mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 01:20:49 +03:00
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package controller
import (
type ServerController struct {
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ func (a *ServerController) initRouter(g *gin.RouterGroup) {
g.POST("/stopXrayService", a.stopXrayService)
g.POST("/restartXrayService", a.restartXrayService)
g.POST("/installXray/:version", a.installXray)
g.POST("/logs", a.getLogs)
func (a *ServerController) refreshStatus() {
@ -105,3 +107,12 @@ func (a *ServerController) restartXrayService(c *gin.Context) {
jsonMsg(c, "Xray restarted", err)
func (a *ServerController) getLogs(c *gin.Context) {
logs, err := a.serverService.GetLogs()
if err != nil {
jsonMsg(c, I18n(c, "getLogs"), err)
jsonObj(c, logs, nil)
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{{define "qrcodeModal"}}
<a-modal id="qrcode-modal" v-model="qrModal.visible" :title="qrModal.title"
:closable="true" width="300px" :ok-text="qrModal.okText"
:class="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? darkClass : ''"
cancel-text='{{ i18n "close" }}' :ok-button-props="{attrs:{id:'qr-modal-ok-btn'}}">
<a-tag color="green" style="margin-bottom: 10px;display: block;text-align: center;" >{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.clickOnQRcode" }}</a-tag>
<canvas @click="copyToClipboard()" id="qrCode" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></canvas>
@ -14,17 +15,15 @@
content: '',
inbound: new Inbound(),
dbInbound: new DBInbound(),
okText: '',
copyText: '',
qrcode: null,
clipboard: null,
visible: false,
show: function (title='', content='', dbInbound=new DBInbound(),okText='{{ i18n "copy" }}', copyText='') {
show: function (title='', content='', dbInbound=new DBInbound(), copyText='') {
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
this.dbInbound = dbInbound;
this.inbound = dbInbound.toInbound();
this.okText = okText;
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(copyText)) {
this.copyText = content;
} else {
@ -32,13 +31,6 @@
this.visible = true;
qrModalApp.$nextTick(() => {
this.clipboard = new ClipboardJS('#qr-modal-ok-btn', {
text: () => this.copyText,
this.clipboard.on('success', () => {
app.$message.success('{{ i18n "copied" }}')
if (this.qrcode === null) {
this.qrcode = new QRious({
element: document.querySelector('#qrCode'),
@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
<a-form-item label='{{ i18n "pages.client.method" }}'>
<a-select v-model="clientsBulkModal.emailMethod" buttonStyle="solid" style="width: 350px" :dropdown-class-name="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? 'ant-card-dark' : ''">
<a-select-option :value="0">Random</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="1">Random_Prefix</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="2">Random_Prefix+Num</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="3">Random_Prefix+Num+Postfix</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="4">Random_Prefix+Num@Telegram Username</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="1">Random+Prefix</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="2">Random+Prefix+Num</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="3">Random+Prefix+Num+Postfix</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="4">Random+Prefix+Num@Telegram Username</a-select-option>
<a-select-option :value="5">Prefix+Num+Postfix [ BE CAREFUL! ]</a-select-option>
</a-form-item><br />
<a-form-item v-if="clientsBulkModal.emailMethod>1">
@ -91,11 +92,12 @@
prefix = (method>0 && clientsBulkModal.emailPrefix.length>0) ? "_" + clientsBulkModal.emailPrefix : "";
prefix = (method>0 && clientsBulkModal.emailPrefix.length>0) ? clientsBulkModal.emailPrefix : "";
postfix = (method>2 && clientsBulkModal.emailPostfix.length>0) ? (method == 4 ? "@" : "") + clientsBulkModal.emailPostfix : "";
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
newClient = clientsBulkModal.newClient(clientsBulkModal.dbInbound.protocol);
if(method==5) newClient.email = "";
newClient.email += useNum ? prefix + i.toString() + postfix : prefix + postfix;
newClient._totalGB = clientsBulkModal.totalGB;
newClient._expiryTime = clientsBulkModal.expiryTime;
@ -59,12 +59,10 @@
<template v-if="infoModal.clientSettings">
<a-divider>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.client" }}</a-divider>
<table style="margin-bottom: 10px; width: 100%;">
<th v-for="col in Object.keys(infoModal.clientSettings).slice(0, 3)">[[ col ]]</th>
<td v-for="col in Object.values(infoModal.clientSettings).slice(0, 3)"><a-tag color="green">[[ col ]]</a-tag></td>
<table style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
<tr v-for="col,index in Object.keys(infoModal.clientSettings).slice(0, 3)">
<td>[[ col ]]</td>
