368 484.4 368z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<a-icon v-if="!dbInbound.enable" slot="count" type="pause-circle" :style="'color: ' + themeSwitcher.isDarkTheme ? '#2c3950' : '#bcbcbc'"></a-icon>
<a-button shape="round" size="small" style="font-size: 14px; padding: 0 10px;">
<a-icon type="info"></a-icon>
<template slot="expandedRowRender" slot-scope="record">
:row-key="client => client.id"
:columns="isMobile ? innerMobileColumns : innerColumns"
:style="isMobile ? 'margin: -10px 2px -11px;' : 'margin: -10px 22px -11px;'">
{{template "client_table"}}
{{template "js" .}}
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/base64/base64.min.js"></script>
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/qrcode/qrious2.min.js?{{ .cur_ver }}"></script>
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/clipboard/clipboard.min.js?{{ .cur_ver }}"></script>
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/uri/URI.min.js?{{ .cur_ver }}"></script>
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/js/model/inbound.js?{{ .cur_ver }}"></script>
<script src="{{ .base_path }}assets/js/model/dbinbound.js?{{ .cur_ver }}"></script>
{{template "component/themeSwitcher" .}}
{{template "component/persianDatepicker" .}}
const columns = [{
title: "ID",
align: 'right',
dataIndex: "id",
width: 30,
responsive: ["xs"],
}, {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.operate" }}',
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width: 30,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'action' },
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.enable" }}',
align: 'center',
width: 30,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'enable' },
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.remark" }}',
align: 'center',
width: 60,
dataIndex: "remark",
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.port" }}',
align: 'center',
dataIndex: "port",
width: 40,
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.protocol" }}',
align: 'left',
width: 70,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'protocol' },
}, {
title: '{{ i18n "clients" }}',
align: 'left',
width: 50,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'clients' },
}, {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.traffic" }}',
align: 'center',
width: 60,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'traffic' },
}, {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.expireDate" }}',
align: 'center',
width: 40,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'expiryTime' },
const mobileColumns = [{
title: "ID",
align: 'right',
dataIndex: "id",
width: 10,
responsive: ["s"],
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.operate" }}',
align: 'center',
width: 25,
scopedSlots: { customRender: 'action' },
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.remark" }}',
align: 'left',
width: 70,
dataIndex: "remark",
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title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.info" }}',
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width: 10,
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{ title: '{{ i18n "online" }}', width: 30, scopedSlots: { customRender: 'online' } },
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{ title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.traffic" }}', width: 80, align: 'center', scopedSlots: { customRender: 'traffic' } },
{ title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.expireDate" }}', width: 80, align: 'center', scopedSlots: { customRender: 'expiryTime' } },
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{ title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.operate" }}', width: 10, align: 'center', scopedSlots: { customRender: 'actionMenu' } },
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{ title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.info" }}', width: 10, align: 'center', scopedSlots: { customRender: 'info' } },
const app = new Vue({
delimiters: ['[[', ']]'],
el: '#app',
data: {
spinning: false,
inbounds: [],
dbInbounds: [],
searchKey: '',
enableFilter: false,
filterBy: '',
searchedInbounds: [],
expireDiff: 0,
trafficDiff: 0,
defaultCert: '',
defaultKey: '',
clientCount: [],
onlineClients: [],
isRefreshEnabled: localStorage.getItem("isRefreshEnabled") === "true" ? true : false,
refreshing: false,
refreshInterval: Number(localStorage.getItem("refreshInterval")) || 5000,
subSettings: {
enable : false,
subURI : '',
subJsonURI : '',
remarkModel: '-ieo',
datepicker: 'gregorian',
tgBotEnable: false,
showAlert: false,
ipLimitEnable: false,
pageSize: 50,
isMobile: window.innerWidth <= 768,
methods: {
loading(spinning = true) {
this.spinning = spinning;
async getDBInbounds() {
this.refreshing = true;
const msg = await HttpUtil.post('/panel/inbound/list');
if (!msg.success) {
this.refreshing = false;
await this.getOnlineUsers();
setTimeout(() => {
this.refreshing = false;
}, 500);
async getOnlineUsers() {
const msg = await HttpUtil.post('/panel/inbound/onlines');
if (!msg.success) {
this.onlineClients = msg.obj != null ? msg.obj : [];
