#!/bin/bash ## # TorrentPier – Bull-powered BitTorrent tracker engine # EngineGP (https://enginegp.ru or https://enginegp.com) # # @copyright Copyright (c) 2024-present TorrentPier (https://torrentpier.com) # @copyright Copyright (c) 2024-present Solovev Sergei # # @link https://github.com/torrentpier/autoinstall for the canonical source repository # @link https://github.com/EngineGPDev/Autoinstall for the canonical source repository # # @license https://github.com/torrentpier/autoinstall/blob/main/LICENSE MIT License # @license https://github.com/EngineGPDev/Autoinstall/blob/main/LICENSE MIT License ## clear # Arrays and variables used suppOs=("debian" "ubuntu") aptOs=("debian" "ubuntu") currOs=$(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | awk -F= '{print $2}') logsInst="/var/log/enginegp_install.log" # User verification if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo "It needs to be run under the root user!" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" exit 1 fi # Проверка, есть ли currOs в массиве suppOs foundOs=false for os in "${suppOs[@]}"; do if [[ "$os" == "$currOs" ]]; then foundOs=true break fi done # Переменные для хранения verPhp="8.2" sysIp=$(ip a | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | grep -v '' | head -n 1) relArgs=() # Проверка аргументов командной строки if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # Перебор всех аргументов while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in --php) # Если передан аргумент --php, сохранить указанную версию PHP verPhp="$2" shift # Пропустить значение версии shift # Пропустить аргумент --php ;; --ip) # Если передан аргумент --ip, сохранить указанный IP-адрес sysIp="$2" shift # Пропустить значение IP-адреса shift # Пропустить аргумент --ip ;; --release|--beta|--snapshot) relArgs+=("$key") shift # Пропустить аргументы ;; *) # Неизвестный аргумент, вывести справку и выйти clear echo "Использование: ./install.sh --php 8.2 --ip --release" echo " --php версия: установить указанную версию PHP. Формат должен быть: 8.2" echo " --ip IP-адрес: использовать указанный IP-адрес. Формат должен быть:" echo " --release: установить последнюю, стабильную версию" echo " --beta: установить последнюю, бета-версию" echo " --snapshot: установить последний snapshot" exit 1 ;; esac done fi # Проверяем, является ли полученный IP-адрес действительным IPv4 адресом if [[ ! $sysIp =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then clear echo "Не удалось получить внешний IP-адрес" echo "Используй: ./install.sh [--ip IP-адрес]" exit fi # Checking for system support foundOs=false for os in "${suppOs[@]}"; do if [[ "$os" == "$currOs" ]]; then foundOs=true break fi done # Downloading and running the installation file if $foundOs; then for os in "${aptOs[@]}"; do if [[ "$os" == "$currOs" ]]; then # Required packages pkgsList=("jq" "curl" "zip" "unzip") # Updating tables and packages echo "===================================" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "Updating tables and packages" | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null apt-get -y update 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null apt-get -y dist-upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null # Check and installation sudo if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "sudo" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "install ok installed"; then echo "===================================" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "sudo not installed. Installation in progress..." | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null apt-get install -y sudo 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null fi # Package installation cycle for package in "${pkgsList[@]}"; do # Checking for packages and installing packages if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$package" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "install ok installed"; then echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "$package not installed. Installation in progress..." | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo apt-get install -y "$package" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null fi done # Preparing a temporary catalog echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "Preparing a temporary catalog" | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo mkdir -p /tmp/enginegp 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo rm -rf /tmp/enginegp/* 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null # Downloading the installation script echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "Downloading the installation script" | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/EngineGPDev/Autoinstall/releases | jq -r 'map(select(.prerelease == true)) | .[0].zipball_url' | xargs -n 1 curl -L -o /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall.zip 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo unzip -o /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall.zip -d /tmp/enginegp 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo mv /tmp/enginegp/*Autoinstall-* /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null # Starting the automatic installation echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null echo "Starting the automatic installation" | tee -a "$logsInst" echo "===================================" 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null sudo chmod +x /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall/deb.install.sh 2>&1 | sudo tee -a "$logsInst" > /dev/null # Передача значений в команду if [ ${#relArgs[@]} -gt 0 ]; then sudo /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall/deb.install.sh --php "$verPhp" --ip "$sysIp" "${relArgs[@]}" else sudo /tmp/enginegp/autoinstall/deb.install.sh --php "$verPhp" --ip "$sysIp" fi fi done else echo "Your system is not supported." 2>&1 | tee -a "$logsInst" fi