{{template "head" .}}
{{ template "commonSider" . }}
Please go to the panel settings as soon as possible to modify the username and password, otherwise there may be a risk of leaking account information
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalDownUp" }}:
[[ sizeFormat(total.up) ]] / [[ sizeFormat(total.down) ]]
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalUsage" }}:
[[ sizeFormat(total.up + total.down) ]]
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.inboundCount" }}:
[[ dbInbounds.length ]]
{{ i18n "clients" }}:
[[ total.clients ]]
{{ i18n "enabled" }} [[ total.active ]]
{{ i18n "disabled" }} [[ total.deactive ]]
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.addInbound" }}
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export" }}
e.preventDefault()">{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.operate" }}
clickAction(a, dbInbound)" :theme="siderDrawer.theme" style="border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);">
{{ i18n "qrCode" }}
{{ i18n "edit" }}
{{ i18n "pages.client.add"}}
{{ i18n "pages.client.bulk"}}
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.export"}}
{{ i18n "info"}}
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.resetTraffic" }}
{{ i18n "delete"}}
[[ dbInbound.protocol ]]
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.up) ]] / [[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.down) ]]
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total) ]]
[[ sizeFormat(dbInbound.total) ]]
{{ i18n "unlimited" }}
[[ inbounds[index].stream.network ]]
{{ i18n "none" }}
[[ DateUtil.formatMillis(dbInbound.expiryTime) ]]
[[ DateUtil.formatMillis(dbInbound.expiryTime) ]]
{{ i18n "indefinite" }}
{{template "client_table"}}
{{template "client_table"}}
{{template "js" .}} {{template "inboundModal"}} {{template "promptModal"}} {{template "qrcodeModal"}} {{template "textModal"}} {{template "inboundInfoModal"}} {{template "clientsModal"}} {{template "clientsBulkModal"}}