async getDefaultSettings() {
const msg = await HttpUtil.post('/panel/setting/defaultSettings');
if (!msg.success) {
this.expireDiff = expireDiff * 86400000;
this.trafficDiff = trafficDiff * 1073741824;
this.defaultCert = defaultCert;
this.defaultKey = defaultKey;
this.tgBotEnable = tgBotEnable;
this.subSettings = {
enable : subEnable,
subURI: subURI,
subJsonURI: subJsonURI
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.remarkModel = remarkModel;
this.datepicker = datepicker;
this.ipLimitEnable = ipLimitEnable;
setInbounds(dbInbounds) {
for (const inbound of dbInbounds) {
const dbInbound = new DBInbound(inbound);
to_inbound = dbInbound.toInbound()
if ([Protocols.VMESS, Protocols.VLESS, Protocols.TROJAN, Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS].includes(inbound.protocol)) {
if (dbInbound.isSS && (!to_inbound.isSSMultiUser)) {
this.clientCount[inbound.id] = this.getClientCounts(inbound, to_inbound);
} else {
getClientCounts(dbInbound, inbound) {
let clientCount = 0, active = [], deactive = [], depleted = [], expiring = [], online = [];
clients = inbound.clients;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats
now = new Date().getTime()
if (clients) {
clientCount = clients.length;
if (dbInbound.enable) {
clients.forEach(client => {
if (client.enable) {
if (this.isClientOnline(client.email)) online.push(client.email);
} else {
clientStats.forEach(client => {
if (!client.enable) {
} else {
if ((client.expiryTime > 0 && (client.expiryTime - now < this.expireDiff)) ||
(client.total > 0 && (client.total - (client.up + client.down) < this.trafficDiff))) expiring.push(client.email);
} else {
clients.forEach(client => {
return {
clients: clientCount,
active: active,
deactive: deactive,
depleted: depleted,
expiring: expiring,
online: online,
searchInbounds(key) {
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(key)) {
this.searchedInbounds = this.dbInbounds.slice();
} else {
this.searchedInbounds.splice(0, this.searchedInbounds.length);
this.dbInbounds.forEach(inbound => {
if (ObjectUtil.deepSearch(inbound, key)) {
const newInbound = new DBInbound(inbound);
const inboundSettings = JSON.parse(inbound.settings);
if (inboundSettings.hasOwnProperty('clients')) {
const searchedSettings = { "clients": [] };
inboundSettings.clients.forEach(client => {
if (ObjectUtil.deepSearch(client, key)) {
newInbound.settings = Inbound.Settings.fromJson(inbound.protocol, searchedSettings);
filterInbounds() {
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(this.filterBy)) {
this.searchedInbounds = this.dbInbounds.slice();
} else {
this.searchedInbounds.splice(0, this.searchedInbounds.length);
this.dbInbounds.forEach(inbound => {
const newInbound = new DBInbound(inbound);
const inboundSettings = JSON.parse(inbound.settings);
if (this.clientCount[inbound.id] && this.clientCount[inbound.id].hasOwnProperty(this.filterBy)){
const list = this.clientCount[inbound.id][this.filterBy];
if (list.length > 0) {
const filteredSettings = { "clients": [] };
inboundSettings.clients.forEach(client => {
if (list.includes(client.email)) {
newInbound.settings = Inbound.Settings.fromJson(inbound.protocol, filteredSettings);
if(this.enableFilter) {
this.searchKey = '';
} else {
this.filterBy = '';
this.searchedInbounds = this.dbInbounds.slice();
generalActions(action) {
switch (action.key) {
case "import":
case "export":
case "subs":
case "resetInbounds":
case "resetClients":
case "delDepletedClients":
clickAction(action, dbInbound) {
switch (action.key) {
case "qrcode":
case "showInfo":
case "edit":
case "addClient":
case "addBulkClient":
case "export":
case "subs":
case "clipboard":
case "resetTraffic":
case "resetClients":
case "clone":
case "delete":
case "delDepletedClients":
openCloneInbound(dbInbound) {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.cloneInbound"}} \"' + dbInbound.remark + '\"',
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.cloneInboundContent"}}',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.cloneInboundOk"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel" }}',
onOk: () => {
const baseInbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
dbInbound.up = 0;
dbInbound.down = 0;
this.cloneInbound(baseInbound, dbInbound);
async cloneInbound(baseInbound, dbInbound) {
const data = {
up: dbInbound.up,
down: dbInbound.down,
total: dbInbound.total,
remark: dbInbound.remark + " - Cloned",
enable: dbInbound.enable,
expiryTime: dbInbound.expiryTime,
listen: '',
port: RandomUtil.randomIntRange(10000, 60000),
protocol: baseInbound.protocol,
settings: Inbound.Settings.getSettings(baseInbound.protocol).toString(),
streamSettings: baseInbound.stream.toString(),
sniffing: baseInbound.sniffing.toString(),
allocate: baseInbound.allocate.toString(),
await this.submit('/panel/inbound/add', data, inModal);
openAddInbound() {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.addInbound"}}',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.create"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "close" }}',
confirm: async (inbound, dbInbound) => {
await this.addInbound(inbound, dbInbound, inModal);
