From 4b5dd99555d30dc1edf6dcbe57c0f6eadc711284 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shahin-io <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 14:24:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Small edit & fixes (#1571)
web/html/xui/client_bulk_modal.html | 2 +-
web/html/xui/form/client.html | 2 +-
web/html/xui/form/inbound.html | 2 +-
web/html/xui/form/outbound.html | 2 +-
web/html/xui/form/tls_settings.html | 2 +-
web/translation/translate.en_US.toml | 70 +++++++++++++-------------
web/translation/translate.es_ES.toml | 2 +-
web/translation/translate.fa_IR.toml | 4 +-
web/translation/translate.ru_RU.toml | 2 +-
web/translation/translate.vi_VN.toml | 2 +-
web/translation/translate.zh_Hans.toml | 2 +-
11 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/web/html/xui/client_bulk_modal.html b/web/html/xui/client_bulk_modal.html
index c951bc8d..0f3ea24c 100644
--- a/web/html/xui/client_bulk_modal.html
+++ b/web/html/xui/client_bulk_modal.html
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
0 {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.meansNoLimit" }}
- {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }} (GB)
+ {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}
diff --git a/web/html/xui/form/client.html b/web/html/xui/form/client.html
index 35ec9833..204aca72 100644
--- a/web/html/xui/form/client.html
+++ b/web/html/xui/form/client.html
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
0 {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.meansNoLimit" }}
- {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}(GB)
+ {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}
diff --git a/web/html/xui/form/inbound.html b/web/html/xui/form/inbound.html
index b19be9ac..92ba6e75 100644
--- a/web/html/xui/form/inbound.html
+++ b/web/html/xui/form/inbound.html
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
0 {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.meansNoLimit" }}
- {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}(GB)
+ {{ i18n "pages.inbounds.totalFlow" }}
diff --git a/web/html/xui/form/outbound.html b/web/html/xui/form/outbound.html
index 0c14e0d9..8bea1fe5 100644
--- a/web/html/xui/form/outbound.html
+++ b/web/html/xui/form/outbound.html
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
{{ i18n "none" }}
- Reality
diff --git a/web/html/xui/form/tls_settings.html b/web/html/xui/form/tls_settings.html
index dc767636..b670226c 100644
--- a/web/html/xui/form/tls_settings.html
+++ b/web/html/xui/form/tls_settings.html
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
{{ i18n "pages.inbounds.realityDesc" }}
- Reality
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.en_US.toml b/web/translation/translate.en_US.toml
index ea8c6ca8..8b4fbb50 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.en_US.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.en_US.toml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"domainName" = "Domain Name"
"monitor" = "Listen IP"
"certificate" = "Certificate"
-"fail" = "Fail"
+"fail" = " Failed"
"success" = " Successful"
"getVersion" = "Get Version"
"install" = "Install"
@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@
"backup" = "Backup & Restore"
"backupTitle" = "Backup & Restore Database"
"backupDescription" = "It is recommended to make a backup before importing a new database."
-"exportDatabase" = "Backup"
-"importDatabase" = "Restore"
+"exportDatabase" = "Backup Database"
+"importDatabase" = "Restore Database"
"title" = "Inbounds"
"totalDownUp" = "Total Sent/Received"
-"totalUsage" = "Total Flow Usage"
+"totalUsage" = "Total Usage"
"inboundCount" = "Total Inbounds"
"operate" = "Menu"
"enable" = "Enabled"
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "Destination Port"
"targetAddress" = "Target Address"
"monitorDesc" = "Leave blank to listen on all IPs"
-"meansNoLimit" = "Means no limit"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = Unlimited. (unit: GB)"
"totalFlow" = "Total Flow"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Leave blank to never expire"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "It is recommended to keep the default"
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
"email" = "Email"
"emailDesc" = "Please provide a unique email address."
"IPLimit" = "IP Limit"
-"IPLimitDesc" = "Disables inbound if the count exceeds the set value. (0 = disables IP limit)"
+"IPLimitDesc" = "Disables inbound if the count exceeds the set value. (0 = disable)"
"IPLimitlog" = "IP Log"
-"IPLimitlogDesc" = "The IPs history log. (To enable inbound access after it has been disabled by IP limit, you should clear the log)"
+"IPLimitlogDesc" = "The IPs history log. (to enable inbound after disabling, clear the log)"
"IPLimitlogclear" = "Clear The Log"
"setDefaultCert" = "Set Cert from Panel"
"xtlsDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.7.5"
"realityDesc" = "Xray needs to be v1.8.0+"
-"telegramDesc" = "Please provide Telegram or Chat ID(s) without using the '@'. (get it here @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)."