<td><a-tag color="green">[[ infoModal.clientSettings[col] ]]</a-tag></td>
<table style="margin-bottom: 10px; width: 100%;">
<tr><th>{{ i18n "usage" }}</th><th>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}</th><th>{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.expireDate" }}</th><th>{{ i18n "enable" }}</th></tr>
@ -84,16 +84,18 @@
<a-icon type="question-circle" theme="filled"></a-icon>
<a-tag color="green" @click="openSelectV2rayVersion">[[ status.xray.version ]]</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" @click="stopXrayService">{{ i18n "pages.index.stopXray" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" @click="restartXrayService">{{ i18n "pages.index.restartXray" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" @click="openSelectV2rayVersion">{{ i18n "pages.index.xraySwitch" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="green" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openSelectV2rayVersion">[[ status.xray.version ]]</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="stopXrayService">{{ i18n "pages.index.stopXray" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="restartXrayService">{{ i18n "pages.index.restartXray" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openSelectV2rayVersion">{{ i18n "pages.index.xraySwitch" }}</a-tag>
<a-tag color="blue" style="cursor: pointer;" @click="openLogs">Logs</a-tag>
<a-tag color="green">3x-ui v{{ .cur_ver }}</a-tag>
<a-col :sm="24" :md="12">
<a-card hoverable :class="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? darkClass : ''">
{{ i18n "pages.index.operationHours" }}:
<a-tag color="#87d068">[[ formatSecond(status.uptime) ]]</a-tag>
<a-tag color="green">[[ formatSecond(status.uptime) ]]</a-tag>
<template slot="title">
{{ i18n "pages.index.operationHoursDesc" }}
@ -177,7 +179,7 @@
<a-modal id="version-modal" v-model="versionModal.visible" title='{{ i18n "pages.index.xraySwitch" }}'
:closable="true" @ok="() => versionModal.visible = false"
:class="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? darkClass : ''"
ok-text='{{ i18n "confirm" }}' cancel-text='{{ i18n "cancel"}}'>
<h2>{{ i18n "pages.index.xraySwitchClick"}}</h2>
<h2>{{ i18n "pages.index.xraySwitchClickDesk"}}</h2>
<template v-for="version, index in versionModal.versions">
@ -187,6 +189,17 @@
<a-modal id="log-modal" v-model="logModal.visible" title="X-UI logs"
:closable="true" @ok="() => logModal.visible = false" @cancel="() => logModal.visible = false"
:class="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? darkClass : ''"
<table style="margin: 0px; width: 100%; background-color: black; color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.65);">
<tr v-for="log , index in logModal.logs">
<td style="vertical-align: top;">[[ index ]]</td><td>[[ log ]]</td>
{{template "js" .}}
@ -280,6 +293,18 @@
const logModal = {
visible: false,
logs: '',
show(logs) {
this.visible = true;
this.logs = logs;
hide() {
this.visible = false;
const app = new Vue({
delimiters: ['[[', ']]'],
el: '#app',
@ -287,6 +312,7 @@
status: new Status(),
spinning: false,
loadingTip: '{{ i18n "loading"}}',
@ -346,6 +372,15 @@
async openLogs(){
const msg = await HttpUtil.post('server/logs');
if (!msg.success) {
async mounted() {
while (true) {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<a-list item-layout="horizontal" :style="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? 'color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.65);': 'background: white;'">
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelListeningIP"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelListeningIPDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.webListen"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelPort"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelPortDesc"}}' v-model.number="allSetting.webPort"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="number" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelPort"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelPortDesc"}}' v-model.number="allSetting.webPort"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.publicKeyPath"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.publicKeyPathDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.webCertFile"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.privateKeyPath"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.privateKeyPathDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.webKeyFile"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelUrlPath"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.panelUrlPathDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.webBasePath"></setting-list-item>
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