isEdit: false
openEditInbound(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
const inbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.modifyInbound"}}',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.update"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "close" }}',
inbound: inbound,
dbInbound: dbInbound,
confirm: async (inbound, dbInbound) => {
await this.updateInbound(inbound, dbInbound);
isEdit: true
async addInbound(inbound, dbInbound) {
const data = {
up: dbInbound.up,
down: dbInbound.down,
total: dbInbound.total,
remark: dbInbound.remark,
enable: dbInbound.enable,
expiryTime: dbInbound.expiryTime,
listen: inbound.listen,
port: inbound.port,
protocol: inbound.protocol,
settings: inbound.settings.toString(),
if (inbound.canEnableStream()) data.streamSettings = inbound.stream.toString();
data.sniffing = inbound.sniffing.toString();
data.allocate = inbound.allocate.toString();
await this.submit('/panel/inbound/add', data, inModal);
async updateInbound(inbound, dbInbound) {
const data = {
up: dbInbound.up,
down: dbInbound.down,
total: dbInbound.total,
remark: dbInbound.remark,
enable: dbInbound.enable,
expiryTime: dbInbound.expiryTime,
listen: inbound.listen,
port: inbound.port,
protocol: inbound.protocol,
settings: inbound.settings.toString(),
if (inbound.canEnableStream()) data.streamSettings = inbound.stream.toString();
data.sniffing = inbound.sniffing.toString();
data.allocate = inbound.allocate.toString();
await this.submit(`/panel/inbound/update/${dbInbound.id}`, data, inModal);
openAddClient(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
title: '{{ i18n "pages.client.add"}}',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.client.submitAdd"}}',
dbInbound: dbInbound,
confirm: async (clients, dbInboundId) => {
await this.addClient(clients, dbInboundId, clientModal);
isEdit: false
openAddBulkClient(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
title: '{{ i18n "pages.client.bulk"}} ' + dbInbound.remark,
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.client.bulk"}}',
dbInbound: dbInbound,
confirm: async (clients, dbInboundId) => {
await this.addClient(clients, dbInboundId, clientsBulkModal);
openEditClient(dbInboundId, client) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
clients = this.getInboundClients(dbInbound);
index = this.findIndexOfClient(dbInbound.protocol, clients, client);
title: '{{ i18n "pages.client.edit"}}',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.client.submitEdit"}}',
dbInbound: dbInbound,
index: index,
confirm: async (client, dbInboundId, clientId) => {
await this.updateClient(client, dbInboundId, clientId);
isEdit: true
findIndexOfClient(protocol, clients, client) {
switch (protocol) {
case Protocols.TROJAN:
case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS:
return clients.findIndex(item => item.password === client.password && item.email === client.email);
default: return clients.findIndex(item => item.id === client.id && item.email === client.email);
async addClient(clients, dbInboundId, modal) {
const data = {
id: dbInboundId,
settings: '{"clients": [' + clients.toString() + ']}',
await this.submit(`/panel/inbound/addClient`, data, modal);
async updateClient(client, dbInboundId, clientId) {
const data = {
id: dbInboundId,
settings: '{"clients": [' + client.toString() + ']}',
await this.submit(`/panel/inbound/updateClient/${clientId}`, data, clientModal);
resetTraffic(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTraffic"}}' + ' #' + dbInboundId,
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTrafficContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "reset"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => {
const inbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
dbInbound.up = 0;
dbInbound.down = 0;
this.updateInbound(inbound, dbInbound);
delInbound(dbInboundId) {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.deleteInbound"}}' + ' #' + dbInboundId,
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.deleteInboundContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "delete"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit('/panel/inbound/del/' + dbInboundId),
delClient(dbInboundId, client,confirmation = true) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
clientId = this.getClientId(dbInbound.protocol, client);
if (confirmation){
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.deleteClient"}}' + ' ' + client.email,
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.deleteClientContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "delete"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit(`/panel/inbound/${dbInboundId}/delClient/${clientId}`),
} else {
getClientId(protocol, client) {
switch (protocol) {
case Protocols.TROJAN: return client.password;
case Protocols.SHADOWSOCKS: return client.email;
default: return client.id;
checkFallback(dbInbound) {
newDbInbound = new DBInbound(dbInbound);
if (dbInbound.listen.startsWith("@")){
rootInbound = this.inbounds.find((i) =>
i.isTcp &&
['trojan','vless'].includes(i.protocol) &&