+"telegramDesc" = "Please provide Telegram or chat ID(s) without using the '@'. (get it here @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)"
"subscriptionDesc" = "To find your subscription URL, navigate to the 'Details'. Additionally, you can use the same name for several clients."
"info" = "Info"
"same" = "Same"
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
"last" = "Last"
"prefix" = "Prefix"
"postfix" = "Postfix"
-"delayedStart" = "Start after First Use"
+"delayedStart" = "Start on Initial Use"
"expireDays" = "Duration"
"days" = "Day(s)"
"renew" = "Auto Renew"
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"method" = "Method"
"path" = "Path"
"status" = "Status"
-"statusDescription" = "Status Description"
+"statusDescription" = "Status Desc"
"requestHeader" = "Request Header"
"responseHeader" = "Response Header"
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"restartPanelDesc" = "Are you sure you want to restart the panel? If you cannot access the panel after restarting, please view the panel log info on the server."
"actions" = "Actions"
"resetDefaultConfig" = "Reset to Default"
-"panelSettings" = "Configuration"
+"panelSettings" = "Configurations"
"securitySettings" = "Authentication"
"TGBotSettings" = "Telegram Bot"
"panelListeningIP" = "Listen IP"
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@
"pageSize" = "Pagination Size"
"pageSizeDesc" = "Define page size for inbounds table. (0 = disable)"
"remarkModel" = "Remark Model & Separation Character"
-"datepicker" = "Date Picker"
-"datepickerDescription" = "The date picker allows you to select a date. (use this to specify the expiration date)"
+"datepicker" = "Calendar Type"
+"datepickerDescription" = "Scheduled tasks will run based on this calendar."
"sampleRemark" = "Sample Remark"
"oldUsername" = "Current Username"
"currentPassword" = "Current Password"
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"telegramBotEnableDesc" = "Enables the Telegram bot."
"telegramToken" = "Telegram Token"
"telegramTokenDesc" = "The Telegram bot token obtained from '@BotFather'."
-"telegramProxy" = "SOCKS5 Proxy"
+"telegramProxy" = "SOCKS Proxy"
"telegramProxyDesc" = "Enables SOCKS5 proxy for connecting to Telegram. (Adjust settings as per guide)"
"telegramChatId" = "Admin Chat ID"
"telegramChatIdDesc" = "The Telegram Admin Chat ID(s). (comma-separated)(use @userinfobot) or (use '/id' command in the bot)"
@@ -270,14 +270,14 @@
"tgNotifyLoginDesc" = "Get notified about the username, IP address, and time whenever someone attempts to log into your web panel."
"sessionMaxAge" = "Session Duration"
"sessionMaxAgeDesc" = "The duration for which you can stay logged in. (unit: minute)"
-"expireTimeDiff" = "Client Expiration Threshold Notification"
-"expireTimeDiffDesc" = "Get notified about client expiration when reaching this threshold. (unit: day)"
+"expireTimeDiff" = "Expiration Date Threshold Notification"
+"expireTimeDiffDesc" = "Get notified about expiration date when reaching this threshold. (unit: day)"
"trafficDiff" = "Traffic Exhaustion Threshold Notification"
"trafficDiffDesc" = "Get notified about traffic exhaustion when reaching this threshold. (unit: GB)"
"tgNotifyCpu" = "CPU Load Threshold Notification"
"tgNotifyCpuDesc" = "Get notified if CPU usage exceeds this threshold. (unit: %)"
"timeZone" = "Time Zone"
-"timeZoneDesc" = "Scheduled tasks run based on this time zone."
+"timeZoneDesc" = "Scheduled tasks will run based on this time zone."
"subSettings" = "Subscription"
"subEnable" = "Enable Subscription Service"
"subEnableDesc" = "Enables the subscription service."
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
"basicTemplate" = "Basic"
"advancedTemplate" = "Advanced"
"generalConfigs" = "General Strategy"
-"generalConfigsDesc" = "These options will provide general adjustments."
+"generalConfigsDesc" = "These options will determine general strategy adjustments."
"blockConfigs" = "Protection Shield"
"blockConfigsDesc" = "These options will block traffic based on specific requested protocols and websites."
"blockCountryConfigs" = "Block Country"
@@ -317,9 +317,9 @@
"directCountryConfigs" = "Direct Country"
"directCountryConfigsDesc" = "These options will directly forward traffic based on the specific requested country."
"ipv4Configs" = "IPv4 Routing"
-"ipv4ConfigsDesc" = "These options will route requests to destination only via IPv4."
+"ipv4ConfigsDesc" = "These options will route traffic based on a specific destination via IPv4."
"warpConfigs" = "WARP Routing"
-"warpConfigsDesc" = "Caution: Before using these options, install WARP in SOCKS5 proxy mode on your server by following the steps on the panel's GitHub. WARP will route traffic to websites through Cloudflare servers."