<a-list item-layout="horizontal" :style="siderDrawer.isDarkTheme ? 'color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.65);': 'background: white;'">
<setting-list-item type="switch" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramBotEnable" }}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramBotEnableDesc" }}' v-model="allSetting.tgBotEnable"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramToken"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramTokenDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.tgBotToken"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="number" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramChatId"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramChatIdDesc"}}' v-model.number="allSetting.tgBotChatId"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramChatId"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramChatIdDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.tgBotChatId"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="text" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramNotifyTime"}}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.telegramNotifyTimeDesc"}}' v-model="allSetting.tgRunTime"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="switch" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.tgNotifyBackup" }}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.tgNotifyBackupDesc" }}' v-model="allSetting.tgBotBackup"></setting-list-item>
<setting-list-item type="number" title='{{ i18n "pages.setting.tgNotifyExpireTimeDiff" }}' desc='{{ i18n "pages.setting.tgNotifyExpireTimeDiffDesc" }}' v-model="allSetting.tgExpireDiff" :min="0"></setting-list-item>
@ -634,3 +634,13 @@ func (s *InboundService) ClearClientIps(clientEmail string) error {
return nil
func (s *InboundService) SearchInbounds(query string) ([]*model.Inbound, error) {
db := database.GetDB()
var inbounds []*model.Inbound
err := db.Model(model.Inbound{}).Preload("ClientStats").Where("remark like ?", "%"+query+"%").Find(&inbounds).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
return inbounds, nil
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import (
@ -324,3 +326,26 @@ func (s *ServerService) UpdateXray(version string) error {
return nil
func (s *ServerService) GetLogs() ([]string, error) {
// Define the journalctl command and its arguments
var cmdArgs []string
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
cmdArgs = []string{"journalctl", "-u", "x-ui", "--no-pager", "-n", "100"}
} else {
return []string{"Unsupported operating system"}, nil
// Run the command
cmd := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:]...)
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lines := strings.Split(out.String(), "\n")
return lines, nil
@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ func (t *Tgbot) OnReceive() {
} else {
if update.Message.IsCommand() {
t.answerCommand(update.Message, chatId, isAdmin)
} else {
t.aswerChat(update.Message.Text, chatId, isAdmin)
@ -137,16 +135,18 @@ func (t *Tgbot) answerCommand(message *tgbotapi.Message, chatId int64, isAdmin b
} else {
msg = "❗Please provide a text for search!"
case "inbound":
if isAdmin {
t.searchInbound(chatId, message.CommandArguments())
} else {
msg = "❗ Unknown command"
msg = "❗ Unknown command"
t.SendAnswer(chatId, msg, isAdmin)
func (t *Tgbot) aswerChat(message string, chatId int64, isAdmin bool) {
t.SendAnswer(chatId, "❗ Unknown message", isAdmin)
func (t *Tgbot) asnwerCallback(callbackQuery *tgbotapi.CallbackQuery, isAdmin bool) {
// Respond to the callback query, telling Telegram to show the user
// a message with the data received.
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) asnwerCallback(callbackQuery *tgbotapi.CallbackQuery, isAdmin bo
case "client_commands":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(callbackQuery.From.ID, "To search for statistics, just use folowing command:\r\n \r\n<code>/usage [UID|Passowrd]</code>\r\n \r\nUse UID for vmess and vless and Password for Trojan.")
case "commands":
t.SendMsgToTgbot(callbackQuery.From.ID, "To search for a client email, just use folowing command:\r\n \r\n<code>/usage email</code>")
t.SendMsgToTgbot(callbackQuery.From.ID, "Search for a client email:\r\n<code>/usage email</code>\r\n \r\nSearch for inbounds (with client stats):\r\n<code>/inbound [remark]</code>")
@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getServerUsage() string {
name = ""
info = fmt.Sprintf("💻 Hostname: %s\r\n", name)
info += fmt.Sprintf("🚀X-UI Version: %s\r\n", config.GetVersion())
//get ip address
var ip string
var ipv6 string
@ -427,6 +428,45 @@ func (t *Tgbot) searchClient(chatId int64, email string) {
func (t *Tgbot) searchInbound(chatId int64, remark string) {
inbouds, err := t.inboundService.SearchInbounds(remark)
if err != nil {
msg := "❌ Something went wrong!"