i.settings.fallbacks.find(f => f.dest === dbInbound.listen)
if (rootInbound) {
newDbInbound.listen = rootInbound.listen;
newDbInbound.port = rootInbound.port;
newInbound = newDbInbound.toInbound();
newInbound.stream.security = rootInbound.stream.security;
newInbound.stream.tls = rootInbound.stream.tls;
newInbound.stream.externalProxy = rootInbound.stream.externalProxy;
newDbInbound.streamSettings = newInbound.stream.toString();
return newDbInbound;
showQrcode(dbInboundId, client) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
newDbInbound = this.checkFallback(dbInbound);
qrModal.show('{{ i18n "qrCode"}}', newDbInbound, client);
showInfo(dbInboundId, client) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
if (dbInbound.isMultiUser()){
inbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
clients = inbound.clients;
index = this.findIndexOfClient(dbInbound.protocol, clients, client);
newDbInbound = this.checkFallback(dbInbound);
infoModal.show(newDbInbound, index);
switchEnable(dbInboundId,state) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
dbInbound.enable = state;
this.submit(`/panel/inbound/update/${dbInboundId}`, dbInbound);
async switchEnableClient(dbInboundId, client) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
inbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
clients = inbound.clients;
index = this.findIndexOfClient(dbInbound.protocol, clients, client);
clients[index].enable = !clients[index].enable;
clientId = this.getClientId(dbInbound.protocol, clients[index]);
await this.updateClient(clients[index], dbInboundId, clientId);
async submit(url, data, modal) {
const msg = await HttpUtil.postWithModal(url, data, modal);
if (msg.success) {
await this.getDBInbounds();
getInboundClients(dbInbound) {
return dbInbound.toInbound().clients;
resetClientTraffic(client, dbInboundId, confirmation = true) {
if (confirmation){
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTraffic"}}' + ' ' + client.email,
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTrafficContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "reset"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit('/panel/inbound/' + dbInboundId + '/resetClientTraffic/' + client.email),
} else {
this.submit('/panel/inbound/' + dbInboundId + '/resetClientTraffic/' + client.email);
resetAllTraffic() {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllTrafficTitle"}}',
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllTrafficContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "reset"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit('/panel/inbound/resetAllTraffics'),
resetAllClientTraffics(dbInboundId) {
title: dbInboundId > 0 ? '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetInboundClientTrafficTitle"}}' : '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllClientTrafficTitle"}}',
content: dbInboundId > 0 ? '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetInboundClientTrafficContent"}}' : '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetAllClientTrafficContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "reset"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit('/panel/inbound/resetAllClientTraffics/' + dbInboundId),
delDepletedClients(dbInboundId) {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.delDepletedClientsTitle"}}',
content: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.delDepletedClientsContent"}}',
class: themeSwitcher.currentTheme,
okText: '{{ i18n "delete"}}',
cancelText: '{{ i18n "cancel"}}',
onOk: () => this.submit('/panel/inbound/delDepletedClients/' + dbInboundId),
isExpiry(dbInbound, index) {
return dbInbound.toInbound().isExpiry(index);
getUpStats(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return 0;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
return clientStats ? clientStats.up : 0;
getDownStats(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return 0;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
return clientStats ? clientStats.down : 0;
getSumStats(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return 0;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
return clientStats ? clientStats.up + clientStats.down : 0;
getRemStats(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return 0;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
if (!clientStats) return 0;
remained = clientStats.total - (clientStats.up + clientStats.down);
return remained>0 ? remained : 0;
clientStatsColor(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return clientUsageColor();
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
return clientUsageColor(clientStats, app.trafficDiff)
statsProgress(dbInbound, email) {
if (email.length == 0) return 100;
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
if (!clientStats) return 0;
if (clientStats.total == 0) return 100;
return 100*(clientStats.down + clientStats.up)/clientStats.total;
expireProgress(expTime, reset) {
now = new Date().getTime();
remainedSeconds = expTime < 0 ? -expTime/1000 : (expTime-now)/1000;
resetSeconds = reset * 86400;