+"warpConfigsDesc" = "These options will route traffic based on a specific destination via Cloudflare WARP. Caution: First, install WARP on SOCKS5 Proxy Mode by following the steps on the panel's GitHub."
"Template" = "Advanced Xray Configuration Template"
"TemplateDesc" = "The final Xray configuration file will be generated based on this template."
"FreedomStrategy" = "Freedom Protocol Strategy"
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
"GoogleWARP" = "Google"
"GoogleWARPDesc" = "Add routing for Google via WARP."
"OpenAIWARP" = "ChatGPT"
-"OpenAIWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to OpenAI (ChatGPT) via WARP."
+"OpenAIWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to ChatGPT via WARP."
"NetflixWARP" = "Netflix"
"NetflixWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Netflix via WARP."
"SpotifyWARP" = "Spotify"
@@ -385,9 +385,9 @@
"IRWARP" = "Iran domains"
"IRWARPDesc" = "Routes traffic to Iran domains via WARP."
"Inbounds" = "Inbounds"
-"InboundsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to accept specific clients."
+"InboundsDesc" = "Accepting the specific clients."
"Outbounds" = "Outbounds"
-"OutboundsDesc" = "Change the configuration template to define outgoing ways for this server."
+"OutboundsDesc" = "Set the outgoing traffic pathway."
"Routings" = "Routing Rules"
"RoutingsDesc" = "The priority of each rule is important!"
"completeTemplate" = "All"
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@
"admin" = "Admin"
"secret" = "Secret Token"
-"loginSecurity" = "Login security"
-"loginSecurityDesc" = "Adds an additional layer of authentication to enhance the login security."
+"loginSecurity" = "Login Security"
+"loginSecurityDesc" = "Adds an additional layer of authentication to provide more security."
"secretToken" = "Secret Token"
-"secretTokenDesc" = "Please copy and securely store this token in a safe place. This token is required for login and cannot be recovered from the X-UI command tool."
+"secretTokenDesc" = "Please securely store this token in a safe place. This token is required for login and cannot be recovered."
"modifySettings" = "Modify Settings"
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
"unknown" = "❗ Unknown command."
"pleaseChoose" = "👇 Please choose:\r\n"
-"help" = "🤖 Welcome to this bot! It's designed to offer specific data from the server and allows you to make modifications as needed.\r\n\r\n"
+"help" = "🤖 Welcome to this bot! It's designed to offer specific data from the web panel and allows you to make modifications as needed.\r\n\r\n"
"start" = "👋 Hello {{ .Firstname }}.\r\n"
"welcome" = "🤖 Welcome to {{ .Hostname }} management bot.\r\n"
"status" = "✅ Bot is OK!"
@@ -481,23 +481,23 @@
"cpuThreshold" = "🔴 CPU Load {{ .Percent }}% exceeds the threshold of {{ .Threshold }}%"
"selectUserFailed" = "❌ Error in user selection!"
"userSaved" = "✅ Telegram User saved."
-"loginSuccess" = "✅ Logged in to the panel successful.\r\n"
+"loginSuccess" = "✅ Logged in to the panel successfully.\r\n"
"loginFailed" = "❗️ Log in to the panel failed.\r\n"
"report" = "🕰 Scheduled Reports: {{ .RunTime }}\r\n"
"datetime" = "⏰ Date&Time: {{ .DateTime }}\r\n"
-"hostname" = "💻 Hostname: {{ .Hostname }}\r\n"
-"version" = "🚀 X-UI Version: {{ .Version }}\r\n"
+"hostname" = "💻 Host: {{ .Hostname }}\r\n"
+"version" = "🚀 3X-UI Version: {{ .Version }}\r\n"
"ipv6" = "🌐 IPv6: {{ .IPv6 }}\r\n"
"ipv4" = "🌐 IPv4: {{ .IPv4 }}\r\n"
"ip" = "🌐 IP: {{ .IP }}\r\n"
"ips" = "🔢 IPs:\r\n{{ .IPs }}\r\n"
"serverUpTime" = "⏳ Uptime: {{ .UpTime }} {{ .Unit }}\r\n"
-"serverLoad" = "📈 Server Load: {{ .Load1 }}, {{ .Load2 }}, {{ .Load3 }}\r\n"
+"serverLoad" = "📈 System Load: {{ .Load1 }}, {{ .Load2 }}, {{ .Load3 }}\r\n"
"serverMemory" = "📋 RAM: {{ .Current }}/{{ .Total }}\r\n"
"tcpCount" = "🔹 TCP: {{ .Count }}\r\n"
"udpCount" = "🔸 UDP: {{ .Count }}\r\n"
"traffic" = "🚦 Traffic: {{ .Total }} (↑{{ .Upload }},↓{{ .Download }})\r\n"
-"xrayStatus" = "ℹ️ Xray Status: {{ .State }}\r\n"
+"xrayStatus" = "ℹ️ Status: {{ .State }}\r\n"
"username" = "👤 Username: {{ .Username }}\r\n"
"time" = "⏰ Time: {{ .Time }}\r\n"
"inbound" = "📍 Inbound: {{ .Remark }}\r\n"
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
"clearIPs" = "❌ Clear IPs"
"removeTGUser" = "❌ Remove Telegram User"
"selectTGUser" = "👤 Select Telegram User"
-"selectOneTGUser" = "👤 Select a Telegram user:"
+"selectOneTGUser" = "👤 Select a Telegram User:"
"resetTraffic" = "📈 Reset Traffic"
-"resetExpire" = "📅 Change Expiration Date"
+"resetExpire" = "📅 Change Expiry Date"
"ipLog" = "🔢 IP Log"
"ipLimit" = "🔢 IP Limit"
"setTGUser" = "👤 Set Telegram User"
@@ -575,4 +575,4 @@
"removedTGUserSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Telegram User removed successfully."
"enableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Enabled successfully."
"disableSuccess" = "✅ {{ .Email }}: Disabled successfully."
-"askToAddUserId" = "Your configuration is not found!\r\nPlease ask your admin to use your Telegram user ID in your configuration(s).\r\n\r\nYour user ID: {{ .TgUserID }}
+"askToAddUserId" = "Your configuration is not found!\r\nPlease ask your admin to use your Telegram ID in your configuration(s).\r\n\r\nYour User ID: {{ .TgUserID }}
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.es_ES.toml b/web/translation/translate.es_ES.toml
index 4f80c3ab..973d7170 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.es_ES.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.es_ES.toml
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "Puerto de Destino"
"targetAddress" = "Dirección de Destino"
"monitorDesc" = "Dejar en blanco por defecto"
-"meansNoLimit" = "Significa Sin Límite"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = illimitata. (unidad: GB)"
"totalFlow" = "Flujo Total"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Dejar en Blanco para Nunca Expirar"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "No hay requisitos especiales para mantener la configuración predeterminada"
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.fa_IR.toml b/web/translation/translate.fa_IR.toml
index 1ab58a67..42c2a43c 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.fa_IR.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.fa_IR.toml
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "پورت مقصد"
"targetAddress" = "آدرس مقصد"
"monitorDesc" = "به طور پیش فرض خالی بگذارید"
-"meansNoLimit" = "یعنی بدون محدودیت"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = واحد: گیگابایت) نامحدود)"
"totalFlow" = "کل ترافیک"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "خالی بگذارید تا هرگز منقضی نشود"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "توصیه می شود به عنوان پیش فرض حفظ شود"
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"value" = "مقدار"
-"version" = "ورژن"
+"version" = "نسخه"
"method" = "متد"
"path" = "مسیر"
"status" = "وضعیت"
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.ru_RU.toml b/web/translation/translate.ru_RU.toml
index 158897a5..ebb04208 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.ru_RU.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.ru_RU.toml
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "Порт назначения"
"targetAddress" = "Целевой адрес"
"monitorDesc" = "Оставьте пустым по умолчанию"
-"meansNoLimit" = "Значит без ограничений"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = Без ограничений (значение: ГБ)"
"totalFlow" = "Общий расход"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Оставьте пустым, чтобы не истекало"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "Нет требований для сохранения настроек по умолчанию"
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.vi_VN.toml b/web/translation/translate.vi_VN.toml
index 8abf8238..c2c561f1 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.vi_VN.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.vi_VN.toml
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "Cổng đích"
"targetAddress" = "Địa chỉ mục tiêu"
"monitorDesc" = "Mặc định để trống"
-"meansNoLimit" = "Nghĩa là không giới hạn"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = Không giới hạn (đơn vị: GB)"
"totalFlow" = "Tổng lưu lượng"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "Để trống để không bao giờ hết hạn"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "Không yêu cầu đặc biệt để giữ nguyên cài đặt mặc định"
diff --git a/web/translation/translate.zh_Hans.toml b/web/translation/translate.zh_Hans.toml
index 7d6625e2..971b9908 100644
--- a/web/translation/translate.zh_Hans.toml
+++ b/web/translation/translate.zh_Hans.toml
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"destinationPort" = "目标端口"
"targetAddress" = "目标地址"
"monitorDesc" = "默认留空即可"
-"meansNoLimit" = "表示不限制"
+"meansNoLimit" = " = 无限制(单位:GB)"
"totalFlow" = "总流量"
"leaveBlankToNeverExpire" = "留空则永不到期"
"noRecommendKeepDefault" = "没有特殊需求保持默认即可"