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, msg)
for _, inbound := range inbouds {
info := ""
info += fmt.Sprintf("📍Inbound:%s\r\nPort:%d\r\n", inbound.Remark, inbound.Port)
info += fmt.Sprintf("Traffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", common.FormatTraffic((inbound.Up + inbound.Down)), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Up), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Down))
if inbound.ExpiryTime == 0 {
info += "Expire date: ♾ Unlimited\r\n \r\n"
} else {
info += fmt.Sprintf("Expire date:%s\r\n \r\n", time.Unix((inbound.ExpiryTime/1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, info)
for _, traffic := range inbound.ClientStats {
expiryTime := ""
if traffic.ExpiryTime == 0 {
expiryTime = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
expiryTime = time.Unix((traffic.ExpiryTime / 1000), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
total := ""
if traffic.Total == 0 {
total = "♾Unlimited"
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output := fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
t.SendMsgToTgbot(chatId, output)
func (t *Tgbot) searchForClient(chatId int64, query string) {
traffic, err := t.inboundService.SearchClientTraffic(query)
if err != nil {
@ -473,7 +513,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
ExpireThreshold, err := t.settingService.GetTgExpireDiff()
if err == nil && ExpireThreshold > 0 {
exDiff = int64(ExpireThreshold) * 84600
exDiff = int64(ExpireThreshold) * 84600000
inbounds, err := t.inboundService.GetAllInbounds()
if err != nil {
@ -481,14 +521,14 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
for _, inbound := range inbounds {
if inbound.Enable {
if (inbound.ExpiryTime > 0 && (now-inbound.ExpiryTime < exDiff)) ||
if (inbound.ExpiryTime > 0 && (inbound.ExpiryTime-now < exDiff)) ||
(inbound.Total > 0 && (inbound.Total-inbound.Up+inbound.Down < trDiff)) {
exhaustedInbounds = append(exhaustedInbounds, *inbound)
if len(inbound.ClientStats) > 0 {
for _, client := range inbound.ClientStats {
if client.Enable {
if (client.ExpiryTime > 0 && (now-client.ExpiryTime < exDiff)) ||
if (client.ExpiryTime > 0 && (client.ExpiryTime-now < exDiff)) ||
(client.Total > 0 && (client.Total-client.Up+client.Down < trDiff)) {
exhaustedClients = append(exhaustedClients, client)
@ -502,7 +542,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
output += fmt.Sprintf("Exhausted Inbounds count:\r\n🛑 Disabled: %d\r\n🔜 Exhaust soon: %d\r\n \r\n", len(disabledInbounds), len(exhaustedInbounds))
if len(disabledInbounds)+len(exhaustedInbounds) > 0 {
if len(exhaustedInbounds) > 0 {
output += "Exhausted Inbounds:\r\n"
for _, inbound := range exhaustedInbounds {
output += fmt.Sprintf("📍Inbound:%s\r\nPort:%d\r\nTraffic: %s (↑%s,↓%s)\r\n", inbound.Remark, inbound.Port, common.FormatTraffic((inbound.Up + inbound.Down)), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Up), common.FormatTraffic(inbound.Down))
@ -514,7 +554,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
output += fmt.Sprintf("Exhausted Clients count:\r\n🛑 Disabled: %d\r\n🔜 Exhaust soon: %d\r\n \r\n", len(disabledClients), len(exhaustedClients))
if len(disabledClients)+len(exhaustedClients) > 0 {
if len(exhaustedClients) > 0 {
output += "Exhausted Clients:\r\n"
for _, traffic := range exhaustedClients {
expiryTime := ""
@ -529,7 +569,7 @@ func (t *Tgbot) getExhausted() string {
} else {
total = common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Total))
output += fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire in: %s\r\n",
output += fmt.Sprintf("💡 Active: %t\r\n📧 Email: %s\r\n🔼 Upload↑: %s\r\n🔽 Download↓: %s\r\n🔄 Total: %s / %s\r\n📅 Expire date: %s\r\n \r\n",
traffic.Enable, traffic.Email, common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Up), common.FormatTraffic(traffic.Down), common.FormatTraffic((traffic.Up + traffic.Down)),
total, expiryTime)
@ -547,4 +587,10 @@ func (t *Tgbot) sendBackup(chatId int64) {
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in uploading backup: ", err)
file = tgbotapi.FilePath(xray.GetConfigPath())
msg = tgbotapi.NewDocument(chatId, file)
_, err = bot.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Error in uploading config.json: ", err)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user