if (remainedSeconds >= resetSeconds) return 0;
return 100*(1-(remainedSeconds/resetSeconds));
if (expTime == 0) return null;
if (expTime < 0) return formatSecond(expTime/-1000);
now = new Date().getTime();
if (expTime < now) return '{{ i18n "depleted" }}';
return formatSecond((expTime-now)/1000);
statsExpColor(dbInbound, email){
if (email.length == 0) return '#7a316f';
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email);
if (!clientStats) return '#7a316f';
statsColor = usageColor(clientStats.down + clientStats.up, this.trafficDiff, clientStats.total);
expColor = usageColor(new Date().getTime(), this.expireDiff, clientStats.expiryTime);
switch (true) {
case statsColor == "red" || expColor == "red":
return "#cf3c3c"; // Red
case statsColor == "orange" || expColor == "orange":
return "#f37b24"; // Orange
case statsColor == "green" || expColor == "green":
return "#008771"; // Green
return "#7a316f"; // purple
isClientEnabled(dbInbound, email) {
clientStats = dbInbound.clientStats ? dbInbound.clientStats.find(stats => stats.email === email) : null;
return clientStats ? clientStats['enable'] : true;
isClientOnline(email) {
return this.onlineClients.includes(email);
isRemovable(dbInboundId) {
return this.getInboundClients(this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId)).length > 1;
inboundLinks(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
newDbInbound = this.checkFallback(dbInbound);
txtModal.show('{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}}', newDbInbound.genInboundLinks(this.remarkModel), newDbInbound.remark);
exportSubs(dbInboundId) {
const dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
const clients = this.getInboundClients(dbInbound);
let subLinks = []
if (clients != null){
clients.forEach(c => {
if (c.subId && c.subId.length>0){
subLinks.push(this.subSettings.subURI + c.subId + "?name=" + c.subId)
'{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}} - {{ i18n "pages.settings.subSettings" }}',
[...new Set(subLinks)].join('\n'),
dbInbound.remark + "-Subs");
importInbound() {
title: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.importInbound" }}',
type: 'textarea',
value: '',
okText: '{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.import" }}',
confirm: async (dbInboundText) => {
await this.submit('/panel/inbound/import', {data: dbInboundText}, promptModal);
exportAllSubs() {
let subLinks = []
for (const dbInbound of this.dbInbounds) {
const clients = this.getInboundClients(dbInbound);
if (clients != null){
clients.forEach(c => {
if (c.subId && c.subId.length>0){
subLinks.push(this.subSettings.subURI + c.subId + "?name=" + c.subId)
'{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}} - {{ i18n "pages.settings.subSettings" }}',
[...new Set(subLinks)].join('\r\n'),
exportAllLinks() {
let copyText = [];
for (const dbInbound of this.dbInbounds) {
txtModal.show('{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}}', copyText.join('\r\n'), 'All-Inbounds');
copyToClipboard(dbInboundId) {
dbInbound = this.dbInbounds.find(row => row.id === dbInboundId);
txtModal.show('{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.inboundData" }}', JSON.stringify(dbInbound, null, 2));
async startDataRefreshLoop() {
while (this.isRefreshEnabled) {
try {
await this.getDBInbounds();
} catch (e) {
await PromiseUtil.sleep(this.refreshInterval);
toggleRefresh() {
localStorage.setItem("isRefreshEnabled", this.isRefreshEnabled);
if (this.isRefreshEnabled) {
changeRefreshInterval() {
localStorage.setItem("refreshInterval", this.refreshInterval);
async manualRefresh() {
if (!this.refreshing) {
this.spinning = true;
await this.getDBInbounds();
this.spinning = false;
if (this.pageSize > 0 && obj.length>this.pageSize) {
// Set page options based on object size
sizeOptions = [];
for (i=this.pageSize;i<=obj.length;i=i+this.pageSize) {
// Add option to see all in one page
p = {
showSizeChanger: true,
size: 'small',
position: 'bottom',
pageSize: this.pageSize,
pageSizeOptions: sizeOptions
return p;
return false
onResize() {
this.isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 768;
watch: {
searchKey: debounce(function (newVal) {
}, 500)
mounted() {
if (window.location.protocol !== "https:") {
this.showAlert = true;
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize);
if (this.isRefreshEnabled) {
else {
computed: {
total() {
let down = 0, up = 0;
let clients = 0, deactive = [], depleted = [], expiring = [];
this.dbInbounds.forEach(dbInbound => {
down += dbInbound.down;
up += dbInbound.up;
if (this.clientCount[dbInbound.id]) {
clients += this.clientCount[dbInbound.id].clients;
deactive = deactive.concat(this.clientCount[dbInbound.id].deactive);
depleted = depleted.concat(this.clientCount[dbInbound.id].depleted);
expiring = expiring.concat(this.clientCount[dbInbound.id].expiring);
return {
down: down,
up: up,
clients: clients,
deactive: deactive,
depleted: depleted,
expiring: expiring,
{{template "inboundModal"}}
{{template "promptModal"}}
{{template "qrcodeModal"}}
{{template "textModal"}}
{{template "inboundInfoModal"}}
{{template "clientsModal"}}
{{template "clientsBulkModal"}}